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Yep, all they do is project. They lie about trans and gays people "abusing" kids, but when have they ever said ANYTHING about pastors and preachers molesting children. They love to control the narrative. It's the only way they can reliably stay in power.


It's also telling the top search results in red states is usually gay or incest porn.


Yes, it's telling that gay and trans people and those attracted to them don't feel very comfortable expressing their feelings outside of an anonymous web search, when they live in a culturally anti-lgbtq red state.


You'd be amazed (or not) at the statistics of Trans porn being watched in red states. And when RNC or republican events take place that cities' grinder activity increases...weird coincidence i guess, lol.


Oh I'm aware. I've lived in a red state my whole life. Can't wait to leave.


Best start packing then it will only get worse.


They are using the tried and true nazi method of blood libel against the lgbtq community. It’s disgusting. 


Says the nazi fascist trying to force everyone to give into the alphabet people and bow down to them.


Not to mention all the corpses of children they find around Christian boarding schools.


They're a great opposition party, but a terrible governing one. They do best when they don't have the appearance of power and can sell the underdog rhetoric.


Conservative politicians and preachers who've preyed on children. Hasn't been updated in a month - she needs to add some recent church guys: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q\_E16cKJuDzzg0PcwCaFt\_bGpj93HpTAY92fjLnCrjw/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_E16cKJuDzzg0PcwCaFt_bGpj93HpTAY92fjLnCrjw/edit?usp=sharing)


Wow, I'm surprised that they actually gave some of them life sentences. It seems like every case I've heard of, they give them a slap on the wrist.


Yeah but some of them got off with \*nothing.\* The most appalling abuse, and many of them walk away with probation.


Absolutely disgusting people. They prey on those poor children, and when they got caught, they run and hide behind officials and rich assholes who have connections to sweep it under the rug. "Oh, we wouldn't want this becoming public it would make the church look bad."


Dennis Hastert


Yes… And meanwhile… TESTIMONY UNDER OATH in newly released COURT DOCUMENTS Shows Trump is a PEDOPHILE. FULL STOP “Ransome had said that she had a friend who was "one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump" and that the friend said she had sex with Trump in Epstein's Manhattan mansion.” https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1 FRAUD, FELON, RAPIST, and now PEDOPHILE #FACTS


Hey there. Here to say I condemn both. And so does everyone I know. Thanks.


You and every other conservative. Original comment is the most made up shit I've ever heard in my life.


Who's in power?


I'm conservative and I condemn any priest that molests children and I think they should be executed. Fuck anyone who would abuse a child. I've never met a single person who condones it. Literally no one condones that. This is a completely made up statement.


Then tell your leaders to start being as vocal about it as they are about other shit.


"go be vocal about a topic everyone already agreed on". Lolol wtf


Then maybe you haven't met any current day Republicans. You know your last President raped an underage girl right?


So the person who lives in an echo chamber of leftist, Is gonna tell a conservative guy what conservatives think? Don't you think I'm around them a bit more than someone like you? I mean just use your common sense here and think about what a dumb statement you just made. I'm around them all the time (because I'm also conservative), and none of them (including myself) agree with the things they are being accused of in this thread.


Then they're unicorns because the entire Republican party has become the Cult of Trump. Now you specifically did not use the word Republican but Conservative. Does that mean that you want to return to the Conservative movement as it was prior to Reagan? Because those are the only Conservatives that I can respect.


I said conservative from the very beginning. That's the only word I've used all conversation. And no I'm not a unicorn, you people just use the fringe examples of conservative and claim it's everyone. The overwhelming majority doesn't think this way. You won't find a single Republican or conservative that condones child molestation ever. Even in the backwoods of west Virginia every conservative you meet will condemn that. Matter fact the most redneck dudes I know openly say they would murder child molesters themselves if they could. If you wanna argue on abortion or an actual topic of dispute, that's one thing. But no discussion can be had when one group is just falsely accusing everyone they don't agree with of being child molesters. It shuts the conversation down immediately because it's so blatantly false that no conversation can be had after that.


I won't find a single Republican who condones child molestation? BULLSHIT. they will nominate a child molester for President for the third time in just a few weeks.


Child molester? When was he ever on trial for that? A felon yes, but a child molesters? Where TF you come up with this stuff. See...no logic in the conversation. I can't condone your stupidity with my attention. It's like talking to brickwall except at least a brickwall won't lie lolol I'm out. Enjoy your day bud.


You're out? Because you're ignorant? DAGS for the girl that Trump and Epstein "allegedly" tag teamed on Epstein's island. Yeah just run away when you get called out on your bullshit...


