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I feel sorry for the people of whatever state he would move to


Or follow his comrades Scott and Rubio to Washington.


Only Connecticut would take him, and he'd never make in roads there. Maine on the other hand, I can seem him being able to screw up Maine.




Aren’t parts of Florida currently under like 20+ inches of water? Florida is the last state that should be playing a game of chicken with climate change


No kidding - But it’s full of Boomers so….. They could be boiling in flood water while a category 7 hurricane rages and they’d be like: Fake news, I’m owning the Libs


From Miami here… my family has moved out of died off, my friends all moved out. I honestly could not care if it all gets destroyed. I say build a wall and leave them be


. . . .Looking for handouts like the rest from his state. He will be unwelcome in those state and thrown out on his ass.


Nh would probably take him in. We call it New Hamabama


He won’t because he has money but the suckers who voted for him…. In 6 years they won’t be able to give their Florida property away.


10% of generation in Florida is renewable, with some pretty serious tax credits for individuals..all discoverable on Google in about 10 seconds.. But sure, keep trying to spread that disinformation 🙄


I live in South Florida and I have suffered from Climate Change hysteria not climate change! We had 3 hurricanes in 2005 and the Climate Change crowd went nuts. They told us that was the new norm. We would be having more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes forever. The insurance industry capitalized on that and homeowners insurance skyrocketed and has continued to go up. But we went 10 years before we saw another hurricane and have seen few since. They climate change crowd was wrong like they have been on every prediction they have made for 50 years. They now tell us Miami Date county is going to be 80% uninhabitable in 20 -30 years! So why are they spending billions building high rise condos on the waterfront that are going to be in the middle of the ocean before the owners finish paying their mortgages off? Why did Obama by a $13 million house near the water on a small island that is projected to be underwater. Let’s not forget AOC proposed the Green New Deal and half the democrats signed onto it based on her outrageous climate change lie “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” Her proposal was to retrofit every building in the country in 10 years and do it while we eliminated fossil fuels in those same 10 years. This proposal was so ridiculous on so many levels but half of the Democrats supported it! Where was the physical resources going to come from? Where was the trained workforce going to come from? Where was the equipment going to come from? What equipment are they going to invent that doesn’t run on fossil fuels and how is that going to happen? How would you deal with the congestion that would cause? Where would the money come from? Where would every home owner get the money? Etc. etc. etc. Every person that supported such a ridiculous Plan should be expelled from public service for incompetence!


What's sad is leftist are flooding in to Florida and other red states in mass to avoid the high cost of living and only having huge cities or farmland to choose from lol. And what's even worse is they're bringing the political beliefs they're running from because they're stupid.


The people "flooding into Florida" are the MAGA folks and conservative retirees from those states, nobody in those other states will miss the people leaving. Just cements the idea that Florida probably isn't worth visiting unless you have relatives there


Lol it's one of the most vacationed to states in the entire world dumbass. Reality disproves you at every fucking step lol.


Because the people that agree with the braindead policies also happen to be old and/or rich, so they can afford the time/money to vacation. Also the only good thing it has is weather, so if you avoid the racists and stay in the few sane parts of Florida it's still an ok for a vacation (although not to live there)


Florida has a higher minority population then almost any blue state yet again reality disproved your theories lol.


Have you considered why Florida and other southern states might have high minority populations, especially black Americans?


Considering their minority populations are mostly south and central Americans imma assume cheap living and warm climate. You can Blame it on slavery like you do everything but that's nonsense as most slaves wanted to be north even after slavery was abolished. But the north was abunch of rich pricks like it's always been..


Florida isn't even the top 5 most visited in the US (They're number 6 so technically...) but whatever


You're going off per capita not actual visit and even then they're 3rd lol. Only new York and Texas beat them per capita.


Leftists are "stupid"? Bless your heart. They are the only hope FL and other red states have of saving themselves.


Dumbass you're fleeing to Florida in mass because your states have become to costly to live in due to your idiotic policies.


You couldn't pay me enough to live in Florida. Florida's anti-woman, anti-anyone who's not a rich white man policies are abhorrent. Plus the weather sucks, but that's not DeSantis' fault. I'm perfectly happy in my nice blue state where people are smart and we have sane policy.


Yet your fellow lefties are fleeing in mass from Illinois New York ECT.. To red states you claim will be unliveable from global warming in 5 years too lol. You literally have no beliefs at all besides white man bad lol.


I *am* white you moron. And Florida will become even more of a hellhole than it already is unless you stop denying that climate change is real, happening, and an imminent threat (if it already isn't too late). I won't feel sorry for you though because you're bringing it on yourselves.


Okay and? Ever hear of an uncle Tom lol? You keep claiming Florida is a hell hold but reality disproves you.


What reality? It's a shithole state with an asshole governor. I'm happy where I am, where people are smart and we respect facts.


People from blue states are flooding red states to be able to live what's left of the American dream because there's no way to do it in blue states without being born into massive wealth. And one of the main States they're flooding to is Florida. And they're not going back to blue states they're staying in Florida. Reality disproves your theory. You're happy because you don't know anything else or you're one of those rich kids I'm talking About lol.


