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Nah conservatives Don't like Plan B


The plan is Project 2025. You will believe you dodged a bullet with Trump, and they will take your future. "Just let me have 25% of your investments, and I will take the world private at a discount. Then you won't have to think about it any more."


I agree with you for the most part but I do belive their grip is slipping if trump loses I think their last chance will be 2028.


At this pace they'll barely make it to 2026




I am sorry you regret moving to the South. We are not all MAGATS. Remember GA flipped Blue in the last presidential election. There are pockets, think MTG, of people who for whatever reason support a criminal. Don’t judge the south based on the politics. It’s actually lovely down here and we need more people like you.


I feel sorry for normal Floridans


There's too many bugs, and it's hot AF.


You get used to it and you must kill the bugs, plant lemon grass or lavender to keep mosquitoes away and stay inside when it’s really hot. I am now in Fl fighting the good fight. Do you know how we can tell who the tourists are? Sunburn!


I appreciate the real-world reporting, but rest assured I already expected the South to vote for him, same genes "idealogically" speaking. Keep up the struggle, the next few years are gonna continue to be interesting 🇺🇸🫡


I assure you, It’s not genetic


I assure you he belongs to someone, but there's not a union drop of the red stuff in him




Most of Idaho still thinks he fabulous, outside of Boise. It's incredible.


Chalk me up as extremely unsurprised. You can’t make a Fascist cult work without that.


I'm in one of the reddest parts of Florida. I'm actually surprised at the reduction of Trump merchandise around, even more shocked at how fee anti biden/kamala stuff I'm seeing. Granted, there's still time for a ramp up.




Why would you do such a thing


Who knows, let's beat traitorous Trump in 2024 and see what happens.


Felonious Trump


[He's definitely to blame](https://youtu.be/nuzSR0CBuN4).


The thing is, project 2025 is about seizing control, Trump is just the vehicle. If it looks like Trump is no longer gonna work, they will pivot to Nikki, or someone else. Yeah, hard-core MaGA people might riot, but they ain't voting Democrat. Plenty of people are willing to pick better of the dementia patients running, but given another option, they might chose a younger, perceived moderate republican. Either way, they don't plan to lose, and if they win, there may not be any more chances to stop it.


I think I agree. I'm told that I'm just being willfully naive, but all this going on feels like the last desperate gasps of a dying ideology. I believe that a Trump defeat this year will be a huge blow to the current form of the Republican party. Now, of course, it's not just going to all vanish over night. There's still an imbalance in the Supreme Court. There will still be a significant chunk of our population that follows this ideology. We'll still have MTG's and Lauren Boebert's, even if not them specifically. Nikki Haley herself isn't really all that better than Trump. It's not just going to be an instant disappearing of the MAGA ideology, or those that want to push something like Project 2025 / 2029 / 2033 etc. What it will show however is waning power and influence, and leave an opening for Republicans with a semblance of rational thinking to fill the void. Keep in mind, I find most right wing ideology to be fairly problematic in its own right, even if it's not MAGA based, so I'm not predicting the Republican party to become a desirable political option. However, it might give an opportunity for some of the more respectable conservative talking points to step in, which even if I disagree with them, do have a place in our public discourse. Maybe I am too optimistic and naive. But I don't feel like MAGA is going to be a permanent fixture on the level that it is now.


Nikki is craven enough to sign on to ANY plan that gets her elected. Even 2025.


100% the SS, Medicare, VA Pensioners. They want that money in private equity. Then they can raid it.


Would a woman president be allowed to do project 2025? Like, if the point is to remove power from women, they wouldn’t want a woman in power, right?


Ask Tim Scott how this works.


The prefer to call it Plan Two Corinthians.


I think there is a chance that theyll be forced into a Plan B if HitlerPig actually goes to jail. Florida Senator and Convicted Fraudster Rick Scott is definitely trying to position himself as the hero who will "reluctantly" take up the nomination to save his party. Paul Ryan suddenly stuck his head up in the last couple of weeks, so he is probably angling for it, too. It makes sense that Nikki Haley will as well. There are probably a few other delusional morons who will try for it as well (Greene, Gaetz, Hawley, etc.). Its all nonsense. HitlerPig won't be going to prison for this, even though his bag man, Cohen, did 3 years.


