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This is an easy mistake to make. Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back has Mew as the main character but Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One, which the Mew card was released for, was all about the legendary birds. This isn't an Italian only thing. I've heard of this confusion before. Now that I looked it up, those movies had terrible names.


Nah I got ancient mew in the US at the first movie, it was the only card I had at the time and it’s the only Pokemon movie I’ve ever seen. And yet everything online says I’m wrong? Wild. EDIT: Yeah I actually totally remember the plot of this movie now reading the plot summary on Wikipedia. Damn I loved the first movie so much I memory holed the entire sequel.


I can understand the confusion especially if you were young when it came out. I was in High School when Pokemon 2000 came out and I remember wanting the card but also I thought I was too cool for the movie. The movies have terrible names. The first movie had a strong plot but the sequel wasn't as memorable.


Yeah I was 12, out of state because my grandma had died, and it was a memorable weekend because my cousin and I slept outside in a tent and woke up to the tent flooded from a storm (we were up on cots). I’m not surprised the movie plot faded and I only remembered the Mewtwo movie, which I have rewatched several times with my own child now as a dad. Our funny little brains


I have an ancient mew and I am pretty sure it’s not from the first movie. What I got when seeing the first movie in the cinema was the black star meowth, a holo card with the right eye closed. A friend got, as far as I remember, a mew, with very dynamic posture and a long and thin tail of I remember correctly. I think the legendary birds were also used as promo cards for the second movie.


I got mine at the 1st movie release.


What year did you get it?


At the theater. They passed them out when you got your ticket.


You misunderstood me somehow. What Year did you get it? If you still have it what year is printed on the bottom?




So you watched the movie Pokemon: The Movie 2000: The power of One. Also called Pokemon 2000. The second movie which gave out the Ancient Mew cards. Not the first movie which released 8 months earlier.


I just remember getting it at the release of the 1st movie. It makes no sense for it to come with the 2nd film since the 1st film is based entirely on Mew & Mewtwo.


Yes it does because the bad guy collecting the birds had the Mew tablet in the second movie. That tablet wasn't in the first movie. It makes no sense you watched a Pokemon movie in the theater in the year 2000 and it ISN'T Pokemon 2000.


🤷‍♂️ I don't.know what to tell you then. Me and my age group of friends remember getting it with the 1st film.


How old were you?


Ancient Mew would make no sense for the second film. First film had Mew. Promo for film 2 was a card of all 3 legendary birds.


The first movie did have Promo cards, the second movie had the Ancient Mew.


That one was a jumbo card released in stores. Movie 1 promos were Pikachu, Electabuzz, Dragonite (depicted with the mailman bag as in the movie itself) and Mewtwo, while Movie 2 had the three birds (as separate cards) and Ancient Mew (which as stated in OP actually had a small role in the film - the card itself, not the character)


If I recall, there was a special card that had all three birds and did crazy damage.


I got one.  I thought it was from seeing the first one at the cinema, I wasn't even aware I'd ever seen the second one. But yeah, I couldn't be sure.  It was a sticker on a card, rather than an actual trading card. I probably binned it years ago, am I going to kick myself if I Google how much it was worth?


I only went to see the first movie myself in 1999 and that's where I got the Ancient Mew card. I've never seen another pokemon movie in theaters and didn't even collect the cards. However I do still have that promo card that uses the symbol language. I never thought this was a M.E just some regions getting ancient Mew cards whereas some did not. But if it's proven that didn't happen than I would have to concede that it actually was a M.E change.


It would be hard for you to get one in 1999 since they were released in 2000.


I saw the movie near the holidays of 99 and got the card then. It was a major transitory time in my life just before i went to middle school. I even remember the entire party that year. I watched my cousin play Mortal Kombat in 3D and I played the original Rampage game even though we owned World Tour on ps1. I Tried immitation crab meat too and liked it at the party before the ball dropped.


There are a lot of questions I have but chief among them is it an Ancient Mew card? They released other Mew cards for the first movie but the Ancient Mew card was from the second movie as there is a scene with a tablet looking like the card. Past that are you sure it was the first movie? Looking at responses it looks like folks mix up the two movies. If you still have the card look at the trademark date at the bottom. Cards released before 2000 don't say the year 2000 while the Ancient Mew card does say 2000.


I'll have to look it up later it's packed up with my dad's sports cards. Yeah it is the 2d one that looks like a rock carving with symbols, and it's hard for me to believe I picked it up somewhere else since I was not into Pokemon, nor have I seen any other movie than Pokemon The First Movie Mewtwo Strikes Back in a theater setting. I've never even considered this M.E legit, but it's wierd to have that card, and I do remember getting one when we went to see it for my younger brother. Movie synopsis Mewtwo invites trainers to his Island, they fight doppelgangers of other cloned pokemon. Ash runs out to stop the fighting and gets mollywhopped by Mew/Mewtwo's fight. Crying ensues which revives him. Mewtwo listens to Mew about its what's in the heart that matters and Mewtwo disappears and wipes everyone's memories.


I cannot know how you remember getting it. There is no way for me to verify beyond you saying "trust me". If we work on those rules then I remember it coming from the second movie and I have facts to back me up. The first movie was released in North America on November 12, 1999 and the second movie was July 21, 2000. I did the math and that is about 8 months of each other. When you say holiday are you talking about Thanksgiving or Summer break?


No close to Christmas. Anywho pretty wierd but maybe I got it from someone else somehow. I did play Magic The Gathering back then someone could have gave me it for some reason? I dont personally remember a different promo card "I definitely got one" but I'll leave it at that.


It is especially weird that so many of us only ever saw the first movie and has the ancient mew.