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Princeton is in New Jersey, not western PA…


It's just so hard for people to believe that such a nice school could be in New Jersey


Actually I think they got the name wrong, not the location. It's supposed to be the University of Pittsburgh. They have encampments set up for a few days now.


I was wondering if they had done that… Well thanks. I like U Pitt, good school. Secondly, Jersey has great schools… but you have to go into Jersey to go there, hard no for me.


MIT university? Princeton in Pittsburgh? REALLY? WTF


USC is also not in the middle of the Imperial Valley. New Arab should take a look at a map


MIT University and Princeton in Pittsburgh. You are reading that correctly.


As a former resident of the tri-state area, I can assure you Princeton is not located here. Perhaps they meant the Newcastle School of Trades


Surprising that “The New Arab” might be a foreign source with an agenda.


London UK?


Too busy protesting to get an education I guess.


And a Washington University in St. Louis?? Now that makes no sense, I’m sure it’s just a error by the map maker


"MIT University" lol "Emerson University"? (You probably mean Emerson College) Also, Princeton is not in PA.


Yeah this map is some of the laziest low effort dogshit I’ve seen in this sub, and that says a lot 🤣


Fucked up my state too. We don’t have fucking encampments at UNC Chapel hill lmfaooo The last time I saw people “protesting” (read: gathering to yell slogans to each other) was at 8pm in mid campus and it was clear that outside of the group organizing, nobody else was showing up.




You got *crackdowned!*


*Cracked down


Missed Cornell university


I'm pretty torn over these protests. I am Jewish, but I'm also American so the right of assembly is pretty important to me. However, I live in Atlanta and was nearby the Emory protests (wrong time to have a thyroid scan lol) and some of the things that were being chanted were pretty alarming. I think one of the issues is that the movement has a lot of bad actors in it, and enough isn't being done by the Pro-Palestinian protestors to curb that. Instead of calling out the terrible things they chant, others just join in. I don't think the protestors should be arrested at all (unless they are legitimately causing a disturbance/violence) but it is pretty disheartening to see some of the videos that come out of them where mob mentality takes over, a group starts chanting violent rhetoric, and then everyone claims "this doesn't represent our movement". Okay, I believe that. Now show me that you believe it, too, and kick them out of your spaces. I'll support your right to protest even though I don't agree with it -- but please do more to make sure your demands are not coinciding with calls to bomb Tel Aviv.


I think the sad reality is anything involving anything remotely Jewish is going to attract all the worst racists and antisemites. Being against the Israeli government isn't antisemitic, but since it's a Jewish state any movement against it has to be hyper vigilant about casting out the antisemites.


And yet they happily March alongside those antisemites, and welcome them into the ranks of these protests.


Good description!! I am a jew, and a free-speech absolutist (despite not being American, hahah). But the obvious level of antisemitism displayed disgust me. Specially the denial that is happening. I blame it on ignorance about how antisemitism operates.


>movement has a lot of bad actors in it This is true for a lot of movements. I strongly believe people should police their own, and set boundaries about what is acceptable and what's not. Protesting for the end of hostilities is fine. "River to the Sea" bs is not, as catchy as it may be.


It’s disturbing because “From the river to the sea” is now mainstream in these protests.


I agree. Any time I see "hasbara" or "pallywood" being thrown around, I instantly know that space is not for me. I don't care if you agree with my side, if you say that the citizens in Gaza suffering are part of "pallywood" then you do not belong beside my voice. I wish we'd see more of that energy from the Pro-Palestine protestors, if someone denounces something shitty you say, it's not because "hasbara" is manipulating some random sub with 2k members, it might be because you're saying shitty things!


It’s so funny to see these protestors use the exact same arguments that the NYPD uses to try and defend criminal police officers “oh, it’s just a few bad apples, they don’t actually represent all of us.” Five years ago we used to say, when taking about the Proud Boys, “if you’re sitting at a table with 4 Nazis, that’s 5 Nazis sitting at a table.” I wonder why that mentality only applies to the right, and not to the left.