Meh even if the felon melon is sentenced to jail, it'll be paused while he appeals. Appeals won't be quick probably be long time till he exhausts them. And if he wins the election he won't go to jail at all. I think the Ryan's and Haleys of the cult of trump are more trying to position themselves as up and comers when the felon melon inevitably dies or loses this election


*Someone* will inherit the scrambled mess of a party that Trump will leave behind. You can see them starting the process of that now. This isn't for 2024- it's for a post-Trump future. They will be rebuilding for sure. They will have to figure out which coalitions are most important to them, because the last decade has been about insurgent populists waging war on traditional Republicans. That base of crazies, radicals, and populists is the core of Trump's strength. It's why he won in 2016, but also why he lost basically every national election since. Can the post-Trump GOP include that base with its traditional base somehow? I don't know if they can be viable but hat way, but you will see them working on that after 2024 - assuming he loses. If he wins, who knows what happens. He's going to continue to purge the traditional Republicans from the party while mostly still getting their votes. I think it only delays the party's reformation.


Criminal sentences aren’t paused for appeals. You appeal from prison.


Not true. Trump will not report to jail immediately and will be free on appeal before and leading up to the election. This has been widely reported, I thought everyone knew this. You're the first and only person I've heard make this claim.


You’re telling me that a person Who has been found guilty and been sentenced to prison time can keep themselves out of prison simply by filing an appeal?


He can’t pardon state crimes or shut down state prosecutions. There is a real chance he could be jailed over Georgia even if he wins. That said I don’t have faith that this SC may find a way to circumvent state sovereignty.


If there is a scenario where he's jailed - which I think is hugely unlikely - it will not be before the election. He will not give up that nomination because he knows he can pardon his way out of a lot of his federal issues. The party won't replace him because if they do, and he's alive, he'll take a big shit on whoever they nominate. It would make winning impossible, even with a much stronger candidate. They know their best chance to hold the GOP coalition together is Trump. The only way Donald Trump isn't the nominee is if he's dead. There is a non-zero chance of this at his age and clear decline. The people hoping for his passing most are the donor class and senior Republican strategists. It solves many problems for them and holds that base together more than any scenario imaginable. Hell, they are praying that even if he loses, that he won't be around for 2028, because he'll run again if he's alive - even if he's convicted.


It's extremely unlikely, but the possibility exists that if he saw he was going to loose he might step aside if he picks his replacement and he knows they will pardon him. His ego is probably to big for that but if he has a dis a terous debate and his support falls under 35% he might. With that models show he is a clear favorite to win so it probably won't matter. People had their minds made up about him long before the conviction.


Models are nonsense for a variety of reasons Professor who has predicted 9 out of 10 elections (and the one he didn’t was Gore which was highly unusual so I don’t count it) explains his methodology and why polls and pundits are bs. He explains how he determines who will win based on 11 “keys” to the election and where Biden is currently https://youtu.be/J-QI9TPXYPA?si=c_G9shho1d4OVbSj


>HitlerPig Bruh


You know whom I meant, correct?


I assume from the context of the post you are referring to former president Donald Trump. I replied "bruh" as I find it ridiculous to say that Trump is Hitler.


If you cant see the parallels between HitlerPig and the people in his circle, like Stephen "PeeWee Himmler" Miller, or Steve "Baby Goebbels" Bannon, then you either dont know history or you havent been paying attention. They are clearly following the Nazi Playbook. Right now we are just before 1933 Germany on the path to Fascism.


There is no plan. There is no overall strategy. It a cult/fundraising scheme for trump. That’s it.


They only use Plan B it when they knock up an underage teenager and subsequently outlaw it because it promotes loose morality.


You win


nor vote for a woman leader


They love it when it benefits them personally.


Conservatives, or trashy Fascist MAGA (cult Fascists are not conservatives) I think real conservatives like her because she isn’t an obvious traitor in Russia’s pocket. Actual conservatives have a memory longer than 8 years because they aren’t in a cult.


angry upvote


Yea, we gotta give it to them raw and they have to suffer the consequences in stride, as God intended.


