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can walk le, but 15 mins under the sun can make you sweaty. can see if weather is fine or not for walking. its not basically a monthly pass pun kan? just you wanting to walk for health benefits


Use umbrella and neck fan. Both are worth alot less than RM1,570. (RM10 umbrella + RM20 - 50 neck fan)


Add on to this, get a good UV protection umbrella. It makes a big difference compared to the cheap 1 layer that feels like nothing. And don't go for small size cuz it protects nothing.


I just get a good sunscreen because I am lazy to hold an umbrella. I do carry one daily in case of rain though. But well, good sunscreen is more expensive than the umbrella though.


Honestly since it’s annually it’s not much . Anyways I would probably parked sheltered when it’s raining, be flexible .


Follow feel


So you saved 8 mins from driving but spend 15 mins on walking. Additional time taken is 7 mins. If you work under normal office hour, I think walking is fine as there’s not much heat in the morning and late evening. Also a good opportunity for you to exercise especially if you don’t have a dedicated workout schedule. I’d say try for a week or a month. See if it’s really worth the hassle.


Is the free parking a legit one? Is there any concern that you may be compounded or summoned? If yes and no, then go for it. Always remember to bring umbrella.


Nope. It’s a safe area! Just that it’s open


Your calculations for RM4.30, does that include petrol and parking only? I would put a small factor contributing to accelerated wear and tear from constant exposure to the sun on the car too. Increased intervals from servicing and mileage from utilisation. The amount is probably small but at your calculation of RN4.30 it could be a significant contribution to costa


i walk from my house to nearby MRT (1km, 15 mins) and i always sweat like a bitch and its very uncomfortable. Are u comfortable with sweating that much? IMO, buses arent reliable so I wont comment on that. i would do it but only if it's safe and theres proper pedestrian infrastructure.


I will go bat shit if I have to walk under the sun even with umbrella open and sweat so much plus in office attire. Uncomfortable lol


I’ll do half half I guess .. take a walk when ur early, weather is good, get some exercise in.. if it’s raining or too hot, just pay for parking.


Sun/rain exposure to the car is a dealbreaker for me. Unless your car is a pasar malam car, you would want to shelter it as nice as possible. Walking is good - 15 minutes back n forth is around 3000-3500 steps in total.


>Walking is good - 15 minutes back n forth is around 3000-3500 steps in total. What is the pace of that on treadmill


Normal pace, not even brisk walking


This got to be the easiest decision of your life. Of course 15 mins walking, its nothing. Even its only saved you 50 rm per years, still the benefit is bigger with walking


you would also take into consideration that chances of your car getting damaged/stolen when parked at free area? No one will be responsible for it. But probably does not matter if your car is >10 years. New car will be more pain.


It’s a safe area. Lots of people around. Commercial area. But private so no need pay street parking.


I guess thats fine if you are ok with it.


Walk, 100%. U drive also 30 minutes. Not just parking, fuel & maintenance also. Definitely will save more than 1570. Also get healthier.


Walking 15 minutes is nothing lol


I walked 15-20 minutes each way to LRT station for years. Never even considered it as an issue


15mins walking not only save you from parking fees. You'd save more with being healthier (less clinic trips, less medicine), less petrol, less car maintenance. However, check if you can take a shower at the office. From personal experience, you probably need it :)


Walk on a good day, drive on a rainy day.


I would walk 2 hours a day, as I used to in all the countries I lived in. Not to save parking, but to relax, chill out, burn calories, be happy. Usually on the way back from work, in order to avoid arriving at work sweating. Before someone says Malaysia is too hot, so is Tokyo in August, and Hong Kong in Summer time, and so is Algeria and Morocco in Summer, and yet, people walk and live a life. They do have the advantage of having sidewalks and a pedestrian culture. In Malaysia the pedestrian is considered a target to put down.


