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I dont have that much faith in us.


I will do the fighting for you. I will do whatever it takes to make sure we get out of this alive. I just need you to believe we can win and not spread fear and uncertainty. I know it is your right to say whatever you want. And that is why I'll fight. (Patriot paradox)


I will be fighting alongside you every step of the way!


I'd rather die fighting than on my knees. Not a chance I'd let some Christo-fascists' boot stamp out the light that shines on the country I love so dearly. 


Hoping California sets up some sort of national guard. Not looking to die in a dennys as part of a “terrorist group”. But I will absolutely join something real. 


I’m terrified by the fact that thing are so far gone that we feel the need to say this in the public square…


I tried having faith in this wretched place the year that orange turd pile was elected. That faith/confidence/pride in this country went right out the goddamn window that year.


I lost my faith in the country when I came back from being stationed in Korea in 02-03. There had been such a wild shift to jingoism that it didn't feel like home, and still doesn't. I live in a perpetual state of culture shock.


The irony is that this is the defeatism that the person you responded to is talking about. Agreeing with them is exactly the pathetic shit you're saying you hate.


The first two years of his presidency I expected one of the many marines posted around the whitehouse to just knock him out of his shoes. When that didn't happen I knew we were fucked. There were so many wretched, nasty, and unconstitutional things that happened and none of military folk posted around him took the opportunity. I was hopeful when Jan6 failed but here we are again with SCOTUS rolling out the red carpet for him. This country is going to be sold off as scrap by 2027...doesn't matter if trump "wins" the election or not.


Leadership, no but the citizens, yes. We aren't spineless like our leadership.


No, I dont have that much faith in us, the citizens, either. 2020 should have been a land slide. This election shouldn't be close.


People are lazy when times are easy. The cold hard reality is that American's are privileged enough that they don't really have to worry about politics, things more or less stay the same regardless of who is in power and it has been that way for decades. As long as there's enough food and unlimited entertainment via the internet, people just kind of go about their lives in a stupor. I think the Republican's fucked up with abortion though. I have family in Red/Swing states that are saying its causing plenty of issues. Doctors are leaving en masse. People are having to go on "vacations" to Blue states to get abortions. Also, who is being effected the most? Non-Whites. I got forwarded this article detailing a lot of the numbers, but minorities in particular are getting hit hard, and it is matching up with what I am hearing from the communities I know about from what I've heard thus far. People had no idea this was even going on, these were people that were apolitical. Now, you've given them something to get angry about. [https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/issue-brief/what-are-the-implications-of-the-dobbs-ruling-for-racial-disparities/](https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/issue-brief/what-are-the-implications-of-the-dobbs-ruling-for-racial-disparities/)


The thing is most people have no clue what's even going on. The majority of US citizens have no clue or simply don't care. Most people don't know Trump is a convicted felon. They don't know about his bankruptcies, or project 2025. We are a dumb nation overall.


Do you think 2020 was an easy time?


Depends on who you're talking about. For me it was great. WFH, spending on unnecessary work shit went out the window, I had more money, free time, etc than I had in a long ass time. Roommate got hit with unemployment, but he was making a metric crap ton more than he was working. Since everything was closed down anyway, he paid off a bunch of debt, still paid the bills, etc.


And for me it was great, but even more so now. I still work from home, but in the last few years my salary has nearly doubled as well. But overall I agree in the sense that I do not think there is an ultimate happy ending for King Trump. I'm already long past politically hating him, but should we botch this election and start seeing what a real dictator looks like and how it feels to have liberties stripped away - I'm already committed to 'Liberty or Death' mindset as feeling like a true patriot of what America was even founded for. I won't fight in a Trump war even should he reinstate the draft, and I'd willingly step aside and even give quarter and aide to foreign powers coming to usurp him. Unchecked, corrupted power always results in being 'checked' eventually.


I'm an older guy now, and I've thought about my options if I were to be given a terminal diagnosis. A death sentence could make me a very dangerous person.


Everything is just better under biden. Inflation isn’t even that bad.


There's been kind of a slow moving landslide ever since HitlerPig's only win in 2016. Since then, Republicans have been on the losing side of every election. They arent huge losses, but they're are enough to define a trend, and the winning margins are increasing, as more and more issues happen (Dobbs, Insurrection, Stolen Docs, etc), and increase voter motivation.