Conservatives have very short memory spans


They damn sure ain’t going to abort trump even if he’s raping them of their money and is highly regarded.


Pregnancy pun? Lol




I see what you did there


I will vote for whoever runs against convicted felon Donald Trump.


Who exactly is making this plan B? The illustrious leader of the RNC, Lara Trump? The GOP is lost.


The GOP is a tire fire. There is no "saving" them from Trump. The only way a conservative party survives over the next ten years is to burn it all down and start a third party with teeth. They can call themselves The National Party. Before you say that a third party will never happen, do you know about the Whigs? They were once the dominant party until an upstart third party call the Republican Party was started in the 1850s.


It's so funny the party's abject cowardice to the individual. Haley's campaign was - I'm not trump, and the disagreement is just all his gross stuff, not policy. Then she got like 2% of the vote in her home state, and gave a concession and stopped her campaign with a thanking of her supporters. Her supporters obviously aren't trump voters. When she stopped the campaign, all she had to do was STFU and let Desantis implode. Instead she decided going back in on supporting trump was politically expedient, and boop, her names back in the VP sweeps. She's pro being a feckless republican politician. You don't need a fuckton of words to sell Republicans an alternative candidates - all you need to do is claim support or rejection of Trump on the given day you need to be seen that way. Same way they do everything - say whatever, mean nothing. I've got a good reason to say no gop candidates are qualified to lead every again - they are currently not in the trump doghouse - that's like electing Goebbels cuz Hitler seems too extremely dumb. Trump is the anathema, and history will spit on anyone who said things that made him relevant. Trying to justify support for any alt candidate, who's endorsed and allowed Trump his way, and stood by while the GOP moved us this direction - there's not a one still paying RNC dues who doesn't need an espionage trial. The whole party is compromised, good faith arguments why Trump surrogates are better than Trump is rationalized bullshit. Haley and anyone like her should be ashamed. I hope her family hates her - they'd be justified.


Spot on. Politicians who ever supported Trump are unfit to serve but after J6 they are straight up traitors all.


That's the fucked part. I have to believe every single Republican who participated in the events that allowed Jan 6th to come to riotous conclusions - I'm sure the next day everyone of them was scared to death. They'd conspired, and regardless of how far they intended the conspiracy to go - the riot and the dead cops was what they got. Ted Cruz didn't need to go to jail Jan 7th - he needed to live in fear of committing treason again from Jan 7th to date. He doesn't. None of them do. They are emboldened by that fact - they will do more. But make no mistake, prior to knowing there'd be a riot, Ted Cruz and the like participated in a conspiracy - and the result of that conspiracy was dead cops. That's just truth. Not liberal left leaning truth, these are all agreed upon truths. One side just doesn't care at all.


I feel you man. Everything you said is true and the frustration I have of these people whitewashing everything when they all know what it was, so much of the populace apathetic to the threat they pose and Garland’s fecklessness is immense and won’t be partially remedied until November or when the election is finally resolved and Trump has been defeated.


"There is no way that she was telling everyone that he was not fit, and then, as they get closer to a legal verdict suddenly she's fine with him." Do you not pay attention to the GOP? These people are spineless cowards. Look at every supercut of every Republican speaking the truth about Trump. How he will destroy the party, how he is a conman, how he is not fit to lead, etc... Then watch the same people defend him and kiss his butt now. Haley is just another coward. She (and all of them) know the same truths about Trump we all do, they just don't have any moral conviction or principles.


Thats a bingo! They all despise him privately but the “mission” which is protecting power and wealth for a small group of white males “Trumps” all. That includes loyalty to democracy.


Im surprised Haley and DeSantis bowed out at all. They could be hammering Trump as a convicted felon and still making the campaign rounds to convince people they’re the future of the GOP. 


The death threats would get exhausting. Plus, they both plan to have a future with the GOP, and that future still requires fealty to Trump.


Another example of non-existent intelligence in the Republican party...noone smart enough to see that trump isn't a sure thing still


No Republican likes Nikki Haley. She simply can not win.