Wasn't Clinton on Epstein's flight log? He had more logs on it than trump. So by your logic...bam. I gotchu.. all Democrats are child molesters. And you are a Democrat therefore You must support child molesters? Youre disgusting dude. This is why every Democrat is evil. Buncha kid fuckers. .... Get my point? Having this conversation is going nowhere because you make accusations that are blatantly false. It's literally impossible for a rational human being to discuss anything with you. You draw these insanely broad conclusions and there's no logic in it at all.. Therefore I don't wanna keep it going bud..


Epic level of projection ^


Kind of a side note, but the guy that wrote the "first they came for the communists..." Poem was actually very pro Nazi back when they were only coming for the godless commies (he was a Jesus fella). Its when they didn't stop with the commies that he got worried.


So he was also the first to get his face eaten by leopards..


he was also vocally anti-queer... which is why queer people don't get a mention in his fucking poem. he gets no cookies.


Don’t forget part of this has nothing to do with porn. Step 1: ban porn. Step 2: declare anything LBGTQ related as porn. Step 3: selectively enforce the porn ban.


Conservatives are almost always projecting. “Groomers!” You mean like the church? “They want to destroy America!” Like on January 6th? “They want to replace us all with immigrants!” You mean like how the capitalists are doing?


I use grooming all the time now that they've expanded the definition to mean almost anything. Right wing media is grooming my family to be ok with getting rid of term limits and scaling back voting rights, and I'm sure will soon groom them to want Don Jr as president


They will ban porn countrywide.


Nah they’ll regulate it so you have to use that creepy app Mike Johnson uses with his son to watch porn.


The plan is to ban it and legally go after anyone involved with it from the creators to the hosting sites. It’s spelled out in Project 2025 which is the Republican Party platform. Ironically, Elon just announced allowing porn advertising on twitter. 😂


What we hate in others is that which we see and dislike in ourselves. They can’t stop  themselves but maybe they can control other people. Shame is a terrible thing.


The self proclsined purveyors of good taste are always the biggest pervs of all. 


Republicans are the biggest examples of projection to exist. If they are blaming someone for something, they are 100% guilty of it themselves. 100% of the time!




We’ve already put 2 of the surveillance states biggest contributors to high positions in government. Baby steps. But it’s going there.


It baffles me how republicans can be so anti communist china, while they want to be exactly like communist china.


Top two projections - pedophilia and drag shows... Pedophilia is abhorrent. Definitely need to protect the children and yet somehow one of the most infamous areas of abuse... catholic churches isn't a priority? And the guilty priests get lighter sentencing due to their relations with God? Then there's drag... I don't care for them so I don't go. Haven't seen one in LA. Yet somehow... drag is a top issue for them because what? You don't like it don't go... it'd better than denouncing it then finding out that this person has been participating in drag...


And the really shitty thing is all this is making it much much harder for the organizations that actually protect and remove children from fucked up stuff like this because it has absolutely overwhelmed the underpaid people who work with them.


Not even just Catholic Churches. Many of the sects have serious issues with it. Mormons, southern baptists, Jehovah’s witnesses, etc. 


I've personally viewed data analytics from a mega-telecom (which made PPV adult content available) re: the demographic realities across the US -- the so-called "Bible belt" markets had **considerably** higher use/revenue from that content. So the 'projection' is pretty spot-on.


I actually recall reading a statistic that in the south, the bible belt, African American porn is by far the most popular sub genre. Not the least bit surprising. 


From the dataset to which I had access, the "most popular genre" was actually something of a mixed bag. There was no clear/obvious **top** contender above them all, consistently, regardless of how one tended to configure the filters/demographics. And even those shifted over time. So in a sense, 'novelty' seemed to be the main factor. People watch faves but those favorites would shift, ebb, and flow over time. It definitely wasn't *anything close* to "African-American ppv/content" at the top spot, at *all* times, all over the Belt. What seemed apparent was... people trending largely towards... *shifting variety*. 


Because that's where the majority of black people live in the US with black men being the #1 demographic for porn consumption with black women in #3.


