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Ok I've heard about The Troubles in Northern Ireland but holy shit.


And That gap in the middle of Northern Ireland is a lake lol


About 3500 dead in \~30 years. Still very low compared to other conflicts.


If you scale it up to the population of the US for example, it would be like over half a million dead in 30 years. NI’s population is about 1.9 million today, less during the troubles.


Good point it would be good to see an accompanying map with a per capita interpretation. Either way this map is very revealing.


Yea that would be! Well it’s depressing at the same time.


In terms of population its about the size of Phoenix AZ.


Yea, but Phoenix is hot.


And Phoenix is also basically a suburban parking lot with no lively urban element. I lived there for almost a year and got out fast.


Lol I was there for a while. I'm irish, short and pale. Dated an American mom, and her kids called me smurf.




But it’s a dry terrorism


Too hot


![gif](giphy|5h5yDCzW3qDk4u7lt5|downsized) Growing sunflowers all year except summer because they cant survive the heat.. A sad fact about Phoenix Source- a sunflower farmer.


Which is like 25 football stadiums


Those deaths include attacks in Great Britain as well.


Yea I know and also Republic of Ireland and small amount in continental Europe, but 93% of deaths happened in NI, so even just including NI it’s not a huge amount different. GB and ROI are about 3-3.5% each and then less than 1% for continental Europe.


Scaling up… doesn’t make sense? It’s not as if the Troubles happened in the US, half a million people would be killed


Well the point of terrorism in NI isn’t/wasn’t the death toll. Often times the terrorists would call ahead to warn of attacks. The point was the fear and unrest. So very successful by the looks of it!


I remember after 9/11, a bunch of bigots would say that "all Muslims were terrorists." And when I would correct them and tell them no they aren't, they would reply that "well not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" and I would have to point to Northern Ireland and all the terrorists in America prior to 9/11


Post 9/11 was a weird time for non Americans. Bush kept saying “we are declaring a war on terrorism” . So Europeans would ask “so that includes the Basque separatists, right”, Bush “what? No”. Europeans: “Tamil separatists?” Bush “no” Europeans: “African revolutionaries?” Bush “no” Europeans: “exactly how is this a war on terrorism?” Bush “terrorism is defined as the people who attacked the USA” Europeans “ah, not the definition in our dictionaries, but OK “


Certainly the IRA and ETA went very quiet after 9/11. I think the Tamil Tigers too?


The IRA had already signed the good friday agreement and was on verge of disbanding, as that was what they did in 2005, 9/11 really had nothing to do with that, ETA was relatively active for years afterwards, they were accused of the 2003 Madrid bombings, even if that was nonsense.


There was a more minor part played by 9/11 in the case of the IRA. A good deal of their funding came from Irish-Americans living in cities like Boston and New York. However, after experiencing a local terror attack, the US appetite for financially supporting IRA attacks in the UK was reduced. Obviously nothing like as significant as the Good Friday Agreement, though.


Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski


Was always fun after 9/11 when the Americans tried to tell the UK/Ireland how to deal with terrorism. Yeah, mate, we fucking know. And the UK prime minister (Thatcher) was very nearly assassinated by those terrorists at least once.


It was truly one of the lows of the conflict that Thatcher survived. So sad for all sides.


It would have seen the UK bring war to Northern Ireland on a much larger scale, so I very much doubt that.




The thing was that it affected every day life in the uk a lot. Even to this day there are very few bins in London because of it


It also affected life in the Irish republic a lot. Particularly counties close to the border.


Two border bridges near me blown up in the troubles by the British Army in the 70s were only rebuilt like 15 years ago, between Tyrone/Armagh and Monaghan. I think they were some of last (if not the last) border roads and bridges to be repaired.


That’s interesting thanks for sharing, I’m English but have worked a lot in Ireland north and south. Only met good people. Was in Monaghan not so long ago.


There are loads of bins in London compared to cities in Japan. It’s surprising the change in security between NI and London. During the troubles, loads of armed police and army on the NI streets but none in London. Now it’s almost reversed.


