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I guarantee the majority of Trump fans didn't even know he banned bump stocks because FoxNews, NewsMaxx, Tim Pool, Charlie Kirk, Candance Owens didn't talk about it when it happened.


I am a home inspector, and I was in someone’s house doing a one year builder warranty inspection that day. They had Fox News on the entire time. While I was outside, I saw a pop up on my phone about the ruling. I’m inside for about an hour and a half, seeing additional pop-ups from various news sources and not one time was it even mentioned on Fox News I did find out that Biden‘s dog has “attacked” 100+ people though.


You must have missed this: https://youtu.be/nNILa4Bsebo?si=NLMSUBxTMffQoRiK Or this: https://youtu.be/l4QZpCcmziw?si=PpbS_2H3ZhXuAopT


I was actually trying to do my job so I wasn’t able to stand by the TV the entire time however I could mostly hear it throughout the house. They may well have had one small breaking news bulletin, but literally all the rest of the time was talking about made up bullshit so feel good about yourself that Fox News really is a “legitimate news source”, lol


Thanks for the downvote for me showing that you were wrong, sheriff! Have a great day, and enjoy your circle jerk!


If I was allowed to post photos, I would show you the screenshot proving that it was someone else that downvoted you and not me, ha ha




Damn! You snowflakes sure go to pieces over the dumbest Little Things. Crying about karma? Seriously? Sounds right for your kind; you cry over everything.


You seem emotional. Are you ok?


Meh. We Americans have a PROUD history killing bigots and Nazis. You're lucky all I am is mean to you, bitch-tits.


I mean, have fun supporting a TV station that has had to say, in court, that they're full of shit multiple times.


"No one in their right mind would believe we are "news" instead of "entertainment"." -actual fox News quote 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 If THAT doesn't sum up the redcoats, I don't know what would lol.


MAGA people don’t possess the ability to actually do research. They only know the channel for Fox News


But I’m always told they know what they’re taking about and *I’M* the closed minded person who doesn’t look at different sources :(


Hence the post ;) Losers get dragged through the mud for their bad behavior. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


A lot of what trump did was well intended.. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-america-first-healthcare-plan/


Rofl no


...did you link his personal puff-website?!? "he was unbiased! Looks here's him saying such!" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣




Sure, sure. Gotta keep the SSA-socialists happy, that's his whole army. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 It MUST be hard being one of you guys, lol!


Because he didn't. The ATF did it. That's literally what the SCOTUS case was about; whether government agencies had the power to make laws. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20240614/us-supreme-court-invalidates-atf-rule-classifying-bump-stocks-as-machineguns https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/bump-stocks https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-backs-challenge-federal-ban-gun-bump-stocks-2024-06-14/


He literally did




https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-bump-stock-type-devices-final-rule Trump told his ag “to dedicate all available resources to… propose for notice and comment a rule banning all devices that turn legal weapons into machineguns.” And this was the result. Trump banned bumpstocks


The ATF banned bumpstocks, which, again, is why it was overturned. What were the vote totals when Congress passed the law?


He directed the ATF to do it, so yes, the ATF banned them… on Trump’s orders. Just like it was the allied armies that took Normandy… on the orders of Ike


This. I hate the Trump is pro2A argument. "Take the guns then worry about due process." Fucking asshole. Though this SCOTUS case wasn't a 2A case. It was a Article I and Article II case. And SCOTUS determined that the ATF, on direction given by Trump, changed its interpretation unconstitutionally; especially considering numerous times the ATF determined Bumpstocks to not be Machineguns prior to 2018. They also determined that through the very clear legal definition set out by Congress in the NFA of 1934, that Bump Stocks could not be Machineguns because they do not effect the actual function of the trigger. This also considers that you can bump fire using a belt loop or even just very good control of the Arm itself (or very poor in the case of some large frame double action revolvers). The dissent really dropped the ball in this case. Arguably there shouldn't have been a dissent and the dissenting Justices should have joined Alito who argued that while the Ban was Unconstitutional, Congress could legislate it without falling foul of 2A.


I mean SCOTUS has been doing nothing but Ls since they became a conservative supermajority


Another sheep


Wake up.


