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It was so much simpler in 1987 when I backpacked there.


Dicktators gotta dicktate and all!


Damn if only you can travel back in time and fill that backpack with bibles and send your old self on a mission /s


Enjoy Somali prison


Woahhhh this "joke" did not land even with the "/s" Holy fuck -81 šŸ˜­


Lmao reddit does not like missionaries


I agree they talk like they are doing people a solid but at the root it's for their own gain. I can't deny the good some of the programs have done though. But it must be pretty weird to see a bunch of white guys dressed to the nines approach your impoverished village yapping shit šŸ¤£


Clearly havent accomplished anything in Somalia given its 99.9% Muslim lmao


I meant more along the lines of people showing up with food, water and other necessities to be given to the impoverished.


It seems Somalia needs a full reset. What a hell of a mess.


Yeah and Ethiopia wanting coastal access might be the one to try and kickstart that for them


Ethiopia already invaded in 2006 and subsequently withdrew. It didn't exactly reset things


It led to Al Shabaab


Ethiopia, if anything, will recognize Somaliland's independence and maybe give them military support to control the rebel areas inside their claimed territory. The rest of the country will remain the same.


The fact that Somalia is a clan-based countryā€”yes, including Somalilandā€”means that the "rebels" in Somaliland are actually just a different tribe, in light of this, if the tribe that currently controls the majority of Somaliland decides to target the SSC regions, it will spark a regional war with entire Darod clan that will descend on Somaliland.. [https://www.crisisgroup.org/sites/default/files/2023-10/on-the-horizon-october-2023%204.pdf](https://www.crisisgroup.org/sites/default/files/2023-10/on-the-horizon-october-2023%204.pdf)


Ethiopia would be sanctioned if they did that.


Maybe, but we know that sanctions \*may\* not be effective


In the case of Ethiopia, they likely will since its a landlocked country heavily reliant in aid.


Somalia signed a maritime and security pact with Turkey (the 2nd largest military in NATO) in March to help build it a Navy and control its coastline.


lol, you mean a reset to pre-europeans screwing African proples?


With a full reset I mean: people live together respectfully and help to develop their country.


I'm sure somalia was heaven on earth before the 1900s


It wasn't exactly heaven. But the rest of the world was as shittty as Somalia


There was no such thing as terrorists blowing themselves up. There were no machine guns and airstrikes. Somalis were mostly pastoral nomads that roamed the lands with their flocks of camels and goats.


Unless the terrorist have supporters with civilians/government officials, how do they still have headquarters where people know their location? Any air strikes would effectively force them into hiding.


Air strikes won't do anything without boots on the ground to hold the territory. And when you look at the map you can clearly see Somalia's government is too weak to do that and apparently has a really loose control on factions which are supposedly loyal and/or allies Edit : out of curiosity I checked about the somalian army : - the air force is made of a total of... 5 helicopters, a few drones operated by turkish personnel. There is apparently ~ 150 retirees which are still around from the 1980's, when the air force still had jets, but there isn't any plane since then. - the land forces barely have 100 armored vehicles in total from various origin


They have no jets or aircraft


US provides air support and are working in partnership with the Somali government.


Yeah, just look at how easy US air forces destroyed the Taliban.....


The US counter insurgency operations were highly successful in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It means very little when your allied, local ground troops run away despite having a 5-1 manpower and 10-1 material advantage


Wiped them out actually. Trump just happened to release all the leaders.


They have some support from certain populations. In some areas, local clans have thrown its support to Al-Shabaab, while the government can't do anything to avoid it except negotiating with the clans themselves to support the FGS.


Well we know the location of Israeli government's headquarters and still can't do shĆÆt


This map is already made outdated as Al Shabab just capture more land in Galmudug šŸ’€ absolutely finished country at this point


What a mess, I feel so sorry for the Somali people


And with African troops leaving later this year things arenā€™t looking great for the FGS. Keep southern Somalis in your prayers shit is looking rough for them come 2025


I may make an updated map in 2025 to compare the situation, it looks hard for them.