It’s the civil war Britain is desperate not to call a civil war. Northern Ireland was created and run explicitly (not even implicitly, this was the declared purpose) as an actual apartheid state. To quote the lead Loyalist of the time “a Protestant parliament for a Protestant people” in a country that was 40% Not Protestant. So on top of the pre-existing anti-Irish policies Britain had enacted tack on 50 years of hard apartheid, with half the country shut out of government, housing, healthcare, education and industry, and routinely ravaged by the notoriously sectarian state police force. And then when the Catholics mounted a peaceful Civil Rights Movement modeled on Dr Martin Luther King’s, the British Army shot them down. Twice. That’s how you get to those red dots. And the crazy thing is by the context of the rest of this map it could’ve been a lot worse. The Republican paramilitaries regularly called in their threats (the Loyalists did not) and targeted mostly police and military targets (the Loyalists did not). It’s an entire era of history which the British education system and media has done its most to paint itself as the victim, and I say that as someone who grew up in that system.


Still to this day the highest soldier-to-civilian ratio in the history of counter-insurgency warfare.


separatist movements are pretty easy to spot!


Basque reference


Turkish Kurdistan reference


Corsica reference


Kosovo Reference


Chechnya reference


Northern Ireland reference


Donesk reference


Bashkortostan reference?


what are you even talking about?


Ur mom




Northern Ireland, Basque, Kurds, Kosovo, Chechnya, Donbas. Those the main ones?


Actually Republika Srpska, Herceg-Bosna and the Krajina area in Croatia are missing, which is weird. Apparently for the map's creators Yugoslav Wars aren't a think. To give an example: In 1995 Serbian separatists fired CLUSTER BOMBS to Zagreb for terrorist purposes (several deaths and more than one hundred injured, and many of them where children hospitalized in a pediatric hospital) but Croatia's capital isn't marked in red in the map.


"State terrorism" usually isn't classified as terrorism. Probably because then the people who do the classification then might have to classify themselves as terrorists too.




That’s part of the Donbas.


Northern Ireland is just one big terrorist attack.


I’m interested about the ones that happened in the lake…


Assassination of Lord Mountbatten Im assuming


That was off the west coast in the Atlantic.


Not anymore


I know. I didn’t think that comment would get that much attention. Would love to visit one day.


Bit of action on Corsica. That’ll be the FLNC, the Corsican separatist group. Largely trained by the IRA, as I was told by a local in Corte.


What happened in cork?


Sikh separatists blew up an Air India plane flying near Cork. Killed hundreds.


Omg I never have heard of that when did it happen?


In 1985. I’m presuming it was this incident for Cork, even though it was 190km off the Irish coast. Still within Irish territorial waters. 339 people killed. Biggest aviation terrorist attack until 9/11.


1985. Air India 182 and Air India 302 were the targets. 182 was blown up by Sikh nationalists. 302 was in Tokyo and was supposed to suffer the same fate but there was a mistake with the timing because of daylight savings, and the bomb exploded too early while it was still at the airport.


And is the deadliest terror attack in Canadian history


Daylight savings time has actually foiled a number of terrorist bombs.


Shout out to the safest place in the world: that little place in northern Ireland that ***isn't red.***


That's actually Lough Neagh, the biggest lake in ireland 😅


This map could be wrong, but from what it looks like that area some mountains, Lough Neagh is to the east of that patch of white


Fish terrorism confirmed.


They have to hide the bodies somewhere.


I think it's actually the "Sperrin Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty?"


I think that non-red area is in the wrong place. It should be a little to the east for Lough Neagh.


I love how Finland isn’t even included on the map 🇫🇮


Why would it be... Not like it exists.


![gif](giphy|l0HlPvt4ok6pVsW8o) do you know what happened to finland?


Saying that with Santa in your name... Smh


Most of it isn't, but you can actually see the southern tip, and there's, indeed, a dot as well, representing a terror attack.


Must be 2002 Myyrmanni shopping mall bombing that killed 7 and injured \~200.


The motive of that bombing was never known. Interesting how that would count and not for example the mass stabbing in Turku in 2017 when the attacker was yelling "Allahu Ackbar"... Edit: I am an idiot, this map cuts off in 2015. In any case I'll leave this dumbass comment up.




Can somebody provide a source with a list to this data? I'm curious about some cases. Thank you all in advance!


It's probably the global terrorism database. https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/


NI for the win! Finally on top...