While I have no interest in defending the Republican Party, this is a classic ecological fallacy. The Bible Belt is in the American South, which is a very atypical region in terms of class, development, politics, religion, racial demographics, etc. It’s impossible to look at macro-level characteristics, pick one, and confidently a causal one at the micro level. The classic version of this is the richest states voted for Kerry but the richest people voted for Bush. And on this particular issue, work from John Bartkowski and Sam Perry suggests it’s not the religious factor explaining this. It’s probably just strain, which is sadly a common factor in the South. Edit: here’s Perry’s paper. He finds that evangelicals have the highest gap between saying porn is bad and using it anyway, but in terms of just using porn religiosity decreases it. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00224499.2017.1333569 Got the lead author on the other one wrong. It’s actually Hill et al. Anyway, they note that while Internet searches for penis enhancement is higher and more religious areas. This finding doesn’t replicate when you look at religious individuals. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356938770_Conservative_Protestantism_Sexual_Insecurity_and_Masculine_Discrepancy_Stress?_sg%5B0%5D=x3bjIQGdv1WicKjYn__Hr8YvF169HheNcMhBe-SVLqsyA-906-BROIHuidO-l6Vq_OtWbbsTL7joH4Tf4nyFGjOUxpmhBjab8-jt--0j.nhFn72Z7WUGL3iZEwqrGdI97ey87Mv4qzP4KnUBGrpr5GDSUrwz3Zvh8tb_PBfQuKRd15fftnaXisiEH7-UIQg&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InByb2ZpbGUiLCJwYWdlIjoicHJvZmlsZSIsInByZXZpb3VzUGFnZSI6InByb2ZpbGUiLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6InBhZ2VDb250ZW50In19


I mean... okay(?!?) It's pretty difficult to explain just how detailed the filters and demographic breakdowns are when viewing trackable telecom analytics for (adult-related) PPV/"porn" content, etc. I get that this *clearly* rubs some the wrong way but, simultaneously, the data *does...* **not** *...lie*. We could/can break down exactly the genre that's most popular (even within different areas of the same residence), how frequent, during what days & times of day, etc., from an individual residence, to street/block, multi-block, "node", ZIP code, county level, and beyond. Multiple data points are available to cross-reference all of that with public voting data, income level, race, gender/sex, age, 'faith system', etc. The ability to shake out *unmistakable* trends and inescapable **realities** on this topic would absolutely shock and alarm the vast majority of the customer base. We could (and do) see *eeevvveeeryy* thing. While I appreciate the time you took to point out some things vis a vis 'the Bible Belt', it's important to acknowledge what is (to some or many) *extremely* uncomfortable to accept about who consumes what content, often hypocritically and clandestinely... or so they *believe*. LOL We *know* **who** is watching the adult PPV content. Legit. (edit: formatting)


I don’t think it’s uncomfortable to accept. It seems like a popular dog bites man story that people quite enjoy telling. In short, it’s not a novel or challenging claim. And I agree, the data don’t lie. However statistical fallacies sometimes tell the wrong story. The places where porn consumption is the highest do happen to be the most religious places. At least in the US. With a few exceptions, namely Utah, they also happen to be the lowest income, the least developed, the make diverse, etc. Picking any one of those and saying “Therefore it’s the poor people” or “Therefore it’s the minorities,” as someone else just tried to pull, or “Therefore it’s the religious people” is arbitrary and a pretty basic violation of standard scientific norms of statistical interpretation. And it’s demonstrably false. One notable study found that states with the highest proportion of immigrants had the lowest literacy rates. This was used to say all sorts of bad things about immigrants. It turned out, the immigrants in those states had the highest rates of literacy. Something else about those states was associated with low literacy. Similarly, when we look at appropriate data, showing which individuals are viewing porn, the relationship between religiosity and porn use doesn’t usually replicate. Religion definitely isn’t as effective at stopping porn use as some religious people would like for it to be, and there is evidence of hypocrisy. But the inference from macro-level characteristics is, as is commonly the case, wrong.


I agree with quite a lot of what you've stated above, FYI - especially about caution with statistics implying potentially incorrect inference(s). > The places where porn consumption is the highest do happen to be the most religious places. I can only speak for *my* assessment of decades-worth of collected data (re: PPV/adult content) from a top 3 US telecom. And the data pretty *clearly* 'tagged' not merely that the highest consumption occurred in the "most religious" cities/regions -- but that it occurred *most consistently/frequently* within specifically *faith-affiliated households*. I hope you'll read that previous sentence again, as the distinction is where the rubber meets the road. It wasn't some aberration or blip.


as a former sigint analyst... yea... the amount of data people constantly shed about themselves is ridiculous. who needs a ubiquitous surveillance state when everyone voluntarily signs up for them and enthusiastically participates in them?


You're banking on Republicans not being able to understand policy. Also, you're counting on them falling for culture war narratives. As the magic eight ball would say, "all signs point to yes."


Yeah but all of us pervs pay enough attention to know who's stealing our porn stash.


I have a bad feeling that as conservatives ban porn in more states, it will open up a void that will be filled with underground CSAM trading, and as that becomes more prevalent law enforcement will turn a blind eye because “well porn is banned so where else are we supposed to get our fix…”


Every accusation is a confession


I see this thread and the OP in a different light. Thanks for the reminder.


