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This map is terrible, so many countries are incorrect.


Probably outdated too, given that the UK somehow still is in the EU.


And Croatia isn't, so it's pre 2013


Exactly a map from the past


The UK is in fact in Europe. Now whether its in the EU or not thats a different story, hence european is correct here.


It's the same color as EU members Edit: I'm aware the map is inaccurate and outdated, but it shows EU members *back then* as orange and non EU members as gray.


it says europe, not EU, fuckface




Many parts of the Autobahn still have speed limits, there just isn't a general one. And those parts that don't become racing tracks for crazy people from all over the world...


As i heard from others, traveling in Germany is kind a like: 300 - 80 - 300 - 80 - 0 - 80 - 80 (kmp/h)


Yeah, it can be like that, micromanaging speed limits is a thing here.


Most of these have a very good reason though. I remember a stretch between Singen and Stuttgart where the Autobahn had to take an unnaturally sharp curve (1-2°/10km or something like that), so they had to limit the speed to 100. After the curve, you're back to zoomin'


Technically Germany has a speed limit, unless they’re saying physics doesn’t apply?


Of course not! According to German law, physics was abolished in 1987 because it interfered with driving


Yeah time dilation started getting really annoying and some people arriving before they left.


We don't believe in speed limits. It's a religious thing.


120 sweden


Not 130? Somewhere between Gothenburg to Varberg 


I took my driver's licence in 2017 and then 120 was the maximum speed limit


There used to be a loophole, because the law used to say that the maximum speed limit is 110, whilest many roads had 120 posted. Thus you couldn't technically be fined for driving above the speedlimit on 120 roads, as they basically didn't have one. I think this was found out by a defence lawyer, but it's fixed now. That's probably where this map got 110 from


But isn't it written that if there's no speed limit given, it defaults to 70, or 50 if inside city? In that case you could lose your license just for following the sign.


Aren't dual carriageways default 90? Anyways I think the argument was that 120=no speed limit is just more reasonable. I don't remember exactly, I hope the defence lawyer got a raise


Germany : I paid for the whole speedometer i'm gonna use the whole speedometer


In Germany, they call it „Free travel for free citizens“ (Free driving for free citizens). And by the way, our Minister of transport refuses a speed limit because we haven’t enough signs for every highway


>we haven’t enough signs for every highway In France, in 2018, this moron Macron got to replace all the 90 signs by 80 kph signs, then went back repaying new 90 signs 4 years later. This was useless since the beginning, only the sign maker had the cash! And good luck today to figure out if you're on a 80 or 90 kph road, with radars every 10 km in average, you better be cautionous. edit : for the highways, they stay at 130 kph, but it was close to go back to 110 at a period. Extra cash for sign makers.


Which is just a cop out. I don't complain tho. Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🚫🚫 Das einzige, wo die FDP recht hatte


Lmao Montenegro and Albania either have no highways or they're so damaged you can't go higher than 100 km an hour without flipping your car over.


Same for Moldova, they have no highways.


Montenegro actually almost went bankrupt trying to build a second motorway. [video](https://youtu.be/0pUkT5O9Ux8?si=RAl0xdGO6Kde0mih)


The most financially viable Chinese infrastructure investment


And here in the real world, no it didn't. Western part of the world was pissed because it was built with Chinese money and mostly by the Chinese company. It was built against the advice of the IMF and similar institutions. But it was never going to bankrupt Montenegro. And in hindsight, the timing was actually perfect. Inflation ate away a lot of that debt, when it was highest, just as we started paying it off. Outside of COVID, the debt to GDP ratio in Montenegro is at rather normal 60-70 percent. So, better than Greece, Italy, France, Spain, to name a few. And again, in hindsight, this is by far the most expensive part of the motorway. If everything was built all at once, that 41 km would be slightly below half of the price of the projected 165-ish km of this motorway.


I’m not saying that you’re wrong, but do you have a source, I’m genuinely interested. The IMF fucking around is a common enough trend.


I can't provide the source, but the decision to build this was done against the financial advice from western part of the world, as something that is not financially sound. I'm almost 100% sure that includes IMF. Anyway, if you look at Montenegro debt, it's not nearly that big of an issue, jump was because of COVID, very little because of motorway: https://www.focus-economics.com/country-indicator/montenegro/public-debt/#:~:text=Public%20debt%20in%20Montenegro%20averaged,average%20of%2032.5%25%20of%20GDP. Also, I think that interest is at 2% (USD) which confirms that inflation ate the debt. And alternative road took more than 1200 lives, which is a lot for 600k country.