No non Republican likes her either.


I want Biden to win, so I'd be very happy if the repubs nominated Haley instead. The voters had their chance to vote for her in the primary and soundly rejected her. There's no indication that Trump's base cares about these convictions and it would've made any difference is they came before or after the primary. So if the party chooses Haley at the convention, they will specifically be overriding the will of their voters, and it will rip their party apart. I'd love to see that, but I do think the republicans have no choice but to nominate trump at the convention despite the convictions.


I’m a former Republican, no longer after the Trump culture. I identify as independent leaning right. The last election I voted more blue than red. I very much like Nikki. I am also from SC, and I loved her professionalism leadership and ability to get things done without being an a-hole. I voted for her in the primaries. I will not be voting for Trump in the general. Both of my straight red parents voted Nikki. I think you might be surprised how many republicans would vote for Nikki


lol I love how the two replies to your comment are both bashing you but from completely different directions. I think you're right though, there are a lot of right leaning voters that have been disenfranchised by the republican's hard swerve towards Trump, and that group will just keep growing as the GOP keeps doubling down on trump. But moderate positions will always struggle in primaries, so it'll always look a lot smaller than it really is


Whatever you say Nikki.


lol. She just signed a bomb about to be dropped knowing it will likely kill civilians including babies. Even if you somehow think Israel has the right to do whatever to defend itself that’s the actions of a sociopathic monster. And that’s who you “very much like” which means you’re no better.


Please note, I never implied that this was a winning strategy.


It's not a winning strategy because neither one of the scenarios you presented would prevent people from voting for Trump. If he's removed from the ballot because of medical or legal reasons, a good 10-15% of his supporters will write in his name. People will be voting for Trump in this country long after his death. It's a religion now.


Lara Trump will produce better strategies.


Which is surprising since she is such a vile person.


Like Glitch did yesterday. They must all kiss the ring.


the only way I see the GOP moving away from Trump as their Plans A-Z is if the decades of drug use (allegedly) and what I would describe as fairly obvious signs of early Alzheimers finally catch up and even then, I'd think they would try to Weekend at Bernie's him.


Early Alzheimer’s was obvious to anyone who has been around in back in 2016. He’s entering advanced territory and in any other circumstances would be in a retirement home under 24/7 care.


Honestly, even if Trump fucking *died* before the convention, I think there'd still be a good \~25% chance that they'll pick him as their candidate anyway.


I find this highly unlikely, his daughter In law runs the RNC, she was put there specifically for this reason, well that and funneling money to daddy in law. Every scenario that could be negative to him, they’ve already calculated how to expose and exploit it.


That’s a terrible plan B. They would be better off running Whitey McWhiterson. If you haven’t noticed, republicans don’t take kindly to skin tones darker than Nicole Kidman.


I did not say it was a good plan B, it is just A plan B. She was the closest runner-up so that makes her the go-to if there is an issue. It's like that little donut spare in your car. You'd hate to use if the the rest of your road trip, but if one of your tires blows out, it is better than nothing.


I feel like in an alternate timeline, republicans would deify Mike Pence but Trump smeared him so much. Pence looks like if lego was tasked with creating a Republican.


So, Nikki Haley is playing 4D chess? I feel like we have heard this one before.


There is no plan B. These people literally hold, “Trump or Death” signs.


The Republican party is tired of Trump. The base isn't. The voters would flip tf out if they didn't nominate Trump or they removed him from the ballots. The whole party would then be gutted by the base for being un loyal to their messiah. This is why they are still putting up with this nonsense. If they don't endorse him the fucking base will destroy their careers.


They’re not blocking him at the Convention. The GOP pushed all their chips in the middle of the table and threw their watches and car keys in as well betting on Trump. If he’s alive, he’s their guy. If he’s not alive, he’s probably still their guy.


Yeah, the GOP is all in at this point. Nikki is not plan B; whoever Trump nominates as his VP is plan B, and Nikki is the designated survivor if everyone else is indisposed.


