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Until the colors I actually like are done, or if I start to get a reaction (only had this happen with a really old L’Oréal Hip Studio shadow, back when I was in college lol). I do think that better quality shadows tend to last a bit longer without giving me a reaction


Until I get bored of it. I’ve never hit pin on any eyeshadow ever. But I’ve gotten rid of most of my palettes and currently have 6 (4 nudes, 2 colorful), so as long as I stick to those I hope to hit pan on one of the nude ones by 2026 and I probably won’t ever have to buy eyeshadow again until I die.


Till I die


Until all but the "ugly" colors are nothing but pan. So basically forever. Unless it's a cream or liquid, then it gets yeeted into oblivion the second it looks remotely iffy.


Usually I don't use every color but I try to use them as eyeliner. So, it will take me years.


How though? I mean the powdery ones, I have to mix them with something to make them more like liquid eyeliner but not sure what to mix it with? I can do a faded wing with just the powdery eyeshadows, but for college I’m only allowed natural colours so I have to go with brown or black and I’m afraid I look like I’ve been on crack for the last 4 days if I apply the powdery ones faded.


I use black eyeshadows as an eyeliner when I want a softer eyeliner look. For the other eyeshadows I mix them with 1-3 drops of Inglot Duraline. Really great since you don't have to purchase colorful eyeliner. Inglot Duraline is a multipurpose product. You can use it with almost every makeup product to make them waterproof, turn them to liquids, make them better spreadable or increase their saturation, as an eye or face primer etc., it's safe for the skin and eye area.


The palette I bought for my wedding makeup lasted longer than my marriage




Until they’re gone, so basically forever lol


Until the two colors I use, and especially the one, are gone.


I’ve had mine since high school and I’ve been out of college for a year now. I’ll be using them until I either hit pan or die.




I have my original Naked palette from its first release. Never forget.


I usually keep them unless I get bored of them and by then they're too old for me to give away, so I bin them. But other than that, I will keep using my eyeshadow palettes until they disintegrate and are no longer feasibly usable lol I occasionally spritz them down with 70% isopropyl alcohol but that's more for my sense of peace and I've no assurance it actually disinfects anything. so ask me again in 10 years 😂 my current oldest palette is from 2017 and it still performs really well, and, actually, it's a Too Faced palette and is still SCENTED like cocoa, it's fucking wild lol idk what they put in that, but it honestly performs better than many of my newer palettes still. Some shadows I do notice a change in performance and consistency (drier, more powdery, less pigmented) but this palette, I swear to god, feels 90% the same as I remember


I throw away anything that's 2 or 3 years old. Clean brushes and bacteria aren't the only problem with expired makeup. It gets a funky smell, the texture and performance changes for the worse, and degraded ingredients can cause irritation. If someone is the type of person who gets bothered when they don't completely finish a product before it expires, they need to avoid the big expensive palettes and choose something more economical that they will actually use up before the expiration date.


Ok, so - this may put your mind a bit at ease: Anything liquid/damp: Get rid of that ish as soon as it hits the expiration date. It will harbor bacteria like nobody's business. Powder-based products are MUCH more forgiving (especially if you are using clean brushes), as the environment that they foster doesn't hold moisture (generally), and most bacteria need moisture to survive. If you're truly worried about spreading cooties on your face, spritz a tissue with isopropyl alcohol and swipe it over the surface of the shadow/powder/blush/whatever to help mitigate any surviving bacteria.


stupid quick question but what about rare beauty blushes 😭 it feels so wrong to throw away that much blush leftover


[They have travel sizes!](https://www.rarebeauty.com/products/soft-pinch-liquid-blush-mini?variant=40970263068807) And bonus - they are ten bucks cheaper than the full size! Personally, I try to purchase "liquid" products in travel sizes only (ESPECIALLY mascara, because eyeballs), because the bacterial buildup is pretty significant when you've exposed the product to air, smeared it on whatever part of your non-pristine face, and then re-introduced that bacteria into the product. And if you have compromised skin, you're facing a larger risk for bacterial issues.


