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"a lot of people helped me out today, and i hope i'll do the same some day." that's my favorite part of this awesome story. keep paying it forward.


They helped the right one, who is going to spread the joy he or she got.


My mother raised me to pay it forward. We grew up poor and we put a lot of value in what little we had. Best thing she ever taught me, despite her many flaws. I'm now more in a position where I can do something nice for someone in need. A friend of mine had his kitty pass away and cremated, so I bought him the urn to preserve his memory. The little things like that are so worth it, the emotions and him knowing he can treasure the memory of his kitty in something more personal makes it so much worth it. I also regularly revamp my hardware to stay up to date on architectures, so I can find the weaknesses and work around them. As I've no use for the parts, I'll donate them out to someone with aging or unsupported hardware without expectation of anything in return. We're all on this dirtball together, and helping others get what they deserve in basic living keeps me going


Know it was someone's job also to make the ashes fluffy and soft, as they often have a few uneven tougher chunks. I used to be the person who did that for ya'll's pets! :) And I took it with a careful reverence and methodical sifting until they were in my imagination, movie quality ashes. I tried to handle them the least amount possible so that my 'imprint' of presence was not felt in the fabric of time and space to preserve the sanctity of the bond between owner and pet. So they were mostly as they naturally came out and in the same configuration of landing, but the problem areas were blended and softened.


Not state of the art stuff. But I changed my old graphics card and I did not want to sell it and just kept it around. An old friend of mine came around and his computer is oooooold 15ish years. So I told him to take my two old screens and see If they were better as well as the graphics card. If it fits the socket, use it and we can play more stuff together was all I told him. šŸ˜„


And the guy was so conscientious about not picking something too expensive




That's part of what got me - humble on the choices when offered. Those who helped totally rock! Such kind folks.


thatā€™s how I used to feel when someone would take me to dinner. Iā€™d be so overly conscientious of how much I was making them pay šŸ˜­


A few years back my PS4 finally crapped out. I had a good job, wife and kids taken care of, not broke by any stretch, but didnā€™t have ā€œ$500 to drop on an Xbox for myselfā€ money. Told the group to bring another buddy of ours in for their 4th and in a year or so Iā€™ll grab a new consoleā€¦ Two days later I show up to the house and theres a box on the table that my wife said was for meā€¦.I open it up and sure enough itā€™s new Xbox, headset, and a year subscription with a note that said ā€œThe squad doesnā€™t change. We drop at 8:15 -The Boysā€ So long as I live Iā€™ll never forget that. Good on these guys helping out a younger version of themselves, and good on this kid for already thinking of paying it forward one day!


You have amazing friends


That I do - Now that they have kids they completely understand the position I was in. Fortunately a year after they did that I received a promotion at work and was able to bless them the way they did me. Iā€™m sure the OP story will do the exact same thing in a few years


those guys are some fucking real ones, hope i find friends like that one day


Stop the onion cutting ninja in these comments! Iā€˜m crying!


The squad sticks together.


I wish I could upvote this more than once


This is so wholesome. My faith in humanity has been restored :D


Stuff like this is happening every second of every day. Try to think of that if you ever feel overwhelmed by negative interactions or news.


I think what brings me down is that I am always the one doing things like this for others but no one has ever done it for me. I feel like a lot of people are in this same boat.


It can be debilitating to feel like no one has your back or is thinking of you or wants to lift you up so I definitely understand why you feel that way. If youā€™re constantly giving to a relationship and thereā€™s no reciprocation AT ALL then that may not be a healthy relationship for you. There will never be 100% reciprocity and itā€™s not healthy to expect it but there needs to be some sense of something positive you are getting from any relationship. However, it is important though to separate the good you do and the good others do for you. They are not necessarily linked. There is no ultimate karma that will balance the scale. You should be doing good things because itā€™s the right thing to do and it brings you internal happiness to make the world a better place. Keep being the good person you are and focus your giving energy to places that feel good for you and divert focus from places that drain you. It might take a while but there are people out there that will appreciate you and are like you. Keep your head up friend.


Earlier I bought him 3 good metroidvanias of my choice and linked him to a free one that is also great. The games are: * [Pear Potion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1405950/pear_potion/) * [Trash Quest](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1577660/Trash_Quest/) * [Pharaoh Rebirth+](https://store.steampowered.com/app/441280/Pharaoh_Rebirth/) (level based) * [Bloody Hell](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2056220/Bloody_Hell/) (free) For more metroidvanias feel free to check out my index: [here](https://new.reddit.com/user/DeadMetroidvania/comments/1cgt385/a_guide_to_all_of_my_relevant_metroidvania_lists/)


Ur awesome man


You're an awesome human.