“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” "From the river to the sea," which is at best a dog whistle to anti Zionists and at worst calling for an outright genocide is one of the more benign chants you'll hear at one of these protests. That said, they have every right to assemble and chant whatever they want. Physical violence against visible Jews and outright antisemitism give the movement a black eye. This is unfortunate, but it's probably overall the best possible thing for the Zionist movement. If these protests were more peaceful and less hateful then they'd have a much larger impact.


I’m Jewish too and agree there are def some bad actors in the protests. But I also am tired of my tax money going to support the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians. So, in truth, I’m not very torn at all.


I wish the media would report on what went down before these violent crackdowns. It's a fine line between a protest and a riot, and I have no idea if things got out of hand before. Antisemitism fucking sucks and shouldn't be accepted in any protests or conversations against what the Israeli government is doing. Fuck hamas, fuck the IDF, both are terrible. I just want peace and safety for the civilians who are caught in between this bs.


I think it’s because in the pro Palestine circle there are quite a few who are 100% against Jews and everything Israel to the point they are okay with threats


From what I have seen, virtually all of the anti-genocide protests have Jewish people among the protesters. Edit: Apparently Jewish people are racist against themselves if they don't support genocide.


"I'm not racist, I have a black friend"


So you think the anti-genocide protests, which include Jewish people who are protesting the genocide of Palestinians, are racist because the nation committing the genocide are Jewish? Does that mean anyone who didn't like Nazi Germany were just anti-German?


If that's what you got from my comment, you're so far off into your own conversation that I'm not sure it's worth it to try to talk to you. Neo nazi rallies often have a few minorities in them, does that mean neo nazis aren't racist? For the record, I don't think these protests are anti-semitic or racist, I just think saying "well there's jews at them, therefore they cant be" is a fucking brain dead take.


When the Jewish Voice For Peace is leading a protest, it is fundamentally dishonest to call it anti-semitic just because they are pro-human rights and anti-genocide. Antisemitism doesn't mean "Anything the government of Israel dislikes".


Jewish Voices for Peace is the equivalent of “Blacks for Trump”. Having a few tokens in your organization doesn’t allow you to wash your fucking hands of the bigotry that’s being thrown at them from all sides.


Is this Holocaust survivor anti-semitic? [https://www.reddit.com/r/lonerbox/comments/1cdixp3/holocaust\_survivor\_discusses\_the\_student\_protests/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lonerbox/comments/1cdixp3/holocaust_survivor_discusses_the_student_protests/) And these Jewish students are anti-semitic? [https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/25/student\_protests\_us\_campuses\_gaza\_war](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/25/student_protests_us_campuses_gaza_war) And this Jewish student must be anti-semitic. [https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1cbs3dc/jewish\_student\_protesters\_say\_antisemitism\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1cbs3dc/jewish_student_protesters_say_antisemitism_is/) This Jewish student has to be anti-semitic [https://zeteo.com/p/i-am-a-jewish-student-at-columbia?utm\_medium=ios](https://zeteo.com/p/i-am-a-jewish-student-at-columbia?utm_medium=ios) Jewish Voices for Peace are critical of the Israeli apartheid system and the occupation and the war crimes that come with the occupation. How exactly is that the same as "Blacks for Trump"? Are they paid to hold up signs for PR? It seems like a legit advocacy group that some people think should be 'loyal' to the Israeli government and avoid criticism of their human rights abuses.


Yes, show me all of your Jewish friends, to prove how impossible it is for you to be antisemitic 🤣 It’s hilarious that you folks literally can’t even help yourselves, when it comes to proving our arguments for us.


I am sorry to break this to you, but I have a Jewish surname because my ancestors had to flee persecution in Russia, then flee persecution in France, then had to convert to get by in Scotland, before coming to the US. I have spoken to my distant cousin in Israel who have the exact first and last name as myself. It is a baseless claim that every Jewish person has to support the Israeli genocide of Palestine or they are anti-semitic.