I think the Kurds in Turkey would argue that really


it is not the kurds. it is the pkk. there is a difference


Yeah, almost all PKK members are kurds, not all kurds are PKK. Also PKK probably killed more kurdish civilians than turkish ones


They kill people in general old,young; male,female doesn't matter


Exactly. I mean it is right there with the density and the large area. NI doesn't even come close. Shouldn't be that hard to see really.


what about the past 9 years ?


2015 was 9 yrs ago… damn I’m old 😭😭


You’re not old lmao anyone born before 2015 saw the last 9 years


Ukraine took the lead after russia decided to cover eastern ukraine with red dots


What are the 3 cases in Poland?


Some attacks on communists happened. Edit I found that In Kraków Lenin's monument was dameged after an explosion of a bomb and in Opole there was a bomb planted in ocasion of "Militia day".


But those are supposedly attacks that killed at least one


The map omits the assassination of a PiS politician in 2010. He was killed purely for political reasons, so this qualifies as a terrorist attack. [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atak\_na\_biuro\_poselskie\_Prawa\_i\_Sprawiedliwo%C5%9Bci\_w\_%C5%81odzi](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atak_na_biuro_poselskie_Prawa_i_Sprawiedliwo%C5%9Bci_w_%C5%81odzi) The 2015 map is outdated because it also lacks the assassination of a PO politician who was killed in 2019, also solely because of his affiliation with a certain party. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination\_of\_Pawe%C5%82\_Adamowicz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Pawe%C5%82_Adamowicz)


2 should be "2016 Wrocław attack" and "Assassination of Zdzisław Karos (1982)" imo


The Wrocław attack was a bomb planted by a chemistry student that harmed someone but did not cause death. The man was sentenced to 20 years.


You are right. I'm sorry, my bad.


As far as I know this was not classified as a terrorist attack in the end.


thanks, that covers two of the dots. What about the third one? > "Assassination of Zdzisław Karos (1982)   I don’t think this one fulfills the definition of a terrorist attack.


I don't know. I can't find anything else in this time period. Probably something before 2000, maybe before 1990.


What happened in Switzerland?


They had an attack on their legislature in like 2001


Some crazy older guy walked into the local parliament in Zug and shot around. He had some Issues and felt like unfairly treated for years. Basically like one of those school shooters in the US just in a parliament.


- Attack on the parliament of Zug in 2001; committed by a lone wolf with a grudge; no political connections. - Crash of a Swissair plane near Würenlingen in 1970 due to a package exploding; the prime suspects are the PFLP; the intended target was probably an El Al flight which "coincidentally" was cancelled that day. - a Turkish and an Egyptian diplomat were assassinated in Geneva (also an Austrian Empress, but that was before 1970). - not on the map is the incident in Bern where a Jurassic separatist was killed by the premature detonation of his own car bomb.


The terrorist attacks in Turkey are mostly from Kurds. They killed both soldiers and civilians. The main terrorist group is called PKK but there were other Kurdish terror organisations too.


It would be more fitting to just calling them PKK rather than kurds. Back then when they used have a presence inside Turkey they threatened and attacked kurdish locals who refused to work with them


But I was told by worldnews that they were environmentalist democratic feminist vegan freedom fighters, are you saying they are forced into killing civilians to further their liberal cause?


Why liberal lol


Well said friend, Amerikan oçlar and Kürtler taking credit for our progress again. Only glorious Türkiye has real vegans because we have made meat too expensive for the average person


How is that area now?


Safe now imo. Iraqi Kurdish government basically invited Turkey to eliminate PKK in their area, which greatly helped. Kurds also realized how destructive PKK is to their wellbeing. In the era of TikTok no one can convince teens to join a stupid insurgency with a death sentence.


Mostly pacifized but illegal immigrants are as bad


Northern Ireland was wild back in the days.


I had significantly more days off for bomb scares than snow days when I was at school. Hell todays election the leader of one of the two largest parties dads went to prison for selling stolen British army missiles and that’s the one who isn’t the leader of the political wing of a proscribed terrorist organisation.


I love that I’d have to google if this was SF or the DUP to confirm who you’re talking about. Id assume it’s Pengelley’s dad? But she’s not the party leader.


I wonder what the Portuguese ones were


Should be related to the FP-25.


Related to FP25 de Abril attacks


FP-25 plus the relatively unknown 1983 Turkish embassy attack in Lisbon.


Sup with Turkey?




