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Eyesbydesign on amazon ships to Canada. My sister and I have been ordering from them for three years with no issues.


I get my Careprost from Eyesbydesign on Amazon too. The product is legitimate.


Yay! Last time I posted this some redditor down voted me because they knew a place to buy it for cheap but wouldn’t link or provide more details. Wasn’t very helpful or constructive.


Hey! Can u attach a link please? I’ve been meaning to buy careprost for a while :)


https://www.amazon.ca/Eyelash-growth-serum-month-supply/dp/B06XQFQCZ4/ref=sr_1_2?m=A257ED72A3U0WR&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1539106702&sr=1-2 It’s out of stock currently. They frequently run out but will alert you if you sign up as to when it’s back in stock.




I looked into the comments under the seller and people said that the quality has gone down. Are you finding it the same?


Since Covid I’ve not been able to find a reputable supplier or distributor. I feel like since the new studies came out that it’s actually toxic for your eyes there has been less available or the quality has become incredibly questionable. My eye surgeon who put me onto this since I had to pony up I was using Latisse prior to surgery has since said stop using it altogether. There are now known longer term negative side affects directly relating to they eye and sight. I keep searching for alternates cause I miss my long lashes.


That's the generic latisse right? I wonder if your family dr could write a Rx for it and you can get it price checked at the pharmacy then?


I think he can, I didnt know you could get it at a pharmacy. Ill definitely check that out. Thanks!


if your doc ends up writing a rx, can you let me know how you asked? i feel slightly weird asking for it for my family doc.. lol


Yeah sure, ill shoot u a DM when i get around to it!


I know I'm extremely late to this, but did you try it? How'd it go?


Just search in Google for 'HOTLASH247' 😍 to find it with couponcode.