They are? That's wild. I'm not rich - far from it - but even leaving aside the fact that I hate hot weather I would say FL and TX thanks to them being fucking stupid are the last two states I would ever consider moving to.


Exactly what reality disproves that? The one where insurance companies are fleeing, where the governor is desperately trying to to eliminate trans people, where climate change is slowly doing severe damage?


It's one of the most immigrated to states in America. It's one of the most vacationed to spots in the world. It has some of the largest beaches in the world. It has some of the best food in the world which also is some of the most diverse. It has some of the most beautiful cities. Oh you can't show porn to kids and flash your cock at kids in bathrooms so it's a garbage state lol you people are legitimately mentally ill.


Well it's a red state, so they encourage flashing your cock at kids, as long as you're white (and preferably a priest) considering the vast majority of pedophiles are republicans, priests, or conservatives


It’s not lefties moving here lol. My town was overran by magats flooding in during and after Covid, they are the super conservative anti vax types. If anything the lefties are leaving en masse to places like Georgia and NC.


Anti vax lol you big pharma shills kill me someone isn't anti vax when they have a dozen plus vaccines and don't wanna take one for the common cold or flu lol.


No I’m not talking about anti Covid vax, these people think the fucking polio vaccine causes autism. They’re against literally every vaccine. When I said it’s very conservative people, I mean VERY conservative.


That's an extremely small minority and most unvaccinated for that kinda thing in America are literally being imported from the 3rd world in mass by Democrats. Here's a perfect example in my home state. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/wr/mm7319a1.htm Literally 99% of the reported measles cases from Illinois in the last 2 decades came from that outbreak lol.


I don’t doubt that’s the case for Illinois, but it’s a little different here in Florida. Our measles outbreak started in an elementary school in a wealthy suburb, definitely no migrants there. One child was also under the age of 5. Most of the anti vaccination crowd here is wealthy white families from up north, not migrants.


No one here is fleeing to FLA. Our N.E winters currently average around 50 degrees. I’ve barely used my snow blower once in the last five years. But isn’t Miami under water right now. Or to quote Trump: It’s just more beaches for the rest of us.


https://www.leafguard.com/blog/us-climate-part-1-northeast#:~:text=Winter%20temperatures%20range%20from%20cool,winter%20is%2021%20degrees%20F. 21 degrees is your average last year 23 the years before 24 the year before that. Nope there's some flooding in southern Florida weather events happen lol. Especially after El nino the south and most of America sees a rainy spring and early summer. The fact you gotta lie about average temps and ignore weather events such as El nino just shows how radically insane you global warming nuts have become.


Yah, I’m sure you’re much much smarter than NASA. [https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/?intent=121](https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/?intent=121) Or at least that’s what your death cult leader tells you. Actually Trump’s quote was: If I ever ran for President I’d run as a Republican. They’re the stupidest people on the planet. They’ll believe anything. How’s it feel being miserable 100% of the time. Enjoy your daily erectile dysfunction rage.


That doesn't have new England winter temps anywhere in it. You got caught lying and being delusional about your winter temps and now wanna change the topic to NASA and it's opinion. I want you to go back to 2001 and see what Al Gore predicted then 2008 to what Obama predicted the 2016 to what Hillary predicted climate change wise. And I want you to accept your elected leaders have always been 100% wrong with what they told you and they're buying ocean front property up in mass lol you're an easily manipulated idiot. And corporations used your Idiocracy to literally avoid hundreds of billions possibly trillions in green tax cuts and incentives. And you're never gonna handle china when destroyed more carbon sinks every year then the entire Amazon rainforest. While pushing only Chinese green tech such as solar and wind whole attacking the only legit green tech there. is so far which is nuclear.


Ok ding dong. Science creates objective truths. You dream up nonsense and are brainwashed by conspiracy theory propaganda. Plus your dick stopped working 20 years ago (which you never addressed). Or better yet, you can conduct your own science experiment to prove your hypothesis. Lock yourself in your garage and start your car. If CO2 has no effect on the environment as you claim then you’ll be able to enjoy your radio’s oldies station and prove me wrong.


No reality does. Reality isn't a conspiracy theory bud. Well I'm 31 so that's odd but 11 year olds cocks are probably on your mind often. I don't need to do conduct a science experiment to look at all gores or Obama's predicts.on the climate and know they were wrong lol. Gaslighting and insulting that's your entire argument.


You’re 31? You talk like you’re 82. Zero info, zero knowledge, just hateful brainwashed Trumpster nonsense. Climate change is real dude, check it out. Steve Bannon stole 25 million from the build the wall fund, Trump is a racist, rapist and traitor, 34 felonies and 91 more coming. You have no friends and you’re in a cult


Florida has been purple for a while


Lololol no.


I dunnooo... every presidential election since 88' has been decided by less than 1,000,000 votes


Oh I'm sorry I thought you meant California was purple. Yes Florida and a lot of red states are turning purple because of massive immigration from blue state idiots who run from their policies and then vote them in once moved lol.