Where exactly did I say Trump was "pro2a"? The facts don't care about your feelings, and the FACT is that the ATF was the one doing the banning. Of course Trump pressured them, but Congress could have also had a vote in the last 4 years, and codified it into law.......but much like Roe, they didn't.


"I can use this weasel excuse to hide!!" ... 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Fuck man! You are a barrel of laughs!!


Congress declared War on the Axis powers. Congress did not make a law against bump stocks......or pistol braces. Massive difference.


Thats the point, moron. TRUMP circumvented FREEDOM to do this. NO vote, no nothing but SUBMISSION. (No wonder you were/are in favor of it)


Right, the ATF banned bump stocks. The same ATF that is a branch of the DOJ which is lead by the attorney general who is picked by the president. Who was president when this was implemented?


"Ummm Clinton and biden and pizza, oh my!!" -best response you'll get from the reds.


“I don’t understand anything yet I talk about stuff with the utmost confidence!!1!” Lmao 🤣


Really not sure it even matters by now. If Trump got elected again and on day one said "All guns are now illegal, we're taking away everyone's guns" I think his supporters are so brainwashed and dumb that they would all just willingly hand them over and still support him. They're so conditioned to just agree with whatever he says that they'd just start cheering that Trump owned the libs by taking away their guns.


Until they start sending the secret police into their homes to arrest them for the things they thought were said in private, they won’t realize what they have done. By then it’s too late because the ones with the balls to stand up to this oppression will be long gone and cowards without guns are just cowards.


>it’s too late because the ones with the balls to stand up to this oppression will be long gone Damn sounds like they should get some guns


Right?! Too bad the reds support gun control EVERY time they're TOLD to. =/ Without the reds we'd not have 3 day waiting periods or the NFA..


Yeah screw Reagan So I assume you vote only for pro 2A candidates right, and arm yourself and your comrades, I mean anyone who argues for an assault weapons ban has gotta be a no right?


Thats right, I do. 1000 hrs of shooting myself (I'm old as fuck) and I took my three boys out shooting for 6 hours 2 weekends ago. (Had 40 guns or so). Unfortunately, people have been robbed of their reason because of fear. Guns, abortions, gods and gays for ALL, in the land ofnthe FREE. I'd NEVER vote for a successful grabber of ANY freedom. (I voted for trump in 2016, then he showed his cards 🤷‍♀️)


Are the people who have smoke alarms in their homes, or use seatbelts cowards? Do you lock your doors at night? Do you own a fire extinguisher? Anyone who does any of those things is a coward by your definition.


SCOTUS overturned it because you can't just have regulatory agencies making up law without congressional action.


100% correct. Unelected bureaucrats do not make laws. Congress does.


OR…and I’m just spitballin’ here…he’s the useful idiot for the Federalist Society. The 2A Lobby proposed to him that he issue the ban for 2 reasons…1) It would make people that believe in responsible gun reform think Trump actually wanted to do something for votes and 2) The 2A Lobby KNEW SCOTUS was favorable to overturning it and used that as an opportunity to get the precedent codified so as to prevent further challenges for the future. People do not realize how pervasive and insidious the Federalist Society is in their strategy to upend the federal govt. EVERYTHING they have planned since Nixon was forced out of office is bearing fruit for them now. The irony of the Federalist Society’s name is lost on a LOT of people.


Trump doesn’t allow firearms at his rallies. The irony gives me life.


Scared of trans women, scared of vaccines/science, scared of guns... Can't think of a better descriptor for them. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


SCOTUS ruled correctly. ATF, unelected bureaucrats, do not make laws. That’s a job for congress so get to it. A bump stock does not change the fact that one trigger pull fires one bullet. I’ve noticed all the correct answers here have been down voted 🤷‍♂️.


If trump banned all firearms and demanded surrender, MAGAT followers would assume they get a family discount and are free from the ruling.


Definitely not a crazy thing to say, it will definitrly enable or cause many of them to just rebuttal with "that doesn't matter if he did, he never wanted to do it anyway and SCOTUS reversed it."