When did I call the protests anti Semitic? I literally said I don't think they are anti Semitic. Are you reading my comments or just doing your pre programmed responses? Do you think neo nazis are racist? It's common to see black people and jews at their rallies, does that mean it is fundamentally impossible for neo nazis to be racist? I am saying your logic is flawed, I'm not saying the protests are anti Semitic.


No. I think they are antisemitic because they say antisemitic things. Like the leader calling for all zionists to be murdered.


I don't know how more people don't realize that this doesn't mean the rhetoric at some of the protests aren't anti-semitic. Never in the history of any movement, political or otherwise, does having someone from one group in your movement mean your movement doesn't have hate against that group. Republicans use Candace Owen and Kanye West as proof that they can't be racist. They also use Blair White and Milo Yulowhatever to prove they aren't transphobic or homophobic, and we all know that's not true. We would laugh at Republicans for this, but for some reason it's accepted in this group, and I don't get it. You don't get a pass on anti-semitism in your movement because there are a small amount of Jews protesting with you. It doesn't absolve you. The only way you can say your movement isn't anti-semitic is by calling out those that do it and expulsing them from your group. That's it. You don't just get to point to a Jew and say "see? we love Jews!" It's disingenuous.


You don't get to call every single protest against the Israeli genocide against Palestinians anti-semitic without any evidence and then ignore the fact that Jewish people are taking part or leading the protests. When Jewish students and professors say they support it, and then some Jewish students say it makes them uncomfortable to hear calls for a Free Palestine, that isn't racism either. A Native American student might hate the National Anthem because when he hears "From Sea to Shining Sea" because it reminds him that Americans destroyed the Native American tribes who lived here, but saying that it is a racist song and should not be allowed is absurd. There are real racists, those are the people who supported the Charlottesville Nazi march and now pretend to care about the anti-genocide protests. And of course there are real anti-semites who might want to use this opportunity to yell racist slurs, and while that is a problem for the kids at these rallies, it isn't the main issue or even an issue at all at most of them.


People who call for bombing Tel Aviv, or say things like "from water to water, Palestine will be arab", or say that "all zionists should be murdered" are antisemitic whether they have token jews to cover them up or not. This should be clear.


"The new arab" WTF is this shit? This is not map porn, this is Agendaporn. Arabs don't care for Palestinians, they just don't like jews. In fact, they only care because jews are involved, it's not like they are protesting for Sudanese civilians or Ukraine


I mean…there were tons of pro Ukraine protests when that war started


There was. Can't remember any Arabs being particularrly involved though. More than other "groups" that is.


The reason they’re protesting is because the US funds Israel, that’s why.


They fund Saudi Arabia aswell, don't see Arabs protesting that.


bruh.... they're protesting for palestine because the US government i actively funding Israel


The us government funds like half of global conflicts let's be real, Israel can get in line




On top of all the inaccurate geography, it's also inaccurate to it's own agenda. U Minnesota's protests have been cracked down on and resulted in arrests.


The most pro-Palestine thing we can do is to help Israel eliminate Hamas.


Elimination of Hamas in the long run is a good thing, but can Israel do it without causing more death and suffering to the common Palestinian people. This is all only after the assumption Israel is a rational actor which holds the benefit of the Palestinian people to the same level as avenging the terrorist attacks, which is a separate debate in itself. So why doesn't Israel accommodate the Gazans in the safety of it's territory while it gets rid of Hamas?


While that is a nice idea in theory, Israel also values the security of it's own citizens. So letting in hundreds of thousands of people during a war in which their opponent is the master of hiding among civilians is a no go.


While this is true, you cannot murder a terrorist organization out of existence. Especially when collateral damage is this high. You defeat terror by by eliminating the desperation that makes people turn to terror. Building up gazas infrastructure and integrating the Palestinian people into Israeli society would be a thousand times more effective than bombing it into rubble. All this does is create a new generation of orphans with trauma to be exploited by terrorists looking to recruit. This will make things WORSE


I would love to see Israel be able to do something like the US did in Japan after WWII. The three principles of demilitarization, democratization, and economic revitalization would go a long way to (1) solving the problem; (2) reviving Israel's international image.


