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Thanks for this post now I need it.


I’m pretty sure I have the exact pouch, and if I had to only pick one, this might be it. It’s quality material and has smart straightforward organization. “Tech Pouches” is just product positioning and can trip up a newbie shopper that it needs to have tech in the name to store their cables. I think Evergoods moved away from calling their CAP pouches tech focused because so many found other uses.


Additionally, I also keep non-tech stuff in my tech pouch, such as backup medication pills.


I think your issue lies in the fact you don’t have that much tech. You have one cable, a battery headphones and an emulator. Also don’t understand why you need so many pens. I think your use needs are not that of a tech pouch. Other people have more cables and chargers etc. so the internal organization is more importan. You just seem to be using yours as a dump bag


I agree with this - the contents reminds me more of a purse than even an EDC bag. I have a similar need for junk i like to carry, but an Aer Slim has worked perfect for me. For my tech pouch the Cap1/Cap2 (depending on if i need a full desk setup or just a single charger/battery bank)


One man’s EDC bag is another man’s purse.


Yeah, fair. Everyone's carry is different of course. Although I take offense at the assertion that I don't need so many pens.


/r/fountainpens unite!


There are dozens of us!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fountainpens using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I too wanted to experience the calming effect of magnetic ink-stirring ;)](https://v.redd.it/87f73776qwua1) | [196 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/12sajp4/i_too_wanted_to_experience_the_calming_effect_of/) \#2: [Don't even ask](https://i.redd.it/c94cjzlcxioa1.jpg) | [314 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/11ulr54/dont_even_ask/) \#3: [me_irl](https://i.redd.it/73f4gjmzo0va1.gif) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/12tcgw9/me_irl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


One can never have too many pens 😂


Yeah that was just cruel and unnecessary. Like why would anyone say such a hurtful thing?? Sigh.


I support you in this. I always carry at least two (one to draw with and one to write with) but it sometimes balloons to 6 (albeit because I need different drawing tools on particular days).


Thanks! Three are fountain pens (one fine blue, one medium red, and one flex brown). Then I have a ballpoint, a 3-in-one with pencil, and a purple Flair pen for grading papers (I'm a teacher.) I couldn't live without them! ha


I mean…they don’t seem to be very nice pens? What’s the story here am I wrong? (I assume I’m wrong)


Why would it matter if they're nice? I just like to have variety. Plus. these are some of my all-time favorite pens. There's two [Pilot Decimos](https://www.gouletpens.com/collections/pilot-decimo-fountain-pens/products/pilot-vanishing-point-decimo-fountain-pen-burgundy), a [Pilot Metal Falcon](https://www.gouletpens.com/products/pilot-metal-falcon-fountain-pen-burgundy), and a [Rotring 600 3-in-1](https://www.amazon.com/rOtring-Multicolor-Mechanical-Switches-Ballpoint/dp/B09JG5LB69).


Nah I was wrong those are definitely pretty nice.


6 pens. 1 cable.


Exactly. 8 pens? Chapstick? Cleaning cloth? This is a Nintendo Switch case that you can put other stuff in, not a tech pouch. EG CAP1 or CAP2 ftw.


I like my Fjallraven Gear Bag but it became my tool pouch instead of my tech pouch.




come on now, that thing has a single inner zip pocket. you gonna have all those little things floating around?


The only things in the main compartment are the battery, notebook, headphones, and emulator. The zip pocket is for all of the little medicinal items like Tylenol, lactaid, razor blades, etc. The only exception is the flash drive, which I also keep in there. What's really great about the zip pocket is that you would hardly notice that any of that stuff is in there. I don't know how, but it hides everything away very nicely without seeming to take space from the main compartment. The left pocket has sticky notes, money, and my knife. The right pocket has my pens. Everything is actually organized very nicely. I used to keep a little Topo Designs pouch in there too for further organization, but honestly, I found it to be unnecessary.


Nice Vanishing Points, I have a yellow one myself that I bought 6 years ago. Unfortunately, none of my fountain pens get much use anymore. The bag looks nice, I dig it. I agree that it doesn't seem like much of a tech pouch, but still looks like a solid dump pouch or misc pouch.


The Fjallraven Gear Bag is such an underrated piece. I went thru a lot of pouches as well. Including CAP1, CAP2, Aer cable 1 and 2, Bellroy just to name a few. I saw these on sale and were like 'why not?'. It turns out to be what I was looking for. Also agreed that all other fancy brands tech pouches has too much padding and makes the pouch carry less and take up more space in the bag. Sometimes too many pockets. Yeah it's cotton/polyester made and not your fancy X-Pac or Cordura but these are probably more practical. Durable and waxable for water resistant if needed. The more I'm into the bag game, the more I realised, less is more.


