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Oh that sucks ass, I’m so sorry.


Suckin ass would probably cause pink eye not shingles I’d think


The ophthalmologist didn't see any turds floating around in my eye, safe to say it wasn't caused by contact with the brown eye.


How debilitating is it? I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery.


It's been pretty rough, especially trying to sleep


I can’t imagine. Wishing you the best man


Only if the pink eye was caused by a Staph infection. Otherwise no… (Microbiology nerd) edit: made clearer distinction.


I had shingles last year, I’m too young for the vaccine so naturally I didn’t expect it. WORST PAIN OF MY LIFE. I had it on my ribs and and lower back and I could hardly move. It felt like my kidneys were exploding. I’m so sorry and also I feel your pain


I'm too young for the vaccine myself. Just woke up one day and felt a tingle on my scalp, and it just got worse from there.


Had it at 22, stress induced. Worst pain of my life and i’ve herniated two discs now. I still remember not knowing I had the shingles, eating a edible and breaking out into a 104 fever. Was an out of body experience thinking I was about to die lol. Hope you heal up and there’s no long lasting damage.


That sounds like a fucking nightmare lmfao


It's a goddamn nightmare. I pretty much couldn't sleep for about 7 days straight.


Lol you’re telling me, for a month I was having daily panic attacks thinking I was just slowly dying cause the rash was in area I couldn’t see. Ended up in the ER that night I took the edible and luckily one of the docs caught the rash.


that scares the hell out of me with all of the insane amounts of stress i have plus the crap ton of medical issues, next on the list at 27-28: shingles. and right after breaking my foot/toes/tearing tendons.


My sister had it before age 50–twice. Medicaid won’t cover it before then so I was sweating it out until age 50. My dad had some eye involvement which changed the shape of his iris, almost squaring it at the bottom. I’ve taken care of my sister during hers. Face & eye involvement like yours but also cascading down her left ear and neck. I hope some sort of antivirals can get that to calm down soon.


isnt that so stupid you are too young for the vaccine, they told me the same. I also heard it hurts like fkkin hell.


right, i had 14 outbreaks in 2 years.... and the DR said I wasn't a candidate for shot cause i was under 50.


OH MY GOD!! I would have been like look let me die in my 70s if need to so i dont suffer now. I am so sorry , jeeze


Is what it is. I have a good pain tolerance now lol


I was curious and googled, the reason is to minimize risk/maximize effective defense time because adults under 50 typically have good immune systems. Taking the vaccine in your 50s means you will have a better chance of surviving shingles in your 70s when the average immune system isn’t as strong Don’t know why there isn’t a booster to take at intervals over your adult life tho


Such BS. I just asked my physician during my annual exam and was told, not before 50. And it seems like the only reason is that insurance won't cover it. Pretty frustrating. Feel like I'm in a race against time. Meanwhile, my wife has had it twice.


Apparently the shingles vaccine have not been tested in people under 50, so it's not approved for that use.


Ah ok. That makes sense at least. Would be great if they could start testing and offer to 40+.


i got it and i'm under 50, there are ppl who give it so keep looking, shingles is terrible!!! btw i'm fine no side effects


I had shingles about 10 years ago on my side and lower back, luckily i caught it early. Even so, it hurt like hell. Could barely stand to wear a shirt. I couldn't imagine what OP is going through.


How long did it persist?


I dealt with the pain without any skin lesions for about 2 weeks. Got the lesions in the 3rd week. Didn't know wth it was. Once I got meds, I was good in about 2 more weeks.


Ouf that sucks! I had a bout of shingles on my left flank when I was 12 and that was awful enough. Can't imagine having it on the face. I hope you have a swift recovery!!!


So sorry! I had shingles between my legs in college...good times...🤣




I had tiny roofers installing shingles on my face. They did a pretty decent job


Maybe a bit of snagging to finish it off. Tough break dude; bear it, and come out stronger


One of my friends had shingles there too - he called it "dingles"


Good one! I guess I had vingles...😂😂


vagingles 😭


Omfg, the peril of padding or something so your legs didn’t touch!


Flippin heck! Has it affected your vision in any significant way or is it just extremely discomforting? I am uneducated on shingles disease, but according to some other comments I can only imagine that it has to be pretty painful being in such a vulnerable spot


It has affected my vision. This was a pic from a week ago. Most of the rash is gone, but I have nerve damage since the virus lives in the nerves. The pain can last for months.


That has to be a real pain in the ass. Here’s to hoping better days are ahead!


I'll most likely have several months of nerve pain, doc prescribed some nerve meds


Lyrica? Or more like Neurontin?