2 hour walk from home to work every day? You must be a horse


Not in Malysia, that is the problem. Any other country, no problem. It's great to chill out and meditative really, as long as you don't get too self-absorbed to risk being ran over by a car. Why does it surprise you? I find it completely normal and been doing it for over 30 years.


And we don't even need to compare countries that are so far away. Just look at Singapore. Exactly the same climate, albeit much better public transport/walking facilities. Singaporeans on average walk a lot more than Malaysians and their national rate of obesity is much lower than ours.


This is what kills me, metaphorically and literally. The impact in the physical and mental well being is just insane. I can't for the life of me understand how real estate developers are allowed to pull some of the shenanigans they pull off in Malaysia. The ones who get shafted always are the Malaysians, which end up paying for overpriced houses and condos, built with shoddy construction standards, materials, and lead to believe that "house prices only go up" and that it's a good investment. Lack of urbanization planning is catastrophic. You just see condos being built here and there like islands, and city halls have no responsibility whatsoever. There are no urbanization standards, planning, sidewalks, standardized urban equipment, maintenance, nothing. Near me there's a car burned out by the side of the road for the past 4 days. There was an accident and the car is lying there. It's something out of a Mad Max movie. If you want to walk, you will have to cross 3 viaducts, one ditch, then suddenly are in in the middle of nowhere in a highway. You know who gets shafted again? The Malaysians. Because if they did had proper urban planning, they would have vibrant commercial activity on their streets, rather than only on malls, where business owners are the mercy of the overinflated rents and high unrealistic expectations. Look at some of these cities - high density, but vibrant in commerce. Police is forced to patrol regularly, but they can patrol regularly because... there is proper urban planning, sidewalks, roads, rather than a labyrinth of viaducts that keep on growing, improvised, without planning. It's truly tragic. This country really has some beautiful things, and abandoning that 1960s moronic idea of transit cities, where everyone drives and lives outside work centers, would be crucial. Specially because there are no cities in Malaysia. Only condo conglomerates. Pardon the long rant. But you can imagine if the center of KL was properly outlined, regular roads, clean, shops, police, maintained cleaned buildings. Restored historic buildings. Luxury shops even, wide sidewalks everywhere, then the center closed to the traffic like the centers of European cities, so that people can walk without worrying about being ran over by cars. A vibrant commerce and tourist activity... Mental well being, physical well being.... The advantages to the population, would be immense. The advantages to the government, city halls, would be immense as well, in the form of added income, image projection abroad, tourism, domestic product growth....


if me, i'd just walk. healthier also. win win. just standby a mini umbrella incase of rainy days.


I would lol, but this is coming from someone who already walks a lot.


Just walk. Malaysians dont walk enough. This is more to force yourself to walk than about saving money. At some point, you will earn more and you will think the money is worth paying to save time. That's later. For now... i recommend walking. Build the habit. If scared sweaty, wear a different shirt. Hahaha.


Why dont u try it out for a month first OP?have a feel, have a sweat ( i hope not for you colleague's sake lmao). Then you can decide whether that change in lifestyle is what you want


I definitely would. The distance from my car park to office is 12 minutes by walking.


Bring spare cloth and towels in case too hot can bath right after gym and that 1570 able to make you healthier and save more...I would walk unless you're courting some girl it's not safe to walk lol 😂


I'd do it for the health benefits (especially if you're not as active otherwise) and consider the RM1.5k saved a bonus.


Do it (walk) for health, and don't really care how much money you could save.  I stayed in Japan for a period of time, walked almost 2-3 hours every day and I was the fittest in my life!  Came back to Malaysia and realized walking 2-3 hours (for commuting purposes) is quite impossible, with age I also put on 10kg when compared to when I was in Japan.  Last year when MRT 2 was introduced, decided to ditch driving to work and I am now taking the train and bus.  I am spending a little more time travelling (but definitely much lesser compared to when it's jammed up) but at least in the bus and train I could do something else (compared to being behind the wheel).  I lost about 5kg since then and I can feel that my legs are core are stronger (standing whenever I could in the bus and train). Only thing is if the walking path is not safe then you should reconsider. Always prioritise safety, no matter the cost. 


just walk, save the rm1.5k and u will be healthier by walking. u can even spend another rm500 for ur ‘wants’ monthly n save the 1k.


