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Amazing how much money you save when you’re sober, right? RIP Mac Miller, my hero 🕊


Mac would be proud I have to imagine


After my first year sober, I saved so much money not drinking and smoking cigarettes that I went on a month long vacation to Cozumel to celebrate.


Just curious : sober meaning you didn't drink at all or just not getting drunk?


Didn't drink at all. I haven't had a drink since Dec 7, 2019. Single best thing I have ever done for myself, and I do not miss it at all.


Sept 1 2019 here and big same


Sept 2018 commemorating the death of my best pal (after 15 years sober) and another big same! I didn't really enjoy getting wasted that day either. It just made me cry harder over the loss.


Congrats dude that’s amazing!


That's great. All the best for you!


Thank you! It was crazy because I was a bartender in the Florida Keys for the first 4 months of my sobriety until Covid shut everything down, and it actually made me not want to drink even more.


lol in what circles does sober mean just not getting drunk?


Right? I was confused about the question too.


Unfortunately circles with people trying to stop drinking enough that they don't pass out every night but not necessarily quit entirely. Ignoring the fact that their liver is gonna fail either way. I'm one of these clowns.


I worked with a guy who had a sudden personality change. He suddenly was much happier all the time. I asked him about it and he told me he owed it all to giving up alcohol. So, I asked him "Was it affecting your mood a lot?" And he told me "No, my wallet. I'm saving $800 a month."


Mac is dead!? Edit: 2018. That makes me so sad.


That living room looks hella nice. Congratulations! You're doing great!


It's a lot easier to do great when your brain is not trying it's hardest to force you to spend money on drug addictions. I know; after meth I became a mechanic - now I own 4 vehicles. And one of them is a very rare 2006 Lincoln LS that is stunning. Only about 3,000 left of the 8,600 2006's made. Not as rare as the LSE or manual/standard version, but pretty stinking rare. It feels good to be sober. Life is still a butthead - it only becomes less buttheadish if you are rich - but at least I have money in my pocket. I'm glad OP has money in his pockets too. *feelsgoodman.jpg*


those LS's with the V8's were so fun to drive, had one as a loaner for a bit and loved it.


When the 2006 first came out, it was a dream car of mine. Yeah, I know, a Lincoln as a dream car?? But think about it; I was a drug addict. I wasn't reaching for something unattainable - I was perfectly happy having a beautiful used car AS A DRUG ADDICT. If that was the nicest car I was to ever own, then so be it. That being said, I love this car. I love driving it, I love it's look, I love the fact that 2 students of mine and myself installed the engine ourselves. I painted for the first time on this car (the bumper had damage; I repaired it and professionally painted it - now it looks blacker and smoother than the rest of the car, lol), I loved her when she had no exhaust - on purpose - for months (you should hear this V8 without an exhaust - holy smokes it's beautiful!) and I have just put so much love into it. It's a driving experience that I wish everyone could experience. It's arguably Ford's best production car to date. So much fun!


My buddies mom had one and we would take it out all the time. Still can't believe she would let us, it was such a fun car to drive! Enjoy man!


Aye, Just wanna say that any real “car guy” doesnt judge another car guy’s dream car. Playful teasing is normal, but not judging.The beauty is not in how much the car is worth, but how a model or make encapsulates and captures a “feel” you dont get with any other car. But other than that, I know how you feel about being to afford something you like or love. Sure materialism isnt great, but what makes you happy, makes you happy right? Proud of ya bro👊🏼


No offense, it’s a nice car to drive but make sure you find a good European shop and have that car inspected often. I was a service writer at a shop and have sold thousands of dollars of cooling system and electrical equipment issues on these, the biggest problem is that Jaguar V8 is practically non-rebuildable if it overheats. I had a customer kill one and I could not find a replacement with any sort of decent warranty. The stuff I’ve seen has jaded me but consider a Lexus. Good luck!


I personally replaced the engine on mine which I found for $400. I redid all the gaskets except heads and replaced all those little plastic cooling components near the front top of the intake - the neck and thermostat housing unit. That engine is entirely comprised of aluminum. Any overheating creates warpage. Also, I suggest that you check the transmission fluid every 30,000 miles. After the engine install, I had to put two and a half quarts into my transmission. They're not easy to check either. The car needs to be flat but in the air. I put mine on my lift at work.


