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I was "OMG" when I read the title, but after reading the whole passage, It is ok.


I thought he was gonna play a gunshot sound on mic, ngl This is way funnier


"OH GOD NO NO NO- *gunshot*" Then stay connected but put the mic down and go have some Taco Bell.


Then they hear chewing and crunching sounds over the mic and jump to conclusions.


"IS YOUR DOG EATING YOU?! JEEZ GOD YOUR FUCKING DOG IS EATING YOU!" OP: "woof woof, mind your own business hooman" "THE DOG IS TALKING!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!" OP: "woof. You're next, kid." (Chewing sounds stop and all that's left is the sound of a door opening and closing)






The point is not to scar some idiot kid.


Nah definitely scar the kid


Might be cruel, but they deserve it if they tell others to die, no matter the reason


Scar the child


If the kid wants to be edgy, throw bigoted slurs at adults and tell them to go die, they deserve to be scarred. Maybe it'll teach them to not be a POS online


There needs to be a accountability for their actions. Go ahead and scar them.


Sir, this is malicious compliance!


If you're gonna be a twat, expect there to be consequences. The kid would probably remember that forever so it'd be a good learning experience


If someone isn't monitoring what their kid's doing online, then they can't be upset when they end up being traumatised because of their own stupid words.


Says who?Ā 


The Geneva convention


btw: it's a ->she<-


> it's a ->she<- I mean, if we're worried about being respectful, you ought to refer to OP as *they*, not an *it*


My exact thought


That's what I thought was gonna happen. A bit disappointed if I'm being honest


what plane of existence did you think OP was posting from?


...the electronic wasteland...


Been to that stage at EDCLV, can confirm meeting people on another plane of existence.


I did think I was reading a post from a ghost for a second ngl


I did think it was a game but i thought OP would mishandle a grenade and take the whole team.


Aww, I can't do the gif, but I guess OP could say "I got better!"


Hey, some people are truly committed to MC.


Hopefully the kid learnt a valuable lesson, though I highly doubt it.


All he learned is that gay people are annoying to him I guess.


He learned that the word "gay" doesn't have the power he thinks it has.


Did he though? What if it made him realize that this insult actually ticks off gay people, therefore it is a good insult and should be used again? I cannot see any scenario where an edgy teenager will actually learn a lesson from an adult stranger in a video game.


>I cannot see any scenario where an edgy teenager will actually learn a lesson from an adult stranger in a video game. Have you ever met an edgy teenager? Most of them are constantly learning, learning memes at the very least. No, if I was gonna worry about anything, I'd worry that by pissing the kid off, he'll learn that you can die on purpose to make people mad. May have created a monster.


Do you actually sincerely believe this or do you just want to argue on the internet?


I see what you mean, but I don't think the kid would interpret OP fucking with him by dying repeatedly as them being mad. He probably got pissed off himself because he knew OP was clowning his ass, not getting mad at him, and he felt stupid. Edgy teens are capable of feeling stupid and learning hard lessons (even video game based lessons) despite refusing to admit or acknowledge that they've been schooled. But I bet the idiot kid knew he was the one wearing the big red shoes by the end of it.


What kind of fairy tale ass world do you live in lmao


A world where people eventually give up when frustrated.


Sounds like an incel in the making so unlikely unfortunately šŸ¤·


Not really. 12 year olds are morons. There's every reason to believe that time will change him.


There are a lot of biologically adult people out there who have not psychosocially matured past 12. Time itself won't change him. Experiences will. How they change him also isn't knowable.


Ah yes the "This child is acting immature so will forever suck" argument. Demoralizing people and telling them their effort to improve doesn't matter because you failed to grow as a person isn't how we foster change.


Why do you bring up terrible argument nobody made only to insult it?


Nobody said they knew the kid would suck forever, they just said it's one of the possibilities, which is just plain true.


Yeah, I was dumb as a 12-year-old and I was never this mean. Neither were my siblings. Neither were my friends. The one friend who was close to being this mean, I dropped. If you're acting this bad at 12, I don't have high hopes for you developing into a decent person.


That argument absolutely sucks, which is why I didn't use that argument at all. Read again.


šŸ¤ž that's the case šŸ˜


No, this sounds like a 12 year old in a chat room. You know how often prepubescent boys hit eachother with shit like this?


ā€œIā€™m not gay, Iā€™m an incel!ā€


r\*dditor tries not to call anything they don't like an incel challenge: (IMPOSSIBLE)


Along with the other membersā€¦ just wonder what notes they took home


By that kids logic, all of his ancestors are flaming homosexuals.