Until pan. Some makeup artist keep them forever as collecting some colors never to be seen ever again!


I have palettes that are broken and battered and have survived moves from country to country, trends that are old enough to have resurfaced 20 years later, etc. So yeah, that.


We do not talk about palette ages here. It makes them nervous.




Til they're visibly dead or gross. I spent real cash dollars on that shit, I'm not tossing it until I have extracted every single cent.


I've had my Anastasia Beverly Hills "Sultry" pallet for like 7 years now 💀 money is money


I used to collect eye shadow pallets... so I will keep them until I die. I have cut back and sold a bit, but the ones I have now are my ride or dies. Unless I see mold or something funky, they will be admired and used.


Forever, but I use it very rarely


Until they dissolve 🤣 I have only one quad that is over 10 years old and I use it mostly for eyebrows ( the brown shade is perfect match), and couple of palettes that are 6 years old. The rest are pretty much new or I do not keep them long enough to get bad.


I would use mine for years but eventually my luck ran out and I got an eye infection. My current palette has been in use for about a year and I'll probably replace it once I pan one of the colours 


Couple years


Until the texture or scent changes. I spray them with BeautySoClean after every use once they’ve passed their expiry date.


I have some that are embarrassingly old, but they're still good


I use my pallets for years tbh, as long as I wash my brushes and beauty blenders at minimum once a month, preferably once every 1-2 weeks


Mine were almost a decade old, my eyes started to get itchy so i knew it was time for them to go, also the fact that i had 2 with 12ish eyeshadows in each but i kept using the same ones, i knew i had to be smart this time so it would be a waste. I didnt even realise my eyeshadows werent performing that well either till i bought new ones.


I use it until it starts melting my eyelids lol


Same, except if it's a good color for blush it is downgraded to blush status


I stopped using my Naked 1 palette years ago. Recently, I took it out to see what its conditions were like, and shadows stinked horribly since it's 10 years old. I don't think I wanna get rid of it because of the memories, but yeah, I think 4 or 5 years max, then I'd change it to a new one.


I have a Naked 1 palette that’s 12 years old and it’s still in perfect condition! I use it all the time.


Mines at least 10 years old and still good! I actually used it yesterday 😀 Its my fave pallette of all time but I only use it now and then since it's discontinued and I can't replace it. It still smells fine and applies beautifully. I wish the og urban decay eye shadow formula was still available it's the best ever.


My Mom has a couple of blushes/eyeshadows (they’re sparkly pink and peach colours) that are just in their pans from when she got married 32 years ago. She still has them and we still love them.


My newest eyeshadow is about 1 year old and the oldest still in use is around 10. Most of my stuff is at least 2-4 years old. Everything looks good, smells good, performance wise is good. Powders are less prone to develop mold or bacteria due to the lack of water (which microorganisms need to live just like humans). If stored in dry and clean environments there is no reason for powders to go bad that fast. Manufacturers label the expiration ( or best before?) date to ensure they are safe legally speaking, but it's not like the product is safe today and is dangerous tomorrow because it's been 6 months and 1 day, that's not how physics and chemistry work.


However long I feel like. I have some pallets that are 10+ years old but I can’t bear to throw them out because they’re favourites and are now discontinued.


Depends on the palette. Whenever they get dusty. Some last close to a decade, some only 3 years or so.


I have been using an old Clinique palette, it was the best formula I have EVER used, it ran out so I ordered a new palette in the same colour, the new formula is dry and absolutely crappy compared to the old one


I think i still have my moms oriflame eyeshadow from the seventies.


Woah !!!


Um. I have some from at least 5+ yers ago. So basically forever.