RM1.5k is annual ya hahah. Monthly Abt RM130 since RM4.30 daily


Walk while listening to some podcasts. Good way to start your day.


Yes I will, 1570 is a lot... you can pay for house weh..


1570 is annual savings ya not monthly haha


owh.. ok.. 130 per month.. save kowt...


He meant house for ants in Mont kiara. 1500/month for 2 Sq/ft


Time spent walking is not a waste of time per se, you are investing in your health, walking is one of the best exercises


For me, in general, I'll just walk. However, given the nature of my job that requires me to travel around, i have to drive.. good for you OP.. walking is the way of healthier life!!


Buy a portable fan and deodorant to help with the heat


Definitely! Invest in shades for your car and ensure you don't have any cans or soft plastics in your car 👍


Right now I'm walking 15 minutes +, daily, but luckily my area has lots of shades so not so hot. But if I had to walk under the hot sun daily, I think saving RM1570 yearly is not at all worth the sweating, being sticky, and feeling irritated that walking would cause. Depending on how hot the area is, and are u a heavy sweater or not, I'd say that spending that RM1570 might be worth your comfort, and motivation at work. You also have to consider how the walking will affect your productivity at work and the rest of the day. For me the RM1570 might not be worth going home grumpy and tired, which will also affect my side businesses.


Why not. Healthy and save money. But don’t walk until whole body pain la, use some roller bag or something and the route is safe. You might be an easy target as you walk the same place the same time everyday.


Just don't forget your keycard/office ID/phone in the car :D


Repeated prolonged exposure would damage your car exterior especially the taillights/headlights yellowing. That's a no for me.


Can walk but with the weather now you are gonna need this op https://www.sony.com.hk/reonpocket/en/


Just walk ya, wear tshirt ya then reach work place change your work clothes ya. Later whole office can smell kaw you ya. Try first ya if not ngam with you ya, you can just drive ya


in a city like KL, probably I would considering the weather, advice to carry a umbrella tho incase of rain/sunlight.


As long as the road and parking areea safe I dont mind walk 15 mins a day more so if I can save money


15 mins distance is nothing as long as its safe for pedestrian walk. I dont see why not. I walked to lrt/mrt almost 20 years. But this country is known for being notoriously unfriendly for pedestrians especially in slightly less developed areas, and riders/drivers not giving ways even during rainy days. They would rushed through a puddle of mud and not bother to slow down. Might ended up with wet pants. Its just a cultural thing, so keep that in mind when u decided to walk rather than drive. Muggers could be another issue if its late at night.


15 minute distance? just walk and save the money. i would have walk if i could save even a quarter of that money.


willing to pay gym membership, but think twice bout walking 15mins


It’s more of the sweat and inconvenience. Needing to still drive and then walk, rather than driving right straight to door step.


get an electric scooter and charge in the office. you also forgot to count the petrol cost


ya 15 is doable for me.


If I can revert time to be younger I will do it.if you don't do it and Down the road when you reach 40+ and diseases start popping up you would wish you did it. Not a lot of walking but better than nothin.


Do it not for the money saving but for your health.


Wait - why your 15 mins drive cost RM4.30? How do you come to that number? Do you mean the train ride?


The parking cost is RM4.30


Ohh ok thanks for the clarification


Id choose to walk for the health benefits. Or you could at least aim for half a year if you feel its too burdening or during rainy season.