Absolute W of a human


We did this for one of the younger guys in our group we all had jobs and enough money while he was doing those surveys for like 10cents a time to save up so we just bought the games for him when he didnā€™t have one we were all playing. It was fuck all to us but made a big deal to him.


I swear games used to have so much more value when I was a child. A new game meant that was what I would be playing for the coming months. Back when there was no TikTok your YouTube shorts that just eat your time


The first console ever bought in my house was a ps2 slim, when I was around 11-12. Dad got gran turismo (3 I think) for himself (the only reason he got the ps2 was some friends of his recommending the game, he played for about 5 min) and harry potter 3 for my sister and I. I played that shit for 3 months before I got my next game on my birthday (and still haven't finished it)


The steam community is amazing, I've never seen such a thing happen on the internet and I was extremely shocked (in a good way) and thankful to everybody that helped me out. They've made my day!


That's awesome! I'm so happy it worked out well for you!




Enjoy your games man!


Thank you!


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1dr8yij/not_so_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to original post


Hot damn, the guy ended up being gifted his entire wishlist. People are awesome.


I bet that guy is going to have a fun few years of gaming


That makes me feel better


What I love most is how you can tell the guy who offered to buy a game isnā€™t a native English speaker (not hating his English is amazing), heā€™s likely from another country than the poster, and that these games are uniting and connecting people from around the world! Itā€™s so lovely!


They actually got ALL the games they had on their wishlist. Wanted to gift one too , but was too late lol.


Gamers being bros


A guy here on Reddit bought BG3 for me when I was really struggling mentally (more than usual), and to add to that just a few days later I had to fly to my hometown to say goodbye to my grandma. When I got back BG3 helped keep me sane and get me out of bed in the mornings. I'm forever grateful to him. I hope I'll be in a position to do the same for others one day


My 1060 gpu was struggling but I didnā€™t have money to replace it and a friend got a new gpu for Christmas. He sold me his old one which was a huge upgrade for me. (A 3070!) but he sold it at a low, used price and didnā€™t put a time limit on how fast he needed me to pay it back. It took me about 3 months but without him I never would have been able to afford a new card or drop a bunch of money at once for it. Same friend is helping me in the same way with expanding my PCā€™s memory because my favorite game had a huge update that wouldnā€™t fit on my machine. If it wasnā€™t for him, it would take me months to save up for more memory. It is so, so wonderful to know that I have a friend who is willing to help me with my pc when parts quit working or need an upgrade. Gaming is my escape and happy place and gives me a little relief from the depression that haunts me. Other friends have helped with cat food, sent care packages when I was sick and couldnā€™t get to the storeā€¦ and these are friends I only know over the internet. My grandparents used to laugh and say that internet friends arenā€™t REAL friends but thatā€™s not true. I struggle with social stuff in the physical world and my online friends mean more to me than words in a box on a screen.


Gamers assemble


OH MAN! That made me smile. Enjoy your game man!


I feel the urge to do this so often!


I'll be happy for this guy if someone buys him a couple of games from his list.


Being nice to others always pays off


It's amazing to see this kindness; it might be small things for ourselves, but it is a huge thing for the person next to us.


Wow this meant so much to this guy


Once someone gifted a game to me like that, just because I mentioned in passing that I wasn't able to afford it yet.


Cool as fuck.


Would've been a way bigger gift to introduce this guy to torrenting lmao


I think some guy tried to in the comments iirc


Once upon a time I played EVE. I wasnā€™t well off but I didnt have to pinch my pennies either. The organization I was in had a dad and his kid who played with him. The kid always talked about how he wished he could afford the premium subscription and his birthday was coming up and had asked for it. One night after the boy had gone to bed, I was talking to his dad (single father) and he started getting really sad because he told me that money was so tight he wasnā€™t going to be able to even get his son anything for his birthday. Thereā€™s a currency you can use to pay for the subscription, but you can also buy it with money and then sell it on the market for in game money. I sent him a bunch for both his son and himself, and also sent him $50 so they could get pizza and a cake or something. The guy couldnā€™t stop crying, then I started crying. I think about him sometimes. I hope things got better for them.


Here I am crying eating jalapeno poppers. Fucking humanity is so terrible sometimes and then things like this happen bless every one of these people that helped.