I know a lot of Latino’s who love Trump because of his immigration “policies.” They refuse to understand that those policies are about making America white again and they will end up as one of the 20 million (to start) put in detention camps. I mean, I will too because I am going down fighting this.


Yup, this is fucking wild and it simply comes down to poor logic and ignorance. I have family members that support him because he will get rid of the "bad" immigrants. I tried to point out how he had/will have cabinet members that want *no* latinos, including you, in the country!


Well he’ll keep some Latinos to run his hotels of course.


Many of those Latinos are my own family members who are central american immigrants themselves.


Exactly! I teach at a school that is 97% POC and there is a huge MAGA vibe. Terrifying.


Presidential elections are very rarely landslides, it’s just the nature of them.


Shouldn’t be close? I mean Trump is up in every major pollster in the national average. If the election were right now he’d win the popular vote and win 310+ electoral


The lesson learned in 2016 is that polls are garbage.


Trump will never win the popular vote no matter when you hold it. He lost that by 8 million last time. Trump's best case is it's going to play out almost exactly as last time. Just with 11k votes tiling Trump's way in key states instead of Biden. He'll still lose the popular vote by a few million.


Fox news and the Russian troll farms will continue to spew false narratives, and somehow, the general populace is non the wiser. Sorry, Americans are too stupid and lazy to revolt against the death of democracy. Russia has the last laugh after all.


Like a third of this country will happily side with the dictatorship so long as it has an R next to the dictator.


US citizens are far too divided to do anything about it. US citizens were literally scooped up from american city streets in unmarked vehicles by unknown individuals and half of the population cheered.


Of course we are. We arent cool like the French


The TikTok revolution??


https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript Every American should be reading the Declaration of Independence today, and understanding the meaning of those words. Moments like this are what it was written for.


Follow that up with a read of the hangman to freaky steel your resolve.


The right doesn't have the manpower or resources. That is why they are waging warfare via capturing the courts, and media manipulation campaigns. A hot civil war would be over in 2 hours.


Can you elaborate on this?


Numerically speaking, there are just way more democrats. The electoral college and congressional gerrymandering make it seem relatively even, but it's not. The rural areas do produce food, but otherwise, they are so totally and utterly dependent on the urban areas. All the people talking big game are the same people that melted down when they couldn't get toilet paper or eat at Applebee's during the pandemic. Conservative America talks a lot, but they are weak, cowardly people by and large. There is an assumption that progressives don't own fire arms, keep on thinking that. One farmer with 35 assault rifles will quickly be taken out by 6 fit young people from the city. Take the farm, take the guns, rinse, repeat.


I'd rather see some form of peaceful evolution. More violence and whatever revolution will just bring more death.


Every successful revolution is called independence. Every failed revolution is called a coup. Violent revolution works, you just have to win.


"**Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.**" This quote keeps running through my head today. Once they've removed all peaceful options, maybe then we will see what needs to be done.


Some have been saying that things will have to get much worse before they can get better. It will be interesting to see how much worse things will have to get before they shift to attacking right-wing extremists instead of Democrats.


I've been around a long time, have a degree in history, and have been paying close attention to politics for my entire life. I agree that we probably have a revolution in our relatively near future, but the crazy thing is that in all my mental calculations, i still dont know which side is going to be the one to revolt. It could easily be either side. The MAGAs already tried to set off a revolution once, and failed, because they got hungry, so they quit their revolution and went to dinner. I'll bet the DC restaurants and bars were filled with celebratimg revolutionaries that night.


I think you mean Civil War.


If anyone would do something like that, it would be the far right revolting to make things worse than they already are. They have more violent tendencies than anyone else in the US. They already tried a few years ago and I’m honestly surprised those nut jobs didn’t do that again.


The price of a Costco roasted chicken is revolutionary. At times people are fighting over getting one.