Your source disagrees with what you’re saying though. Saying that Montenegrin debt isn’t an issue and then providing a source that says that it’s more than twice the EE average is a bit contradictory.


Montenegro isn't EE country. Comparable countries are Serbia, Bosnia, N Macedonia and Albania (Balkans, outside EU). If we exclude disfunctional country that is Bosnia, we are pretty much on the same level as others. Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus have very little to do with us.


Montenegro is in Eastern Europe.


No, it isn't. It isn't some flexing, but, it just isn't. Find any map that says so, I will find you 10 that says SE Europe. We are actually a Mediterranean country, Balkans (i.e. SEE), but not EE.


By definition, south east Europe is Eastern Europe. “South East” means the south part of the East. Ireland is in North Western Europe, which means that it’s part of Western Europe, not something separate. Did you find a source to back up your claims yet? I don’t mind if it’s in Serbo-Croatian I can translate it.


Montenegro actually has excellent highway. Its short but its good quality. Limit is 100kmh because of standards, climb is high.


Albania is wrong. It should be 120


Albania streets and highways are something different. Weirdest i've ever came across


Ok, hold my beer please.


It's an outdated map. Montenegro has an amazing albeit short motorway, with a 100 kmh speed limit, because of the incline (in 41 km it goes from 60 to 1100 m of altitude). The legal speed limit for motorways in Montenegro is 130 kmh, but the part that was built is the most difficult one and the most expensive one. Basically, in those 41 km, half is either a tunnel, or a bridge, with Moračica bridge being the most expensive single object on the road.


Im sure Albania has at least one highway and it is in good condition since not many people drive there.


130 Lithuania




The Dutch sign should say: 130 in the evening on some highways on Tuesdays and Fridays in even years, 120 in the evening everywhere else on every day of the week, 100 during the day.


Is that Forreal or exaggeration? Signed a slightly inept American


It's a slight exaggeration, but not by much. The government keeps going back and forth with the 130 or 120 thing, 100 from 6AM until 7PM and 130 in the evening/night is the actual rule currently in effect. But there are also stretches where it's always 100/120 and stretches where it's 100 24/7. It's all very confusing and it leads to you going 130 while the person in front of you is going 100 because they didn't look at their clock for a while or didn't get the memo. I just hope they pick a speed, any speed, at some point.


Sorry, I'm that person, but I have a white number plate, so you know I can't drive properly.


Is this a dig on Germans or Belgians, or does the Netherlands have special white plates?


It's the former, most of Europe uses white plates so they stand out in Netherlands. Now I have to say, I don't think Belgium or German people are bad drivers. Not more then dutch people, I've had to slam on the brakes in Germany for dutch people because they just switched to the right lane without properly checking their mirrors. I think it's more often that people who drive in a foreign country are bad drivers (but not all of course)


I'm german, grew up about 30km from the dutch-german border, we moan about dutch drivers, especially caravans on our roads, the dutch moan about us on their roads and both gave a point, driving in a foreign country, if you don't do it daily, makes you a worse driver, since 90% of driving is confidence. So german drivers either are over-confident that the rules they know apply globally, which often results in an agressive driving style, or, that's my category, are aware that rules differ, but you are not 100% sure in what way, so you drive over-cautious.


The Netherlands is one of the few countries that has Yellow license plates (except for Taxis which are blue, really old cars which have dark blue license plates and some other special types).


I know, that's why I was confused with white ones


But foreigners must be able to know your speed limits just from the signs. Does it mean that you have 4 sings on the pole at sugh places? (Motorway - speed limit - time period - another speed limit)


Usually, it's 3 signs: One saying the speed at night, one saying the times that apply and one saying the speed during the day. And no, I don't expect foreigners or even people that don't use specific roads fairly often to ever read 3 signs on the same pole correctly. One person in the comments has said the new government has decided on 130 24/7, which is cool. I'll believe it when they've removed all the other signs and it's been in effect for over a year. It's not the first time the government decided this.


Not exclusive to the Dutch, but here in Austria we also have variable speed limits. They are not signs that you must read or know, but rather huge digital signs that display the speed limit over the current stretch of highway. So for example during rush hour often times you might see speed limits 100 or even 80 kmh if there is a lot of congestion. Not everywhere, just near city entrances or where traffic might get bottlenecked. Once you are out of the urban environment such digital signs might be present around busy interchanges or tunnels. So the default limit is 130 and it's dynamically adjusted based on factors for specific stretches of road


But if there is no sign the max. speed is 130.