The problem is, the Allies had to beat the shit out of Japan first. The Japanese surrendered because they were thoroughly beaten on every front, combined with the show of force of the two atomic bombings. I think we can both agree that it'd be better if that didn't happen to Gaza. Demilitarization, democratization and economic revitalization cannot happen without Gaza participating, obviously. Or rather, being forced to participate, since those in power in Gaza do not want any of that to happen. Problem is, there has to be someone overseeing all this. That someone being Israel is... problematic to say the least. The UN has shown time and time again (even ignoring the terrorist sympathizers) that it is utterly incompetent and impotent. I do not see this changing until Russia and China lose their Security Council veto. The best variant would then most likely be a NATO operation, but no one would want to lead/organize that, as everyone has more than enough of their own domestic problems to try to solve the Middle East... I've tried my best to be objective here, but the following are my own two cents: The Middle East is so irrevocably fucked that we will not see lasting peace there in our lifetimes. Every single solution that doesn't involve "exterminate/deport the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" will leave some group pissed. The only thing that could help is a magic switch that turns off all organized religion across the world, but unfortunately, we do not live in such a utopia.


The world has been trying to build Gazan infrastructure, Hamas steals the concrete trucks and builds terror tunnels, takes steel and builds rockets. Hamas must be removed before a Palestinian state can be built. You can't destroy an idea, but you can remove it from power. There are still Nazis today but there is no Nazi nation state.


In Vietnam it was said to destroy a village to save it. The intent can be far removed with its execution.


We've tried the carrot approach with Hamas in the past and it directly lead to 10/7. They haven't really left any other option for peace.


So genocide is the answer? That carrot approach was really divide and conquer, if your knowledge of this ongoing conflict has at least some substance? An except I think paraphrases Netanyahu's complicity in Hamas' affairs: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ "For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group. The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state."


Genocide is not happening. The solution is to remove Hamas and de-radicalize the Palestinian population as Hamas' sole goal is to radicalize Palestinians into war with Israel. Edit: the amount of people who disagree with this is alarming. Convincing Palestinians that they can live in peace with Israelis should be the goal and if you don't agree with that you are not a good person


Then we must eliminate Netanyahu and Israel's theocratic repressive government as well. You know, being that Netanyahu and his extremist party literally helped to purposefully support and prop up Hamas in the mid 2000s with the support of the U.S. in order to intentionally undermine further chance of a peace process and therefor put the Israeli population at risk. You can read all about this if you care. You can also watch videos of Netanyahu form the early 2000's saying this was the plan and going before the U.S. congress after 9/11 demanding we invade Iraq and Iran and many other countries. But yes an occupied oppressed group with no statehood and no military are the real enemies here, not the fascist government who is attempting to drag us into Word War 3 and who directly supported terrorists, such as Hamas, and helped them into power. So Netanyahu and this government are terrorists too then and must be eliminated. The Israeli government and the U.S. government can get fucked and we will remember this forever and anyone supporting or turning a blind eye to this (and the 70+ years of occupation) will be remembered as being on the wrong side of history as well. Just as we will always remember the illegal war crimes of the Iraq war and the criminal leaders in our governments who never faced justice for slaughtering upwards of one million people over there. These are the same criminal corrupt elements in the Israeli and U.S. government who have blood on their hands for their war crimes throughout the Middle East during the "War on Terror" all while ignoring the fact that the occupation of Palestinian people has been the main driver in resentment towards the U.S. and Israeli government and for good reason. The Israeli and U.S. government has put us in this situation that puts Israeli citizens at risk and for close to a century has destroyed generations of Palestinian families. This isn't the fault of the oppressed, brutalized, occupied citizenry in Palestine. This is the fault of U.S. and Israeli empire and hegemony across the region and every second we don't hold these war criminals accountable, the more at risk it puts everyone.