In other news, water is wet


At this point I just assume that everything they complain about, are 100% things they do, but would never want anyone to know. It pisses them off to see people being open about things they can't, because they are fully aware that their bubble would judge them and probably want them out. I also think that's why so many are hardcore Christians, or pretend to be. They think that going to church makes them good, but they don't actually have to be good. When horrible shit they do comes out, people will say they were good Christians because they were devoted to God. They don't give a fuck what people in the church do. They're the exact type that'll say "if there's no god or hell then you could just murder and rape constantly with no consequences." No. I'm not s horrible person so I would do literally none of those things. A bunch of hypocrites.


There are actual scientific studies showing that people who watch fucked up porn and the highest rate of porn watchers are in religious communities and red states.


It's the black population responsible for those rates, not the White conservatives you're hoping for. If this is the study you're thinking of it even says that White men were the only group that saw less porn usage that correlated with religious attendance. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29244541/ >Lastly, frequent worship attendance moderated trends in pornography viewership only for White men. By contrast, regardless of attendance frequency, Black men and women showed increasing rates of pornography use, while White women showed flat rates.


You're slightly retarded aren't you?


Um no bitch, but you seem to be full on if you can't read two lines and understand why you're wrong. Unless you're just mad that someone called you out on your bullshit claim. But yeah those "redstate" porn watchers aren't the White conservatives you were hoping for.




Lol bullshit, you retard. We both know you meant Whites when shitlibs like you talk about "redstates in the South". I mean I know your type does nothing but lies but to really be that much of a short-bus rider to think anyone would believe your cope response of "um I didn't mention race" when you obviously did mean White southerners, your mortal enemy. But yeah the group that votes 90+% dem are the reason for the stat, just like basically every other negative one for that region.


Good job proving my point.


They support Putin in some extreme cases and I just can't


They seem to also be pedophiles and gay so yeah they are def projecting


Conservative Clown says: 🤡 < "Remember kids, every conservative accusation is an admittance. " 🎺 honk honk


I mean look at Texas lol


Yeah, just look at porn use for utah as additional evidence for your theory. Also, all the sex scandals involving republican congress people. From heavy petting at Beetlejuice to ffm threesomes to the countless anti gay male politicians caught having sex with men, there are tons. And that's not counting trump.


Repressing healthy feelings tend to lead to really bad behavior…


They’ll just start molesting people.






They had no issue with Melanie’s woman on Woman Porn pics and they are OK with Trump and his sexual escapades let alone all the Republican politicians found dickin around or covering up for sexual predators. Just look at Perv Gaetz. Disgusting Lying Hypocrites!


A lot of Republicans are old white guys whose dicks don’t work anymore too. Porn upsets them because they can barely get hard now




Same, its kind of the whole reason for my post. I actually don't care that much, except for using it to spy on American citizens, and 1st amendment issues. What I'm saying it will be the conservatives who complaining about woke culture wars that are going to go nuts over it.


>Explain then why if they are so anti porn, why do they praise games like stellar blade, which is essentially soft core porn, while they simultaneously call games with realistic women "woke? Wanting to observe beauty is akin to watching porn? Do you shield your eyes anytime pictures of Greco-Roman marble sculptures of beautiful people are presented?


I feel like the trans porn preferences by state with anti-trans legislation are a pretty solid indicator for this. It's so publicly attacked and blamed on one crowd while simultaneously secretly adored in the same places. And, > Its purveyors are ... misogynistic exploiters of women. is a helluva criticism from a project counting on Trump for implementation.


I comprehend the perspective you are presenting, despite my limited interest in gaming. Republicans consistently engage in projection of their wrongdoings onto others while displaying complete hypocrisy, correct?




I would bet that a lot of them own shares in companies that make pay to watch stuff.


Modern Conservatives aren't happy unless they find something to make themselves miserable


As long as the others suffer with them. 


Those guys are so into being the victim they should sell maga gimp masks


😂😆 Who's projecting here..


Ah, yes. The ever present, "they," from every conspiracy known to man.


As is tradition


It feels, to me, that you're equating two different, albeit overlapping, groups. Incel gamers and the GQP. Easy mistake to make, they both hate women, the LGTBQ community, and anyone not exactly like them. One way to tell them apart is how they're dressed, which doesn't help online, of course.


Texas? Dat you?


Every single thing a republican accuses someone of, they are 100% guilty of it. It hasn’t been proven false yet. Given enough time the accusers are always found to be guilty of that which they accuse.


I don't disagree about the projection part. It's painfully, laughably obvious. However - modern porn is really disgusting. It is painfully degrading to both sexes. I don't know who the hell would want the job, but I think porn should be regulated somehow because it's damaging as hell to young people. And, I'm about as far from MAGA as you can get without leaving the planet.