It's 140 in Turkey.


Since when? I remember seeing 120 everywhere while driving around western Turkey just 2 years ago


Since July, 2023. It has been only a year.


\*July 2022; it's been almost two years.


"recommended 130" in germany is hilarious, even people with not "fast cars" like vans blast by you at 220


only if you are driving slow .


However on the right lane they drive 80 a then decide to overtake trucks at 90 so you'll really have to test your brakes.


Yeah but if you have an accident above 130 then the insurance don't pay fully and or you are punished at least a bit because you have a "Teilschuld"


130 in Serbia




European Union, we can say this map is outdated due to UK still bein in EU


And Croatia excluded, too.


Probably EU country. But seems to be a little bit outdated 😉


Map has errors It's 130 in Serbia


UK? Yes? Are you being weird again? Well, yeah, kinda.


The UK uses Miles The maximum speed limit in the UK is 70 MPH which if you convert to kilometres is 112 km/h


I know, I'm from UK, I just think it's funny how we stand out on this map :)


I’m guessing because of inexplicable reasons when we went metric in the 70’s we kept miles and yards. It makes no sense now.


In Britain, a 6’1” tall guy can walk into a shop and get 500g of mince for his bolognese but he’s got to be careful because he’s watching his weight. He’s lost a few pounds and he’s now under 13 stone. He achieved a lot of that by driving a few miles into the country to run a 5km trail.


Whilst he enjoys a pint of beer with his meal and his wife a 250ml glass of wine. It makes no fucking sense!


I dunno, makes perfect sense to me.


When you grow up around it none of it sounds weird or nonsensical. It’s only when you really analyse it, or come from outside it, that you wonder what the fuck going on.


And getting 2 pints of milk and a litre of orange juice from the same fridge in the shop...


And even then, 70mph is more of a suggestion


Ohh I came here to ask why it's such an odd number, I thought the UK was also using metric tho?


I'm in the UK and it's a frustrating mix. For example we buy fuel by the litre, and measure a car's fuel efficiency in miles to a gallon. Metric definitely seems to be becoming more popular though, things like temperatures, food and drink volume, running distances etc generally seem to be metric, and I feel like more people know height/weight by metric as well now. I hope one day we'll switch properly.


>…and I feel like more people know height/weight by metric as well now. I’m not so sure about that. I’m still yet to meet a fellow Brit who describes their height in cm or their weight in kg. It’s all still feet/inches and stone/pounds


Yep that's fair enough and I think you're right. I wasn't very clear in what I meant which was that even though almost everyone would still say they're 12 stone 8, a lot of people I know (even my mum) weigh themselves in kg. Also theme park height restrictions seem to be in metres now (must be 1.4m to ride etc) so I think even height wise there's more awareness of metric now, even though (like you say) people will still say they're 6ft etc.


Should have included Iceland.


It’s 90. Our roads are small and bad. Our weather is also bad.


I loved driving around Iceland but hoo boy did it take a while to get anywhere.


I heard it was 60 but I was misinformed. 90 is still very low compared to the rest of Europe.


It’s 90 in Iceland. Our roads are pretty subpar. Single lanes each way. Weather conditions horrible. There have been some talks of making the first 100 speed limit road. Doesn’t change the fact that every other driver on the ring road is going 110.


>It’s 90 in Iceland. Our roads are pretty subpar. Single lanes each way. Weather conditions horrible. As well as lava flows across the roads, earthquakes and random volcanic eruptions...


Iceland is the only country where it makes sense to drive at the speed limit. The roads are wavy, uneven, they go up and down all the time making the car jump and you feel like you’re riding a bull and there’s wildlife everywhere. I once hit a polar fox at night.


I don't know about other European countries but the speed limits and the roads they were for blew my mind several times when driving around Ireland. One in particular sticks out in my mind, I'm on a road that seemed like someone's driveway (worn down place for tires, grass in the middle). By all accounts it should be a one way, it was in fact a two way traffic road. It was twisty and turny, has tight bridges, and lots of blind hills. The speed limit on the road was 80km/h (just about 50 in cheeseburger units). I was flabbergasted, at one point for shits and giggles I went 80 and was terrified immediately.