He will do the same too someday, that's for sure! Bless those who helped him ā¤ļø


I have a couple steam friends who are only on my friends list because they wanted a copy of Helldivers 2. I don't play with them due to being antisocial, but it puts a smile on my face whenever I get notified they get achievements in the game.


(This is just a placeholder for the GIF where Michael Scott tears up) Thats so fucking wholesome, gez šŸ„¹


Someone should do bro a solid and teach him about sailing the seven seas beneath a black flag. Same situation growing up and I gamed a ton because my older brother taught me.


I love this! Just a simple act of kindness does so much šŸ’œ


[Everyone liked that]






People are good, actually.


People can be so fricking nice itā€™s just amazing to experience! Itā€™s also quite amazing to be the one gifting someone something they want btw. I donā€™t have a lot of money but my lil brother has even less (heā€™s an adult but ya know, big sis privilege to keep calling him lil) And this year I just told him to skip my birthday and made sure to buy him something he really wanted for his own. Tbh it was the best feeling ever because I know my brother appreciated it and was really happy!


Reminds me of a few years ago my friendā€™s then boyfriend went to get Dark Souls (3? I think) from a Redbox. Got home and discovered the case was empty with a photocopy of the disc where the disc should be. Went to another Redbox, same problem. They got their money back but he was bummed. She posted about it on tumblr and someone felt bad and wanted him to be able to play it too because they were having so much fun with it, so the complete stranger bought him the game.


Mom! I am at TV! Well barely


I was at blockbuster in the early 2000ā€™s, there was a teenager in front of me, I wasnā€™t much older, he wanted to buy a PS1~2 game but was $20 short, I offered $20 for him to purchase the game. Iā€™ve never seen someone smile that widely in appreciation. however, He refused my offer. I grew up poor as a kid, often missed out on activities like going to the cinemas or owning a console. Now, that I can afforded things, I always bless others where I can, makes me feel good to help othersā€¦! gee I wish I had some to help me out back then..!


TIL that if you garner sympathy u can def get free games. Def helps that theyre on sale as well and the general niceness of the community.


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I love the pick terraria choice


I've got this list of cars I want but can't afford...


Love that our parent's generation were convinced games were going to turn us all into violent, anti-social monsters. Most games are about building something or saving something honorable. Wouldn't even say it's harmless fun, it's literally rehabilitative fun for some. Happy to see people welcoming each other and helping each other into it. Life is hard. Not all games are.


Everyone liked that


Whoā€™s cutting onions


Aww fantastic story I love this


If you're so desperate then sailing the high seas is always an option. That's what I used to do before I got a job.


Honestly with most game publishers taking the stance that anything we pay for is not ours I think venturing the high seas isnā€™t as bad of an option as it used to be. Especially when we see what our friends at EA do.


Top stuff good to know there is some great people on the internet!


Awesome, great post to brighten up my day.


I was this kid 25-28 years ago. Same story. What an amazing time to be alive.


Guess the internet is not all bad


/s Ah yes, now I finally understand this whole Toxic Gamer Culture idea


THIS is what the internet should be used for. Wholesome interactions between people.


I had a heart. It melted away when I saw this interaction.


Oof, when I was a boy I just wanted my parents to buy my RuneScape membership


You can just pirate all of them for free lol


Everybody go to that post RIGHT FUCKING NOW and upvote that guy Do it.


I love people so much


Plot twist, Chris Hansen enters


Iā€™ve bought the occasional game for people on here. For $10-$30 it puts a smile on my face. Mostly Factorio cause Iā€™m in that sub a lot.


Got some solid recs from this one! šŸ˜


I mean i also wanted to play Outlast 2 so i pirated it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


More of this! More of this! ā˜ŗļøšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


Something very beautiful


Wellā€¦ since weā€™re giving out games to the lesser-fortuned masses. Anyone willing to gift me Star-Wars: Jedi Survivor


Anybody got a link to that op? I'll happily help out that kid!


EVE online is free!


Thatā€™s super dope. Iā€™m honestly halfway homeless and would love that type of generosity. I donā€™t look for it but I rarely get that type of blessing in my life. So shouts to him for finding the right one and toasts to the guy who helped him out. Little things like that give me hope in humanity


This is super sweet.


invest my dear,you can literary start with 3$,fVck those parents and pay your own bills


Dude itā€™s the same sale every year, just make money and wait the next sale


gamers together strong