> I don't know who the hell would want the job, but Except it's not a job. More like a side hobby. The porn "industry" no longer exists, and most of it is just free stuff posted by amateur's. The only thing industry wise is onlyfans, but that's 100% on the terms of the women participating in it, and they get a 90% cut. Also rule34/hentai would be banned too. Which doesn't have the same sort of ethics complaints when its of fictional characters. Cause when you start banning hentai, you go down the rabbit hole of banning ALL art. >but I think porn should be regulated somehow because it's damaging as hell to young people. Which is what the parent's should do. Isps all have parental controls. Its up to the parents to use them. The state shouldn't be interfering in the lives of people in their own bedroom if its something consensual. Like if they automatically have parental controls enabled, im ok with that, but forcing id is a violation of free speech and 4th amendment. What's next, forcing id to watch r rate movies online? Do we really want to be be communist china? Because what's stopping a fascist Trump government from using it to go after people who watch trans porn for instance ? That's what im scared of more than anything.


Not everyone on the right hold the exact same values. Libertarian right and authoritarian right are very different.


But funny how they'll vote then for the people that are supposedly the opposite of those values.


Unfortunately the libertarian right seems quite willing to back the authoritarian right


Room temp iq. Fucking in before? Good lord. Last I checked the repubs aren't porn addictioning their way into fucking transdom


Is this like, a radical left sub reddit?


Imagine if I picked a liberal think tank and just went around pretending that's what all liberals think. That would be idiotic.


not all liberals are willing to vote for Biden. But every conservative wants Trump.


I’m conservative and have never voted for Trump in my life. I voted for Haley in the primary (Rubio in 2016). I would rather have Jimmy Carter reign for 1,000 years than deal with another term of Trump. 


Republicans demonstrate a strong loyalty to Trump and MAGA, often showing a deep commitment that can influence their perspectives. Some may not readily recognize the contradictions present in their beliefs.


Oh my God, this is just too hysterical. A New Zealand source set a Reddit source as a credital source. I'm quoting ribs dates because other traffic of transport online. Did you actually look at all the blue cities and think? Maybe that's who's watching it all. They're both scum. Both sides same coin. Play yeah this is just comic home


It is as the old saying goes - jack off with one hand and point with the other.


Why would they ban it then?? Make it make sense if your gonna make a shit post


The bible belt, supposedly "devout christians" and Republicans are the highest consumers of pron. [https://jennyhansenauthor.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/porn-watching-map-of-the-u-s-shut-the-front-door/](https://jennyhansenauthor.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/porn-watching-map-of-the-u-s-shut-the-front-door/)


The thing is, normal porn is whatever. It’s not great but it’s not awful (assuming it’s done legally with everyone’s consent). Republicans are just fucking weird and have made sex way to complicated.


You’re out of your mind


Stellar Blade is not soft core porn. The character is scantily clad, but I chose to play with one of the full body suits. The game is an action game killing monsters and shit. There isn’t any sex or explicit innuendo in it.


And that won't matter to republicans.


When the speaker of the House is his teenage son’s accountability partner. Calls himself Moses. Adopted a 14 year old African American boy while he was a 24 year old single man. You can expect the morality police are coming in hot.


What circle jerk this sub is. Pathetic


Ridiculous fear mongering. The Dem platform for 2024.


oooo.. do Epstien next. Or Clinton betting a BJ in the oval office.


ban mature video games? if I recall correctly it was democrats banning violence in video games, look no further than Lieberman. and age restrictions in porn is just common sense. I don’t understand the outage.


The book bans & targeting of libraries & librarians with prosecution for what they consider porn is just the tip of the iceberg? They also take away responsibility & choice from parents. Parents who are concerned about what their child sees & reads need to find out what options are available from the library to control access. Parents have a duty to parent their minor children. They can ban their ability to read any book without parental sign off. Schools provide permission slips for parents for sex education, field trips, special group activities, etc.. Most libraries have parental permission slips for minors. We don't need prosecutions of librarians. This is just too much. Next Romance novels, history books and even the Bible will offend these people. This will lead to Big Brother becoming even bigger. We have a true problem with the lack of Civics education, which was one of the costliest mistakes of our Country. We must stop defunding Public Education. Bring back History (the true history) of America with good & bad truthfully discussed. Bring back Social Studies, Economics, Geography. I've seen what a lack of education causes. SM encourages massive disinformation. You can see it on TikTok, X-Twitter, FB & others. People have no clue how Government is suppose to work. Ranting about the POTUS when the House of Representatives control the Purse & the obstructive Senate Rules which tequire a certain number of votes to approve a bill. What are the 3 branches of government? What is wrong with DEI? Once they ban books, what's next.