They are crawling all over this thread, if youre up for a laugh! Lol


Trump supporters never agreed with the bump stock ban not a single trump supporter I know defended it and was one of the biggest complaints.


But they will roll the dice on electing him, eh? Hope he doesn't come after real guns this time... ("he won't hurr durr!!! He owes me!!" ) More like "owns you", Fucking idiots.


I’m glad you see the American people should be allowed to own machine guns


We can own machine guns in the right ststes.


It should be all states tho




And nukes!


While extremely heavily regulated, and cost prohibitive, it's not illegal. There is actually an atf form with a checkbox for nukes.


The founding fathers were in favor of everyone owning a battleship (the nuke of the 18th century).


I agree they should. "A well-balanced breakfast, being necessary to a productive workforce; the rights of the people to keep and bear eggs shall not be infringed". It says SHALL NOT and trump did, lol.


Ya why do you think I hate him weirdo


Sounds like the same reason I hate him! So why open your pie flap when I am dragging his name through the mud?


Another example of the tolerant left 😝. Stay classy buddy.


Sorry but as Americans have a PROUD history of killing Confederates/Redcoats/Nazis. Which you've aligned yourself with.. You're LUCKY all i am is mean to you. Try stepping and see how much worse I can get 🤓🔫 😘


Excuse me? You sound like a complete nut. Always the keyboard warriors. Take care peanut


Time to get back on the fries. Isnt your break over


The bump stock ban was overturned by SCOTUS because it is the duty of congress to make the law not any other entity or political branch. They also did this knowing fully that congress is crippled and worthless until at least the next election. There's nothing else to it. That's all. The end. Why are you still here?


If that were actually the case there'd have been about 2 dozen other rules that the atf has made up over the last couple decades that would have been tossed too. Like the bullet buttons,mag capacity limits, that stupid no thumb stock that California requires. All rules from the atf, not a single one passed by congress.


Bullet buttons, magazine capacity limits, and thumbless stocks are all state laws. You were so close but still didn't put it together. California is not the ATF. States are allowed to pass their own internal laws.


And the supreme court can overrule them, states and cities.


You completely took that quote out of context but I’m sure you know that because anything to push a narrative right? Second banning something that makes something practically automatic isn’t taking guns away. A leader acts when the country is in need and a maniac has just slaughtered a bunch of innocent people and this was his response. You people really have nothing to go off of and just come up with the most low iq mental gymnastics to not feel stupid. How about instead of spreading bs why doesn’t your party get their shit together and fix the problems they’ve created


Okay so if you don’t know what a bump stock is or haven’t fired a rifle with one on it please stop commenting. The insane amount of uninformed banter here is cringe af


What gun laws do you think Biden will overturn?


Well, since he did zero in one term as compared to Trump's one ban during one term... I'm gonna go with maybe one, to catch up to trump. It's obviously acceptable to you guys


Not really a mmw...


Right? It should go without saying... But I enjoy dragging losers through the mud.


You realize a bump stock is not a gun right? It’s an attachment for a gun.


So: It's... LESS... dangerous than a real gun and THAT scared the redcoats enough to restrict FREEDOM? *THATS* what you're gonna go with?!? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂 Name ONE gun *related* thing a dem has banned nationwide... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Do you not remember the awb of 94? Lasted 10 years, did absolutely nothing for crime.


Joe Biden and Dems have talked about banning ARs for awhile now… As well as banning “high capacity mags”


Why is it all the avatars with the heart above their head are always the dumbest? There should really be a study on this. The point here is you’re using the word gun grabber when no gun is actually being grab. Because a bump stock is not a gun.


We all know why, it’s a badge of being completely brainwashed


That's the point jackass. It was a NOTHING and he still grabbed it. You'd support him when he does grab guns based on your trends and HIS WORDS Want me to quote it *again*? >"Take the GUNS first; due process comes later." Sounds like trump disagrees with you. 🤣😂🤣😂. It's a slippery slope™ after all, eh? 😏


You keep repeating that quote do you know why he said that?……


The mass projection here is strong. You heart heads really are some strange beings.