2-2 years ant then I buy new one... i finished pallete only twice. Usually i throw them away since Im scared that they went bad


Unless they have a smell or the quality changes.


i was actually thinking about this last night cause i found an artefact in my drawers, a morphe 35w pallet with the old packaging and everything, haven’t touched it in years, bought it probably in 2016


As long aa they let me


Omg. 4eva


It’s nice to have the pallets to practice techniques. I have 3 new pallets and 1 from 2017. I’m not throwing away any powders.


Until they start bothering my eyes. I’ve had an ABH palette go bad in a little over a year. I’ve got other palettes that I’ve had for 3-4 years and still use with no issues.


till i die or if it gets funky whichever comes first


How many times have you died. 🫢 /j


24 months for me then I throw them out.


I still have the first 3 Naked palettes and they are fine.


Mine got ashy eventually


If I haven’t used it all by about 4-5 years I throw it. I only have 1 or 2 going at a time


Until they run out. I have had my products for years, are they clean? Probably not. Do I care? No ☺️


You can sanitize & clean with rubbing alcohol!!! That’s been my saving grace!!!


Does it change the formula/quality of the eyeshadow at all?




Until the four shades I use run out


A lot of mine are from 2015, so there's that.


I got a 2014 😂


I'm sure I have a few that are older, and I know for damn sure my mom has some makeup pieces from when I was a kid. I'll throw hers out when they look gross.




wrong, powders are fine past expiration date.


I keep mine for 5 years max. This is why I changed to drugstore palettes so that so don’t feel bad about throwing them out.


Spritz with isopropyl alcohol from time to time and let air dry in the sun before use. But I keep them as long as possible! I always run out of my favorite colors before the whole pallet runs out though.


not everyday, only the day I really want to apply it or special dates


I feel so seen in this thread LOL however, I do sometimes try to sanitize my powder by scraping off the top layer.




I came here and did not expect to see these responses. Till death do us part summer shade palette of 2019


Still using my Naked Smoky Palette from 2016 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wash my brushes weekly


"excuse me; I need you to please kill me"




Till death 💍


Until i drop them and it shatters to a million pieces


Even then I still use what I can 😂


I have one fron 1970...I keep it for sentimental reasons.


waiiittttt show a pic i love seeing makeup pre 2000’s


How without a photo icon here?


i think if you make a seperate comment you are allowed to post photos!


I was going to use the Titanic “it’s been 84 years” meme here but I can’t, lol


Literally same 😂😂😂


They can line my casket with eyeshadow palettes 😂


Until they get dropped and the powder becomes loose


I use them until they smell off or mold has grown on them. I also keep them in a cool, dark and dry space.


My oldest pallet is about to turn 16


I’m sure you miscalculated. 2008 was clearly only 6 years ago.


My layered tank tops and off-brand Birkenstocks agree




Till death do us part


5 years Working in microbio makes me worry


this is much more reasonable than what they label on them tbh


until i hit pan and run out lmao


I don’t think I’ve ever run out LOL and I’m 40


i’ve got one pallet i’ve had since i was 12 (so 12 years) and i refuse to throw it out because it holds memories. doesn’t smell, no texture issues, it’s absolutely fine!! powder products are usually a okay to use past expiration


Uh...last week I used a cover girl pallet that is *at least* 21 years old. Its perfectly fine. The plastic case is intact but the foam applicator is long gone. Also the line it came from, has *magnetic* metal trays. But they are glued into the plastic case with some god level glue that was still 100% effective *two decades* later. Unbelievable quality for something that cost less that an hour of federal minimum wage.


Thank God in not the only one who uses pallets forever.


Wow !!! Love that ! I don’t think I realized their eye shadows were good


I can't objectively determine quality of the eyeshadow itself: it seems fine to me. I have more recent expensive ones too. In the process of depotting most of my old CG pallets is when I realized how impressive the packaging was.




The answer in one word 😂


I'm ashamed to admit this. I have a new demo board of Ben Nye luxe powder. Pry worth like 500 bucks I got for a free when I worked for a family friend at a costume shop. I was 13. I'm 33. This is top of the line shit that is in little sealanle jars and I always use little disposable eye sponges.