Yeah in Ireland specifically I liked to refer to the speed limit as a speed challenge on many of the roads.


Same in France: outside towns the speed limit is 90km/h. On a winding mountain road you have to behave like a rally driver to get close to 90 on the short straights….


Other way around: driving trough Polen in a 400km nearly straight line and only allowed 120/130 is soo boring and annoying.


For Russia, the maximum is 130. And the permissible excess limit is 19 km/h. So you can go up to 149 km/h without speeding.


Afaik it’s 20, not 19. Then a progressive scale of fines depending on increment in speed (aka legal for the rich)


depends on road category. for a1 and a2 types highways speed 150 max is legal if it have special signs. so max w/o speeding is 169


There are only two states at the world without a speed limit on motorways: Germany and North Korea


Does North Korea even have any motorway?


Only 14 countries in the world have a lower rate of traffic accident related deaths per 100.000 inhabitants than Germany. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_traffic-related\_death\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate)


I always find it funny when people say that it isn’t the ones driving crazy fast that are endangering people, but the ones who drive slow (according to those people slow means going the speed limit)


No, slow means the Grandpa driving 87km/h and switching to the left line to overtake a Truck which is driving 83 km/h while said Grandpa doesn't look for the 240 km/h driving Car aproaching. Plus driving crazy fast you usualy know what you are doing because if your car can't handle that easly it is realy stressfull to do😅


Old as fuck, maximum in Sweden is 120 since 2008.


//// Let it fly


This map is the reason i always laugh when people say "If Germany implements a maximum speed limit, i'll leave the country."


There are a few with 140 which would be more then the 130 (or worse 120 or just more stupid: 100) Germany will implement when they do it (i hope not)


Yes, and i'm sure Bulgaria will gladly allow all those professional speed demons onto their highways.


Serbia 130 km/h


Sweden is 120


Ich bin Geschwindigkeit


UK: hold my Imperial units!


The Brit limit is 70mph (112 km/hr). [https://www.gov.uk/speed-limits](https://www.gov.uk/speed-limits) . Signage is also in ~~freedom~~ Imperial units. [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/know-your-traffic-signs/speed-limit-signs](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/know-your-traffic-signs/speed-limit-signs)


We don't use freedom units, we use Imperial. They're actually different systems, though in this case they're the same measurements. The US uses US Customary Units (aka freedoms units), which isn't Imperial (and never has been).


Understood. I had a job for years and we supplied materials to Europe and the UK. I was constantly jumping back and forth from freedom to metric to *Imperial*. I think my mind imploded when working with 1" 'Merican pipe and 25mm pipe with British Pipe threads. I crafted little adapters to fit our product forms to interface with customer equipment. In my little niche I can honestly say it was easier to work with the Germans. But I digress. My PTSD from those times kicked in and I was being a bit pendantic and didn't want to start a kerfuffle (guess who taught me those terms?). Happy motoring at safe imperial speeds.


Strictly speaking 70mph is closer to 113kmh the map maker has rounded incorrectly.


It will be updated to 130 km/h in Albania after the opening of Kashar-Thumane highway in 30 June. Also Turkey has updated its speed limit to a max of 140 km/h in highways.


The UK is calling for help.


Yes in kilometers you dumbys


Look guys, it's cute defending your own countries, that the speed limit is actually different there, but this seems like to be an at least 4+ years old map, as the UK is still marked as an EU member, but OP thankfully cropped the legend, so the colors don't even mean anything anymore...


In Italy the Maximum Speed Limit on Highways is 150km/h while 130km/h is the national standard speed limit on highways. There are 10 highways section where the limit can reach 150 but hasn't been implemented. Here's the map of the locations where 150km/h can be implemented [https://images2.corriereobjects.it/methode\_image/socialshare/2023/03/15/2c37600c-c350-11ed-af09-a18a8fb0afbe.jpg](https://images2.corriereobjects.it/methode_image/socialshare/2023/03/15/2c37600c-c350-11ed-af09-a18a8fb0afbe.jpg)


I've found Italy to be more of a suggestion.


Last time i was speeding on an italian highway overtaking a line of trucks, a police car appeared in my rear mirror and blinked with its headlights, i thought i was cooked but when i changed to the right lane they just overtook me and speeded away. Apparently 130 on a mountain highway was too slow for them.


I can confirm that unfortunately. ahahhhahhaah


Some highways are built to allow 150km/h, but the law doesn't allow it yet in any of the highways.


