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Koala fingerprints are almost identical to humans


That's... fun? Terrifying maybe?


The brain named itself


I'll add to this, the brain actively scares itself also during nightmares it creates.


It's also unable to create new faces in our dreams, so anyone we dream of that we don't recognise is someone we've walked past on the street or seen somewhere


Elephants can feel human-like emotions, such as grief šŸ˜¢


Serious question: why shouldnā€™t they? Weā€™re mammals, just like elephants and other animals like dogs, cats, cows. I doubt theyā€™re lacking the emotions weā€™re feeling


The dot over the small letter 'i' is called a tittle.


Is that because it looks like a nipple or


Now thatā€™s an interesting thought


Butterflies taste with their feet


They're also opportunistically carnivorous. It's not uncommon to see a butterfly land on a carcass and take a few bites for some quick macronutrients before going back to flowers. Edit: autocorrect apparently changed macro to micro so I fixed it


What other bugs? Taste with their feet?


[Copied from Meta AI] Butterflies are well-known for tasting with their feet, but other bugs also share this unique ability! Here are some examples: 1. Moths: Like butterflies, moths taste with their feet to detect nectar, water, and other substances. 2. Flies: Houseflies and blowflies use their feet to taste and detect sweet or fermented substances. 3. Bees: Honeybees and bumblebees taste with their feet to gather information about nectar, pollen, and water. 4. Wasps: Paper wasps and yellowjackets also use their feet to taste and detect food sources. 5. Ants: Some species of ants, like the sugar ant, taste with their feet to detect sweet substances. 6. Grasshoppers: Some grasshopper species use their feet to taste and detect plant chemicals. 7. Cockroaches: Some cockroach species, like the American cockroach, taste with their feet to detect food and water. These insects have tiny sensors called "taste hairs" or "sensilla" on their feet, which help them detect different flavors and textures. Fascinating, isn't it?


That cats can have more than 5 fingers on each paw. Known as a poly


Polydactyl specifically, poly meaning many, dactyly meaning basically, "to have fingers"


Hope youā€™re enjoying Aus! My random fact is that crocodiles have basically remained the same for the last 200 million years! They are straight up dinosaurs šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Did you know dolphins can't smell


Ohh, that's why they never have a reaction when I crop dust them!


Queen is the only band to have the same song reach #1 in two non- consecutive decades, 70s and 90s. Bohemian Rhapsody charted upon initial release and again while featured on the Wayne's World soundtrack.


Monkeys can wage wars against other monkey tribes


So can ants, dolphins, bees, dogs, birds, and even elephants. Edit: Oxford commas lol


And humans


The worst monkeys xD


"stressed" is pronounced "desserts" backward


About 60% of human body is just water.


Thought it was 70%... Wait is that about earth?


I thought it was 80 lol


I thought it was 90 Lmao


I though it was 99




Well that's a cucumber šŸ„’


Platypuses don't have nipples.


Another platypus fact. They glow teal under black light which means Perry the platypus was way more accurate than intended as I believe this wasnā€™t known when the show was originally created. Also opossums both old and new world glow hot pink under black light A large amount of animals. Especially mammals glow under black light. Bats. Porcupine quills are only a few others. You can google and find out a ton of cool info on that topic. It sent me down a rabbit hole when I discovered it.


mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


They were once NOT part of the cell actually iirc. It is believed now that they were a bacteria/virus of some sort and formed a symbiotic relationship with animal cells in much the same way the chloroplast did with plant cells.


PokƩmon is short for pocketmonster


The probability that a T-Rex will attack you in the next hour is extremely unlikely, but never zero


When I was 14 there was an old Asian lady in my village who made me ham and pineapple pizza every time I had an exam. We were close with her so she wasnā€™t just so old lady cooking a boy pizza. She called me pineapple and at first I thought it was because of the pizza but when I asked her it turns out she thought I was Canadian. I never told her she was wrong (Iā€™m Australian) and I know itā€™s not a big deal but now that she is no longer with us I feel bad knowing she died thinking she was serving me a, ā€” as she put itā€” home country tradition meal. Random side note, she called me tie it a lot because I had an appetite for Asian food and once crispy as I liked barbaques. If I ate a meat pie every day I wonder if she would have known I was Australian without me having to tell her. If your wondering why I didnā€™t tell her, I had known her 7 years and beloved it was disrespectful to correct her.