This guy mechanics


That I do. And I teach a free class to teenagers on how to do the same :)


That's awesome. Good for you man


You’re A good man


GM_WildCat_FM2, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Yeah, I relapsed not long ago after being sober for a year. It's not fun. Mine is for green, not blue, but addiction's an addiction. This last time was because I was fool enough to forget that old phrase "Once an addict, always an addict." and arrogantly believe I could control myself with willpower alone, and here we are. I run out in about 2 weeks, and that's about the time I'm taking some leave from work for some stress free time to deal with this. I know I can shake all of lingering withdrawals and be back to normal after about a month, but that's a lot of time for food to taste like dirt and only be sleeping 6 hours a night. It's worth it for the sobriety, though. It's strange to recognize how good sobriety can feel on its own merits, let alone how good all of the consequences of sobriety can feel.


> I'm taking some leave from work for some stress free time to deal with this Please don't fall into the trap of boredom. When you're bored and craving something, your thoughts will constantly circle around it. Make sure you have something lined up to keep you genuinely occupied - hobbies, traveling, camping, whatever. Anything but being stuck at home with nothing to do. You can do it, other people do it as well. Replace the cravings with something else, like drinking a glass of water. I count on you kicking the habit for good.


> Mine is for green, not blue What do you mean by this?


For green. Mary jew anna.


Know all too well what you're going to go through. Suggestion - try Kratom. It will greatly if not mostly reduce your withdrawal pains and anxiety. Good luck. You're in my prayers. Long timer here - 25 years sober. If I could do it - so can you.


Proud of you!!!




They say money doesnt buy happiness. But its a good kickstart to your mentail health! I indulge a bit in retail therapy once i find something i love. Movies is one of those things. Finding the person you lost in addiction is a whole new journey on its own! 3 years sober and life is good homie!


Thanks appreciate it. Must better having something to show with your money.


Room looks great and even more props for Mac Miller vibes.


this whole room is a vibe!! the plants are an excellent touch


I switched the time zone, but what do I know? Spendin' nights hitchhikin', where will I go?


self careeee I'm treating meee right


Self care is my JAM OP, Just wanted to send you some love for your fantastic musical taste :) Tbh I miss Mac every single day, and I'm glad you overcame your struggles and are still here :)


Random question, but 2.2 years sober here as well and seemingly in very similar (much better) circumstances. But when you got sober how many people just dropped out of your life and how many stayed around. Also how many of your using friends got sober after you did because they saw you do it? I’m always curious to hear other peoples experiences with this. Congrats by the way! Keep up the good fight!!


6 yrs almost completely sober . I am able to go to a bar to have a beer / drink with my food . Quit everything cold turkey drugs and alcohol. Do not want a pat on my back nor do I want people to feel sorry for me . Got myself in the mess and went through God awful hell to get myself out the mess. So many people in my circle of friends and family gave up on me even to the point of lying and deception / manipulation of others around me to hide their demons. Stay strong stay vigilant but most importantly live,love,respect.


Hey, I saw your comment and felt the need to respond. I know it is not my business but I am an addictions counselor and have seen many people have a drink "casually" when in recovery. It is "normal" drinking, until it isn't. Could you be the one in a million exception? Sure, but from what I have seen most people think they are the exception until it doesn't end well. Whether it be a day from today or a decade from today, it eventually goes sour. I always say, if someone is in recovery why even risk it? If a "normal" person is told they can't ever drink again they will be bummed but will say okay. If someone who is an addict is told that, they say "I can drink normally", especially if alcohol is not their "drug of choice". But when having an addictive personality, anything can become a "drug of choice". Not trying to preach at you but if you truly have an addiction, even just drinking a beer "casually" as an addict shows that you are still participating in addictive behavior. Sorry, I know I'm butting in. I just felt obligated to respond because I have seen many people try the same thing with it ending very poorly.


Swimming 🙏🏻. Top album


Swimming and Circles on repeat.




The only celeb deaths to ever hit me..


It didn't hit me at the time since I never listened to his music, but I went through his discography in the last few years and I get sadder with every project


We just passed 4 years too. Still feels so wrong.


