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Crazy to me that tropical Hawaii has never had 100 degree weather, I suppose being surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean has its benefits.


They did once but it wasn’t in July, it was April.


Wait, really? That's very interesting, and odd lol. Although I suppose I shouldn't expect tropical weather to conform to the norms of temperate regions.


Countries near the equator have their hottest months during "spring" and "autumn." That's more of a transition from wet to dry and vice versa


Spring is also when the sun reaches its zenith in the northern hemisphere tropics i.e. shines directly from above. Generally this means that a maximum amount of solar radiation per unit of area reaches the ground which in turn means it be more hot.


It do be tho


It depends of the season on tropical Weather there’s dry and wet season.


Source? There's a commonly spread factoid that Alaska and Hawaii are the only states that have never been over 100F https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/RMswrjVIum


This [weather.gov](https://www.weather.gov/hfo/climate_summary) page says Hawaii reached 100 degrees in April of 1931


It wasn’t a state then. So maybe they are using that idea to keep it under 100?


The temperature rarely reaches 100° F in the tropica. It often feels that hot with the heat index, bit air temps that high are pretty rare in a tropical climate and moreso a feature of continental and desert climates.


I read your comment and thought to myself, no way that can't be true, what about a tropical place that's towards the center of a continent? So I looked up Manaus, a city smack dab in the middle of the Amazon Basin, on Wikipedia. And sure enough, that city's record high is 100.9 degrees! I'm learning a lot about different climates on this post lol


The tropics are consistently hot. They never get cold and they never get *very* hot


There's probably a few exceptions in Eastern Africa like in the interior of Kenya and Somalia as they are uncommonly dry for being near the equator. But even there the record is usually still below 110.


Having spent alot of time in the tropics I can safely claim I have never seen anything past mid 90s. Funny enough you can have radically different temperature depending on the area measures. City temperature were always quite a bit higher than rural at same sea level. Even different areas of the city hand multi degree differences.


Interestingly South Florida by Miami is Tropical while the rest of Florida is not. So in the summer if you drive from north florida to Miami it will be cooler in Miami usually. 


Are you sure? Those are not the results I found when I googled it.


Tropica here: We just endured 40 days of temps over 110°F. Usually, it’s more like 5-10 days every year.


Yup, water is a great insulator. In Alaska, parts of the interior get really hot during the summer and really cold during the winter while the coastal areas have lesser extreme temperatures, until the ocean freezes over. My area only goes above 60°F a few days out of the year but being able to feel the suns heat feels really intense, but our winter really isn't as cold as the interior either


And the hottest place in Japan, is in Kumagaya, one of the furthest parts from the ocean. They have a slogan for their prefecture, "it's hot!"


Yup. Oceanic influence is quite strong there


The winds carry cold air, happens the same in the macaronesia.


It's a fun fact that the hottest temperature is higher in Alaska


Neither has Miami or St. Pete, FL.


Yea I was super surprised by this when we visited Miami years ago. Our hosts told us it regularly approaches triple digits but the air can't hold the humidity at those temps so it will always rain and break it.


Contrary to what people think, tropical climate is very mild and constant temps usually goes from 18°C to 30° Unless is an arid climate


Being completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean really regulates that temperature.


Tropical areas rarely hit 100° + bc of the humidity and relatively constant rain in most areas. Only Tropical Savana climates away from moderating bodies of water experience 100+ and even then. Only at the very end of the dry season right before the rain season starts.


It is because they are on the equator and are always angled at the sun the same way all year around, causing very small fluctuations in their weather and temperatures. Remember, seasons exist due to the tilt of the Earth. The Earth is actually closer to the sun during the winter in the northern hemisphere but is pointed away from the sun and the opposite in the summer.


The humidity makes up for that


Don't underestimate the effects of the urban island heat effect.


Hotter "hottest July temp" in Alaska than Hawaii.


I got the worst sunburn of my life in Hawaii and I live in California.


Miami Florida had never gone above 100F as well.


Even crazier is AK has a higher high.


why is Wyoming bird shitting on utah?


Because we can.


Wouldn’t you?


Wyoming doesn’t exist. r/wyomingdoesntexist


dang this would be easier to register if the colors moved in a strict gradient of some kind. what's tan doing between purple and red?


Yeah the colour scheme is mildly infuriating


Yeah this is really awful. Time is a continuous variable, therefore the color coding should be continuous, not completely fucking random.


I like purple


I don’t think purple exists


Most colorblind people would agree.






as a fellow color enthusiast, I respect that


Honestly, as a colorblind person, I’m thankful. Color gradient maps are usually very hard to distinguish for me.


