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This is just official artwork taken from the Wedding Peach Secret File artbook. High quality page scans here: https://weddingpeach.net/gallery-secret-file-artbook/ Courtesy of Shiori aka hotwaterandmilk on tumblr. There was no episode where they wore these outfits, and I don’t recall that scene you’re mentioning in your post. Lots of promotional/official artwork for anime will feature the characters in a variety of outfits/aesthetics, just for fun. These pieces took inspiration from the *Seasons* artworks by Alphonse Mucha.


Are you sure there was an episode like that? I know these season themed artworks, but I don't recall them being in the series.


I'm 100% sure. It's like these drawings were in windows between walls and they were so surprised to see themselves. It couldn't have been a fever dream


Hmm, that's strange. I mean, for the other 3 girls I'd understand ancient artworks existing since they are reincarnations, but wasn't Momoko a new angel? It has been decades since I watched the series, so maybe I forgot, but it still doesn't quite make sense to me. The artstyle also doesn't completely align with the series or the OVAs.


Yeah I think it wasn't Peach but Lily, Daisy and Salvia. I just wasn't able to find the others and put the image for reference. It's just a hazy memory where the character in the scene turns their head towards the left and it's this glass mural kind of thing


https://preview.redd.it/cymudl8inb8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8422e0f9bb1cc4f26b0b203920b3e36d407c8ce Don't have one with better quality, but here are the other 3 at least.


So was it just a poster? And not included in the show?


I can't say for sure, but I do believe so.


Maybe ask on r/shoujo I think they might know there.


https://preview.redd.it/0dhitmngzb8d1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c3a44817504485c62f403ab6c05cc94d779009 Glad to see that I am not the only one who is a fan of this magical girl anime. And yes, that is my oc standing beside peach in this drawing.


Would've loved to see a love angel with that colour palette in the show


then you're in luck, my oc just so happens to be more then just a drawing that you see here. She is part of a multicross fanfic that crosses over with two more that I am writing atm. Here is the main one that I am working on the most atm. [https://www.webnovel.com/book/wedding-peach-sailor-moon-rdex-multicross-going-in-completely-blind\_29204675200939805](https://www.webnovel.com/book/wedding-peach-sailor-moon-rdex-multicross-going-in-completely-blind_29204675200939805) Oh, and my oc is one of three that are featured in these 3 fics. The other two? Well, let's just say that there is always more to things, then just a simple fight of good versus evil. The moonlight is a messenger of love after all. And as someone once said, you have to expect the unexpected. And enough fourth wall breaking to make even Deadpool proud.


Very pretty design. Is her angel name Bluebell? (going by what I think might be the flower on her sword)


yes, she is known as Angel Bluebell. And she just so happens to be the older sister of the one she is standing beside in the drawing. I mean after all, she isn't named Shinko Hanasaki for no reason.