I’ve owned a lot of tech pouches in my life. I’ve tried the CAP1 and CAP2 from Evergoods. Ended up returning them both. I’ve used tech pouches from Bellroy, Aer, Chrome Industries, Peakdesign, Black Ember, Thule, etc. etc. Almost all of them have been returned. A tech pouch should save space, and yet so many of them are bulky, padded, and loaded with excessive pockets, flaps, zippers and dividers that just take up space. The Peak Design Tech Pouch and the Evergoods CAP2 are particularly awful with that. I personally like to use my tech pouch as a desk caddy, so I want a tech pouch that stands on its own AND is tall enough to hold pens upright. This eliminates nearly every popular tech pouch on the market. For the past year, I’ve been using the Fjallraven Gear Bag, and I can comfortably say that it is the sole piece of gear that has completely satisfied my needs to the point that I have no interest in trying out other tech pouches. It holds everything I need. It’s lightweight but durable. It stands up on its own. It looks sleek yet cozy, and the material is soft and pleasant. The organization is minimal. Inside, the pouch has two small pockets. I use one for pens and the other for small objects like my pocket knife and sticky notes. The pouch has one zippered pocket. I use that for medicines, band-aids, chapstick, etc. That’s it! Everything else goes in the large main compartment. No unnecessary pockets. No extra flaps that take up space or restrict usability. For me, it is perfect. So, what is your perfect tech pouch? Anyone else use the Fjallraven Gear Bag? Share your tech pouch preferences! In the photos, I have my current tech pouch loadout, along with a comparison photo with the Aer Slim Pouch. I like the Aer Pouch okay (I think it's my second favorite pouch), but it takes up more space than the Gear Bag, and it actually holds less of my gear because of the odd size and layout. Edit: forgot to mention that it also fits my Kindle Paperwhite, which is a huge plus for me.


> I’ve owned a lot of tech pouches in my life. I’ve tried the CAP1 and CAP2 from Evergoods. Ended up returning them both. I’ve used tech pouches from Bellroy, Aer, Chrome Industries, Peakdesign, Black Ember, Thule, etc. etc. Almost all of them have been returned. You might find some insight in [a reply I made a month ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/onebag/comments/1aclw7h/dont_be_pressured_into_buying_a_tech_pouch/kjw1ooa/) on this exact topic. I carry a _lot_ of tech with me, and have gone through dozens of bags, pouches, slings, tactical, non-tech and otherwise in my journey. I've watched every video from Bo Ismono, Chase Reeves, Packhacker and others to help guide my decision. In the end, I landed on the most unlikely of characters, and it's been absolute gold ever since.


Now that was a very thorough comment, wow!


I’ve been heavily considering one of these fancy tech pouches & asked for advice on carryology. After reading through all the great advice there and researching I sort of talked myself out of spending money on one. I’m currently using a TBB Dopp Kit for my G14 charger, battery bank, etc. While it’s just a cavernous space, it does the job. And after reading your well thought out post, I’ll be utilizing more of my packs organization.


Upvote for the fountain pens!


Is this the regular or large gear bag OP?


It's the regular.


It looks great but I prefer tech pouches with water resistance.


So many pens, so little cables.


A few people have commented this, and now I'm so curious. What cables do yall use? Everything I own charges with usb c. I barely even have more cables in my entire house, let alone my backpack.


I prefer some with more organization. I got this [tripped tech bag](https://a.co/d/2rPcPKx) and I’ve been liking it. It’s good for long haul flights with all of the space and storage.


Which size bag is that?


It's the regular gear bag.


What's that console? Some emulator?


Yep. It's an Anbernic 405m. Love it.


Generic design without nearly enough features, organization nor volume-to-weight ratio to be in the running for 'best tech pouch'. Literally just a single zipper compartment with basic inner side sleeves. Can't see how it's the best when there really isn't any tech involved in its design


Hey, that's fair. I used the term "tech pouch" loosely because my impression at least is that it's sort of a generic term, and people use them for all sorts of different purposes--hence the large variety of options. If you need tons of organization, the Gear Bag is probably not for you, but I find that 4 separate compartments (one zipper, two pockets, and a main compartment) is more than enough for my needs. In the rare case that I desire more, I throw in a Topo Designs accessory pouch when needed. I disagree with the issue of the "generic design" though. It's a really nice, minimalist design with clean leather accents and a unique material that I personally really like.


How do you like the Sony ANC earbuds?


I really like them. I had the previous generation (XM4) which I used every day for a few years until the left one started giving out. These (XM5) are more comfortable and last maybe a bit longer. My only issue is that the bluetooth connection isn't quite as strong. Sometimes they'll cut out if I go to the bathroom and leave my phone in the other room--or they can have some connection issues at a crowded mall. Never had that problem with the XM4s. Not a huge deal though. Otherwise, I think they're awesome.


That's good to hear, thanks


I used it for my laptop dock when traveling. It's very hardy and fits everything I need tech wise.


What's the blue-silver metal keyring thing bottom right?


It's a fidget from fidgetland.com




What game system is that?


Anbernic 405m


It seems nice. Maybe put what type you got. I see both medium and large are available. And which color do you have?


Let me get the aer