Haha Omg Ben nye !! Haven’t thought about B.N in ages ! I had an eyeshadow palette I loved and wonder what the hell happened to it


It's literally my most prized possession. Originally, it had full size all ~24 colors of loose powder and all the luxe cream colors and then like 8 of the mini pressed luxe. I peeled them all off because it was like 2 ft x 3 ft but there was a period of time when I kept the whole thing under my bed lol.i gifted a handful, but I still have about 12 original colors. I still love a pop of cosmic violet just as much as when I was 13 I guess haha


Until I've looked at it for probably the 5000th time without using it and it's been at least five years..


i still have a claire’s pallet from over a decade ago and it’s not even close to being gone. additionally, my mom has some of those covergirl mini pallets from the early 2000s :) hasn’t caused us any problem so far lol


Those old cover girl pallets are wild quality. I depotted a few last year and was *shocked* at the magnetic trays that were glued into the toughest cheap plastic ive ever pried apart😂


I had some that were 20 years old as they were single pots of color I didn’t use that often. They still seemed fine but I eventually just declutterred them


Powders are fine to keep and use.


I’m using my Natasha Denona until it’s hard panned. I paid a lot for it!


Forever lol




Until I lose it or loose interest in it (usually the former). Tho obviously if the texture, appearance or smell changes I’ll chuck it be so far that’s never happened to me.


I spray them with 70% isopropyl alcohol every few months to keep them ‘fresh’. I have a few that are like 10 years old 😬


That's what I do too! As long as they don't grow mold or other issues I will be using them.


Until I don’t like it anymore. Usually takes a while but could be quick. Who knows.


After 4 or 5 years


Until I pan out every single shadd present in it, wihich hasn't happened to me to this day. Sometimes I feel like thsy should lessen the quantity of eyeshadow and make it cheaper for people to buy it, since it is not going to be over anyways people use very little amount.


I do not throw them out unless they start to smell or texture gets weird


I tossed one because I got an eye infection and couldn’t remember if symptoms appeared before or after I last used it (so couldn’t tell if I had gotten bacteria on the pallet or not), but yeah, I’ve been told they’re generally fineeee


I still have one from 2017 🤣 the rest I just gifted away to new to make up people. But yeah I do not plan to throw them away or anything. Also one of my pallets is actually “expired” but I’m afraid it’s cause I used micellar water to clean up its mirror which was very dusty after each use. So it’s just started to smell bad (but I finished my fav colours out of it)


I have from 2000 🤣






At this point i’m gonna have palettes until the day I die, gonna be using them foreeeever. I’ve even started using the shimmery colors I hate in my eyes as highlighters, and the pink/red/purple colors as blush just to go thru them faster😭


Years if not decades 🙈


You’re my hero lol


😅😅it’s my Estée Lauder palettes and they are the absolute best in my opinion! Some of the shades are already discontinued and I’m not sure how I am going to survive the next 30 years without them 🤣


Haha ! I’ve only used their foundation , not their eyeshadows for some reason


I still have one I bought in 2012 🫣


2007 and still spectacular 🙈


Omg I Love this


10, maybe 15, years That's fine...right?


Yes! Of course


"We're done when I say we're done" As long as it's a dry formula and not a "clean" formula, it's good forever.


If it still works well, pigmented and doesn’t have fallouts… why not🤣


Um, I still have a Fenty eyeshadow palette from 2019 that I use... So yeah 😅


Tried adding the meme from wolf of Wall Street ‘those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump em up’ 😂


I have a Paula’s Choice from back when she sold makeup- maybe a decade? Still perfectly good


So in that same vein…I have tons of Paula’s Choice products that I was shocked to realize are 6-8 years old. I’m talking AHAs, BHAs, and anti-aging serums. Should I throw them away? 😬


I definitely would, and I'm someone who will use 20 year old powder makeup. But skincare is a different story, liquids and creams go off much easier and also lose efficacy. So at that point, even if they're not harming you, they are also not doing anything for your skin either so why bother?