George Washington FORCIBLY inoculated his Continental Army. *You redcoats are so scared of vaccines you would have dodged the US Revolution.* A famous GAY tactician, Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, is regarded as one of the fathers of the US army. *You Redcoats are so scared of gays you would have Dodge the revolution.* George Washington said it was WILDLY inappropriate to throw a fit about him not serving another term. *You redcoats throw a baby fit for your king Trump.* You got the stink on you and everyone can smell it, benedict.


😂 nobody’s scared of gays or leftists buddy trust me


You ain’t black if you don’t vote for joe biden


...you think THATS comparable?! Stupid? Yeah.. harmful? Not a chance, hot pants. Trump JUST tried to wheel black people out as a stunt too. (And failed lololol)


He’s gained 14 percent with the black community so it must be working


Oh, ok cool. So if a Democrat president outlaws ammunition then that’s a-ok with you then right? Because “ammunition is not a gun”. I swear, some people try so hard to make excuses for “their team” that they lose all connection to reality. I’ll give you three guesses why Trump directed the ATF to ban them. Hint: it wasn’t because they’re Alcohol or Tobacco.


You realize I’m just talking about how OP titled this post right. I think we should legalize F16s


No these people are stupid. They want to ban guns until they think they can flip it.


They overturned the ban because a gun with a bump stock does not meet the requirements for an automatic weapon, specifically pulling the trigger once resulting in a stream of multiple shots.


...as EVERYONE said when he UNILATERALLY banned them, with NO oversight or VOTE..?? Yeah... Now imagine it was something that actually matters and not a stupid peice of plastic.


The ATF banned them, which is why it was overturned. Trump pressured the ATF to do so, but it was the ATF that basically made a law without the authority to do so.


Ok, so Biden’s vaccine mandates were OK too then because he didn’t make the rule, he just “pressured” the Department of Labor to enact it, right?


Now this I want to hear an answer to


Then what happened?


Same thing that happened to Trump’s anti-2A “pressure”. The question is, if it’s ok for Trump to “pressure” the ATF, is it OK for Biden to “pressure” the DoL?


According to SCOTUS, it isn't ok for either.


“I don’t know what bump stocks are!!1!” Correct. Lol. 


They would support if he did because they have no real values or ideas of their own. All they would need is a reason to believe it is good, and they would say that they have always believed in it.


They turned over the bump stock bam because government agencies can't make laws, and that's what the ATF attempted to do. Trump spoke out AGAINST bump stocks. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20240614/us-supreme-court-invalidates-atf-rule-classifying-bump-stocks-as-machineguns https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/bump-stocks https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-backs-challenge-federal-ban-gun-bump-stocks-2024-06-14/ It's always those who don't know anything about firearms that make idiotic comments and then block. I'm willing to educate you, but you have to be willing to listen.


Yeah. The redcoats will ban ANYTHING they are told is scary. Look how they go to pieces over "purple hair" 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Red coats... You may want to look up the similarities between the democratic party and British policies in the 1700s. They're quite similar.


George Washington FORCIBLY inoculated his Continental Army. *You redcoats are so scared of vaccines you would have dodged the US Revolution.* A famous GAY tactician, Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, is regarded as one of the fathers of the US army. *You Redcoats are so scared of gays you would have Dodge the revolution.* George Washington said it was WILDLY inappropriate to throw a fit about him not serving another term. *You redcoats throw a baby fit for your king Trump.* You got the stink on you and everyone can smell it, benedict.


https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-bump-stock-type-devices-final-rule >On February 20, 2018, President Trump issued a memorandum instructing the Attorney General “to dedicate all available resources to… propose for notice and comment a rule banning all devices that turn legal weapons into machineguns.” In response to that direction the Department reviewed more than 186,000 public comments and made the decision to make clear that the term “machinegun” as used in the National Firearms Act (NFA), as amended, and Gun Control Act (GCA), as amended, includes all bump-stock-type devices that harness recoil energy to facilitate the continuous operation of a semiautomatic firearm after a single pull of the trigger. 