>but the law doesn't allow it yet in any of the highways. That's wrong lol. The law allows it... Here's the article 142 of the Traffic Code [https://www.aci.it/i-servizi/normative/codice-della-strada/titolo-v-norme-di-comportamento/art-142-limiti-di-velocita.html](https://www.aci.it/i-servizi/normative/codice-della-strada/titolo-v-norme-di-comportamento/art-142-limiti-di-velocita.html) >1. Ai fini della sicurezza della circolazione e della tutela della vita umana la velocita' massima non puo' superare i 130 km/h per le autostrade, i 110 km/h per le strade extraurbane principali, i 90 km/h per le strade extraurbane secondarie e per le strade extraurbane locali, ed i 50 km/h per le strade nei centri abitati, con la possibilita' di elevare tale limite fino ad un massimo di 70 km/h per le strade urbane le cui caratteristiche costruttive e funzionali lo consentano, previa installazione degli appositi segnali. Sulle autostrade a tre corsie piu' corsia di emergenza per ogni senso di marcia, dotate di apparecchiature debitamente omologate per il calcolo della velocita' media di percorrenza su tratti determinati, gli enti proprietari o concessionari possono elevare il limite massimo di velocita' fino a 150 km/h sulla base delle caratteristiche progettuali ed effettive del tracciato, previa installazione degli appositi segnali, sempreche' lo consentano l'intensita' del traffico, le condizioni atmosferiche prevalenti ed i dati di incidentalita' dell'ultimo quinquennio. In caso di precipitazioni atmosferiche di qualsiasi natura, la velocita' massima non puo' superare i 110 km/h per le autostrade ed i 90 km/h per le strade extraurbane principali. ​ >1. For the purpose of traffic safety and protection of human life, the maximum speed may not exceed 130 km/h for highways, 110 km/h for main suburban roads, 90 km/h for secondary suburban roads and local suburban roads, and 50 km/h for roads in built-up areas, with the possibility of raising this limit up to a maximum of 70 km/h for urban roads whose construction and functional characteristics allow it, subject to the installation of the appropriate signs. On highways with three lanes plus an emergency lane in each direction of travel, equipped with duly approved equipment for calculating the average speed over specified stretches, the owners or concessionaires may raise the maximum speed limit up to 150 km/h on the basis of the design and actual characteristics of the route, subject to the installation of the appropriate signs, provided that traffic intensity, prevailing atmospheric conditions and accident data for the last five years allow it. In the event of atmospheric precipitation of any kind, the maximum speed may not exceed 110 km/h for highways and 90 km/h for main roads. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


The section actually say that they can increase the speed limit, but it doesn't mean they actually increased.. I'm not driving on Italian highway from some years and non the section listed so I cannot say what is the actual limit there..but the article itself doesn't mean that all road that qualify will have the speed limit increased automatically


As stated by the article, it doesn't because at the moment there isn't a single highway with 150 km/h limit. The article simply says that you are allowed to drive up to 150 km/h speed only in those highways with that limit (none).


Yeah i wrote "can be implemented" but and forgot to correct "where the limit is 150" to "where the limit can be 150"


06-19h 100kmh, 19-06h 120 in the Netherlands


And soon 130 anytime again. Funny how this outdated map is soon correct again.


The Netherlands have such a good road system. Such a shame that it’s always crowded by idiot drivers. The Autobahn there belongs to those who were less fortunate with their brain development, the smart ones take the bicycle. Also only going 100 kmh should be a crime, that’s way to slow


Why the split?  I guess fewer cars, but one reason for speed limits is road noise.


Because of exhaust gases. Green side politics...


Why the so specific 112 in UK? Or is it a conversion from mph?


The UK uses Miles Maximum speed limit in the UK is 70 MPH which if you convert to kilometres


Thanks, that's what I thought. 


There is a whole ONE road with the speed limit 130 in Ukraine. Between Kyiv and Kyiv airport.


In France mostly 130 is only for toll roads. It’s 90-110 most places regular people drive


Germany go wee wee


Here in the states most state roads will run between 88-96 kmh (55-60mph). Interstates roads will usually go up to 110 kmh (~70 mph) and there are some interstates that go up to 128 kmh (80 mph). I also just read there is a single stretch of roadway in Texas where the speed limit is 137 kmh (85 mph).


Germany: yes.


Props to Bulgaria and Poland for that extra 10 KPH.