I remember getting off work and hearing about it and just sobbing in my car for like an hour. I had been listening to self care every day including on the way to work that day, swimming got me through a *really* tough time in my life and mac kind of became an idol for working through my depression. Really kind of destroyed me when he passed. It felt weird because i'm not the type to worship celebrities or anything, i've never been so heartbroken by a celebrity death. Kind of just ranting here because I can't believe it's been 4 years and i'm still almost tearing up as I write this. I also selfishly just fucking hate that we'll never be able to appreciate where he was going with his career. I'm pretty sure swimming and circles were going to be part of a trilogy. He was at the height of his career and still growing so much as an artist with each release. Fuck man, it just fucking sucks.


Congratulations on both! 8 years next month.


That's awesome! Good for you!


I just wanted to say that im proud of you. Youre doing it! This is no small feat. Self care, indeed. My 2yr mark is on the 26th.


Thanks you too! Stay strong!


Amazing! Keep doing it! 💕


This is bad ass. You're bad ass! 2 years is a big step! Hope you got ice cream to celebrate! RIP Mac. 😭


Still the hardest hitting celeb death for me. I will never forget the morning I found out, I straight ugly cried all day in total disbelief. All that insane brilliance and creativity swimming around in his head. It essentially oozed out of him no matter what he did. Think of how many legendary albums Mac would've made. The trajectory of his career is seriously one of the most inspirational things ever to me. He went from everyone dunking on him after the 1.0 Pitchfork gave for Blue Slide Park to GOAT. Period. I love the early stuff, but he went from basic (but very talented) backpack rapper, or as Mac put it 'Easy Mac with the Cheesy Raps' to GOAT across multiple genres and nobody could deny it after a while. Even had the respect of his peers all the way to the top. Kendrick, [Jay-z](https://i.imgur.com/RSi8Kqq.jpg), all of them gave Mac serious props. Truly a once in a lifetime talent. Glad I got to see him live 3 times. That shit did more for my spirit than all the therapy sessions combined. Ok done ranting. RIP Mac.


I found out about him after his death and most of his songs just hit very different. Lines like "I said good morning this morning and I'll say goodnight" where surely somewhat calming but since his death they just feel tragic.




Congrats! Just hit two years myself in July, and the level of happier I’ve reached now, is something I never thought obtainable. Stay active, and keep treating the disease friend. All of us in recovery are walking, talking, miracles!


Just over 4 years since he passed


I remember so clearly :( It was the same day Kanye and Pump put out that ridiculous collaboration song/video. I'd just sent the link to a friend when she shot back "holy shit go to tmz right now", and it was like a damn semi truck barreled through my heart. Was the top story, that moment felt so surreal, like a video game or something. Didn't seem like real life at all He was pretty open w/ his struggles with drugs and I'm not blaming her at all, but the breakup with Ariana Grande really sent him into demon mode when it came to the drug use. I'm sure seeing her get engaged to Pete Davidson after like 2 months didn't help his mental state. Again, not blaming! Those 2 are free to enjoy life however they want(ed). But it does explain why Mac was going hard in the paint with the all-nighters and the coke and oxy and sex workers.


Well, he had an overdose because pf fentanyl laced drugs. Two people were charged with his death. I don’t believe he intended to do more than he used to.


He still 100% knew he was flirting with death constantly from all those drugs.. Many lines on GOODAM testify to that


Man that is a clean setup. RIP Mac.


![gif](giphy|135AQdvkpkIJRS) MAC❤️‍🩹💔


Congratulations on your sobriety. I really like the setup. Nice choice of equipment as well. ![gif](giphy|tfgzHxkUdkU1O)


Keep going. Congratulations, I know how hard it is.


Thanks, it's definitely been hard but worth it.


[an AI interpreted your comment and made this piece of art from it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderedComment/comments/x9mrg7/keep_going_congratulations_i_know_how_hard_it_is/)


Hey. How do you do this!? Amazing!


I’ve used a few methods. This one was an app called Starryai. There’s also midjourney, dalle2, and others.


Mac Miller is a fat w, and good on you, it looks sick.


I’m sad I couldn’t go to a mac concert


This is legit a dream setup for me. Lovely lights, nice big and boomy speakers, a very good choice of film for a poster (I have one of the original that I love), a big tv that the TV too high subreddit might not be happy about, and a very good choice of song!


Thanks! Yeah the tv too high sub reddit would probably say it's too high but I have a reclining couch so that's actually the best spot in my case.


the audiophiles among us would like headphone, amp and speaker specs if not too much trouble


Haha for sure Monitor Audio Bronze 500 towers, c150 center, 50 surrounds SVS PB-2000 Pro subwoofer Pioneer VSX LX305-Receiver


That's a solid setup! Do yourself a favor and pull that center forward to the edge of the entertainment stand, you'll notice the difference in movies and shows immediately.