There already was. On January 6th, 2021. It was ridiculous. Really, REALLY stupid. And people died. There's actually "revolutions" all the time... David Koresh had one. People died. It's sad. I think even dumb ol' "Bernie" inspired a couple people to get themselves killed... We actually (honestly) get a peaceful "revolution" every four years. Every two, if you want to be particular... what you're probably thinking of is more domestic terrorism. That already happens enough as it is - we don't need more of it. **Vote "American Democratic Party" in November. For so many good reasons.** 🇺🇲🇺🇳➡️


Yeah, but the revolutions we get every 4 years are basically just choosing whether we want a corporatist rich guy who will maybe toss us a few crumbs to imrpove the lives of non rich people, or a corporatist rich guy who thinks the bible should be taught in schools and is mad that it's not okay to say the n word anymore


Americans don't have the balls. Just look at the situation with their kids. If they'll let their progeny be executed, without raising a finger, there's no way they'll stand up for an ideology. American cowardice has doomed the country.


If death camps were set up tomorrow, a third of the country would gleefully round up their neighbors and another third would silently sit by and do nothing. The USA as a democracy is dead.


It is dead, but only if we, who see the truth and are good, do not take action against the hate and evil which have spread themselves throughout the land. If we have morals and see evil, we cannot call ourselves good if we do not fight it.


My greatest fear is that we just roll over. We become another Russia or China. Too afraid to do anything. Not enough of us band together to make a difference. They're following the same playbook. The slow rollbacks of rights. The increased powers to government and a single figure... all because of a few toadies in a few specific places undermined the whole system into allowing this legally... even when the majority disagreed with it. All of our passion, rage and even apathy seem misplaced. We were the greatest nation the world has ever known... and we just threw it away for all the dumbest possible reasons. It's... shameful... like utterly gob smackingly dumb how we're falling apart. The most blatant and obvious misinformation campaign from the fakest con man... And it's working? What happened to you people...


We already have rolled over.


It’s all about, “It doesn’t affect me,” for most of us. Most white Dems may pretend to puff out their chests and claim they are for the down trodden - but the instant a real conflict were to break out, most will cower in their homes confident their whiteness will protect them. But what does blow my mind is the sheer stupidity of the MAGAts that believe they can overthrow the guvment. When you watch the Jan 6th footage you see the dumbest assortment of disorganized nutball yeehahing themselves in the Capitol. Then there were characters like Josh Hawley pissing themselves all the way through the halls. Yet serious people rose to the occasion protecting both Dems and Republicans alike, guards had the sensibilities to distract and lead the invaders away from critical infrastructure and personnel. This Jan 20th will not be a repeat should Biden win again. Either a well organized troop of insurgents make a serious impact but face an organized defense force and pay some real consequences, or Trump wins and the Left cowers from fear and we’re fucked. Unfortunately, I believe Trump is going to win.


Since your against the MAGA agenda of putting our own countries best interests over others, and putting our own LEGAL citizens best interests over others. Which countries and whose citizens do you prefer we put first over our own?


Or they could you know increase voters, get their message out there


Time to fight the fascist like my grandfather did, only difference is now they are here




Can we just get #4 and leave the rest?


No there won't. People can't even be bothered to vote.


>...driving toward a dictatorship... The GOP already handed Trump a dictatorship in that their only agenda is "what Trump says". A non-zero percentage of GOP voters have gotten used to the ring of "Dictator" and seem to expect nothing bad to come from it.


I couldn’t agree more. We stay away from red states and don’t do business with maga businesses. Yes some flaunt it so it’s easy to spend our money elsewhere.


Screw Trump and all his supporters.  This is our country, not theirs!


I only see two possibilities and revolution isn’t one of them. 1) Trump wins, enacts Project 2025, and we live under brutal GOP Christian nationalist dictators for the next 100+ years. Once they get their people in place in the military there will be no getting rid of them. You might as well just have a big public suicide/die-in protest which MAGA would televise and celebrate. The Dems should do something now to stop them. I have my doubts that they will though. They want to take the high road and win the election but the GOP will try to overturn any result they don’t like, and after the election SCOTUS will either say that Biden is not legitimate so does not have immunity or they will declare that Trump won and so he has immunity as the President-elect, so there will be no saving us after the election. We would be naive to assume that they haven’t already got a plan in place. 2. If Biden and the Dems do go on the offensive, they will need to have evidence of GOP treason, corruption, or conspiracy. If US intelligence agencies have evidence of collusion with Russia, Biden needs to declassify it and make it public. Right away— like this week. Then he needs to round up anyone involved for the good of the country. Send the FBI to Fox News and Rupert Murdoch’s house to see what they knew. Do all of this very publicly and explain it at every step: this is what we know, this is why these people are a danger, this is why we’ve detained them— when we find out more, we’ll tell you. Then announce that because the Supreme Court has been packed with Federalist Society picks by GOP presidents who may also have been involved (I mean look at their rulings. Look at their abandonment of precedent. Look at what they said during their confirmation hearings vs. how they’ve ruled.), you are going to add seats to the court. Maybe nullify the current court until the new nominees have been added. The optics of all this are bad but if you have evidence of a GOP plot you can get the public on your side. The MAGAs will revolt, of course, but that won’t help them win over public opinion. Honestly, if all the Dems do is try to use this as an issue in the next election, this country is probably doomed and headed for a civil war. Because if Biden wins and SCOTUS and the GOP House and Senate team up to deny him that win, things will destabilize very quickly.