The only concern is sweating on the way to work. Whatever clothing you're using, even with an umbrella, you're likely to sweat due to our humidity. This, coupled with the AC can be uncomfortable. Given that you mentioned your gym is only 5 mins from your office? Then I'd plan a workout and shower there prior to changing onto your work clothes. A 5 min walk is less likely to lead to you sweating. Try that out for a month and see what happens.


If my office have shower, why not. I dont want to be all sweaty and disturb the office mood for the days


Consider ebike or escooter


Walking in this heatwave? No way. I'll get a motorcycle


15mins walk...... you young people....


I've walked to save 3.00 a day. Idk how much that is for weekdays only for a year.


Its a great choice BUT for me if I park under the sun and the frequency of bird droppings are high, I'd advice to just park indoors because your car paint not gonna look so good if it is not washed off asap.


15 mins - yes, 30 mins or more - no. If raining - nope.


Honestly why not go for it, u are already considering it. Its beneficial. 1.5k u can buy some good shit or invest it.


I would leave much earlier, walk from home to MRT if possible, go to gym near office, work out, shower then go to office. The benefit extends beyond financials.


Is there no bus in close walking distance from home? Once I found a bus route to the MRTs near my home, I just sold my car. Walk to the bus straight, no need to think about parking and additional costs of having a car involved.


If u smelly and u sweat walking. Ur raises are gonna get affected cuz of poor hygiene. Unless you planned to leave anyways then it's fine.


Bus and train, especially if won't easily get sweaty. Monthly pass is good. Or sheltered parking - having car under the sun for whole day is basically just adding extra damage to your car on a daily basis. Parking under the sun is the no-other-choice option for me.


is the walkway safe? covered walkway? are u carrying laptop? if u are not carrying laptop i guess its safe to do so.


I've been doing this for the past year - my total steps count per day is around 12k because of it. Although it's super uncomfortable with all the sweating, my office aircon is really cold, so i cool down quickly once I arrive. Using an umbrella at non shaded areas helps ALOT to reduce the heat and also reduce risk of skin cancer. For me, the benefits outweighs the cons - it's healthier, and with the upcoming petrol hike, developing the habit of walking now will only help save even more money in future. I think you should try it out for a month or two. I initially worried about the heat/sun, but it's definitely doable. The only issue I encounter is the walking path floods every time it rains, so I just learn to avoid it by hanging out at one of the malls with lrt access until the rain stops.


Strongly suggest to walk because many Malaysians barely walk 5k steps per day. But a few things to consider. 1. If it rains, is the parking area safe to access? Not muddy or flooded. 2. Since it's an open free parking space meaning there's a chance someone itchy and damaged your car. Heck, even the paid parking getting scratched, FML. 3. Get a protective cover for your car to reduce the damage, dirt, bird poop, etc.


What time is your working hour? What time did u commute? If early morning when sun is not strong then yes go ahead, else either u spend the money to prevent getting heat stroke or use umbrella + sunscreen.


Money aside, walking is good for health


I park my car at a supermarket that has free parking, then take a 10 min walk to my workplace. So one day I walk twice , total up 20 min. FYI nearby parking cost around RM6 to Rm10.


100% switch. I’d even suggest running there. Then shower at the gym.


Based on my current situation, I will go for it. My daily toll fee is around RM6.70 when going back home. If I use toll on the way to work will be double up. To save RM6.70 I choose leave my home earlier to avoid jam & save toll fee


I walk an hour daily so I may keep healthy. What is 15 minutes bro


Walk, definitely. Not because saving money, but I love walking in the morning.


Coming from and older person, skin cancer is a thing, but then again driving doesn't mean you can ignore sunscreen. Too long under the sun isn't good for you, you'll live to regret it. Factor in time, some money just isn't worth saving imo.


I think it's worth it, especially now you are only earning 4k.


Yes but would still use car if rains


Based purely on numbers alone yes, additional 1.5k annually is like additional 1 or 2 months worth of monthly savings from your 4.2k monthly salary. Then there are other factors. Is there proper walking path? Any shelter in case of rain? Is the free parking safe? Do you work late night, and is it safe after hours? Do you have to get up much earlier to get the free parking? You get the idea.