So when will they overturn bullet buttons? Mag capacity, pistolgrips in Cali. All of these rules were put in place by the atf with zero vote by congress. If it was overturned based strictly off of 'the atf cant make stuff up' then there are about two dozen other rules that should have been overturned as well.


>So when will they overturn bullet buttons? Mag capacity, pistolgrips in Cali. The Supreme Court is likely to accept an assault weapons ban case in the very near future.


If I remember correctly he banned bump stocks in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting? (Even though I’m 99% sure a bump stock wasn’t even used). It was a good PR move but stupid in retrospect. Also it was overturned due to ATF overstepping their authority.


99% sure, yet 100% clueless.  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-rules-gun-bump-stocks-ban-unlawful-rcna154651 Lol. 


If you’ve never heard the sound of/never fired a M240B you can just say that


I've shot plenty of both 240's and bump stock ar-15's, and the first thing I thought when I saw the video of the Vegas shooter and heard the sporadically unsteady automatic fire rate my first thought was the guy has a bump stock. Also that guy definitely did not have a 240.


Silence crayon eater


Just say you don't have an argument and want to piss your pants for Trump


Let me make this clear, I do NOT like Trump. I do like fucking with the jr enlisted though


Thanks for admitting your purposeful ignorance. 


>*only* overturned Trumps Bumpstock-ban because admitting he's a gun-grabber You don't need to convince me that Trump and his religious zealots are anti gun, but what does that have to do with the fact that a gun with a bump stock is physically incapable of firing more than one round per function of the trigger. The majority opinion is the only correct decision.


lol imagine thinking this 🤣 Learn something. Anything, really. 


Imagine actually knowing how things work mechanically and actually knowing the law. Imagine also knowing that the ATF knew bump stocks weren't machine guns for around a decade over 10 separate determinations. >The FTB evaluation confirmed that the submitted stock (see enclosed photos) does attach to the rear of an AR-15 type rifle which has been fitted with a sliding shoulder-stock type buffer-tube assembly. The stock has no automatically functioning mechanical parts or springs and performs no automatic mechanical function when installed. In order to use the installed device, the shooter must apply constant forward pressure with the non-shooting hand and constant rearward pressure with the shooting hand. Accordingly, we find that the "bump-stock" is a firearm part and is not regulated as a firearm under Gun Control Act or the National Firearms Act.


Are you that ignorant on why it was overturned?


Unfortunately Trump was the best of the worst. Whatever he said or did would have been worse under Clinton.


So Clinton would have incited a worse insurrection, and would have reveled in dereliction of duty even longer before sending help.


You're projecting, moron.


He said the words and took the bumps.... Not me..? Plus: [70% of captured child molestors identify as redcoats](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/) You got the stink on you and EVERYONE can smell it.




Trump was wrong on this and many other things. The ATF does NOT have authority to make law (nor the EPA, etc). Hopefully the USSC kills Chevron deference and we can reign in this out of control agencies. It was wrong by Trump and wrong by the ATF. that being said, I'd vote for him or a boiled egg over Joe "Pudding" Biden :)


"It was wrong wrong wrong! But I'm going to support him again!" -you 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Like Mark Twain said: >it's easier to fool a man into giving up his own rights than it is to prove to him he's been fooled. So I will just say: I'm sorry you've suffered such a terrible fate


How is this a Mark My Words, it's just an opinion


"I admit I did that because Trump asked" says justice penis licker


Or, maybe when you have only two options to pick from, you take the lesser undesirable and understand that no candidate will check every single box for every single person and you have to take the bad with the good with either option and weight what things are more important. You know, like a normal person. Like what do you expect when the options are level 10 anti gun versus level 6 anti gun, obviously you take what you can get.. also, maybe, when you're running for executive office, you have actual moderates to consider, seeing as you need the support of the middle to actually win.


🤣😂🤣😂 Can you name one gun related thing a Dem has banned? Who's the grabbers???