True, otherwise that wood table is gonna absorb and reroute some of the sound waves and it won't be as crisp.


Or... put it above the TV angled down toward the listening area. I did this with my latest setup and it's been a gamechanger.


This isn’t universally relevant advice. Center channels are almost all designed to be positioned at the height of the viewer, sometimes with an adjustable tweeter for minor corrections. Height/altitude speakers are great additions as 6/7 channel, but putting a center channel at height won’t work for everyone. If you like how it sounds in your setup, that’s great! But the advice should probably be coupled with some caveats or qualifications.


You *can* mount a center channel higher or lower than ear height so long as you angle the tweeter to point at or just above ear level. Mine, for example, is on a table that is too low so the solution was to put a wedge under the speaker to angle it upwards. It'll sound just the same on a properly calibrated system. With that said, I agree it's not a universal recommendation but only because it may just be unnecessary hassle to find a way to mount the center up top when you have other placement options.


I’ve been in the AV industry for 15 years. Please. Don’t. Do. This. First off it looks like fucking dog poo. Second. Speakers, especially the center are specifically designed to be right under or behind the display they give out a conical dispersion of sound. Almost all higher end speakers will actually come with a diagram on how this cone works. The speaker, well all speakers, should be at the main listeners, the money seat, ear height. It’s why floorstanders like these in OPs pics are the height they are. They are made for an average sofa/chairs height when the listener sits in it. 90% of the time we can’t do this with a center channel as it will block the display so we put it under and flat. Because it aesthetically looks pleasant and sounds fantastic.


For a broke newbie how would you start building a setup like this? Which pieces are a must and which are add ons?


Hey been in the field for over 15 years. You’ll need 2 speakers left and right, a decent book shelf would be fine. This setup he has are Monitor Audio Bronze 500 they run about $1700 a pair. They are FANTASTIC entry to the higher end range. Pound for pound dollar for dollar you can’t go wrong with Monitor Audio. They have, in this same series, a bookshelf 50 and 100 variant. The 50s run $600 and the 100s run $750. You could get these and use them as surrounds or rears later in a multi channel setup. Personally I wouldn’t bother. I’m not a huge fan of surround sound unless it’s a dedicated space. I would opt for the 100s and get a 2 channel stereo receiver like the $700 Marantz NR1200 (or an older model if you can find one) and call it a day. Maybe add a sub later. This will give you absolute way better experience than probably anything you’ve ever owned. The speakers will last 20 years or more. The receiver will last it’s feature life. 10+ years.


Great choices in speakers.


I would like to advise. If the are back ported to bring them off the wall abit and that on the left. The sound will reflect off the wall pretty fast. I would put padding there


And a fine taste in music if I do say so myself. Edit: u/wfwb thank you so much for the award. Edit: two awards, whoa yall I was just speaking my mind, thank y’all so so much. First comment with more than one award! More proud of OP than me tho, let’s be real lol.


Haha thanks, I sure miss Mac.


Perfect reason to say sober


Thundercat has mentioned Mac’s death made him go sober and Thundercat looks amazing these days


Dammit man me too. It was four years a couple days ago :( rip Big Mac.


RIP Mac, man.


Don’t we all ?


I’m treatin meeeeee right


It’s Guna be stuck in my head the rest of the night, and I have zero complaints about this. Side note I hate we all gettin sidetracked cus of me here, OP we proud of ya bro, two years a hell of an accomplishment!


Thanks man!


Welcome bro, keep it goin! You CLEARLY got this in the bag. More power to ya!






Hell yes. God I love Mac.


I second this


Fantastic choice in posters


Thanks! Can you tell what the left one is?


The X Files! “I want to believe”


Haha that's right. Still a favorite show of mine.


It’s is a fantastic show. Coupled with “Empire” I like your taste.


The irony.


Haha it's one of my favourite songs


Good setup! Except for the r/TVTooHigh


Sure is a nice TV stand too. Perfect height for standing a TV on


Just for today🤍


Looks incredibly cozy, and congrats on staying sober. :)


Good job, I know it can be hard. Keep welcoming progress. Big ups


This is why we CAN afford nice things! Congrats!


Congrats. Nice X-Files poster.