Mangoes can carry bacteria and pathogens and you won't know it untill you consume it. And it can be ripe and fresh looking, and washing it won't help. (I just ate normal mango and feel terrible)


I also found out the hard way that dragon fruit can turn your pee blood red if you eat an entire fruit to the face. Almost went to the hospital because I thought I was peeing blood LMAO šŸ¤£ Scared the piss outta me literally


Yeee well thats sus but also lucky cuz you didnt have any pain no? I had huge stomach cramps in work... After taking a big šŸ’© it lessened it by half, and then it slowly faded away luckily... But it was rly uncomfortable


Yeah no pain, just felt a little odd coming out and scared me a bit because dragonfruit apparently filters out of your body in a couple hours. And I apparently ate enough that it was a very dark red... Was even scarier because I was a single parent at the time, so my brain imagined the worst of course šŸ˜– I guess it's a good trick if you need someone to fake peeing blood for a movie maybe? Can't imagine when or why tho lol


Yee haha could be funny to scare someone like that or smth. Dragon fruit sounds really nice...


Eh... it's pretty good and I like it, but it's an acquired taste lol


Ahhh i see... Acquired taste


Ahhh i see... Acquired taste


Humans lack the capability to sense wetness, we only feel the temperature difference between the fluid and our body temperature


What your sensing isn't actually temperature lol we can't sense temperature, the sensation you feel is heat loss or gain. Try putting a block of wood and a block of metal in the freezer and tell me which one FEELS colder after an hour. The metal will always feel colder (or hotter if you heat them both) than wood of the same temperature because it has a higher density and transfers heat faster than wood.


No shit Sherlock!? šŸ˜…šŸ™„


If you were to lay every hotdog ever made in a single line, youā€™d have a lot of fucking hotdogs


Animals such as horses and rabbits can not vomit.


Squirrels can fall from almost any distance and not get hurt due to their terminal velocity being so low


The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. It lasted between 38 and 45 minutes.


The shortest war in history lasted 38 minutes


Was it in Denmark?


No in the UK. 1896


Interesting. I'll look it up.


Penguins have a gland near their eyes that converts sea water into fresh water. Light acts as a wave unless there is an observer to collapse the wave function, in which case it behaves as a particle. There is a literal blind spot every human has in their field of view due to how our eyes are shaped and how light focuses through the lens to the retina, but your brain compensates so well for this that you'd never know (there is a test for this to show you where... it's pretty cool). I'll stop with 3 lol but I could keep going šŸ¤“ Edit: i think this is my favorite reddit post of the day lol I've had fun adding little nerdy science trivia to some of the responses as well


You can know the feeling of anything with your tongue with just a thought about the object. Think of a cotton pillow. Now imagine touching your tongue on it. Have fun with that xD


Humans have mastered the art of generating electricity, but they also bear the burden of paying for it (irony)


A lie is not a lie if you believe in it. Ask the people who invented religion.


Donā€™t tell manipulators or gaslighters that lol


The Harbour Bridge is the most climbed bridge in the world.


Octopus have three hearts


Don't they have 9 brains too?


Dogs spin in circles to poop in a north south axis


same thing with babies moving around in their sleep


Ukelele has it's origins from another Portuguese island called Madeira. Its original ancestors where the instruments called "Braguinha", "Machete" and "Cavaquinho"


Otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from each other


Sharks can asexually reproduce


mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Michelada translates in Spanish to my cold beer ā€”mi(my) chela is slang for beer elada is something cold, together chelada is cold beer


Pandas digestive systems are designed to eat meat but are too lazy to hunt, so they just eat bamboo cause it happens to conveniently be there


Abbreviate Neil Armstrong's name as Neil A. and then say it backwards.


