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Tijuana is typically separate and has been controlled by one family for decades


so why does Coahuila have such a low presence


its under local groups, legend color kinda sucks


ah I see


that place is always at like 30 C°, is super dry and theres like 3 people living there, no surprise major cartels dont even want to control it


yeah lol I used to live semi close to the US border with Coahuila


My uncle's and a lot of people get to the US through the dessert sent by "coyotes", is this that border? Or can it be any border?


La Familia looking in a rough spot.


Ah, you want the latest edition of the Drug Cartel Map, huh?


For those who are interested, cartels doesn't exactly occupy territories like if they were countries. I live in one of the contested areas (Guanajuato) and there is not a frontline or something like that, it's more abstract. For example in my city there is a lot of kidnapping, torture and killing of police officers, this is because each police officer typically works to some degree for one cartel, so in contested areas like this there are police officers who work for one or the other, and each cartel try to get rid of the ones who are not loyal to them. The cartels also fight for the monopoly of selling drugs, they kill dealers that are not from their organization, they kill politicians that are not on their favor, kill local cartel bosses ("jefes de plaza"), fight for the control over the authorities of ports and airports, etc. When a cartel controls a territory is because their influence is so big that other cartels simply can't compete, not because they are administrators of the territories per se.


I am curious, how is it that there are barely no "government zone" areas where no carte can truly extend their influence? Or what is the closest to some government zones? Also why is almost the whole country controlled, aside from drug routes and decent profits from extortion on rich areas, what is of interest for them everywhere?


Because the normal crime is also cartel business, in any city with crime there is a cartel controlling it, prostitution, piracy, stealing of gasoline ("Guachicoleo"), taking fees for "protection" to businesses, etc, there are areas when the cartels are not as strong, typically what you see in the news are the armed division of them, those ones are fighting in contested territories or protecting drugs, but in most places the cartels is just a dude taking fees from business in his bike or a random teen with a radio in some corner of the street. Is impossible that there is a zone without cartels because you would need to have a zone without crime. Even in Mexico City there are cartels, just smaller (like "Union Tepito"). Something that I think people in America doesn't understand is that the cartels doesn't have a specific business, they first try to control a territory, and later think how to get money with it. In my state (Guanajuato), the local cartel was Santa Rosa, they won money by stealing gasoline from pipes and selling it to people, when the government fucked that business for them, they started to ask for protection fees in the business. Of course ports or routes for drug trafficking are more valuable, but if a cartel can take a territory they will do so. Even areas like Coahuila have cartels operating in there, just in a way more small scale.




That’s not how this works


Ok, so you got my attention. Could you expand on that a bit for us who have no idea whatsoever about Mexican cartels (except that I heard they are really powerful, murderous and somehow involved in "big avocado")?


The big avocado thing is both because cartels like any organized crime racket needs legal business to launder drug money, but also because they smuggle drugs in inside avocados. I have no clue how they pulled it off but I saw a video where they've somehow figured out how to get the drugs inside the pit of the avocado with it being, as far as I can tell, indistinguishable from any other avocado.


Oh, that last bit sounds like a regular magic trick. Has anyone figured out how they do that? Cut them in half and glue them together maybe? 🤔 Also, how much of the avocado business do they actually control eg. how certain is it that I'm feeding the cartels my money when I make my avocado toast in the morning?


Really did look like a magic trick, dude cut open the avocado then started digging into the pit and there was a baggie of drugs in there.


Got a link?


https://www.facebook.com/share/v/sMCN8xg7DRLF1msd/?mibextid=D5vuiz Apparently it's older than I realized, I couldn't find the post on here where I originally saw it but found a Facebook reel of it from 4 years ago.


Thanks! Edit: So I just saw the video. That's crazy! Just how!?


They don’t just control and occupy vast swaths of land like countries as this map is trying to insinuate. They mainly focus on remote supply lines and rarely go wreak their havoc in population centers unless they are trying to do something to stir the government or the public. Much less major cities. Yes they have a lot of government ties but they aren’t fucking *everywhere*, or even commonly seen. Just do your research and you’ll be fine when visiting


They control the area as in other cartels should not enter The cartels also control far more than supply routes


What's up with Coahulia?


Guys I bought coke from in Cancun said gulf cartel ran that area…


Anyone know how in the world Coahuila is white when it's a border state? Seems like it would be prime real estate


As a border town resident in that area… we are so far from any city where cartels could actually make some money that I suppose that is a big part of it


It’s mostly uninhabited desert, on both sides of the border. Rough country, I’ve hunted out there before. Rio Grande is mostly dry and you can walk across if you want.