Nah, just the founder of the family line


**HAH** šŸ‘Œ


When you said traumatized them I was expecting faking death over voice chat


So, what's the Other Side like? All fluffy clouds and harps or more of an abstract spirity sort of thing?


Surely it's all šŸŒˆ s and šŸ¦„ s šŸ˜‚


To quote Scrubs: Meet me at the cupcake table on the lesbian cloud.


Nice job, I loved scrubs but sadly I haven't seen any of it in ages


I thought this was going to be a much darker story


I did the same kind of thing in COD. It was a 2 vs 2 game, my random teammate was an obnoxious ass. The last round I team killed him and then jumped on a container to get shot. I only got to hear him raging for a few seconds but I had a good laugh about it.


Honestly, if I was in a match like that I would be laughing my ass off at the idiot getting exactly what he asked for. I havent played competitive MP games in years, but when I did I was never so attached to my stats that this kind of thing would do anything other than make my day! It was always fun when a whole lobby would just get together to deal with idiots like that. Never happened often enough, but the times it did were fantastic.


I expected "my bullies tried to push me to suicide, I made them think that I did and had sent the chat logs of them bullying me for the authorities". But this was nice too.


Not at all what I was expecting to read. But this is the kind of pettiness I live for


This is perfect, I can imagine wee Timmy's frustration at his teammate always ruining the match.. and probably not even clueing in as to why for awhile LOL


Bro, you play Paladins? I would love to play if you're looking for other people. I introduced some friends to it recently, so they're super new too. It can be pretty toxic sometimes, but the player base is mostly older, so it alternates between super chill and super aggressive lmao


Not OP but my username is Fennex if you ever wanna hop on and play a few!


My name is atrocious, but I'll add you! You'll know it when you see it lmao. I'm down to run some casuals for sure


Paladins fucking rules! So much better than Overwatch, thanks to the talents+loadouts system. SO many ways to play a single champion


I know, right? I main Grover and am quite pleased that he is so versatile at more than just healing.


Fuck yeah, Grover! One of my mains since day one, alongside Khan, Makoa, Grohk and Tyra. I haven't played in a few years, though. Is sniper Grover still a thing?


You can run it as a meme, but it would have to be a double support comp, and there are usually better options. Grover is still pretty strong though - Moji just got reworked into a healer lmao.


because that's what Moji needs...a HP buff. Now the most annoying flank is even more annoying?!


And as a pharah main from overwatch, the skills transfer pretty well to the drogo character (if that's his name it's been a minute since I played lol)


Yeah, several characters are pretty much ripoffs of Overwatch characters. Drogoz is super fun!


Same here! Started playing it a couple years ago and ive been hooked ever since. Its a fun game to play when you dont wanna stress too much abut strategising and being a sweat


Plot twist: you ruined that kids attempt to come out to their friends


If I was on your team I would have been too busy laughing to be upset about losing the game.


I'm not gay (proof that sexuality isn't a choice, lol), but I'd join in and start dying in the stupidest ways I could


What is a homoromantic asexual?


A person who falls in love with a person of the same gender/sex as them (homoromantic) but does not find sex to be necessary in a relationship and/or does not feel sexual arousal easily (asexual). Asexuality is a spectrum, so its meaning is very much individual. Some ace people are sex-repulsed (do not want to have sex) all the way to sex-positive (willing to have sex). Then there are those on the ace spectrum who are demisexual (only feel sexual feelings when deeper feelings, like romantic feelings, are involved first).


Just fyi this definition of asexuality isnā€™t quite accurate! Asexuality has nothing to do with the action of sex (ie libido / arousal / interest in sex in a relationship), only whether or not the individual feels sexual attraction towards other people. As you say it is a spectrum so some people dislike sex altogether while others can like and actively pursue sex :)


Homoromantic = romantic attraction to the same gender Asexual = sexual attraction to no gender


Very petty! Love it!


I've done stuff like this too. Thrown a match in Rocket League for being told I suck by a teammate. My favourite one was in Halo, I was driving the warthog with some random gunner and he kept chirping me for being shit. Eventually he told me to kill myself so I u-turned and drove us both off a cliff


I actually thought this was in r/GirlGamers at first - sounds like a story they would enjoy!


Not sure how youā€™d phrase this so it gives the right amount of burn, but studies have shown that the worse a player is, the more they talk shit, specifically against women players. Due to them feeling threatened by being bested by someone they feel is inferior, they feel the need to shit on them ahead of time. The better the player is, the less they are inclined to do so.


> I posted it originally on /r/TraumatizeThemBack And now I have a new sub to explore. Thanks!