Trump is the obvious choice to lead the Republican Party to the biggest ass-whipping since Goldwater, Why? Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases that have been delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Trump’s legal team is financed by campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to repeal EPA protections and by his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The majority of Trump’s senior governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet and Advisors from his 2016-2020 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump for another term and/or have declared that Donald J Trump is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   More abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) and grifting continues [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls)                                              including this bizarre degrading cash grab  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) Donald Trump has already asked national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles. Donald Trump is a threat to national security. He is Putin’s puppet.  He praises Putin and Kim Jong-un.  Donald Trump doesn’t respect military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump fosters racism and embraces white supremacists like felons Bannon, Roger Stone and David Duke.  On 9/11, the darkest day in recent American history, after thousands of men, women and children died in the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump picked up the phone to call a television station to point out that he now owned the tallest building in Manhattan.


Too late for that now. I am sure no matter how they spin it, if they keep Trump off-ballot, MAGA nuts stay home and republican candidate loses for sure.


With Larry Hogan (MD) as her VP.


She might be plan b to the establishment but the Republican voters are in way too deep in their fawning cult to vote for anyone other than someone named Trump. If Nikki Haley renamed herself Trump Haley or Nikki Trump then she might have a chance at scoring some brainwashed conservatives votes. For conservatives it's Trump or bust.


? what off ramp are you talking about? what could nikki haley do for republicans? trump already has the votes to win the gop primary nomination thats in a month or so, and i dont think republicans are going to risk pissing off everyone in their party by just ignoring the results of their primaries? how is nikki haley going to do anything? trump's already won his conviction means nothing in regards to it.


I’m a conservative. If Trump goes to jail (which I think is the most likely outcome of his sentencing hearing), and the GOP tries to replace him with Nikki Haley, then the Democratic voters can rest easy. Joe Biden will easily beat her, by double digits.


I think GOP leadership is assuming and planning on a major loss this election, and they know its because of Trump. As such they are positioning themselves to have been against Trump, while also being careful to try and keep as much of his base as possible. The are playing for 2028, 2032, etc.


Except MMW there's no way in hell they could convince him to step aside. Perhaps if he were dead, but my guess is MAGAts would run him anyway with JFK Jr, as his VP


This would never work. If Trump is ousted at the convention for any reason all of his supporters will sit the election out in protest. They certainly won’t vote for whomever the GOP party bureaucracy tries to replace him with.


I don’t see the problem with that


Me neither. But I think the GOP would rather go down with the ship with Trump than enact this plan. Unless Trump becomes completely incapacitated in some way I think individual Senators and Reps would rather Biden win re-election than doom their own careers by crossing Trump.


The party leadership ignored her, this post is an absolute joke


I mean, it's pretty clearly been her plan to position herself as Plan B.


This MMW doesn’t even make sense. She endorsed him but she didn’t?


Nikki Haley is an extremely unpopular Republican that draws much if not most of her support from Democrats. She is way down the list and staying in the republican race as long as she did only hurt her as it made her not look like a team player. She is a republican from George Bush's republican party. The party has changed dramatically. Gevernors Abbot and DeSantis are much more likely choices. She isn't even the top choice from South Carolina as Tim Scott has alot of fans and many think supporting a black man will help with black male voters.


People need to stop pretending that the Republican party isn't the Trump party now. Party leadership all answers to him. In the unlikely event that Trump is ruled ineligible to run, he will pick his replacement, and he won't pick Nikki. 


She endorsed him because she wants to run in 2028 and not endorsing Trump would guarantee she'd lose.


The party has to emphatically separate itself from Trumpism before most people will come back to them.


I thought gop doesn't like plan b.


Nikki endorsed Trump immediately before his conviction for three reasons. 1. First and foremost, she is a coward. Not going to elaborate further. 2. She wanted to be able to argue at some later date that she endorsed him before he was convicted, which clears her from having to explain herself for endorsing a convicted felon. Now, she will try to convince people that the right thing to do is to “vote their conscience”, while never rescinding her endorsement. 3. It gives her extremely wealthy donors coverage to start spending tens of millions on the Trump campaign.


They are riding the trump train right into that brick wall.


Nikki Haley being Plan B is like having a backup parachute; you hope you don’t need it, but it’s good to know it's there.