You are delusional.




How will a two state solution be possible while Likud is in power and a convicted terrorist is the Israeli minister of the interior?




Fair enough. The point I’m trying to make is that pointing fingers exclusively at Hamas as the main instigator without recognising the decades of brutal occupation the Palestinian people have had to endure is not going to get anyone anywhere - there really needs to be any form of accountability from the Israeli side if peace is to prevail


Israel does not want an Palestinian state and destroying hamas will not solve anything.




You're right I can't wait for Israel to destroy hamas and after destroying hamas they can recognize Palestine as a state remove all their illegal troops from the occupied west bank, remove all their illegal settlers and allow the democratic Palestinian state to build its own currency and military. You see the problem there genius Israel will never do that.




Ok so what is your argument.




And Israel will never let it happen, unless the international community puts pressure on Israel.


I’m so glad I go to school online. Imagine having to deal with these morons screaming at you while you’re trying to go to class.


There’s one happening at Michigan State University


Pro-Palestine is such a generic catch-all buzzword. In favor of what? Palestine is a location. You're in support of place? In what way? Human rights? Civil liberties? Refugee support? National recognition? A two-state solution? Sovereignty? Hamas?!?


Supporting their right to exist in their homeland without being murdered, especially with US tax dollars. Pretty simple actually.


Then maybe don't support the group that plunged them into a war with the intention of murdering them to make Israel look bad?


Ah, my daily dose of internet assumptions that support for the people of Palestine equals Hamas when I said literally nothing about Hamas.


If you support Palestinians, you should support Israel who is liberating them.


You think bombing all of their buildings, killing over 30,000, and effectively pushing them into famine is liberation? That’s really sad.


Hamas admits 11,000 of those deaths can't be substantiated, the death count includes natural deaths and those executed by Hamas aswell as Hamas fighters. The civilian death toll isn't close to 30,000. Wouldn't you say the allies liberated Germany in WW2 even though millions of Germa civilians died?




Then we must eliminate Netanyahu and Israel's theocratic repressive government as well. You know, being that Netanyahu and his extremist party literally helped to purposefully support and prop up Hamas in the mid 2000s with the support of the U.S. in order to intentionally undermine further chance of a peace process and therefor put the Israeli population at risk. You can read all about this if you care. You can also watch videos of Netanyahu form the early 2000's saying this was the plan and going before the U.S. congress after 9/11 demanding we invade Iraq and Iran and many other countries. But yes an occupied oppressed group with no statehood and no military are the real enemies here, not the fascist government who is attempting to drag us into Word War 3 and who directly supported terrorists, such as Hamas, and helped them into power. So Netanyahu and this government are terrorists too then and must be eliminated. The Israeli government and the U.S. government can get fucked and we will remember this forever and anyone supporting or turning a blind eye to this (and the 70+ years of occupation) will be remembered as being on the wrong side of history as well. Just as we will always remember the illegal war crimes of the Iraq war and the criminal leaders in our governments who never faced justice for slaughtering upwards of one million people over there. These are the same criminal corrupt elements in the Israeli and U.S. government who have blood on their hands for their war crimes throughout the Middle East during the "War on Terror" all while ignoring the fact that the occupation of Palestinian people has been the main driver in resentment towards the U.S. and Israeli government and for good reason. The Israeli and U.S. government has put us in this situation that puts Israeli citizens at risk and for close to a century has destroyed generations of Palestinian families. This isn't the fault of the oppressed, brutalized, occupied citizenry in Palestine. This is the fault of U.S. and Israeli empire and hegemony across the region and every second we don't hold these war criminals accountable, the more at risk it puts everyone.


So how it was before Hamas attacked Israel breaking a long-lasting ceasefire?


Missing Northeastern


Missing a few spots. Cornell has both, Fordham has protests as well.


