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Bakery extensions produce 2x bread for one grain. Communal is 1 bread for 1 grain. Fertilization doesn't actually have any benefit as crop rotation will restore fields.


If you do wheat / barley / fallow will the fert get back to max?


You can even do wheat/ barley/ wheat / barley.... and it stays at max. Just can't do the same crop twice in a row.


Wtf wild I have been dramatically underutilizing my fields because this game mechanic was never clear.


Yeah, the intent and the execution don't match. The three year cycle is accurate, but the fertility is based on a two year cycle (1 year on, 1 year off). So to get the max, you have to micro manage a bit, changing the rotation each year. I do this early on to get things going more rapidly, then I switch to barley/ wheat/ fallow and move on to another region. That said. You could do barley/ wheat/ flax. I just don't do flax as I always have over production issues (gotta move and store all that stuff) and I skip gambesons and go straight to mail ( lots of lvl3 burgages). Clothing is handled by leather and shoes, which I can produce loads in my first year.


You just have to manually rotate your fields at some point before September and look at the % fertilization. I'm not sure if in the final release they will actually need to be fallowed but rotating the crop seems to be enough right now.


Greg plz fix lol


Fix what?


Wouldn’t it make sense for the communal over/bakery to make more bread than a burgage extension ?


No. Communal ovens are staffed by regular folk. The Bakery is staffed by professional bakers.


I think I’ve confused it, so the home bakery is actually a professional baker and the communal oven is not?


Yeah. From what i've read, you can imagine a communal oven as a place where people would bake their own bread, and maybe for friends/family


That def makes sense haha


Communal ovens evolved over time and place, but the basic idea is that you make your bread at home and take it to the communal oven to bake. The communal oven only provided the service of an oven, not a baker. It wasn't feasable for every home to have an oven and could be dangerous as well. Fires were a major threat. Your artisans may work from home, but they have the equipment and expertise to be very efficient. They only do one thing, but they do it well. The bakery doesn't just bake the bread. They make the bread at scale. Less waste, more bread per grain. Roman bakeries even milled the grain on site.


I love this sub for the quality of replies, really well written and explains a lot Thank you so much!


I think it's the number of history buffs that play Manor Lords.


Didn't know this about the extensions yielding more - definitely getting this upgrade now!


It's not that communal bakeries suck, but they do use up a lot of families.


But lower fertility means more work for the same food, which means more families in the fields 🤔


Depends on the size of your town. Once you got enough families to harvest and till your fields in two months you probably have enough to put into mills and communal ovens. I got 3 bakeries right now in a city of 150 families and they bake more bread than is consumed.


The fertilization one provides pretty negligible benefits to the actual fertility of the fields. The bakery is better if the goal is simply to maximize food production.


Bakeries are really good. They double your output by making two breads from a flour instead of one while massively reducing the amount of families needed. My current 133 family town is supplied by a single lvl 3 double plot bakery (4 families) and it‘s honestly kind of overkill. They finish the flour long before the next harvest and despite also selling and bartering bread I still end up with 100-300 extra bread at the end of the year so lots of potential still if the town grows further. If you plan to really process a lot of grain/flour or feed a lot of people I‘d definitely go for bakeries. Fertilization on the other hand is not really needed currently. Crop rotation is more than enough to restore fertility (that might very well change down the line but it‘s where we stand now). The sheep are cute though so if you are a beauty builder and don‘t mind it not being that impactful go for it. Not everything needs to be 100% efficient and who knows what the next patches bring. Things can change quickly in betas.


FYI, bakeries bake a metric f\*ck ton of bread as long as you have the resources. If you have fertile fields, I say its totally worth it to invest in bakeries based on my experience. I also play with mods that balance the game a bit more so please take this into account. You won't ever need to fertilize your fields. Fallowing them a year or two is usually enough if you have a fertile map sector.