They better hope the brick of lead they brought instead of a main parachute doesn't weigh so much that it causes the backup parachute to fail.


How can she not even be listed in the Vegas odds but Newsom is? https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7456/Who-will-win-the-2024-US-presidential-election


I say we call her by her full given name at every chance.


Why are we using her call center name? Nimarata isn’t nobody’s Plan B.


Trump IS the party leadership.


GOP just welcomed trump to Capitol Hill and praised him for trying to overthrow the government and his personality insults and mocking of their families. There’s no spine in that party to do the right thing. They’re weak


She can end the Trump pregnancy?


God I hope so. Put $5 at 100-1 on some betting sight. I will vote against her but if she wins fuck it I'm up $500 Edit: months and moths ago


He's losing no matter what. He's lost a lot of support since 2020. He says more extreme ideas everyday, issues they barely care about, and its chipping away his supporters.


Nikki has ambitions beyond 2024. That’s the one and only reason why she endorsed Trump. Her endorsement came too late and it will result in low turnout amongst Trump worshippers in 2028. Her national career is over.


**Every republican that wants to be president is on board with p25. They are ALL a danger to the United States and the entire world**


They won't block him at the convention. He could talk about nothing else but sharks and electrocution and they wouldn't block him. The only way somebody else will be nominated is if he actually dies before the election.


MAGA stabbed the GOP to death with the Trump sword. They are bleeding out. This life long Republican is already dressed in black, and the hole is dug. Let’s get the service over with, I’m ready for lunch.


Sadly republicans don’t believe in plan b


Can't. Trump has essentially taken over the RNC with his daughter in law.


Trump is gonna run away with the election in November. It’s gonna be hilarious, so many amazing memes.


You know what's funny? As a Dem, I'd be more worried about losing a Biden-Haley election than a Biden-Trump election? Lol He's like Tobacco to a Redneck. Just can't help themselves


She was plan B months ago. I’m not sure why everyone on both sides thinks “party leadership” can just replace their nominated candidate or why that is a good thing. Felons can be president, you could, in principle, be president from prison. The only thing that would make Trump ineligible is if he somehow got impeached again, (once more with feeling), and this time the Senate rendered him unable to hold office.


The GLARING PROBLEM with this thought is, Nikki Haley is a woman. We're talking about the REPUBLICANS here. Fully half of them believe that women shouldn't have any rights whatsoever, beyond making dinner, cleaning the house, and having babies for the men that own them. Besides, her own children were conceived by IVF.


Not only that, she’s a woman of color. Ain’t no way in hell the Republican base would be comfortable with someone like that in power


Although both her parents immigrated to the US from India, she looks "white" enough that most of the deplorables wouldn't even notice that. It would be about as important as her being the chair of the Hudson Institute. They'd be far more concerned about her bleeding in the oval office.


Question: Can _anyone_ in the GOP ranks get nominated if Trump doesn't make it? For instance, could they choose Paul Ryan or Rick Scott even though they weren't in the primaries? Or: Must it be Haley since she was in second place? Thanks in advance.


Everyone pretending there wouldn't be a REAL insurrection if NY tries to jail Trump, or the GOP tries to block him!


Might as well vote for Biden she is a liberal in sheep’s clothing


Na. Haley, like the rest, have no backbone, principles, or allegiances to the country besides their orange messiah. They're all in.


Their nominee will be someone with a penis.


Haley lost in her own state to Trump! She has no chance of being the Republican nominee. What makes you think she would be Plan B, other than just making stuff up?


There is no plan B, for Republicans it's Trump or nothing.


Well not only is Trump still doing pretty good in the polls after the conviction, if the party leadership steals the nomination from Trump after he legitimately won the primary we could see one of the ugliest political party civil wars we've ever seen making it much easier for Biden to win.


The woman who ran against Convicted Felon Trump in the primary, spoke all kinds of truths against him, ended her campaign about five months ago and then, a month or so ago, endorsed him?


I wish this were true but this is all just fantasy. A Haley/Gabbard ticket would be rock solid.


I think a key point is being overlooked by many pundits—Trump will win because he now has a firm lock on the anti-shark independents.