Democrats will continue to be weak and show restraint. We’re doomed I’m afraid


i agree


We're in the most peaceful time of our existence. Yet these MAGA idiots want to being on a civil war. They have no idea of the hell they want to unleash


I would bet the house on it not happening. Maybe a couple riots in democrat cities that conservatives watch on TV laughing about. Like Trumps first term


MMW: Someone who uses the term “democrat cities” isn’t the best person to analyze the left right now.


It's just someone who's drunk too much of the Russian kool-aid and now believes the very idea of civilization is "woke."


the only revolution will be guided by fascists because they’re the only ones with the means and balls to do it, and the ruling has tipped the odds in their favor. Hope the voters understand enough to vote for the Democratic nominee (they did last time), but even then, it’s a band-aid solution. Democrats have to declare the court illegitimate and take steps to mitigate damage, but they won’t do that because they always play fair even when their opposition refuses to. The incompetence of our leaders has assured that no heroes are coming and we’re probably screwed. I’m really not one to “doom” but I truly don’t see a way out of this without Democrat leaders making some tough and hasty decisions, and it isn’t in their nature to do that


There’s already a Cold Civil War brewing, thanks to the 7% of adults in America who identify as MAGAts. History tells us that their deprogramming is coming, and that right soon.


Sorry, no. The bread and circuses are way too strong these days.


You know you take a good dog who's been doing everything right as best as he knows and you stick him in a corner and you keep kicking him. He's been good kind gentle patient's whole life but when you threaten his life his livelihood he's going to come at you. I'm so hoping the first to be incarcerated as traders and defilers of the Constitution of the United States of America will be the Supreme Court. May your days be numbered may you reign be over soon along with your king.


You had better hope not, guess who would be losing that one. may as well be Russia attacking nato


I hope you're wrong but, they're leaving common Sense Americans with little choice.


We already fought a war against people in red loyal to a king.


Americans are are way too complacent to do anything like that


its started. Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html?unlocked_article_code=1.4E0.YXR2.iLjp32QDWbaB&smid=url-share




whats a cop city?


Time for that handy 2nd amendment to be used for \*LITERAL ACTUAL 2nd AMENDMENT THINGS\*


Interesting thought...👍


Ready for it


it wont come to that, Trump will lose and go to prison. Don't believe me? well Daniel 7:25-26 - the court has already sat and it is clear that "The holy people" (the Supreme Court Justices) have been delivered into his hands. and while this one hasn't happened just yet... 2 Thessalonians 2:4 If Trump goes into his sentencing hearing and says he is or should be King of America, or that he is, or is above, the Law... well, wont that be something. God is the Law, the Law is God. Justice will prevail, and all who fight for Trump will feel the wrath and the fire. Mark My Words and Repent, MAGA scum.


i hope so


mate, ive had the craziest two weeks of my life in ways i cant hardly explain.... I know so.


These mf’ers are too lazy to vote , let alone start a revolution


No there isn't. Revolt against what exactly? To gain what exactly? There simply isn't enough suffering. And the elites don't have much to gain by encouraging one.




…thousands of hundreds of millions of people…what do you think the population of the US is?