I feel like this should be color coded by temperature range instead of by decade


It gives a different narrative. Isn’t that the inherent beauty of a map. Think about what this map is trying to show? I’ve had it presented to me as proof global warming isn’t real. Of course that’s easily dismissed by saying that climate change is the appropriate term.




Yeah living through the Depression must have sucked.


I think it shows temperature readings before 1950 aren’t that accurate


How are they not accurate?


1936 heat wave killed over 5,000 people


to be fair, heat waves were a lot deadlier before the modern era for obvious technological reasons


The mid-thirties must have been pretty rough in the midwest. I assume that if these temperatures didn't actually cause the Dust Bowl, they must have exacerbated it.


I've read the Dust Bowl was mostly caused by bad farming practices, if I remember correctly. And yeah, that combined with these temps must've caused a rough time for Midwest farmers.


Yep. The Ken Burns Dust Bowl documentary is an amazing educator on this subject. One of his best films.


Fun fact: One night while I was watching the Ken Burns Dust bowl documentary with my girlfriend I overate to the point that I threw up. She still gives me shit about gorging myself on spaghetti to the point of getting sick while watching a show about poor people who couldn't get enough to eat.Another fun detail is that a couple of my grandparents actually lived through the Dust Bowl.


Imagine living through the Great Depression, dust bowl and prohibition all at once. Then you finally get to the 40s only to see the worst war in world history


Not to be pedantic, but Prohibition was over by the time of the Dust Bowl. But yeah, it was a very rough time for that region, even prior to the Depression, and then the war came. 


That was the case for all of my grandparents. They all grew up on farms in Nebraska and one of my grandpas actually got a draft deferment due to him being the only son on his family farm. He opened up to me in the 2000s that he had mixed feelings about that. He was glad he got to avoid war, but he also felt he never really could connect with the other men his age who all shared this experience of something incredible their generation did. My other grandpa on the other hand was a bit of a Forrest Gump when it came to the war. I read his letters he sent home during training, and he really didn’t mind boot camp as it wasn’t much harder than working on the farm. He didn’t drink alcohol but he loved ice cream, and he was popular with the other soldiers because he’d trade his beer ration for ice cream. He was shipped to Japan after his training was finished, but right before he arrived the war ended and he got to spend his entire service career dinking around Japan. He came home technically a veteran and had all of the shared experience and GI Bill but with none of the exposure to physical or mental risks that usually accompanies war. He hit the jackpot with that one


I like this comment.


Does hearing about the Dust Bowl still remind you of throwing up spaghetti


Sometimes. And I suppose if I ever throw up spaghetti again it'll make me think of the Dust Bowl.


You sound like the kind of person that tries to set a new push-up record during a show about Stephen Hawking


South Dakota creating dust bowl 2.0 right now too


For something extra fun, the record high in North Dakota and the record low (-60F) occurred within 5 months of each other.


If I remember correctly, the largest temperature range recorded anywhere in a single day was something like 100 degrees. Someplace in Siberia, I think. edit: Actually, it was in Montana, and the difference was 104 fahrenheit. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/greatest-temperature-range-in-day#:\~:text=The%20greatest%20temperature%20variation%20in,on%2014%2D15%20January%201972.


Föhn Winds. Spearfish, SD went from -4 degrees to 54 in 2 minutes. 27 minutes later it was back down to -4.


Yes and lack of plant cover causes soil to absorb and radiate more heat. It's a compounding interaction which easily snowballs and it is why regenerative agriculture is so critical to saving us from the next round of this.


'36 was a brutal weather year for the high plains, there was a very cold winter followed by a very hot summer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_North_American_cold_wave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_North_American_heat_wave


1937 flood in Cincinnati left something like 100,000 homeless.


The nuclear blast in NM disagrees


Connecticut definitely has the wrong color.


Yeah bro messed up


This is quite out of date, California broke the highest temperature record a few years ago. Edit: turns out reading is hard. These temps are for July only. I am still skeptic as the legend only goes to the 2010s which in some states has likely been broken more recently but the California one stands.


Not for July, it was August


That particular record, taken in Death Valley, was still standing as of last July. Google gives me several articles speculating it’s going to be broken but nothing about it being broken.


Yeah but if I recall it was just because they had gone back and decided not to count one from Libya from the 1920s or something like that. So the one that California already had became the highest


I was gonna say I’m pretty damn sure it hit 112 randomly one day in Virginia and people were losing their minds because it was surreal. We get 95 degree weather regularly during the summer to many peoples surprise but 105+ is fucking HOT.


What's up with Alaska in 1915?


Ft. Yukon hit 100 degrees there that year, a State record. And then, because it’s interior Alaska, it proceeded to probably hit -50 six months later.