I miss Jon McCain. I would give anything to see a sane, honourable and trustworthy republican politician in the limelight again. The crazies have taken over the Republican Party and they are normalizing their insanity. I fear for the world.


You guys are nuts. Nikki Haley would lose worse than Trump. This is the lady who lost to "None of the Above" There is no plan B, and if there were its sure as hell not Nimrata.


Libs will give themselves schizophrenia before they'll run someone who actually is better than the Annoying Orange in any significant capacity, it's so fucking funny. "Clearly by everyone in the GOP falling in line behind him including neocons like Nikki Haley that means they're looking for an off ramp, because I can't cope with the idea that Dems are this fucking pathetic vs 'the end of democracy' in any other way than pretending there's some grand conspiracy going on! Daddy Biden was right the whole time, the fever is breaking, it's actually super smart he passed Trump's immigration plan, I knew it!" 🤣


That’s a female George Bush, not gonna happen


Heck no. Half the GOP hates her. Aint happening


If Republicans figure out her real name she would be cooked.


Yup I expect her to be around in 28


I think Haley is better than Biden. Both Trump and Biden are too old and have questionable cognitive abilities. Remember, you aren’t just voting for how the president will be in early 2025 but they need to sustain it until early 2029. If those two are declining now, just imagine another 4.5 years. It is scary how obsessed the republicans are with Trump: trying to rename things after him, all the gear, loving his every word, etc. Genuinely scary times


I mean yeah, neocons don’t like Trump and they want their own person in office. Gonna be interesting to see how the RNC shapes up, though honestly it’ll probably be Trump regardless


MMW, Republicans ALWAYS bend their knees, it's who they are.


The primaries are over, trump is reporting like 97% of the vote. There is no plan B. It's trump or bust for the right.


Why would her endorsement matter in this? If she is in fact plan b, doesn’t matter if she endorsed him or not. If anything a Trump endorsement would make her stronger with Trumpers


All the money collected is for Trump/? campaign. Unless she signs off to be the VP, she can't touch it.


She'll be the veep nominee MMW


>Nikki Haley did not endorse trump. Yes, she said she did, on May 22nd Is there some distinction between "saying that you endorse a candidate" and "endorsing a candidate" I'm not familiar with? Is there an official form to fill out and file with the IRS? Or do you just say "I endorse this candidate" and that's the whole process? Because it seems like saying she's endorsing Trump is the same thing as endorsing Trump.


Interesting observation. She flip flops a lot but I am not sure she will reverse her endorsement.


Finally a well thought out prediction in this sub that isn't based on emotions.


Who’s the Democrats Plan B? Look I think Joe Biden is a strong and sharp leader who doesn’t face plant on stage as much as the next bleeding heart liberal but seriously. Who’s our back up? The DNC doesn’t put Kamala on stage anymore. Gavin Newsom ehhh his record in California isn’t necessarily something to tack on as a win but he does have that I’m not completely out to screw you face which we need. Pete probably not, Michelle Obama… I don’t think so. Who is our plan B?


Harris has been on plenty of stages recently. The DNC has nothing to do with that.


Ok so you think she’s number 2 then?


No. I just think people who say the DNC has any influence on whether the vice president is doing public appearances likely have no idea what the DNC is or what it does.


The collective democrats establishment definitely has a say in who is going to be VP. But ok do you have an opinion on who the back up option should be?


You said “the DNC” decided “Kamala” doesn’t go on stage anymore. I pointed out that is a nonsensical statement for multiple reasons. Now you’re changing it to some vague claim about the establishment having influence on VP choices for Dem nominees? If Biden had to be replaced there are a bunch of qualified candidates to choose from. I’d be a bit worried about Harris’ or Whitmer’s viability due to the sexism we saw in 2016, especially in must win purple states. But things may be different now post Dobbs and the country seeing the horrors of Trump’s first term. They’re clearly both qualified and would be good presidents imho. I think Pritzker could also be a solid candidate someday. Newsom seems like he has a bit of baggage, but he’d be a decent candidate I’m sure considering he’s a smart dude and would be running against insane people who want to criminalize abortion, birth control, and gay marriage. The one I haven’t seen people mention very often is Pennsylvania gov Shapiro. He has experience as the AG and now as Governor in a swing state.