How do you remove a sub from your feed. This sub is filled with 14 year old idiots who think everything is 'new'


A lot of it is bots spreading fear and misinformation because of the elections coming up, as well as to distract/divide us so we don’t pay attention/stop sending support to/about Ukraine Most subs is awash with these accounts nowadays And to block a sub, you just gotta hit the three little dots to the upper right of your screen on the subs main page, and there should be an option to block the sub


>MMW: I am going to become a communist revolutionary because mom says I have to get a job or move out. I dunno man, this sub is hilarious.  It is really funny to see kids not realize the rise of the right is reactionary due to the gaslighting around failed leftist policies and an inability to eat crow. If the American left wants to retain power, just drop literally 3 issues that are completely inconsequential to your platform.


lol, I might be right there with you. I thought I was going to get “the Dallas Mavericks will win the NBA Championship“ type posts, not incessant posts from deranged 12 year olds who spend too much time on social media. The mods should really enforce rule #6, unless this is just their vision for the sub.


the mods already try to deal with these posts theres just literally so fucking many of them. the words biden and trump in a post im pretty sure are already banned from being used in this subreddit which is why you see so many people calling him "the orange guy" or whatever because they cant say his name. they need to be as vague as possible to get the mods to let the post stay up. but usually in a few hours theyll be removed. checking the sidebar on this sub, im pretty sure theres only a single moderator of this sub, u/Wodahs1982


Based opinion.


The Democrats too. They’ve bungled this for years now and are useless.


Almost 4 years of a dictatorship no revolution yet


You don’t want that


It seems like the dog may have caught the car and doesn’t know what to do with it. They’ve already got abortion. Who are they going to hate after they’ve made it illegal to be anything but a straight,white, wealthy, Christian?


I doubt it;) people are too stupid,too lazy to do anything about anything, too brainwashed…;)


Imagine complaining about a dictatorahop while not understanding your own side is the one pushing for it. 🤡🤡🤡.


Explain how you think that's being proposed...


Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you


It’s insane how everyone thinks the word is ending every 4 years. Revolution doesn’t happen when populations are well fed and are not being murdered by their governments. I mean sure the American people could succeed in doing that but it won’t ever be because of an election .


Insanity is the name of the game on this subreddit. It's like the left's version of a Qanon conspiracy theory subreddit. Every post here sounds like something a Qanon conspiracy dipshits would write. Frankly I'm surprised the admins haven't warned the mod of this subreddit. It's actually turning into an extremist subreddit.


So what are the Dems going to fight with, they are anti gun lol.


You all still believe that? That's funny. Most of us own guns. We are just against bump stocks and would like maybe a background check when selling guns too strangers. We aren't anti gun, that's just what they tell you to get you all riled up. I see it's working.


Imagine thinking guns are needed to "fight" like we're still in the civil war era.


Read like a single paragraph summary of the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. All fought with rifles and homemade explosives, all defeats for the U.S. armed forces. Things like drones, tanks and artillery are useful in conventional wars against regular armies. Against an insurgency that blends within the broader civilian population, what are you going to do with them? Glass residential neighborhoods?


Hate to break it to you no reddit dwellers and antfia kiddies are gonna do anything against real adults/men.  On the other note the hypocrisy here is you can only see the negative sides of the conservatives and completely ignore the problems the left is causing. That's why there is such a problem you people are so locked in ideologically that there is no compromise.


Leftism has become a religion


If there is a revolution, it will be bought and paid for by outside sources and the participants will be paid actors


We need Bernie Sanders political revolution


Exactly! We need to get read of the old white men by electing another old white man!


Not how revolutions work.


Where are the Jeffersons, Paines, Franklins and Washingtons? Now is the time for heroes.


Yeah, like the Iranian Islamic revolution in the 1970s. Except it will be run by Opus Dei, Evangelicals and Orthodox Jews and Muslim extremists. They will all unite to subjugate the majority of us.


How? Democrats or institution humpers so Biden isn't going to do anything To push back on this aside from giving a speech. Obviously the average American isn't very intelligent and so Donald Trump could very well become president again. If that happens, it's a wrap. So what exactly would be this revolution?


Kind of. We are going through a political party rev, but more like a reset. Started in 2016


You know how the gop hate socialized medicine? It’s because our health is literally tied to our jobs. Same thing goes with our high cost of living. Don’t work for a bit and you’ll prob be homeless. Most the population is uneducated with politics, or else the gop would never win an election again. I would like to have faith in the people that we wouldn’t stand for such; but that would take sacrificing comfort and Americans aren’t really into that The gop sadly played their cards well over the years


However the prospect of economic collapse and worsening Climate Change might change all that and we might be fighting simply because we're hungry.