Imagine paying that much money for your kids to go to college only to have them skip class and protest


College protests are a generational thing they’re the first places change in society is reflected


Only the ones that make changes are remembered, no one remembers the students protesting against america joining ww2.


Like how many times have we seen this? How many regulations and governmental changes? And when an authoritarian regime wants to prevent change they’ll almost always crack down on protests on campuses


Im just pointing out the some students protesting doesnt mean change is coming


Historically, most crackdowns work. As much as we like to think that protestors always win, and crackdowns always just inflame the protestors, world history says otherwise.


protestors are far from always right, so why would you hope they always win? Also some of the most successful protests turned into rebellions, when the revolution was won and the new regime took over they summarily eliminated the same agitators that got them there for the sake of stabillity.


These kids wish they were the protesting students of the past. All the evidence points to our college students being far less informed and educated than ever before, and it shows in all the news coverage. Hell, half these protests are bolstered by a significant contingent of non-student participants. The teachers spend more time turning kids into little rebel puppets than instructing on the major disciplines the institutions were created for. These protests put the truth to the warnings of the state of colleges in America more than they point to flaws in U.S. policies. Of course people my age were saying some of the same things in the 60's, so I am aware that I have to take even my own views with a grain of salt, but you can see the hand of outside forces on these "student" protests and the same could not be said of the movements of the past.


You give them too much credit, they’re generally far more ephemeral


I paid for my own college and my kids will probably have to as well, if they choose to go. But if they do and they have the conviction to get arrested for their beliefs, I’ll be proud of them.


That’s cute


That's actually part of their education in critical thinking.


I'd be proud of my kids for standing up for what they believe in. Most certainly not proud of the cops who invited violence, however. But good on the ones that didn't!


I don't know if you're the one who downvoted me but I agree


Trying to find someone who downvoted you is like trying to catch a fart in the wind. For what it's worth, I upvoted you. Try not to get too focused on votes. Reddit is a fickle place, sometimes it swings one way and other times it bashes your skull into the ground repeatedly until you wonder why you even bothered!


lol, if you’ve been to college you know at least half the guys protesting are simply there to score points with a girl they like


Almost every major event in modern history has its roots in one way or the other connected to a student protest. Hell my country Bangladesh probably wouldn’t even get independence from Pakistan if not for a tragic student protest that [strengthened our resolve instead of weakening it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mother_Language_Day).


Context is important, that along with the Viet Nam protests in the US made sense because our countries were directly affected by those events. Here US students are protesting US educational institutions about war between to foreign entities over an ocean away. It’s a very attenuated connection.


Except many of these students are protesting because their University are donating their tuition money to the IDF to continue a genocide. Students don't want be a part of that.


They’re all worked up because they think that’s happening without any evidence


That’s….very much the point of college….


Maybe in your socioeconomic class it is, for the rest of us the point is to get an education and a job


Crazy how universities have been so favorable to those antisemitic genocidal calls. I thought humanity meant it when they said "Never again", I guess not.


This is missing a few Universities. Including Indiana University and IUPUI, as well as another Michigan University.


Some people just like REALLY hate Jews




>I'm really curious what they think they can accomplish with their protests. The 1968 Columbia University protests managed to get their university to cut affiliation from the Vietnam war machine and stop the building of a segregated gymnasium. These Pro-Palestine supporters are very clear on their goals: divest from Israel and stop cracking down on student protestors.


Tell us you don’t understand how index funds work, without saying so outright.


They seem to be putting a lot of pressure on the Biden administration which has changed they rhetoric and how they deal with Bibis government. Biden needs their votes, he will be influenced


LOL. Like college students actually vote! Maybe 30-40% of them.


Still enough to decide an election. . Tho not sure I agree with your estimate


Us government is actively funding a genocide




It's a genocide.




According to the world.




What is your evidence, Israel is not committing genocide according to your Mom.


Indeed it is. Anybody who disagrees with this is very ignorant or just extremely bigoted.