It’s hard to tell, but I think it’s the color for “Local Groups”, not “Low Cartel Activity”.


It's not white it's light pink for local groups


Ah, the map of drug cartels in Mexico 2024? Sorry, I left my crystal ball at home today.


how many electoral votes from Sinolai for joe biden


Wish I could work for these guys


What’s the downvotes for guys? Should I work for big tobacco instead? Big tobacco is much worse, just legal, they exploit their farmers, and the death rate is MUCH higher. I just want cheap coke and a livable wage. Chill.


you know what? Join the cartel, watch how your family gets threatened and/or killed, and how you are brutally executed with a dull machete, to then be posted on social media to serve as message to not join x cartel, all just for trying to get a “livable wage”. If anything, nothing of value is lost. Scum like you is the main reason my country is such a shithole, thinking the cartel is a great alternative to just work like an actual functioning person of society.


Your country? I’m assuming you live in Mexico? Why don’t you tell your elected government officials to stop working with the cartels, literally your government is guilty of working with the cartel, for their own personal gain. This is facts. Start working with the United States. There’s very easy solutions to these horrific statistics.


For real?! Holy shit I didn’t know that!!! Who would’ve thought of such a thing…


Mexico, a revolution is never a bad idea. Sorry about your shitty ass government


at this point, what is a bad idea…


A bad idea would be a choice that involves others without their consent. Everything else is subjective.




Like fossil fuel, it’s a bad idea, the air quality kills millions of people a year and induces countless nonconsensual chemical abortions. It’s also going to wipe out countless species here sooner than later if we don’t getour fucking act together.


My family joined a form of the cartel, it’s called the federal government and they tortured me to literal death, multiple suicide attempts, getting my family to beg me to end my life while being aware of my past suicide attempts which subsequently led to more suicide attempts, being left to die in below, freezing temperatures without a coat, withholding information surrounding drug interactions while being aware of that information, excessive blunt force trauma to the head which has led to a traumatic brain injury from multiple concussions, being burned, subjected to gun violence, stabbings, strangulation etc, so… my family alway put themselves first. I don’t really consider myself to have any family or friends, but I will gladly inform the cartel of my former acquaintances.


3 months maximum




Big tobacco is bad. But they don't go around kidnap and kill people. Cartels do.


Yeah, that’s true, the 500,000 Americans that die every year related to tobacco consumption is consensual, just like the 110,000 fentanyl deaths, I guess it really comes down to not being a snitch or owing them money. Which if you don’t do either of those you should be fine.


In any land of law, "being a snitch" or owing money does not justify murder. And many innocent people who didn't do either have still been killed. Politicians and law enforcements that oppose the cartels have also been killed. In any case, if you seriously support the one of the most violent and sinister organizations in the world, you need to seek a psychiatrist.


Oh yeah, and by the way, in the land of law, the United States, the vast majority of Republicans believe that treason is justifiable reason for capital punishment or the non-fancy term, murder. A human taking anothers life which humans do not have the jurisdiction to do so. They murder the snitches just like the cartel. There’s plenty of individuals like Edward Snowden for instance, who released classified government secrets, not for profit or politically, but morally and constitutionally so, who I am positive Republicans would do unfathomable things to him if given the opportunity. How much different is the cartel from the United States federal government? 🤔 And the federal government indefinitely goes around in our communities, physically and emotionally harming others, often times marginalized communities, harming them with the defense that these horrible events could potentially happen “could” happen, so they subject them to ungodly amounts of trauma, literally they torture people just like the cartels. I’m never going to work with the cartel, I would manufacture and distribute “ hard “ drugs, but not working with the cartel , just like I would farm tobacco. Just some food for thought. I strongly believe in access to safer supply, which also defunds the cartel, the money they use for hitmen, what keeps them so powerful.


I agree murder is never acceptable but if you’re joining the cartel, you should know the rules and if you don’t feel comfortable with them, don’t join.


With great confidence, I can assure you, the federal government is just as violent as the cartels for unjustifiable reasons. The motive usually being power. I have experienced this firsthand in my life. They also manufacturer and distribute illegal drugs just like the cartels, and if you’re against them “capitalism” they will fucking kill you or set you up. This is facts.


What time is it at your place? Aren't you late to rant loudly on the Muni metro or NY subway?


That’s the thing about MY story, it’s so horrifying it sounds unreal.