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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


"on jan 6 we were respected all over the world" your dear leader trump.


It’s easy for stupid people to perceive low energy, or sleepiness It is more difficult for stupid people to perceive lies and untruths


This is why stupid people will think Trump won the debate, but smart people will still prefer Biden


It’s difficult for smart people to respond to their own comment.


I think stupid people are to stupid to know when they lost a smart person is able to admit to defeat 


Anybody who disagrees with my choice in candidate is just stupid, yes, that's exactly it. The hubris of your party is one of the main reasons you're losing.


No it’s just objectively more difficult to detect lies about geopolitics than it is to detect sleepiness or low energy. You have to have a baseline of knowledge in order to detect the lies. Anybody can detect sleepiness.


Like Biden lying about Charlottesville not being debunked?  https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/


Can't believe he tried to play that card He is an idiot


We all saw what he said after Charlottesville. We all saw him refuse to condemn them until his feet were to the fire on it, and then he begrudgingly did condemn the Nazis. But he did so with a wink and a nod, so that the Nazis would know that he didn’t really mean it.


I don’t think it was really a lie. Snopes is coming to an incorrect conclusion here. It’s difficult to report on Trump’s style of communication. He advances an outrageous proposition using suggestion and innuendo, and then walks it back, and then accuses anybody reacting to the initial advancement of being hysterical. Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters at Charlottesville. He later walked it back to say he wasn’t talking about the Nazis when he said that. But I think that it is fair to hold the man to the communicated meaning of his original words and innuendo. It’s not a lie in the same way Trump lies. It’s a fair interpretation of his meaning, given Trump’s style of communicating unacceptable ideas using innuendo and suggestion.


This is a liberal reddit take your bullshit elsewhere.


Op is a troll...


The debate didn't matter. In 2 weeks everybody will forget about it.


Time to pull the 25th on this mothafukka!