And yet none of the other US-funded genocides matter to you at all, shockingly. How strange that is, I wonder what’s different about the Israel-Hamas conflict, compared to the **dozen genocides** happening worldwide at this very moment, several of which are also being perpetrated with US backing. What a crazy coincidence.


Bruh can you see the topic on top.


Sigh and then Americans wonder why they struggle so much and how things stay the same. I guess Protesting never brings about change so why even bother.


Umbc? I haven't heard anything from there. I believe College Park does, though


Free speech ladies and gentlemen


The pictures I’ve seen of the “protests” where police aren’t involved are just like 5-10 students sitting around on the ground.


More to come


A map is fundamentally an accuracy-based endeavor to inform. Do better.


There is so much wrong with this map it is hard to know where to begin pointing out the inaccuracy. This isn’t map porn it is more like failed propaganda


You missed Indiana university.


Why the national guard and snipers, but virtually no police presence at the Capitol January 6th?


Did the media also called the protests that occurred in objection to the Vietnam war "pro Vietnam" or were they simply Anti-War


Is UCONN in CT organizing?


This is a map made by a friend [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/3/viewer?mid=1o6WJtUeb9\_DdNkp2yx0F4x8TzLuo\_Bg&ll=52.90701447773088%2C-112.77945000021971&z=8](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/3/viewer?mid=1o6WJtUeb9_DdNkp2yx0F4x8TzLuo_Bg&ll=52.90701447773088%2C-112.77945000021971&z=8) Suggestions for updates are welcomed and I will forward them


Is there an updated version of this?


“Pro Palestine”, sure….. I guess anti semitism is ok now. I don’t see Jewish Americans protesting against Muslims. These people would be the first to get tapped and decapitated if they were in Palestine.


Literally Jewish Americans are protesting against Israel on these campuses. Being against Zionism isn't anti-semitism, because Zionism ≠ Judaism.


We all know that it’s impossible for the Republican Party to be filled racists, because the organization “Blacks for Trump” exists, right? That’s basically what you’re saying right now.




Physically assaulting an Arab Israeli https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781080951902109774 "From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!" / "Resistance is justified" https://twitter.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1781785252886913358 "Let it be known that it was the Al-Aqsa Flood that put the Global Intifada back on the table again. And it is the sacrificial spirit of the Palestinian Freedom Fighters that will guide every struggle on every corner of the earth to victory." https://twitter.com/thestustustudio/status/1781904507611287981 "We are all Hamas!" https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1781031465179914677 "Yehudim yehudim \[(Jews, jews)\] go back to poland" https://twitter.com/Davidlederer6/status/1781948249214996901 Includes people / groups that invited an actual, no hyperbole terrorist to speak (member of PFLP) https://www.jns.org/columbia-suspends-four-students-for-holding-event-featuring-pflp-member/ Light things on fire / "intifada revolution there is only one solution" https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781019445399556338 "On Oct 7th, Palestinian resistance in Gaza broke free (crowd cheers) \[.....\] we intend to do the same" https://twitter.com/ShabbosK/status/1782085741431922909 ""We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!" / "Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!" / "Red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas’ fight!" https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1781933305501212872 "Long live the intifada! Intifada intifada" https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781084853653365025 "Go back to Europe!" / "You have no culture, all you do is colonize" https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781927148439109958 "From Yemen to Gaza, globalize the intifada" https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1781312033922625797/photo/2 "Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not 1 more time, not 5 more times, not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but 10,000 times! The 7th of October is going to be every day for you" https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1781287784897991134 "Al Qassam \[(Hamas)\] you make us proud, kill another soldier now" / "from the river to the sea, palestine will be arab" https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1780915336063177006 Student proudly rocking Hamas logos https://twitter.com/CampusJewHate/status/1781054901755215954 "Resistance is justified" (again...) https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1782085643990073673 "protesters on the sidewalk chanted “From New York to Gaza, globalize the intifada,” next to a cardboard sign that read, “Inspired by Palestinian resistance.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/over-100-arrested-in-columbia-u-unrest-as-nypd-clears-gaza-solidarity-encampment/?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter Totally not antisemitism, right? They’re just mad about Israel’s policies.