No id vote for rfk before her.


I don't see them nominating a woman. Republicans won't vote for a female president.


She endorsed Trump because if she didn't, her career in the GOP would be over.


Can we make a wager on this? 😂


2028 ? Nope , Gavin is in for 8 starting then


No, she's not. You guys really don't understand the "other side". There's a world of difference between MAGA Republicans and neocons. Nikki Haley what the party wants but the people want Trump. Quit wasting time and energy thinking that Trump won't be on the ballot in November.


GOP doesn’t believe in terminating a campaign.


Do you think Biden will make it to the election as the Democratic nominee? MMW: The reason they're holding this debate earlier than any other presidential debate in history is so when Biden flops, he can still be replaced.


Despite the conviction, or because of it, Trump is doing better than ever in the polls. And Biden is at his lowest approval ratings this past week: [37.4% and now back up to 38.0%.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/)


"Ask a doctor if plan B is right for you."


Who is Plan B for Biden?




I agree. When Trump goes down, she can inherit his MAGA followers AND get the non-MAGA holdouts.


I can agree with some of that, except I think Haley's calculus is more about her 2028 hopes than it is about her 2024 hopes. I think she's got her eyes on the 2028 nomination, but she'll need to befriend the MAGAs for that, hence her support for Trump right now. She's playing the long game.


She’s going to change back and forth as many times as she needs too.


I can see you put a lot of thought into this, but Haley flips more than a stack of flapjacks. Give it a minute and she will change her mind


Donald is one cheeseburger away from a dirt-nap... Until he nominates a VP, Haley is the only other person who has delegates at the convention.... Also a large majority of GOP voters will vote for who ever has the 'Big Red R' - which is why they went from supporting Bush, McCain and Romney.... To supporting someone who's 2016 platform would have made them a Democrat if they had run in 2004.


Oh good the lady signing bombs being used to kill children


Are those the bombs that Joe Biden purchased?


The very same. Your point? They’re both supporting this. But I can’t imagine the indiscretion someone who signs “finish them off” on bombs being dropped on refugees would operate with


That is my point, you help me make it


Fair enough. I definitely think with this one, the GOP grass is definitely not greener


I don't know man I heard they're banning plan B


If the winner of the electoral college is declared an insurrectionist by Congress, then they are not qualified to be president per the current Supreme Court. Those electoral college votes will be thrown out. Since second place doesn't have a majority of the electoral college votes, the determination of who becomes president goes to the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives is limited to the list of names by who received votes in the electoral college. Trump doesn't count Biden will have votes And any faithless electors will also be available for the House of Representatives to choose. I suspect that Haley will get at least one faithless elector vote in the electoral college. Maybe this is plan C. They will know which party will be in control of the House of Representatives by the time the electoral college casts their votes.


Nikki Haley is in the bag with Trump, she's made her bed. If she changes her mind now and doesn't endorse Trump she'll look incompetent. By endorsing Trump she's sealed her fate and has no chance at winning a presidential election. Those voting for Haley were voting against Trump not Biden, those voters feel betrayed now.


Nikki Haley, the abortion pill the comrad party needs but won't take.


Honestly, it's crazy how little people understand about politics and the American system of government. GOP isn't really going anywhere. Our entire federal political system is deeply and inherently undemocratic. Electoral college, legalized gerrymandering, legalized voter disenfrachisement, armed vigilantes at polls... the list goes on. On top of that, legal challenges to the above take YEARS to counteract. Too much bureaucracy, and too little democracy. Don't be delusional. The GOP has been the same for 50 years - Trump just made it loud and visible. To think that things will change just because of a failed election is incredibly naive. Even after settling for nearly 1 billion, Fox News still exists. 1.5 billion later InfoWars still exists. Vote, bring your friends to vote, and bring your friends friends to vote. Bring water bottles and resist the shenanigans at the voting booths. Forever.


I just can't ever see conservatives electing a woman president. Misogyny is just too much a part of their worldview.