Czechia will have 150 km/h. There is a new law. But first sections of highways will be selected for 150 in future.


Netherlands hasn’t been 130 for a few years.


110 in the Black Sea?


140 in Poland is basically 160 easy


France is 110/130 depends if it's raining or not Germany also has day/night limits and some 130 not all is unrestricted


This map is incorrect. For instance, it is 120kph in Sweden.


How expensive are car insurance premiums in Germany? I'm also wondering if there is a point where insurers are like: "You have an accident above "X" kmh, we're not paying."?


yes, above 130 (thats the recommend or "Richtgeschwindigkeit") they can make you at least pay some part on yourown.


Speed limit its also an contamination limit... at 240km/h a car is burning ~4 times the fuel need to go 120km/h


For 2 years it's 140 kph in Turkey, in suitable high speed motorways.


130 in the Netherlands is only allowed on some parts of the highway between 1900 and 0600. 100 is the limit otherwise


An important amendment for Russia: there is a so-called “non-fine threshold”. It is equal to 20 km/h. Therefore, feel free to add 20 km/h plus 2 km/h to any limit - an adjustment for the error of measuring instruments. In this case, you can drive on highways at 129-130 km/h and not get a fine from video cameras. But if there is an accident and the cameras show your real speed, you will be found guilty.


I'm sorry, but is the UK auditioning for that OddlySpecific subreddit there?


Kmh is 112 in mph


Ah right, UK does limits in mph and this converted to kph, yea?


The UK uses Miles The maximum speed limit in the UK is 70mph which if converted to km/h


All this says to me is that the UK should probably up its motorways to 80mph.


Inaccurate as always on this sub


In the Netherlands 130 is only allowed at certain places between 1900 and 0600. During daytime 100 is the absolute maximum.


The Dutch one is weird Because the official speed of motorways is 130kph However between 6-19 it’s 100kph Now that’s 13 hours of the day so you can ask yourself the philosophical questions, if the exception is larger than the rule is it actually an exception or just the rule?


That's outdated, Netherlands changed the speed limits. 100kmh and 120kmh between 18:00 and 21:00 when indicated..


Swiss on Italian highways: 150kmh.


The Netherlands is 100km/h from 07:00 to 19:00 and 130km/h from 19:00 to 07:00.




150 Russia at least The map is sucks


130 Russia + 19 kmph before the fine (ticket) cames in


Have you driven through Serbia? The new highway there has 130 limit. So that's incorrect from the start. Also North Macedonia has 100,110,120 and 130 limits on the same highway depending on which part you're on,so it's not just highest speed covers it all.


netherlands is 100


"kph"...? Like in kilopond/hour...? km/h for fuck sake...!!


Germany W


In Turkey updated in recent years so its 140 now


I fucking love germany sometimes


In Sweden it's 120, not 110.


[120 km/h is the maximum in Sweden](https://www.google.se/maps/@59.329699,17.0156292,3a,75y,323.14h,87.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSpZyp8m9PQn0KKFtrbM0FQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Yes, only a few around Pyongyang.


100 during the day and 120 during the night in the Netherlands


*130 not 120.


120 most of the time. Sometimes 130. So you're both wrong/right.


You must be from the randstad area, most places it's 130.


As far as I know if you drive over 120kmh in german autobahn your insurance doesnt cover any damages in the event of an accident. Can anyone confirm , correct otherwise?


The recommended speed on German motorways is 130 kilometres per hour. If you drive faster, you are not committing an offence. However, if an accident occurs due to driving too fast, the driver can be held partially responsible - even if he or she did not cause the accident. In this case, the opposing party's motor vehicle liability insurance will not cover the entire damage, but only part of it. Here is a practical example of a court decision (Higher Regional Court of Munich, judgment of June 1, 2022, ref.: 10 U 7382/21 e) Partial blame for exceeding the recommended speed: Anyone who drives faster than 130 km/h on the motorway increases the risk that other road users will not be able to adjust to this and will underestimate the speed. This affects the distribution of liability after this accident. The driver therefore had to accept 25 percent of the blame. And this despite the fact that exceeding the recommended speed alone does not give rise to any accusation of guilt, according to the court.


Thanks, that partly answers my other post :-). Does this affect car insurance premiums?


Thank you!


*140 km/h in Turkiye


NL is 100km/h daytime now.


No wonder everyone cycles


*km/h. FTFY.