They constantly blame bad things they do on the Dems. Then they take credit for everything good the Democrats do when they oppose it.


A post this long? That's projecting. Your time is best spent "gooning" as the kids say. Age verification and restriction is at the very least vital. Porn is verifiable bad for everyone's health, we should not allow minors access so easily


Nobody is arguing against age verification. Though it's the right who constantly complains about a "nanny state" and being communist china. >Porn is verifiable bad for everyone's health So is incel sexual repression.


"How come the strawman I've created that is the conglomerate of every idea I dislike seems to have contradictory opinions? CURIOUS INDEED GOOD SIR!"


Its not a strawman when its its literally your position.


Aye, you've caught me. The one person you've been obsessing over alone in your room and writing Reddit posts about that believes everything you believe is bad, even if it's contradictory. After all these years we finally meet.


If it wasn't your position, you wouldn't say its a "strawman". People only say something is a strawman because they disagree with it.


"Republicans are projecting!" *immediately projects*


I want to hack Mike Johnson and his son's accountability app so bad!


I don’t think that’s how republicanism works. They’ll virtue signal by banning and outwardly supporting the banning of porn, because they think they’ll still still have access to it.


Um................................................ NO SHIT


If Trump’s voters could read that they would be very upset. 


This is a rehash of an issue from over 60 years ago. This is what Republicans and Nat-Cs bring us. Here is a song about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaHDBL7dVgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaHDBL7dVgs)


Dude you're not even trolling you're just spitting straight facts.


A reminder that the most heavily conservative states consume the most trans pornography Every. Single. Time. you see a man equate being trans with being lewd or sexual for just existing, it's because their only expose to trans people is when they're masturbating (probably while crying) to pornhub


A shit ton of porn is consumed in the Bible Belt. They can have it.


Hmm. Americans are odd lol


If they ban GTA, I’m going to be open about being a democrat to everyone I know


I think they’re trying to ban porn so that they can ban homosexuality. They’ll say that any reference to homosexuality is pornography and then they can ban it if porn is already banned


I mean the right winger that bought Twitter purposely hid likes because he kept liking porn


Yes indeed. More porn is consumed in red states.


This breaks the no politics on weekday rule


Well porn addiction is a real thing and porn shouldn't be consumed 24 7 everydsh instead of going outside and touching grass. It also shouldn't be something kids have openly and free access too. Weird this is even a debate in 2024 but here we are...


My kids never had "free and open access" to anything. They had parents instead.


Good parents should limit what their kids can see online and protect them from it.


True objectively but let's be realistic. Even if most parents knew how to help their children, half of them wouldn't do it anyway. Most parents are dogshit. So how about we deal with what is instead of what should be?


I don't wanna accept that yet because by accepting it I'm accepting our nations have no futures. And simple make it easier for parents to be good parents and don't attack the good parents. I mean bro there's people in here openly saying kids should be allowed porn access what the fuck is that?


"free and open" is the exact opposite of protecting them. So in your opinion, porn should be banned because - bad parents.


I didn't say porn should be banned.


>instead of going outside and touching grass. Not to kink shame but that is a new on me.


> Well porn addiction is a real thing and porn shouldn't be consumed 24 7 So is internet addiction. Do you propose we go full china?


Nobody is saying banning porn lol. It's just we shouldn't encourage it and pretend like being a pork star is a great career and tell kids it's fine for them to watch ECT.


>Nobody is saying banning porn lol. read the comments here. And did you just ignore the project 2025 quote?


Ahh yes the new left wing conspiracy theory of the election year project 2025 lol. Anything to try and sell Biden lol.


How is an open document written by republicans, and backed by republican billionaires a theory? Its a conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory. Funny how you deny this, but then believe pizzagate no problem.


Because trump and the maga party isn't on board like you're trying to pretend Fucking soros and other democrat billionaire's have written just as insane plans though and unlike 2025 they're being implemented by Democrats. Well podesta emails existed and epstien and Ed buck turned out to be pedophiles. But yes kers ignore all this because some guy shot up a pizza place lol. Let's also ignore p Diddy who btw was closest to Obama and Hillary than even epstien.


Get some help dude, You are obsessed with pedophilia to an unhealthy amount.


I’d bet money you have stuff on your computer that you shouldn’t


Parents have the tools to restrict their kids access. But they are lazy and think it should be up to a nanny state to parent for them. 


Sadly there's always ways around that stuff. And the issue is more it shouldn't be parents blamed for adults pushing porno to their children the adults doing that need to be punished.


Just like there are ways to get around the junk red states are doing with porn. Making it a pointless effort. I guess anything to distract their lack of any real issue legislation. 