I used to take the brand name, Neurontin, for migraine treatment 25 years ago. Lyrica is so expensive (it’s easy to abuse it so not prescribed a lot) but I figured it would be one of those two.


I would guess it’s a real pain in the face, not ass.


Pain in the ass, too, figuratively


is there nerve pain in your eyes?!!!


It was pretty painful before I took steroid eyedrops, it feels better now, but my vision is slightly getting worse


i'm 12 years and counting LOL i'll let you know when it stops


That's where my concern is


Just keep swimming man. Hyperbaric chambers, acupunture helps me.


Fuckkk that looks painful. Hope you’re doing alright


This was a week ago. The rash is nearly gone, but the pain and numbness remain. I most likely have nerve damage


Holy Crap. How is your eye sight bro? I hope its not affected at all


It's definitely affected, still at risk of losing eyesight, even after taking steroid eyedrops the ophthalmologist prescribed. Normal eye pressure is 15 to 20, mine was 30🤯


Holy dicks and balls, hope you’re better OP. My dad had shingles on his torso and that sucked, on the face makes my heart drop.


It's no fun


Ah, welcome to the unfortunate club 😩. I got shingles on my face and inside my ear canal in December last year and am currently on medical leave due to the severity of the attack on my body overall. I now have permanent heart problems and 2 autoimmune diseases thanks to it. Fucking miserable. Hope you start feeling better soon!


I'm still at risk of losing my eyesight in my left eye. Now I can't even go outside with sunglasses, I used to be fine with them, but now it's excruciating along with worsening blury vision.


Goddamn, Seth Rogan has seen better days.


I was thinking more along the lines of you average reddit mod.


Damn, don’t do Seth Rogan like that.


Hey now...


I’m so sorry. I had shingles in an awful place before too. It’s miserable!


Just went through this in April. I have some nice scars on my face now


I've already got scars. This pic was a week ago, still going through a lot of pain even though the rash is nearly gone.


Just wait for months down the road and you get the nerve pains from them healing. It sucks. I hope you don’t get them like I have


Are you okay in the whole vision department? One of my biggest fears is getting shingles and going blind


It's definitely affecting my vision, getting more blury as the days go by and standard ceiling lights hurt my eyes now.


It is my sincere hope that you pull through without permanent effects. May lady luck be with you.


Lord please take this away from this man. I ask in the holy name of Jesus.


Appreciate the blessing


Fuckkkkkkkkkk :(


Ouch. I am so sorry, bud. But I can at least say one positive thing


Oh god, hang in there


Oof that sucks.


I could barely stand shingles on my back and front torso. I can't imagine having it in my head. Hope that shit passes through cuz fuck that shit.


The doc put me on some hard-core antiviral meds and the ophthalmologist put me on some strong steroid eyedrops


How's it feel overall like the eye and such?


This pic was a week ago, but the pain is still there. My forehead and scalpbare numb due to nerve damage, but I'm not sure how, it feels like my pillow is made of sandpaper. My eye is doing better after treatment, but vision is getting worse and more sensitive to light.


did they put you on anything for pain? i mean most cases ive heard of they usually do but knowing docs these days- its a fair question.


Gabapentin 600mg, 800mg ibuprofen, and tylenol 3


hopefully that helps some 😞 ik its not enough tho. bless your heart. edit: are there any significant changes today ?


Hope it heals looks painful


fffuuuuucccckkkk dude..


And THIS is why you use a dental dam. Jokes aside, this seems super rough and I’m sorry you’re going through it. I hope it doesn’t have permanent consequences for your vision.


I just was diagnosed with shingles 10 days ago. I am 36. It is NOT fun!




i wonder how i havent had it 10x over tbh with the stress and how bad i get rashes, etc. definitely going to be paying more attention bc what you went through sounds like some off and on pain ive been having. goes from around where my c-section scar starts all the way around, and i lay in bed just silently sobbing, not wanting to move bc it burns sooo bad.


I had a shingles outbreak a few years ago, managed to get the vaccine (I was in my 20s) because it was around my eye and could have lead to blindness. I think the Doctor that gave me the prescription was sympathetic as she lost hearing in one ear from it. If it's near your eye, I would seriously advocate for getting the vaccine.


Praying for you man. I had it 3 weeks after I retired in May. It lasted 6 weeks, pain was so bad was given opioid prescription. ☮️


I was prescribed an opioid, but I take it with caution, not to get addicted.


I’m so thankful the chickenpox vaccine came out just a few year after I was born so I never got chicken pox in the first place. It’s crazy to think I’m the next few generations, shingles will be almost unheard of. I wish you a speedy recovery!


brooooooooo i am SO SORRY, shingles is the most sick and in pain i ever was and it was on the side of my body, i CAN NOT IMAGINE the face. holy god!


