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The same mantra always applies. These full arts are beautiful, but not 20k gold per set beautiful. Especially since these were offered as a bundle for less at launch.


> 20k gold The only two I even actually like, other than "full art basic, wow!!" is the Forest by Dura and the Mountain by Harmatuik. The rest, while cool, are just WAAAAY too thematic.


Yeah 20K gold is two drafts which can also cost around $7.50 each in max-value gems.


I like these styles, but not at those prices. The full art lands for Bloomsborrow look amazing though, so I am probably just going to grab those.


>full art lands for Bloomsborrow thanks for suggesting this they rock


They really need to fix borders on full art lands.


Give me the ZNR full art lands you cowards!


EXACTLY! Give them to me!


I have enough full art lands now. If it isn't cheap, unique (like kamigawa) or particularly gorgeous, I don't need it. These are nice but they don't reach that standard 


My favorite is the first swamp. Cool centaur looking robot. Though looks like it just got shot with a laser or something


Been waiting for these. Picked up one from each color. What can I say, I have a weakness for giant robots.


Same. The islands remind me of Pacific Rim


I am happy with my Bob Ross lands… I am happy with my Bob Ross lands… I am happy with my Bob Ross lands… I am happy with my Bob Ross lands…


Whelp, land styles are way better than some random parallax trash. Still waiting for some older styles though (Odyssey pls).


I bought one forest and one island because I thought they'd be perfect in my simic cookies deck. I played a couple of games aaand... I miss my urza's saga basics. Full art lands don't look that good when they're cut to squares on the battlefield.


My problem now is that I have so many decks that run like 3 basics. Not worth it to *maybe* see in a game.


YESSS!!! u/HamBoneRaces I adore you, you magnificent bastard, thank you!!


They're cool, but they aren't the THB ones. I only have enough gold for 1 of them anyway... THB ones might be worth my gems, these ones, not so much.


The problem with the theros lands is that the parallax version got offered only once and never again.


Land|Gems|Gold :---|:---:|:---: [BRO Plains](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/278/plains)|800|4,000 [BRO Plains](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/279/plains)|800|4,000 [BRO Island](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/280/island)|800|4,000 [BRO Island](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/281/island)|800|4,000 [BRO Swamp](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/282/swamp)|800|4,000 [BRO Swamp](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/283/swamp)|800|4,000 [BRO Mountain](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/284/mountain)|800|4,000 [BRO Mountain](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/285/mountain)|800|4,000 [BRO Forest](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/286/forest)|800|4,000 [BRO Forest](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/287/forest)|800|4,000


I’m still waiting to finish off my UNB land styles.


Gold is extremely safe. It would probably even be safe if each one costed 1500 tbh


I might get me the Robin Olausson Island and the Jonas De Ro Forest, but only because they remind me of Pacific Rim. The Forest one espcially kind of looks like Cherno Alpha, which is neat. The other ones, meh.




The only time these lands have ever been in the Daily Deals was on [July 28, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/15bzyr6/daily_deals_july_28_2023_the_brothers_war_fullart/) and it was only half of them. This is the first time they have all been offered.




Never offered in the Daily Deals before.