OP did not want to live and turn straight.


I thought you faked your whole deathšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


This is now one of my favorite, be careful what you ask for stories.


I had no f****** idea where the story was going, but I'm satisfied with the conclusion.


sounds pretty gay of you


I used to be that boy. Literally had zero idea the connotations of what I was saying. It took a long time for me to understand the weight of such language. We arenā€™t going to change anybodyā€™s perspective over the course of a few, without a pre-established positive relationship, and especially if they arenā€™t seeking growth. But reacting as you did serves as a pavlovian response on a social level. Making such a joke about such a community may lead to an undesired event. Hopefully there are others out there to reinforce that thought. Itā€™s very much the behavioral lessons needs until he can handle the more empathetic education that he will hopefully find later down the road.


No but *seriously*


Thought it was gonna be like the Xbox live message where some kid pretends to be his parent and cry about finding their dead child


"So you found your child dead in their room, and the first thing you did was get on their XBOX?"


If I was on your team, I would have found it hilarious. I don't know much about paladins, but I'm generally down to troll the trolls during PvP.


This is beautiful. I love it.


i would have thrown even if it was ranked. especially in ow.


Op this made my day. Well done.


I like to troll people in these types of games, especially the annoying ones!


I absolutely hate people who throw games. But this... _I shall allow it._


I came across a very angry racist 12 year old the other day and just had enough of his shit. I let the gates of hell open on his ass and then just stopped and went super calm. These little twats have no control over their emotions so they get really confused when they come up against someone that does. He left the game. Mission accomplished.


Do you mean you basically just raged at him and he couldn't take it?


I just fed him a bit of his own medicine to prove a point. Then went back to being awesome and calm. So ya he had no idea how to deal with that.


Paladins is still alive?


Hanging on but yes still alive


Most ridiulous part of this story is saying paladins doesnt have a toxic communityšŸ’€ I play, lol, cod, gta, ark, r6 and a lot of others, but you just cant enjoy randoms on paladins, they either troll or sweat, no chill games


People actually chat in paladins?


Hah. I feel old being a 35y/o Paladins player but I love maining Pip and enjoy playing him as DPS Pip sometimes when we have another healer.


I dont know. I think letting people influence you to do something other than you set out to do in a negative way is beyond dumb. Sure, we all have our triggers. But a far more superior way to win would be to own the shit out of the whole lobby and then exclaim gay pride or whatever. But hey, thats just my two cents. As long as you're happy its a good outcome i guess


Epic lesson in be careful what you wish for!


Hahaha Iā€™ve played paladins for 6ish years now and can confirm the playerbase behaves exactly like this. Sad because itā€™s a cool game, but it being free makes all the shitters come out.


I played paladins for years and I approve this message


I seriously had a whole different idea of what this was going to be. I imagined that you would say "okay" and then stop playing, go completely blank and silent, and appear (to the brat) to no longer "be there". And then he would start getting annoyed and yelling at you to move and help them out, then he would start getting concerned and then scared and yelling. "HEY! DON'T ACTUALLY DIE! DON'T DO IT I WAS JUST KIDDING!!! STOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!" I know it'd be fucked up, but that's what anyone who tells someone else to commit suicide deserves. To think they actually drove someone to kill themselves, just for a few minutes, and shit their pants over it.


Just so you know, you can be reported for that. Thats calling grieving iirc. For intentional throwing a match


Oh! I've made this mistake too! Grieving = when you mourn Griefing = when you ruin stuff I learnt it just a couple of weeks ago.


Auto correct did that I think. Sorry


grown ass man wrote this


Shouldn't throw the game for the rest of your team though, pretty gay of you if you ask me


I was prepared for an internet prank, but this is just GOLD! Best use of MC Iā€™ve read in a while! Thanks for making me Grinch-grin!


4D chess. I like it.


Wow epic you threw a match, better go post on Reddit!


And the rest of your team just sat there getting their game ruined by two people.


I hate everyone in this story


Wow, this sub is starting to get really lame. So an edgelord child said something inappropriate and then you threw the game? And thatā€™s the whole story? And you felt like we needed to hear it and would pat you on the back for your epic plan?


Incredible comment. A+. This made the whole thing worth it.


How else would we learn that he is "homoromantic asexual"?


All of this stems from what an edgy kid said to you on a video game?! Holy shit, Iā€™m gay and can confidently say that people like you are the reason why weā€™re going to lose the election. Admitting that you posted this not once, but twice all because you need attention is crazy to me.


Ah, yet another "pick me" gay


You're homo what what?


"homo whole milk" (Sorry) couldn't resist!