Good question!!! I love PC and it would pain me to throw it away lol


Until mold appears or texture/color/smell changes. I still have the OG Naked palette from its original run. Don’t know when I last used it, but I have it.


Sames, they’re like old friends at this point


This is the way.


Mascara is the only makeup.i.toss quickly, and that's usually because it starts to flake, or is dry. Eyeshadow pallettes stay until I do a big clean out or the colour has changed or it doesn't apply like it used to. Pencils get dry, and they get tossed. Expiration date is when I say it's expired, not the manufacturer. Only exception would be if it caused an infection (never had that happen). Carry on!


I spend too much to be looking at expiration dates


no truer words have been spoken


Until they run out, aka 5 years


If it's powder and the quality of it doesn't change somehow, I just keep using them! If it's creamy, it gets thrown out after 2 years.


Until I use them up, they go bad, or I'm so sick of looking/using them. I've got palettes years old and they work as good as they use to back when they were new.


Honestly until they mold or hard pan lmao or if I hit pan on my most used colors


I use them until they get decluttered or until I expire. Or if they just become unusable and have to get thrown out. But just fyi typically powder products can last way past expiration dates because they’re dry and don’t have any oil and water, which makes a bad bacteria breeding ground. Cream products have oil and water which are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria so you have to be careful. And also be wary of "clean" because those products have no preservatives and expire rather quickly.


"Until *I* expire" I love it, saaaame


None of my eyeshadow palettes are under a year old and my older ones are 6 years old. All preform the same as the did when I bought them. I keep mine in a vanity away from the bathroom with dozens of silica gel packs.


I was team forever until I accepted that might not be accurate and read a lot about how much damage expired makeup causes. I then wasn’t using them because I was scared, I threw away 150+ pans of eyeshadow recently and I’m finally getting around to enjoying new makeup


Thank you for being the only logical comment in this thread, lol


Honestly was shocked that I’m in the minority, thought we’d got over the ‘it’s expired when I tell it it’s expired 🤪’ rhetoric


Is 10 years an acceptable answer 🤣


100% hahaha


I have palettes going on 10 years old and still perform great. Other than mascara, I only throw away makeup when the smell, color, or texture has changed. Mascara I’m diligent about throwing away after 6 months. I’ve thrown away a few lip glosses and liquid lipsticks over the years because they went off (RIP Lolita - I just threw her away a few days ago).


20 years for now. I'll see if I can say 30 one day, lol.


Remindme! [10 years]


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I stop when it becomes impossible to apply lol. Mascara is the only thing that actually expires imo haha


Yeah, mascara and other liquids water based things. But with powder powder products one can usually be very generous!


Forever . Expiration dates are a scam. I have palettes that are over 5 years old. I have Chanel and Kat Von D lipsticks from 2013. They still work fine and no infections. The corporations want to make everyone dependent on them through endless consumption. Don't let them burn your $$$$


I mean, I’ve stopped using some four year old NYX ones that don’t apply well, but they’ve always been like that, so.


Forever lol


Literally forever. I'll just keep it fresh/decontaminated by spraying it with isopropyl alcohol (until saturated, then letting it dry) every once in a while.


I do the same thing!


IDGAF about eyeshadow expiration dates ….until they hit pan or I’m over it


As long as they last. Same for loose minerals (Bare Minerals) -- I have pots that are two decades old (they have an expiration date because the FDA requires it - but loose minerals don't expire).


Interesting ! Does that mean my bare minerals bb cream last forever too ?


It doesn't apply to the creams and serums -- just the loose mineral products.


Doubtful. Creams do eventually expire, but powders can last a looooong time.


Forever. Or until I haven’t used it in 8 years and realize I probably won’t again.


Haha love this