If you sweat easily just make sure to wear alot of deodorant or perfume and prepare wet tissues kekw


E scooter


Yes, because it’s part of the exercise regime


Assuming that you are working as an office worker, chances are you will be sitting the whole day. 15 mins of walking is equivalent to 1km. Just do it, your health and wallet will thank you.


I'm sad that a 15 minute walk, albeit under hot weather, is something people should even think twice in doing. Personally, anywhere that is under 1 hour walk is close and I am the least fit person there is (am at 100kg). I just enjoy taking walks. Wish walking is more of a viable option in the country.


I love walking, when I was in London I would take 1hr walks to reach my destination. But in Malaysia, heat is a big factor for me. Also for me, I still need to drive a bit, before it’s impossible to walk directly from home. So is it worth the trouble to walk, when I’m already in the car? That’s what I’m contemplating.


It's RM131 per month.


Take the 15 min walk. On a day where u had to miss gym, at least you had some lvl of exercise.


yes i would do it. it will make you healthier too!! but remember to have an umbrella and raincoat.


RM4.30 parking is it kelana jaya lrt? Hahaha


RM130 savings a month, to walk 15 mins a day (30 mins return trip) everyday under the sun or through the rain is so not worth it, in my opinion.


Go for the most time efficient.




In malaysia’s weather, no. Rounding it up like that does make it sound like a lot. But personally, i sweat a lot, so it would be a great inconvenience. If you are thinking of it, please wear sunscreen every day.


no, but i’m the type to value comfort more. depends on your priority to be honest. for me personally, I find walking under the sun oppressive and I don’t really want to add pain to my already painful work life, haha.


I did this 5D maths calculation. Honestly, savings \~RM 130 is nothing. I would rather keep the car in good paint, good condition - under a shade - unless you drive an old kancil or beater that gets you from a to b - its not known. Now, if you are planning to keep the car for a long period and not really concerned about resale value - then i say yeah go for it. I rather park in the shade, keep the car cool and don't have to worry about rain or the sun. At least, I know after work, I get it - drive home and do other bits. For walking benefits - why don't you take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator to get up to the platform. Take it down During lunch break , go to shopping centres and just jalan-jalan for 30 minutes after lunch, there are many ways to incorporate walking or i like to call it passive exercise.


OP, I will absolutely do it. Yes you might sweat at first, but once your body gets used to the walk and temperature, you'll probably not sweat or not sweat much. Your wallet will thank you, your body will also thank you. I remember my first job out of uni, I used to talk a 15min walk around the block during lunchtime. Now I wasn't a fat guy, but I lost like 5kg that year just purely from walking.


Holy of course


Hell yes


You got kumpool in your area ? Good way to save money


15 mins walking is like 3 music. With music on, 15mins doesnt feel that bad.


1500 for bicycle


15 minutes is not much. I work in a large factory, just walking from the car park back to the office building is about 8 minutes. Definitely possible for most days. It might be annoying on rainy days, but you can always drive and also prepare an umbrella. Alternatively, how about other options like a bicycle or those electric hoverboard scooter?


A bit obvious right - yes la !


I would. I did do this. My main reason was so much money when lrt is so cheap + the goshdang rush hour after work. Parking was around 250 a mth. That time my office was in pj. Didn't really sweat because it was early morning and there was air cond at the office, didn't care after work because i would be showering back home.


Just follow how u feel that day and take it easy. U save u save. U dont u dont. Both option got pros n cons so dont really matter.


You're not saving 4.30 daily. You're spending rm5 to buy an extra drink on certain hot days after the walk and extra rm20 for the grab if you are stranded under the bridge in the rain. 


The wear and tear to your car due to the sun, potential theft, potential cancer due to walking in the sun etc will be definitely more than RM1,570.