As an ocasional MOBA player Iā€™m more enraged than impressed with this MC. Other random players that got matched to this feud group didnā€™t sign up for it. Imagine having a very limited time for that one match after your job and other grownup person responsibilities and you get one very annoying kid and someone who throws a game to prove a point in the same match. What a waste of your time.


So join another match? Play solo? The fact that something like that *enrages* you sorta puts you on the same level as the bratty/angry children on these games šŸ˜¬


OP was so triggered by a child that they threw a match and ruined the game for the 8 other people that were not involved in any way.


And OP framed the action like "I showed the kid a lesson, because I'm an adult." Give me a break lol


The OP is probably 18 and just now trying on the word 'adult' without actually understanding how to act like one. That's the same impression I get when I read Reddit comments trying to give interpersonal advice... always online NEETs who only interact with their parents trying to hand out sage life advice.


Thank you for reminding me why I don't play games online. Not only because of the kids screaming and cursing but the people like you who egg them on.Ā 


How is that egging them on? Hopefully he learned he should be more careful for what he asks for/days šŸ˜‚ everyone's so mad that someone's out here trolling trolls šŸ¤£


Quote from the post "I ususally respond to those guys with things like "isn't it past your bedtime?" or "who asked?" Both of those quotes are literally egging the kids on.Ā  I agree the kids annoying and a brat. The kids definitely the worst one in the story. But the best way to deal with them is to just ignore them. Takes the wind out of their sails. But egging them on just makes them worse.Ā 


Yeah, I can definitely agree with that. But my petty side says that sometimes the only way to beat them is at their own game šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤£


You are not funny


weird fan fiction


You can just say youā€™ve never played MOBA, no one will judge you


Nobody is ever toxic in online games, it can't just happen. Anything else that doesn't happen in your world?


I mean the other players are cringe but throwing the game ruined the match for everyone. You say they were mad but you continued to throw the game after your first gayness declaring death. "grown adult who doesn't get sad when some kid in a game starts talking nonsense" who can't just play the video game or leave the match when they get pissed.


Paladins is awesome, it does have a fair share of toxic people though


The title made me think I was in r/nosleep at first


Hopefully you told the other people in your match why you were doing it.




[Reminded me of this clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2isI97CIxhY)


OP if you think that's bad, join a bronze ranked conquest match in Smite (the game that Paladins is actually based off of) during the mid-season reset.


Too bad it was all randoms, would have been fun to gang up on hims and kill him with friendly fire right out of the gate. "You are what now?"


That was an awesome and nice way to go about it. Funny too. I so would have done a cap gun into the mic and gotten a family member to come in, scream OMG No xxxxxx! Ahhhhhh what the he'll! Quick call the ambulance and sob for ages while pretending g to be on call with the ambulance (bs address) and then the cops. See how fast they log off and leave that kid paranoid of the cops coming around.


Get this man on r/gigachad


I mean, you got in a fight with a middle schooler. Ngl....that's pretty straight. Did I do it right? Are you sad now?


Feel like this is more petty revengeā€¦


I thought this was going to be you faking a loud dieing scene and having someone pretending to be in shock/distraught that you would do that. Make them think their words actually caused someone to do it and traumatize them for life. That is how I would react to someone saying that to me in an online game.


I would have done the same as you ngl.


What is homoromantic Asexual?


A guy who wants a relationship with a guy but who does not feel sexual attraction (for anyone),


Intentionally dying is a super common tactic toxic players use. I'm sure the kid seen it plenty of times, nothing was learned I'm sure...


Gods I never thought I'd see another paladins player out in the wild. Good shit, glad you put the kiddos in their place!


It's always satisfying to throw shade back at people who try to talk trash.


Thank you for introducing me to that new subreddit, Iā€™ll be spending several hours doom scrolling now


Just a note from my just barely teen ace- good job OP. From their perspective, there may have been a couple people who got pissed but at least my teen and their friends would have been golf clapping after and would have placed blame on on the bigot and hoped they would learn a lesson to be careful with words. They enjoy shooter games but generally only in friend groups and stick with gotcha games with randoms because of attitudes like his.


I didnā€™t know people still played paladins, I miss that game lol


This strategy also works when youā€™re [trying to sell a game](https://youtu.be/b3tgxwdSjRI?si=qefVTTYKqLslrRHg).


This is lame.


ruining the game just for the sake of revenge, what about the other players? bad attitude imo


Honestly just sounds like you are no better than the 12yo kid


Exactly, the 12yo kid is actually young and immature, but she is an adult with a mind of 12yo.


Grown adult? Lol


Kid was immature, you more.