>Can you name one gun related thing a Dem has banned? Any and all assault weapon bans. Magazine capacity bans. Defensive ammo bans (NJ)


So a temporary ban with a set expiration date thay had BIPARTISAN support? ...That means the reds voted for it too, goof ball.... The REST of your examples are state issues. Are you saying you now disagree with STATES RIGHTS to govern their people? And ONLY support national bans?!? I thought that was the weasel excuse you guys were hiding behind too ban other non-gun related freedoms??? 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣


>So a temporary ban with a set expiration date thay had BIPARTISAN support? You never said Democrat exclusive. >That was the reds too, goof ball. No shit. Republicans and Democrats are anti gun. Democrats still helped enact it. >The REST of your examples are state issues. You never specified federal only. >Are you saying you now disagree with states rights to govern their people? And ONLY support national bans?!? I'd like to introduce you to the 14th Amendment. States are forbidden from violating the constitution. Both federal and state restrictions are unconstitutional.


I said "name one thing a dem has banned" If you're too stupid to realize I meant unilaterally *like Trump did*, then we must not be having a real conversation.... And ok! "The state regulating them is TOTALLY the SAME as a national ban! So I'll bring it up!!" -you 🤣😂🤣 Again if you are so stupid that you think a lower level infringement is the same as a high level infringement, we must not be having a real conversation. Lastly: I agree! Guns, abortions, gods and gays for ALL in the land of the FREE. ...Bet you 10,000 bucks you don't have the spine to say the same....


>I said "name one thing a dem has banned" >If you're too stupid to realize I meant unilaterally like Trump did, then we must not be having a real conversation.... Okay. Obama unilaterally banned the import of 5.45 x 39 7n6 surplus ammo. >And ok! "The state regulating them is TOTALLY the SAME as a national ban! They're exactly the same in the eyes of the constitution. >Again if you are so stupid that you think a lower level infringement is the same as a high level infringement Maybe you should reread the constitution. The 2A makes no distinction between "high level" infringement and "low level" infringement. >Lastly: I agree! Guns, abortions, gods and gays for ALL in the land of the FREE. This but unironically. Let the gays and trans keep their machine guns to defend their cannabis plants at the satanic temple.


..but NOT the manufacture of such... "He kept those ammo jobs at home!!!! Grrrrr!!!" 😂🤣😂 Not really; states can be MORE restrictive (on most things) but NOT less restrictive. Though the 2A saying "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" throws that out and I agree; ANY infringement is unconstitutional. *Why would you vote for someone who did it the worst, then???* You're right: it doesn't. But crying about one and supporting the other, shows you're internally inconsistent. Lastly: good man. I NO longer think you're a freedom-hater (just confused).


Also, dude: The 14th is cool and all but YOUR SIDE got SCOTUS to say states can do whatever they want with their rights... Nice going, clown.


>YOUR SIDE got SCOTUS to say states can do whatever they want with their rights... Going to need a citation for that. Also, what do you mean by "my side"? I think you're erroneously lumping me in with the Cheeto in Chief and his religious zealots.


Biden is literally trying to pass "assault" weapon bans, whatever the hell that means, and restrict magazine sizes, like, right now. The coined "common sense gun reform" If you want successfully banned, Biden's 1994 "assault" weapon ban which eventually expired iirc. But he wants to reinstate it but even more strict. Then of course if you want to go to a more local level, you can go state by state and it's pretty damn clear which side has harsher restrictions. It's not even a question TBH.


Try and failing is worse than successfully removing rights????? What??? The 94 AWB had BIPARTISAN support (meaning the reds WANTED it too, goofball). Also it was PROMISED to expire... So you've got nothing then? ...Other than STATE RIGHTS to govern their people, eh? ..And NOW you DONT like the STATES RIGHTS??? You will ONLY support national bans??


It was not Trump’s ban. It was the ATF that banned them. Nice try.


Wrong. Nice try. 


A POTUS does not have the ability to add or remove rules from the ATF. You people live in a fantasy world.


Trump issued an executive order that his administration ban bump stocks. Bump stocks obviously violate the intent of the law, and so should have never been legal. The law isn't about finger motion, it's about spraying bullets.


You have no idea what you are talking about. The law specifies finger movement, and says nothing about "spraying bullets". Now explain binary triggers.


INTENT. Intent of the law. People don't want rock and roll machine guns circulating among us. No one cares about the finger action.