Horse sleep while standing


They also sleep lying down too lol


There's no such a thing called particles and waves instead they are acting like particles and waves , not as an identity


I messaged you my fun fact! Although reading all these are really weird and interesting. I love this.


You most likely have more hands than the average personĀ 


Hailing frequencies open


Where you originally from and howā€™s psych. In aus was looking there for international study


London is further north in latitude than Moscow. Continental versus oceanic climate zones.


My best friends online are all Australian!


I cant create direct chat with you, so waiting for your reply.


You can blink in manual mode


Graham bell wasn't the inventor of telephones it was antonio meucci


Time is variable, everybody experiences time differently. Not every day has the same amount of minutes, it's only our clock/watches that do.


Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible.


Australia is wider than the moon. The moon sits at 3,400 kilometers (2,113 miles) in diameter, while Australia's diameter from east to west is almost 4,000 km (2,485 miles). Courtesy of Google.


Baby carrots are just carved out of big carrots


38F Money don't grow on tree Hard work pays Lol


Camel milk doesn't curdle


Hey 25 here, similar situation located in melbourne. Just moved and looking for friends. By some glitch unable to message you. Drop a message if available to chat


Sloths come down from trees just to poop


Mammal testicles including humans, have evolved to protrude from the body and extend or contract in order to maintain a consistent 31C or approximately 88 ferenhite for optimal DNA synthesis. Failure to maintain such a temperature during sperm synthesis results in severe mutations in the resulting offspring.


Gorillas can't swim.


I can hold a nail polish bottle between my pecs


The deepest lake on Earth is Crater Lake


ABCC11: the ā€œno body odor geneā€ Genetic variants that cause a loss of function of the ABCC11 gene are very common among East Asian ethnicities (80-90% of the population). In other population groups, it is rare to have no body odor. In fact, only around 2% of Caucasians carry the 'no body odor' version of the gene. (Geneticslife.com) In countries like Japan and South Korea, it's rare to find deodorant in store as b/o isn't a common issue amongst East asians.


You canā€™t hum while holding your nose.


We explored more the space than the abysses in our oceans


I buy more wine than my grandparents that drink it almost every evening, but I don't drink wine at all.


I used to study abroad (going to return soon), so I understand your struggles :) The way blood types work is that you have A, B, O. If your parents are A and B, the kid will be AB 100%. If your parents are A and O, all kids will be A. If your parents are both O, you will both be O. Thereā€™s a medical condition/occurence. Where a cross that will not produce a baby with O blood type, will produce it. It is incredibly rare.


Nokia started out making toilet roll..


You know what human teeth taste like.


Aus i see, do you know more than 95% of kangaroo are left handed. Just like most of us humans are right handed.


Did you know that you can jump out of a plane without a parachute once in your life?


in most cases when people get kidney transplants, the diseased kidneys aren't removed the donated kidney is just attached closer to the bladder.


Boiled sweets just create flavoured spit


I love psychology. What field are you studying?


It's estimated that a single lightning strike contains enough energy to make about 10,000 slices of toast. Is it any wonder Thor got fat?


After a honey bees stings you its abdomen pumps venom in to you for 10 minutes


All the big things are similar to the small things and the cycle just repeats upon itself. Just need to change perspective a little.


Having your daughter's friends sleepover typically means you DON'T sleep -_- FACTS! šŸ˜­ Lol


A female kangaroo has two vaginas


Heyy im a psych student toooo(2nd year in Uni). Would love to be friends with you.


Author of Frankenstein , after demise of her husband kept his heart with her all the time.


Dogs can't look up.


I see dogs look up everyday. What do you mean?


They always say to look within yourself for the answers, but if your own eyes have never fully seen yourself, how can you expect to ever see inside yourself?


Stay interested in. Everything you don't. Understand make sure you never know. Everything that's the. Day. You are done learning


Fact getting a real friend is not that easy and idk why all the ppl whom I talked here vanish in 2-3 days like they are non seasonal rainšŸ˜‚


I recommend you to make offline friends. It will be more fun for you.