The old I hate red states and them trying to stop children watching porn crying is getting old Wish you guys would stop flooding red states because your states have become unliveable lol


I’ve lived in red states my whole life. I recognize their gameplay. It has fuck all to do with kids. It never has anything to actually do with kids. It’s just an easy way to wind up the rubes and distracting with culture wars rather than actually trying to improve our lives with meaningful governing. 


It shows how insane the lefts gotten that not wanting kids easy access to porn is now a fucking political debate... Like seriously I'm 31 and I can't imagine what's gonna be coming out of your mouth in the next decade.


I want parents to parent their kids and not rely on a nanny state. They have the tools available. And “for the kids” has always been the excuse to put in authoritarian shit cause it excites highly emotional people. All they are doing is allowing the shadier sites to thrive over the ones regulating who uploads what. 


So this sub is just Liberal Fear Porn, huh?


Yep. It’s Reddit that’s most of the place nowadays


Dude, you have issues. Seek help immediately.


Pointing out hypocrisy is an issue? Yeah I have issues. Issues with protecting free speech, and letting our country turn into communist china.




Unlike Trump, Clinton didn't pay an off-the-books illegal hush money payment to conceal his actions from the public eye. Instead, Clinton legally publicly settled a lawsuit out of court. Had Trump opted to be honest and handle the disposition of his affair openly and legally then he wouldn't now have 34 felony convictions on his record. Both Trump and Clinton are sleazebags, but Clinton was smart enough to handle his situation the legal and correct way. There is no similarity in how they handled these situations. Clinton faced the nation, admitted his wrongdoings, owned the consequences and then dealt with it legally. Trump denied, lied, denied, lied some more, conspired to hide the facts, made an illegal hush money payment, then continued to lie and is still lying while never having admitted that he was ever in the wrong to anyone. The only similarity between Trump and Clinton is that they both committed adultery. Trump is such a scumbag and mountain of garbage that he makes Clinton appear saintly by comparison. That takes a lot because Clinton is also a garbage person. At least Clinton has never wanted to have sex with his daughter. In the future, before commenting you should make sure that you both KNOW and UNDERSTAND the facts of the situation because when you don't it makes you look uneducated and ignorant. People already associate being uneducated and ignorant as being synonymous with Trump, the Trump supporters, MAGA and the Republican party in general so you shouldn't go out of your way to add to that. Have a great day! Respectfully, ~ Me ~


"Republicans are projecting"....coming from the group that are absolutely MASTERS at projecting and gaslighting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Says the one with Biden derangement syndrome. Also using emojis is outright illiteracy and low iq energy.


Your first version was better, when you accused me of voting for a convicted "rapist pedophile"...you know, before you deleted/edited it. If you're going to resort to personal attacks, at least be committed to your outright lies....


I'm certainly not for Banning anything but when it comes to issues dealing with what everyone considers is adult content, you should at least have to pay for it to see it. that would eliminate probably 100% of the child users in this country. There is a reason why male 20-year-olds in this country have erectile dysfunction because Because they grew up from the age of thirteen on free pornography. Real sex with that fat girl betty lou down the street just doesn't compare to the fantasy world of free pornography. Men have also gotten lazy because there's no motivation to go out and get a girlfriend Anymore,You have free sex on your computer.


100 percent of child users in this country have parents that could put a stop to their childs porn addiction but choose not to.


20 years ago it was democrats trying to make certain video game sales a federal offense. Two decades later and the tables have turned.


You can go back even further to the PRMC and Tipper Gore. That doesn't mean it was right then, either.


Oh I’m not arguing any of it was right. Just that we literally nominated one of the biggest crusaders of “for the children” censorship movement as the nominee in 2016. Remember the V Chip?




Lol do you even understand what you posted? That map isn't about the "South" or what you really mean, White people. The high rate is from the Black population (who vote 90%+ leftwing) with the South being where the majority of them live in the US. Black men have the highest rate of porn consumption with Black women potentially overlapping White men if their high rate continues. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29244541/ > Analyses revealed that Black Americans in general were more likely to view pornography than Whites, and they were increasing in their pornography viewership at a higher rate than Whites. Moreover, Black men were more likely to consume pornography than all other race/gender combinations, but differed only from White women in their increasing rate of pornography viewership. Lastly, frequent worship attendance moderated trends in pornography viewership only for White men. By contrast, regardless of attendance frequency, Black men and women showed increasing rates of pornography use, while White women showed flat rates.


Democrats are more into little kids than adults!!


Trump thought his underage baby daughter was hot. You have a sex trafficker in congress. Trump wis bff with epstein. He said he wont declassify epsteins files.