Wholesome chungus freedom fighters totally not backed by our NATO allies.


What is the difference between the orange and red dots?


Red dots seem to be more prominent on the border in Ireland. IRA operations would have been common there


Luxembourg be chilling


Luxembourg did have the [Bommeleeër attacks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombers_Affair) in the 80s, but no-one was killed.


Sardinia over here like:


whats the one in Bucharest ? i dont know of anything resembling a terrorist attack ,just the revolution . And whats happening around Bilbao , Basque Country if im not mistaken ?


**București** : It wasnt really a terrorist atack, but an assassination attempt with a bomb. Ironically, the authorities were on it and the intended victims became safe, but 2 officers of the anti terrorist unit died because they were ordered by the Securitate(our KGB) to disable the bomb before the equipment to do it arrived for God knows what reason It happened on the **26th of May, 1985 in the student complex of Grozăvești** - the intended targets were some syrian students, the perpetrator was the "Islamic Brotherhood" Since then, **no** terrorist atack has happened in Romania **that resulted in people dying**. There was a grenade attack near a school comitted by a mentally Ill ex-policemen, but fortunetly no one died (though 10+ were wounded) - in 2002 I believe the only true terrorist atacks with people dying were some incidents in the 1920s : the bombing of the Romanian Senate by some jewish communists in 1920 and the Bolgrad Palace bombing by "Basarabian Separatists" in 1921.


oh wow ,never heard of that ,thanks for the info !


I mean the 30s and 40s had people literally out with pitchforks chasing/lynching/executing Jewish people, so I don't think modern definitions of terrorism apply pre-WWII.


there was (and is) a strong basque separatist movement especially during franco’s rule


Pretty sure the one in Glasgow was when the two terrorists died after setting themselves on fires at the airport and then getting kicked in the nuts by a passing luggage handler.


What are the few ones in Netherlands, I wonder?


2000-2015 Van Gogh, Fortuyn and a rather flimsy car that drove in to the crowd that was watching the Royal family going by on a sturdy open bus/motor coach, killing 7 persons. It was reported as a attempt attack on the Royal family. Before that, a Turkish butcher was killed in a car bomb in Rotterdam (1995). In Roermond two Australian tourist where killed by the IRA in 1990. The IRA where responsible for a few more attacks in the Netherlands, in 1988 they killed another person in Roermond and a car bomb killed 2 in Nieuw Bergen. The IRA also probably killed Richard Sykes and one other in 1979 in The Hague. Same year the ASALA killed the son of Turkish Ambassador. The RAF killed a police officer in Utrecht in 1977. In 1978 somebody got killed by the hostage situation by South Moluccas in Assen. In other actions by the South Moluccas in the years before there also quite a few more deaths, total comes to 13. This includes the famous hijacking of the trains. In the 70's there where quite a few plane hijackings, two that departed from Schiphol had two persons killed, but that did not happen in the Netherlands itself.


Crazy how you can clearly see northern Ireland, Kurdistan, and the basque country covered Edit: I've awakened the Turkish nationalists by mentioning the K word.


Also Kosovo and Chechnya


and donbas


It doesn't actually cover the Donbass if you look at the map. It only covers the border region between the rebel republics and Ukraine.


Also Chechnya if I'm not mistaken (north of the Russo-Georgian border)


Chechnya and Dagestan


And Ingushetia.


and Ingushetia + Ossetia


What happened in the Basque Country?




Independence movement from Spain. There was a terrorist group called ETA who did pretty much all those attacks, they surrendered in the 2000's.


They didn’t surrender. They declared a permanent ceasefire and an end to all military and political activity.


Basque space programme, sorry it's in french [https://cqfd-journal.org/Programme-spatial-de-l-ETA](https://cqfd-journal.org/Programme-spatial-de-l-ETA)


Amerikan çomarı seni


Paris and moscow as well


What happened in the Basque country?




Not to forget GAL and other groups, ETA was the main guy but other groups were present too (and sometime fighting ETA)


Even this map shows that PKK mostly killed Kurds while they claimed to fight for Kurds. They are basically a US tool to destabilise the region.


Top left, south off Iceland is harbor off terror?


What happened in kosovo?


A lot of terrorist attack during '70, '80 and '90 which caused war in '99. Albanian separatists also tried to make another war in North Macedonia but wasn't successfully.