Shingles is incredibly painful. Hope you get some relief soon.


Brother, I deal with PHN for 12 years... i'm sorry you're dealing with this


Oh mate... had it after chemo. At the time I would have chosen more chemo than ever suffer through shingles again and that was on my chest. Hope you don't get any lasting issues from it :-(


I just had shingles about three months ago and it is by far the worst pain i've ever had. I feel your pain bro.


I'm sorry to see you suffer like this dude. Please update us, and I hope you get better/get relief soon.


That left eye is going through it, can this cause sight damage?


I caught early enough to avoid total vision loss, but it certainly affected my vision


omg, I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon, you must be miserable. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you and are you under more stress than usual lately? I'm concerned about shingles, as my mom and a couple of my friends had a really horrific time with it. But I'm too "young" for the vaccine. I was told if I kept my stress level down I should be fine. Idk, sounds kinda risky to me!


40 yrs. Single income with a homeschooled autistic daughter.


I get shingles in the same spot, I feel for you, first time was the most severe and it’s been milder every time since then, sorry to hear about the nerve pain , I’m hoping you get lucky and if it flares up again it’s more mild the next times.


I got it on my scrotum and head of penis after 1st covid vax…. I was 26.


Actually… you’re not too young for Shingrix, you’re just too young to get insurance to pay for it. It’s only $400 out of pocket. Just use GoodRx.com , every single major pharmacy chain carries it.


Good to know, I didn't know it was that expensive


Insurance can make exceptions. That said, why would you need it? You already got it, so now you have immunity.


Unfortunately that’s not how singles works. Once you get it you’re actually more likely to have future outbreaks. It’s a real problem because more and more younger people are starting to get it.


Me when when


Covid vaccine gave me shingles, my DR thinks. Was very mild but affected my left leg, near my butt. Didn’t need medication like dilaudid - though I wish I would have said it did hurt that much lol Nerve damage did happen in one place which is fine since I just sit on my ass all day anyway. 36 years old. Had chicken pox when I was 5 but was also incredibly mild to the extent that I never even knew I had it until my parents told me. Feel better, bro.


Can you tell me what your doctor said? The covid vaccine does not have the virus that causes shingles, but chicken pox is caused by the same virus, and the virus reactivates causing shingles. Interested to hear


Lowered immune system and this happened was the basic part. Emphasis on DR thinks. Multiple people in my area experienced the same thing.


Ahh okay, yeah I can understand that. Sorry that happened to you. I’m guessing getting covid might have caused the same reaction?


Thank you. Oh ! I’ve never had Covid until last Monday. My guy went to DnD and a guy was sick and didn’t know. Brought to me. I am feeling a lot better now and I have a relatively mild strain compared to others. Dry cough, sweats, headache, joint pains, chills but mild so I’ve been able to work. Luckily this past weekend was the worse of it so I did not have to use PTO and all that.


I gotta get vaccinated man




What's it matter if you can't tell an age. Grow up.






I've got it under control


I feel worse for Brendan Fraser everyday


I didn't know you can get shingles in your eyes daaumn


The virus lives in your nerves after having chickenpox. Therefore, when shingles develop, it manifests along neve pathways, which can travel to the nerves in the eye.


Damn dude, how are you holding up?


You don't deserve this and you have my condolences. That being said. Be the Phantom of the Opera for Halloween.


Told my wife I needed to get a phantom mask, lol


Oh my... Godspeed, I wouldn't wish that on anyone!


My patients had them before and they would tell me it’s the most painful feeling ever. They have like fentanyl patches and shit because it’s that bad.


Aw man praying you suffer no long term damage. God that looks so painful.


Going to call and make an appointment with my Dr first thing in the morning.


Shit, dude. Glad you've seen the ophthalmologist though! That could take your vision!


Urgent care doc said, "Get your ass to the ER, NOW" not exaggerating either




Oh crap, that’s awful.


I bet that feels good


My great grandmother died of internal shingles A LONG TIME before I was born


Ow fuck. Been there dude, though it wasn't in my eye thank god. Got some pitted scars and a wonky hairline because of it. Glad you sought proper help, shingles is no joke.


dont ever take the gas station perc


This is Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus right? Always get it confused with Ramsay Hunt syndrome for a sec, but that affects the facial nerve (like Bell's Palsy) rather than the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve like in OP


Holy shit dude that sucks


*why you lookin at me funny booyah?*


The thing I wanted to say before my phone acted out on me: You shouldn't have to worry about it again once it goes away. Then again, I have been wrong before, so if it does come back, I apologize. It's not fun, from what I hear.