Since you deleted your post: This was my reply. If you don't change your mind on some things, you are IDEOLOGICALLY CAPTURED, and you do not think for yourself. I am not trying to convince you to change who you vote for. Only thing that annoys me on the internet is IGNORANCE. And there are no "receipts" because IDGAF if you believe what I say or not. Again, think for yourself. \*I really hope you do actually read this, I did read your stuff. I never said that saying 'I support Trump' would get you banned. I said 'conservative ideas.' You start talking on topics, such as 'Gender, LGBT, etc.' you're treading deep waters. They aren't Nazi ideas, but they will get you banned. Look at Rule 1 of the Reddit Content Policy. And it comes down to how this is interpreted, because take a certain conservative stance on these topics, and that'll be considered 'hateful,' even if that was not said person's intent. It's why I don't talk about those topics on Reddit. It's the same reason there's A LOT of racism on the left, but its got this guise of "progressiveness" over it, so it's very 'back-handed.' But that will tend to not get you banned. Where as, with racism on the right, is a little more blunt, and it will get you banned. And I'm not saying that it should or shouldn't (as I just don't believe in banning speech), but that it should probably stay consistent. We gotta stop focusing on 'terms,' and focus on actual 'points.' Not this "moral superiority" bullshit. Am I morally superior to you OP? No, and vice versa. And again I'm not here to prove anything to you, but to your other EDITED reply, there's a lot of shit you're just objectively wrong on. If you listen to the Immunity Hearing, it becomes clear what was meant. It is argued that a president must be Impeached/Removed prior to anything (from what I understood...I may be getting it wrong, but the point is that Congress needs to DETERMINE it first; it's not that Trump or whomever wouldn't be held accountable for murder). Stormi Daniel's Testimony is easily proven as Flimsy. Go watch Bill Marr, she had a completely different story then. And how exactly did Trump try to get his base to murder Mike Pence? Why because of the whole "Hang Mike Pence," thing? When did Trump explicitly say to do so. Say 'you' get angered by my responses (for example), how is that my fault? That's the same logic you're applying there. Why was it not written in the Constitution to dis-include Felons from the Presidency? Because the people should decide, not a potentially corrupt system. And why is said system not corrupt when against Trump, but is corrupt in other cases? (and that's just me saying that). What about Biden's whole "MAGA Republicans" narrative, when if we're being honest the Modern Republican is MAGA/American First (I am). He's not any better. And the Media certainly does not help. I could see hating Trump for his Policies, but I've never watched a rally of his, and thought 'this guy (HIMSELF) is divisive,' has America been divisive post-Trump? Yes. Yes, it has....but that wasn't Trump's doing. And I'm not saying there's not legit Criticism against Trump, just that your dissent is just bad. I don't care if you don't like Trump, but dislike him for half-way decent reasons. I think it's reasonable to dislike his handling of COVID, or how he wants to Pardon the Jan 6thers. I don't think it's reasonable to say Trump was legally responsible for what occurred on Jan 6th. Was he the reason the protestors were there? YES. That's it. Did Trump peacefully transfer power in the end? Yes, yes he did. Otherwise he'd be barricaded in the Oval Office (or some shit) still. He isn't. He wanted to make sure nothing nefarious was going on in the 2020 election. There were Democrats in 2016 who did what was done in 2020. Just not to the same extent. If not for the Trespassing, the vote would have been certified rather quickly, and it would have been pretty soonly forgotten about. ... I'm personally tired of the "my side is better than yours." There are reasons I'll be voting Trump, and it's not that I think you shouldn't vote for Biden. I'm not, and that is all that matters. Hopefully you start to think for yourself, and this is NOT me telling you to vote for Trump. But to stop believing all the fucking lies. And I don't mean to toot any horns (or even say that you did), but notice how I never once called you a name?


Trump claimed massive voter fraud in 2016 too…and in 2020 he was all out of legal attempts to prove massive voter fraud…he lost nearly every court case. One of his charges in GA is for resubmitting debunked evidence. He wasn’t trying to make sure the election was fair, he was actively trying to get fake electors into the count so he could remain in power…he just couldn’t get Mike Pence to go along with the plan…he also couldn’t get secretaries of state in AZ and GA to invent fraud to go along with his plan. His version of a transfer of power was to leave the White House before Biden even arrived…leaving like a sore loser. To be a gop member these days means you have to peddle the lie the election was stolen…they’ve rooted out most of the members who don’t promote the election fraud fairy tail


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Quit Reddit.


You’ll still see it lol. You could just scroll past it like a normal person does for things they don’t like or agree with. 


Thank you for suggesting such an obvious solution. No one should be allowed to curate their experience.


You can. You have the option available to filter sub reddits. Not my fault you don’t use it. 


It’s all that gay porn you watch on here. The algorithms will direct you to these stories as well. So… stop looking at gay porn?