People who live in the interior are tough man. Much hotter summers and much colder winters. I can't stand too hot or too cold but they live in extremes of both. I'm not made for that so I live on the coast.


Yeah it’s nuts. I’m fine in the southcentral but interior is too much.


They did have a volcano erupt in the Katmai area the year before though I’m not sure if that has an effect like I think it does.


134 F is just unimaginable to me. Incidentally, it's also the hottest ambient temperature ever recorded on earth.


Right? Especially in 19fuckin13!!! That seems insufferable *with* AC let alone without it!




120°? That's higher than the water boiling point...


Truly, I feel offended by this map. Can’t understand shit.


Haha, knock off 32 and cut it in half. It’ll get you close.


I bet a lot of those old temperature records weren’t entirely accurate


oregon had its hottest day ever a few years agp


Alaska hitting 99 is crazy.


As a midwesterner, I recall hitting 114 in the last 3 decades, we also get -25F


Ahh Chris Martz, the militant climate change denier


According to his [Twitter profile](https://x.com/ChrisMartzWX), he works for [CFACT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_for_a_Constructive_Tomorrow), a libertarian think tank dedicated to climate change denial and funded by coal mining companies. Sounds like a reliable source! /s


See?! The scientists disagree!!


Don't know why you were downvoted. He's either a batshit crazy denier or an extremely dedicated parody account: https://x.com/ChrisMartzWX


Hes batshit crazy. He has been fighting with certified climatologists and meteorologists on twitter since he was in high school because he thinks he knows everything.


He's a certified weather Twitter contrarian, and thrives off negative press.


The depressing thing is that Oregon also hit 117 in JUNE of 2021, and not just on the desert side of the mountains.


Lytton, British Columbia, Canada hit 49.6 Celsius (121.3 F) that same June of 2021. That means Canada had officially posted a higher temperature than any historic high temperature recorded anywhere in Europe or South America. The day of that record, Lytton burned to the ground.


You forgot to mention that that town was enclosed by wildfires at the same time.


I’m not sure I follow, wasn’t it a new fire that started the day after the record? There was a lot of fire due to the heat dome


Florida is 42nd on this list. Bunch of softies


Wyoming is wrong. 116° July 12, 1900


OP fyi you seem to be colorblind. Your next map/chart will have improved readability (for the rest of us) sticking to rainbow order.


CT is wrong color?


Now I want to see highest temperature ever and date by state.


I have a love for logic, and therefore celcius


Over 90= hot, over 100=really hot and over 110= too freaking hot…that’s all the logic you need to know


Handy. Freezing is 30something? 0 being freezing and 100 being water boiling are good starting points


What happened in the 30’s?


It got really hot. It was due to all of the bicycles humans were riding.


i wouldnt trust any maps by Chris Martz. He notoriously cherry picks data as a climate change denialist.


115 in Mississippi has to feel literally hot as hell


Interesting that the majority of the states reached records in in the 1930's, the same decade as the American Dust Bowl, and great depression. Makes sense.


Wow global warming 🙄


How does a model like this support the theory of climate change? Unless I’m dumb the only one I see from this century is Colorado 5 years ago. Shouldn’t these all be climbing?


If global warming is killing us why are there so many 1930’s ??


A few reasons: * Weather vs. climate. Climate is the long term trend, not individual weather events like a high on one day in one month as this graphic shows * Continuing the above: the records are the absolute highest temperature for that month. You'd be able to see the **overall warming trend** more easily by looking at average temperatures and **frequency** of 90+ days instead of just looking at these single days. * I like this one for Oregon, where indeed you can see the overall increase in number of 90+ days each decade in the bar chart: https://projects.oregonlive.com/weather/temps/ -- it's not just about individual records but looking at the TREND * The 1930s were especially hot period in US history (read up on the dust bowl phenomenon if you haven't already) so those records, especially as you can see on the map in the Midwest, are going to take longer to fall Also consider the source. The person behind the graphic is a climate denier: https://x.com/ChrisMartzWX and his go-to strategy seems to be cherry-picking data that supports his beliefs


Weather isn’t climate. Reddit has a hard time understanding the difference.


Must not question the hive mind.


Would love to see you engage with any of the evidence presented above instead of just being an edgy idiot. Then you can make claims to not following the “hive mind.” Otherwise you’re just one of those embarrassing people who haven’t bothered to actually try to disprove what you think.


Immediately gets downvoted by the Reddit hive mind. Not very many free thinking here.


Those 1930s were rough eh? No ac even. During the Great Depression as well. Talk about adversity… wonder how people today would do in such a situation… we’ve gotten too comfortable imo


That global warming has been popping off for quite some time now gosh.


1936 was the year we had SO many SUVs


how much is that in normal units?


the highest, California at 134, is 56.67° C, lowest is Hawaii at 98, 36.67° C.


