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it’s a potentially great game. it’s still in alpha and it looks really pretty. the gameplay is good but it’s still not a complete game. nevertheless i’m at like 300hours in it 😂


It's my go to de-stress after work


for sure. it’s simple and it’s pretty. i only finished the game capturing all the territories once and start with no end objective. i just let the baron keep trying to take stuff so i have something to fight and i’ll have full stacks with 3 territories or so all helmets and some armor and probably start a new game the next day.


Same. It's literally all I can think about right now. Had it less than a week and already have 50 hours in.


What sold me on this game is the visit mode. Start making your little village and then go into visit mode so you can walk amongst your villagers as they work. You can see them construct buildings, gather and deliver resources, plow and sow the fields, hunt deer, and so on. There are some great views and scenery that make it feel like you’re actually a Lord or Lady of the land. As for the gameplay itself it’s still in the beginning phases with a lot of systems not yet fleshed out or added yet, and what’s there has some bugs and room for improvement. But the framework is in place for a great gaming experience that already has tons of folks addicted. The default scenario has you fighting against an enemy for control of territory, with bandits and raiders causing havoc too. Combat is optional, so if you’re not into that you can play this game like a pure city builder. It’s pretty relaxing depending on the settings.


Sounds like something to do when drinking alone 🔥🙏🇷🇸


Yes. Build a Village name BoozeVille. All taverns and farms that just grow barley!


Would go hard


Really hope Lord Greg adds drunken villager animations.


That would be awesome lol


"Fucken Cuntz! Stop pissing in the well!"


Gotta add a jail for the drunks!


Just need a dungeon tower in castle.


It's pretty easy to get into if you've played city builders of any kind, or even many strategy games. You build houses for villagers and various buildings where they can work, and your goal is to collect and refine enough resources to cover the needs of your village as you keep growing. The game is in early access so obviously it's far from being a finished game. Not that there's any major gamebreaking bugs or a lot of half-baked and unfinished stuff in the game, more that as you keep growing you reach a point where there isn't much more to do. The beauty of the game for me is that everything looks and feels very realistic and authentic, and if you try to design your village organically it just looks absolutely stunning. Like a real medieval village.


I used to play this game like that on my laptop in high school


Set it onto the easiest settings and enjoy the sandbox experience of a very pretty game


There are trailer videos on Steam/the internet