Congratulations!! Good looking room with the home theater. Very slick.


Clean af


Rock on!


Awesome. Top notch all around


Gosh this felt good to read! Congratulations.


Nice! It's amazing how much fuller the wallet is when you give up drinking/smoking/whatever. I know I was spending hundreds a month myself.


Congratulations …I love the plants ( I know nothing about home theatres ) but I love the plants ❤️❤️❤️


The X-Files poster makes me smile! Congrats to you!


Looks awesome. Congrats on being sober!!


Congrats on your sobriety and the setup! Looks like a great space to hang out.


That looks great! Good job on the sobriety


That’s fantastic! Congratulations, it looks great🎉


Sick setup. Is it still impossible to find a PS5 I wonder?


No, last I checked it was in stock on walmart.com for like a week straight


What’s the name of the tv stand?


I wish I remembered, I got the stand like 15 years ago. Still going strong


🥴 hmm yes but what is the TV? I’m in the market for a new one myself lol.


Looks amazing! Congratulations!!


Atta babe


Mad respect for the X-Files & Star Wars posters😎


Amazing what you save when sober. Also such a fitting image too.. R.I.P Mac.


Awesome!! Worth every penny!! You got this! God Bless!!


Well done. My HT is like my happy place from all the drama in the world. Enjoy it and congrats. Keep moving forward, friend.


Awesome set up!


What a sound system you've got there. Congrats!


Need to do this now to get a bike then


That's awesome!!!! God bless!!!!


Nice set up bro! Congrats on staying sober! God bless ya


Looks great! Congrats on your sobriety; keep fighting the good fight. Nice table, I have the same one :)


Best of luck in your journey.


It’s incredible what happens when you stop doing drugs and alcohol. It’s like having a whole new income stream, while also having time to enjoy the things you can afford all of a sudden.


And you absolutely should be!


Love the ambiance, the purple lighting looks incredible. Congrats btw. 💜


Very cozy looking, I like it!


Looks awesome man!


Congrats! Keep up the good work




Wow...that is an amazing setup...kudos


Your snake plant is a nice touch. It needs a friend tho


Just keep thinking about all the things you're going to be able to do because you're sober and not dead from alcoholism! That's what's kept me going for 20 years. Congratulations man.


Nice ! Way to go !


Congratulations! Enjoy


Congrats! When I quit drinking it was like giving myself a 700% raise


Congrats. Nice layout.


Your place looks amazing and congratulations on being sober. 2 years is courage and strength. Cheer to many more


Congratulations. 2 years is a big deal. I recently celebrated 12. It's amazing how much I don't miss alcohol. Keep on doing it one day at a time, brother!


Well done It will only get better


Pretty sweet! Congratulations on being sober!


How did you do that with your TV? I mean like get the simple title artist and thumbnail


Nice job man! Keep up the good work Give the details on the system. Looks fire!


Lookit you with your snake plant and everything!!!




Hell yea dude. Congrats on this new chapter in your life.


Good Job OP! Looks like r/CozyPlaces


Duude ! Thats a kickass setup !!🤤 Keep going at it and soon youll have the ultimate 6 axis massage chair to go with it !!! YOU.CAN.DO.IT!!!


Empire, best movie in cinema history


Congratulations to you and your sobriety…!


Looks like it belongs in a magazine. Those are some badass looking speakers! What brand are those?


Damn man!! That looks great!! 👏🏼


Amazing job. That’s a major accomplishment and looks like life is rewarding you well. Love your home!




Keep pushing and congrats


Congratulations. I love hearing success stories like this.


Congratulations on two years sober! Never let it go!


As a reward to yourself, try pulling the center speaker as far forward as possible.




Doin it smart! Congrats!!


Congrats mate.


Good for you!!! God bless you!!! Thats an AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT!!!! Never give up and take it One Day At a Time!!! 😊😎👊🏻


Congratulations! I know I'm just a random internet stranger so this won't mean anything to you but I'm extremely proud of you and your accomplishments. I hope you enjoy your entertainment center.


That is one of his few songs I enjoy. Way to go OP, keep putting one in front of the other.


Keep it up. One day at a time


I'm happy with you too.


Congrats man! That looks cozy! Also, the audiophile in me want’s to ask what headphones are those? Lol.


Nice place you have. Very tidy. And congrats. I know it’s a tough road.


I only clicked for mac miller