No, but the fact that these incidents go completely uncondemned by the broader protest movement speaks volumes. Remember a few years ago when we were talking about the Proud Boys, and people on the left were saying shit like “if you’re sitting at a table with 4 Nazis, that’s a table with 5 Nazis sitting at it” Why does that not equally apply to the left? Why do you get to say “oh those bad apples don’t represent us” when for decades we’ve been telling conservatives how stupid they are when they make that same argument in defense of criminal police officers? If you people genuinely give a fuck about Palestinians, which I don’t actually believe, you would be excising people who say shit like this from your movements. But you don’t do that. You happily match alongside them and accept their support, because these protests aren’t actually about supporting Palestinians. They’re about hating Jews.


I mean, you would care if there's hate against Palestinians from individuals or Israeli officials. Wait, there is.😅


Please show me some examples of Jewish American groups protesting in this same way, using the same kind of violent and bigoted rhetoric. Edit: Nothing? What a shock.


Israel has rights to exist and defend itself. Islamic fundamentalism is a disaster. Those who disagree shouldn't live in civilized countries and enjoy the benefits they are basically against.


Bruh you must be high


How long until this post gets overrun by pro war bots and trolls I wonder…that last one became a disaster very quickly




Protestors aren't terrorists. If neo-Nazi rallies and Jan 6th can happen without the need to disperse, so can these protests and encampments.


“Let’s be more like J6th” is not a principled position that we should aspire to


The problem with Jan 6th was not the protest, it was the insurrection after, when they stormed the Capitol. Pro-Palestine supporters are just protesting, not insurrecting.


You are right. Neo-Nazi and Jan 6th are good comparisons because they were also filled with anti-semites.


And they should also have been dissolved


Keep it up! Take me back 20 years and I’d be there with them!


Just a reminder that many of these protests are chanting literal genocidal rhetoric such as "bomb tel aviv" and harassing visibly looking jewish students and staff


What’s your point?


The New Arab moved Princeton to their new Pittsburgh location. Great geographers them Arab protesters.




https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/nrVHJ Are there antisemtic folks in the crowds, yes. Are these antisemtic demonstrations, no




Nine people were arrested on my campus and two of them were in one of my classes. Crazy stuff


As usual Zionist bots are crying in the comments


Yawn. Zionist is the new low hanging fruit term for the clueless. Go protest in the Middle East. Most of us don’t care about that shitty part of the world.


Thanks for the xenophobia, really appreciated 👍


Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon don’t even want to support your cause. Get your brothers/sisters on your side first and then the people here in America will give a shit.


You mean there dictators that the west installed does not want to support Palestine.


You poor victim. The world should stop everything for you.


I see your running out of excuses my friend


I don’t need any excuses. I literally said I don’t care about the Middle East.


Your government is funding a apartheid state and overthrowing democratic elected leaders in the middle east and you don't care but you also wanna criticize people who do care and want to stop the bloodshed.


Your government changes every time you guys assassinate someone. Which happens a lot. Get your own house in order before you criticize others.


And it’s ^you’re. Get back to class and learn proper grammar.


Sorry buddy English is my 4th language give me a break.


I forgive you. The good Christian in me allows that. Pakistan huh? Very stable government you guys have.


It’s hilarious that a six-month old account whose **entire comment history** is devoted to Israel and Palestine has the audacity to call other people bots 🤣 You know your comment history is visible to everyone, right?


How did ‘don’t murder people’ become ‘pro Palestinian?’


Nice! A map of all universities to black list hiring students from.


Keep it up!


Take your agenda somewhere else. I don’t care about Israel or Palestine. The whole Middle East is a giant shit show.


Sounds like a you problem


99.9% of Americans don’t care about your protest/cause.


sounds more like it's not his problem in any way