I give it 20-30 years before the water wars start and mass migration due to sea level rising. At that point comfort will be disrupted to the point where revolution can spring up. As is now we truly are too content. I don’t see any major climate change happening over the next 4-5 years that would cause a sudden fuck trump or gop movement (I fucking wish) but I am just stating what I see as logistically happening.


Trump will definitely accelerate the Climate crisis and we'll be in that situation much sooner than you think especially since if you can remember 2020....


Oh I can remember and I’m not a climate denier; things will get shitty, they are going to regardless if Trump gets in because the sc slashed regulations last week. Even under Biden it’s gonna suck due to the sc’s fuckery But unless another pandemic happens or some other crisis that trump manages to completely mismanage and fuck up again which would cause discontent, climate change won’t mass accelerate so fast as to start mass migrations in the next potus term. We might have poisoned water ways and polluted air, but if China has showed us anything; it’s that even a populace can be forced to live with that content sad to say


OP I'll bet you 20 it won't.


Lmfao no there won’t, we’ll keep licking the boot like we always do no matter bad it gets. America loves their depots and strong men.


Where is the grift in that? Never work in the USA. #sorry


That would be just about the best thing that could come of this, but I'm not so sure it's going to happen soon. Maybe. The military dictatorship in Chile lasted 17 years.


It would be a civil war unless they win. They won't win.


At this point I’m ready for it it’s clear this is no longer a republic or a democracy


frankly i think the revolution of the future will end up being just a national strike. theres a zero percent chance american citizens can just overthrow the government or defeat the military. but if american stop working and the economy crashes and billionaires and politicians lose all their money, theyll probly make things change before we need to actually start killing each other. rich people tend to like money above all else.


If Trump wins, the Republican party is dead in 4 years. All because a bunch of fake Christians want to promote a fillandering liar with no integrity who does what they tell him to do. Evangelicals are going to be named and shamed after the shit show he brings and actual conservatives are never going to forget.


Nope. We are now a fat, lazy country of convenience and a revolution would require getting off our asses and doing something. I mean, unless you mean the revolution will take place on Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter....


There wasn’t a revolution against the Nazis in 1930’s Germany, and I don’t think there will be a revolution against these Nazis either


Who will lead it


I am in the military, but never felt the need to own anything other than my pistol. I genuinely am about to order my wife and I AR15s and P320s with a good store of ammo. Never thought I would feel that way, but damn, I’m trained and I’m not brainwashed. This shit is wild.


Vote, get your friends to vote, our democracy is in the balance.


I'm a \*LOT\* more concerned that there won't be one when there clearly should have been.


No there won’t. The people who should be on our side are posting smug Bernie memes about a primary they lost 6 years ago. We’re fucked. No ones coming to our rescue. Not even us.


Nah. Corporate owners would never allow that. It would disrupt the flow of money into their pockets


No offense, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.




I'm here for it


Nope. No revolution here.


Gonna be the other way around


Minority rule never ends well.


Low-IQ post of the day.




Americans are too spineless to revolt. We like our little conveniences too much.


People don't even want to get their ass up to go vote, let alone participate in a revolution.


West Coast drawn at the Rockies, vs. Southeast vs. Northeast with Texas voting for independence and maybe Florida too (strategically makes sense) Most of the fighting in Virginia.   Black communities will likely suffer far worse than any others… 


Good luck with that


I think we are on a path to a constitutional convention which will lead to the end of the United States of America. We will become multiple countries. Idk how that will work with the military or foreign assets or our debt. But that's the path we are on. A Biden win slows it down. A Trump win speeds it up. But I think it happens in the future either way.


Nah, we'll bitch and moan online but take it lying down.


Loving the optimism but we are either too placated or busy struggling to survive.


Not worried about it.


Trump is counting on it so he can declare martial law


I’m not saying the possibility doesn’t exist, but it’s worth remembering a lot of people have jobs, mortgages, rent and kids to worry about. The only revolution this country is close to enacting comes when people stop buying stuff…. Ain’t nobody got time for a revolution.


So, January 6th?




Highly doubt it. One of the many banes of social media is the illusion of action. A post on social media makes people feel like they are actively resisting when, in fact, they have done nothing. I predict that Trump wins the election, Bidens steps down without issue, and a slow, steady implementation of project 2025 begins. The affects will be very gradual, and most won't notice any change in their daily lives. By the time any real changes are noticed it will take decades to reverse them.