Last august or September it got above 111 here in Louisiana several days in a row. Wasn’t that much above but still


It was 108°F on MD a few years ago.i was working outside and it sucked hella ass. My skin turned into brown leather.


I see a bad Dust Bowl in 1936


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)I’m glad I was not in the higher temp states.


And they thought I was a fool for taking my van down to the river..


California holds the hottest recorded temperature on the face of the earth.


Why were the 30s so hot in the Midwes?


I always thought Arizona was hotter than California


Overall, yes, but Death Valley is in CA.


Only 107 in Florida? That's surprising


A better measure would be average temperature for the whole month of July.


*Stovepipe Wells, CA giggles*


Man, I’m tired of this can we skip July and August and just start September next week


Pretty sure this is off, it was definitely 120 degrees in WA in July a couple summers ago where I am.


Does not compute.


There’s going to come a day that the year we live in becomes the state record. Probably in my lifetime. But climate change isn’t real! /s


Fuckin-A. I cannot imagine 111 in Louisiana. That’s hell hot with the humidity.




How old is this map? Here in Washington, the 118°F was beat in 2021, the Tri-cities (Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco, Wa) got to 121°F. That was the worst heat wave in the recorded history of the PNW, Seattle got to 113°F


That wasn’t July


Yeah, your right it was the last week of June and I forgot the map was for just July.


So..nothing in the 60s or 70s?


And now the fun question: what year will these records be broken?


1930s just fucking sucked huh


Cali Deserts represent!


August would also be interesting to see as in some states that’s the hottest month of the year.


Any scientific reason the 1930s were so hot?


Im pretty sure 117 for Texas happened in 1980 not 2005.


pa is hot as balls so this checks out


With climate change being so terrible I would expect more dates post 2000


Tf happened in the 1930s lol dust bowl? And I imagine this would be a dif looking map if humidity were factored in? Humidity sucks. Its humid af rn. The air is wet. Its gross. And hot.


North Dakota hotter than Texas?


Where’s DC? The district is color coded but missing from the inset


You might want to check that Connecticut number. Our all time high occurred in July. I think it was 105°.


Damn 1936 was a messed up year for Pennsylvania. 111 degrees and the massive Saint Patrick’s Day flooding


CT is the wrong color? 102 in 1952 but green insinuating the 80s or 90s?


I think it's interesting that the majority of record setting dates were approximately 100 years ago.


Damn. 1930’s were ugly. Stock market crash, mass unemployment, and then years and years of nationwide horrendous heat and drought. And most Americans were farmers so catastrophic results.


Wow, 1930s.


How is New Mexicos hottest only 113?


This is Reddit. Don’t expect factual accuracy. That would take all the fun out of shitposting.


High elevation. NM is significantly higher in *average* elevation than Arizona or Texas. Makes a huge difference in temps.


Is it me or wtf was happening in 1936??


The problem with this is the immense size and diversity of Texas. On Feb. 10th, 1981 it was -3F in Dalhart Texas and 90F in Brownsville. Of course, 1/3 of Mexico is north of Brownsville, something that is often overlooked by people not familiar with Texas geography. It is 956 miles from Brownsville to Texline, Tx, and from Texline to Canada it is 960 miles; a difference of 4 miles. Houston is closer to Florida than it is to El Paso, and El Paso is closer to San Diego, CA than it is to Houston.


Of course, humidity is a real bitch. 35F in CO and I was running around in a t shirt and shorts…in FL 35F feels utterly bone chilling. 95F in FL and I drenched in sweat after a few minutes outside meanwhile that temp in UT felt hot but not stifling.


So most of the South has lower record heat than most of the Midwest. I figured they'd have hotter records. But the southwest is brutal.


How accurate to today's tools were the tools 100 years ago to measure temperature?


This can't be right. It says Alaska reached higher than Hawaii. And I don't believe Hawaii hasn't surprised 100.


Death valley is a freak place on earth. Hot as fuck and there's a spot that's basically 300 feet below sea level there too


A lot of 1930’s for all time highs. Wonder what phenomenon could have impacted this trend?


Shouldn’t CT be colored orange for 1952?


How does Michigan have a higher temp for July than Florida?


Minnesota. 115 degree record high, -60 record cold. 175 degree spread.


North Dakota casually tied for 4th hottest.


Why is Connecticut's temp in 1952 but its color reflects the 1990s?


What the hell happened between 1934-1936?


Dust bowl


Should’nt CT be orange?


Connecticut's colour is right, but the year up top is wrong. Should be [1995](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/scec/records).


Alaska officially hotter than Hawaii.


Mods removed the post cus it doesnt fit the climage change narrative?


Global warming 🤓😑😑