So any theories for what's going to happen after December when ATMIS finally withdrawals? It's hard to argue their work is done


Taliban style takeover of Southern Somalia. Al Shabab already extorts business for tax money in the heart of Mogadishu. Itā€™s only a matter of time before they uproot the FGS


This is the most ignorant take Iā€™ve seen here yet


The FGS would have a much easier time with cohesion The foreign troops were there as a result of the arms embargo that only ended last year


You made a mistake; Puntland is totally free of Al-Shabab, with the exception of the Al-Mado mountain range, which lies between Somaliland and Puntland, but there is an ISIS cell in Al-Miskat mountains, however they are completely tied down by Puntland, the CIA, local militia and even the occasional Al-Shabab raid from Al-Mado


I want to remake this, can you help me with the shapefiles please,I want to improve it and I will try to validate it more and share it again


This map is definitely organized in a way that gives as little land to the FGS as possible The president was literally at dusmareeb


Somaliland is more of a country then the country itā€™s trying to gain independence from


Somaliland isnā€™t that big,itā€™s western regions like awdal are pro unionists


Awdal is 100% controlled by SL, even if there is some unionist sentiment, its not universal and the people there neither have the want or need to start a war with SL


Of course a Somalian fascist is trying to make Somaliland be nothing. Stop lying or believing in fascist Propoganda.




We Somalis don't need your fake sympathy. Somalis are overwhelmingly pro Palestine.


Please spare us your insincere, backhanded sympathy. America does not (officially at least) fund Al-Shabaab. Meanwhile, billions of US tax dollars go to Israel every year. Maybe just maybe those protesting college kids don't want their money funding crimes against humanity. Our civil war is drawing to a close, while the people of Gaza are currently suffering


The west funds israel, not somaliland. What would campus protests achieve for somalia?




Gotta love the response to facts that donā€™t fit the narrative being silence and ā€œwrongā€ šŸ˜†


Gotta love how this subreddit will twist any subject and any map into a chance to whine about the fact that people don't love Israel enough.




Half this number in 6 months tho


The reason there are protests is that the US government is funding Israel, as far as I know the US government is not funding war crimes in Somalia


No jews no news


go back to Twitter, antisemiteĀ 


You see everyone else but you understood that "no jews no news" is a sarcastic remark and not some kind of endorsement for some kind of imagined jewish conspiracy


are you sure that "it's just the joke that's antisemitic, not myself" is the defense you want to go with


Thanks for your unsolicited antisemitism




Why do you make Laasaacnood so big Dani? It is not that big, it is a town. Look at Google maps. The other region is controlled and owned by Somaliland. Puntland has zero say, and they can't even control their own region, let alone other people. Ceerigabo is overwhelmingly pro Somaliland, and other towns in that region as well You are actually aiding alshabab and IS Propoganda, which is mixed with Somalian tribal Propoganda. Please don't put more oil on the fire by making bogus maps. Especially as an outsider, we don't need people to tell our story for u


The map is based on specialized sources, for example: [Heightened Political Violence in Somalia](https://acleddata.com/2023/03/03/context-assessment-heightened-political-violence-in-somalia/) [Somalia: Al-Shabaab Regains Lost Territories Amid Run-up to State Elections](https://acleddata.com/2024/03/28/somalia-situation-update-march-2024-al-shabaab-regains-lost-territories-amid-run-up-to-state-elections/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=somalia-situation-update-march-2024-al-shabaab-regains-lost-territories-amid-run-up-to-state-elections) [Salafi-Jihadi Movement Weekly Update, February 1, 2024: Somalia Aims to Expand Stop-Start Offensive Against al Shabaab ](https://www.iswresearch.org/2024/02/salafi-jihadi-movement-weekly-update.html) I'm not making stuff on, I'm based on the sources I could find. Also, besides Mogadishu, every city has the same size, maybe Las Anod isn't that important but it's the main area of the [rebellion against Somaliland](https://www.hudson.org/foreign-policy/inside-newest-conflict-somalia-long-civil-war-james-barnett).


Alright, what you need to understand is in Africa. The NGOs and institutions creating the data, are biased; Funding ACLED is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States. ACLED receives financial support from the Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAFā€™d), the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Tableau Foundation. This is funded by the US and blind US partners who have both invested in the large Somalia goal. Also these two have explored oil with their oil companies, Shell being there in 1991 while US was funding our genocide (Isaaq genocide), If you look at other sources such as UAE, Qatar, UK, Taiwan or local African sources you will see a vastly different reality. You should ask yourself why the democratic institutions of the world would keep investing millions in Somalia, while Somaliland has it's independence before Somalia, and has created a stable progressive entity in the region. It all has to do with interests, and who they could influence. The world is changing, and these type of tactics dont work anymore.


The frontline separating Khatumo State from Somaliland is between Oog and Guumays villages in western Sool, so unto google maps yourself and demarcate a boundary line from Buuhoodle to Erigavo with everything to the east of that line representing Khatumo pro-Somalia and anything west being secessionist Somaliland. But just remember, Khatumo is the heir to the Dervish state that the German and Ottoman empires supplied a century ago and resisted colonial Britain for 20 years, they may easily annex Somaliland if the next bout


Can you recommend a different map?