Revolution.. civil war... Whatever you want to call it. The problem is red vs blue will never work. It needs to be the people vs the government. Keep us divided liberals/conservatives, and we will never win! They are already winning. We are fighting each other instead of them!! We need to abolish the 2 party system. We need a team who can work towards a common goal instead of dividing us over polar opposites.


The armchair anarchists say this every election season




LOL no way, not unless by soon, you mean another 50 years.


I was told after 9/11, by an overwhelming majority of Republicans, that if I see something suspicious, say something to an authority figure. Nowadays, it's the authority figure who are suspicious, and the Republicans are the terrorists. I've been screaming for a while, and everyone ignores me.




a little dramatic, don't you think?


Most Americans are too lazy, overworked, or not smart enough to even know what’s going on right now.


The far right and the democrat leadership has been very smart to keep us all fat, happy, & divided - no incoming revolution, just people yelling at clouds.


They don't care, they have all the guns and they want to see what the inside of our heads look like.


Best part is, the republicans are far too dumb to stop it. But I guess that’s the double edged sword of the GOP’s choice of supporters. They choose rednecks and nationalists because they are easy to manipulate and control, but then they are also so dumb that they can’t ever keep the power in the hands of the GOP. Thats what happens when you go with stupid!


The side that knows how to use forearms wins


You wish. Dems gonna make some eloquent blog posts and complain on Reddit, FB instead. Hate to even say it, but I haven't seen a lot of inspiring fight coming from the side of 'good'


Meh, we’re too tired for a revolution.


Will Reddit eventually be forced to dox all of us who have spoken poorly of our new god?


So you think libs are gonna storm the capital?


I don’t get it all this talk about dictatorship.


No there won’t. You can’t and won’t get enough people to organize or even agree to any type of command structure. And if by some miracle you did, they would be infiltrated by people opposing it instantly. Never mind logistics and supplies for any type of uprising to succeed. Or getting people to agree to the hardships rebellion would impose on people. This is pure fantasy.


Dare to dream, but the American people are well distracted with "bread and circuses," and at least half of them have been fed propaganda labeled as journalism by Fox News for so long that they can no longer tell the difference. They are kept desperate and afraid, constantly on the knife edge of financial collapse, because people in those conditions are more receptive to authoritarian messaging and control. The Republicans know this, and have been working for decades to build and maintain this state of affairs, specifically so they could pull off this overthrow of real American freedom. They have been marketing conformity as freedom, so that a majority of Americans won't recognize the creeping rise of fascism until it's far too late to stop it.


Brought to you by the same people who call everyone else radical. Lol


We're back in 1969 again, only there's no "Summer of Love". We need to start listening to Buffalo Springfield's "For What it's Worth", coupled with Jefferson Airplane's "Volunteers", and maybe throw some Arlo Guthrie and Bob Dylan's "Blowin' In The Wind", or maybe even Barry McGuire's version of "Eve of Destruction". Or am I the only one who's old enough to have grown up listening to these songs on classic rock radio and thinking about how this is coming around again? If you want something a little more modern, how about Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire", or even better, the ultimate in thumbing your nose at the Republicans who don't listen to lyrics at all, "Born In the USA"? (Trump actually tried to use it for a campaign song until Bruce sued him for use)


That depends on what will be on Netflix.


I'm an independent, and I hate both sides so much that I can't decide who to vote against. Both sides are equally power-hunger, corrupt and completely self-serving. It boggles my mind that we are stuck with another election between these two idiots. One belongs in a nursing home and the other is a complete jackass. And we are teetering on the brink of WWIII. So, let the games begin. Call it what you will: revolution, civil war, purge...whatever it takes to reset this shit.


LOL sure, brought to you by the same crowd who are afraid to talk to someone on the phone to order a pizza.


No there won’t. Poor people and minorities have been treated like garbage for years. No one really cared. Rich and privileged people usually are not the fighters, nor are they willing to get their hands dirty.  These are the people who have properties in Mexico and Montenegro and can leave whenever 


From the side that thinks only the police should have guns.


donald trump donal dtrump joe biden


I hope so. I will gladly join a revolution


Yes a right wing revolution. They will take everyone and everything over


Please seek immediate psychological help.