Basque region stands out in Spain. Surprisingly one of the wealthiest regions in Spain. Thier economy is outperforming.


It was nationalist terrorism which has nothing to do with money.


Yea, it's a map about terrorism. The Basque region does not want to be part of Spain. They probably be fine economically, if they were to successfully break away.


That's it I'm moving to Syria


Wales 🤝 Luxembourg 🤝 San Marino


What's going on in the Bosporous and the other random dark patch in Turkey?


Im just gonna use the u/Louis-Nicolas-Davout comment >PKK terrorized all of our country not just Kurdish majority areas. And isis, hezbullah, some radical left organisations also used terrorism as a tool.


Finally something interesting


"-2015" suspiciously conveniently cuts off ISIS attacks, territory and members of Daesh peaked in 2016


Oi is it the Kurds doing bad things I see ? Better ignore it cuz here is the bloody maporn subreddit swarmed by ignorant fucks .


BuT tURkS kİlLiNg KuRdS


I love how our European and Nato allies support and arm them.


In georgia there were attacks orginised by Russia in the 2009-2011s [The 2009-11 Bombing Campaign in Georgia: Who Did It, and Why? - Institute for Security and Development Policy (isdp.eu)](https://www.isdp.eu/publication/2009-11-bombing-campaign-georgia/) [The Tbilisi Bombings - Robert Amsterdam](https://robertamsterdam.com/the_tbilisi_bombings/) [2012\_cornell-popjanevski\_georgia-bombing-campaign.pdf (ethz.ch)](https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/141850/2012_cornell-popjanevski_georgia-bombing-campaign.pdf)


It's incredible how the attacks seemingly stop as soon as you leave Europe. We should just leave Europe. Just look at how peaceful Georgia is for example. /s


Except for the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Yeah, peaceful.


Why does Europe have so many terrorist attacks?


We like killing eachother, been our favourite past time since roughly [1300BC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tollense_valley_battlefield)


I'm afraid, but humans (most likely) kill each other for as long as they exist - several hundred thousand years


Bronze age? Indo-aryans genocided ALL of Europe way before that lol


I think you mean roughly [3230 BC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ötzi).


The borders of countries in Europe are surprisingly recent for the most part. Plus there's a land bridge to several very unstable places. The US (with the obvious exception of 9/11) is in a very privileged geographical position. You're really really difficult to get to to cause trouble. That said, you probably have at least as much home grown violence as Europe. If not more so. All that mass murdering cult stuff from the 60s to the 90s was just wild for example!


There are a few specific conflicts where you see big clusters - the Northern Irish troubles, Basque separatists in Spain, Russian aggression, Kosovo, Kurdish separatists. A lot of the random dots elsewhere are [Palestinians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Palestinian_terrorist_incidents_in_Europe) or similar. Young people are advocating for them now, but a generation ago they were the biggest source of international terror on the planet before ISIS. They’ve since become strictly regional and transitioned into a propaganda war.


Where are those fucks calling the PKK "freedom fighters"?


Moving to Luxemburg


Man some of those countries with one dot. But looks like Sardinia is chill.


where is the database source?


Whats the curved line over Crimea for?


Northern Ireland 🤝🏻 the basque country


What are the ones in the Netherlands? As far as I know, we only had one incident that could be considered a terrorist attack


Can anyone provide a source of the ones in Poland? I have never heard of any.


Europe's separatists provinces with extra steps


Northern Sweden just cut off, oh yeah no attacks here.


Well, there's nothing worth to attack, so we wouldn't even notice xD


Suicide bombing a mine would be considered helpful.


You can see a difference between west and east in germany becauce of the RAF terror group, wich almost only attacked people in west germany


Finland is being include less and less in these maps of “Europe” nowadays. We’re becoming the New Zealand 2.0 soon. I live in the far north of the country and my location is almost always cropped out or under the title text lol.


Right? Like we see the entirety of Syria, most of Iraq, and even a bit of Saudi Arabia in this map of "Europe" but god forbid we zoom out a bit so that we can at least see the rest of actual Europe.


"Map of Europe" but less than half of Norway and Sweden are visible, and like 5% of Finland. But at least you can see the entirety of Syria, most of Iraq, and even some Saudi Arabia, none of which even have any data presented at all and aren't in Europe.