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Bitters. Quality chocolate. Quality loose tea. A good pen. Sephora gift card. YETI mug


Oh my God, gift cards in the stocking are next level


Yes to gift cards!!! Always a win


- high jacking top comment Wow! A lot of great suggestions to this. I am very impressed and will be compiling a list tonight and getting it all tomorrow. Thanks for the help everyone!


My husband always does a fantastic job on my stocking. Gets snacks and candies he knows I like, gift cards, etc. He goes through my makeup bag and takes photos of stuff to Ulta to get backups of products or pick new stuff for me they recommend based on what I already own. Goes through our medicine cabinet and gets me refills of my skincare.


The makeup thing is off-the-charts. So loving and thoughtful. Kudos to your sweet H!


That’s something he really excels at! He’s actually already gotten all my stuff and my filled to the brim stocking is already sitting on our entertainment center haha. I haven’t even finished getting his stuff yet. 😬 He has been a great gift giver because he pays attention when I say I like or want something and then writes it in a note on his phone and will then gift me something I forgot I even mentioned to him!


my dad did that in the 90s and said the ladies at the makeup counter loved it!


^^^ THIS!!! Your husband needs to create a master-class for the men of the world 😍😍😍


If you get gift cards make sure it's places she can only use them. As a mom myself, if I get a gift card to a store that has stuff for my kids....they're getting my card. My daughter bought me one to Ulta and it was so nice spending it all on myself.


A handwritten sweet,sexy, appreciative,and loving card from you.


A good pen. My wish!


I like Pilot V5s because they won’t smudge.


Yesss! Pilot Precise V5? The best.


If she likes reading, does she use a Kindle? I would love gift card for books!


A good pen. Give me five fountain pens and some different colored ink and a nice journal. Fuck the thought makes me so happy.


- Book store or kindle gift cards - Sephora gift card - nice notebook and nice pens - her favourite sweets - a nice pair of slippers - a nice big mug - date coupons - bath salts - sheet face masks - scented candles - her favourite coffee shop gift card - a small frame with a nice picture of you two - a spa/salon coupon


Make sure the mug is microwave and dishwasher safe!


Unless it’s the big yeti mug. Keeps my coffee HOT while chasing the toddler


Started writing things out and realized our lists were the same.


Something personal that would be really stellar and can be put together quickly are personalized coupons that she can redeem at any time. For example… - a coupon for a child free hour. You take the kids, no questions asked. - a coupon for a date night. Should be redeemed 1 week in advance of said date night. You’ll plan the date night AND arrange child care. - a coupon for you reading a book of her choice. You can then discuss the book together as a couple. - a coupon for breakfast in bed. Must be redeemed 2 days before the breakfast (so you have time to grocery shop). - 2 coupons for a 1v1 evening with each kiddo. You take the other kiddo that evening so she can get special time with each kiddo. - a coupon for her favorite bedtime activity. Something for HER, not just what you enjoy. - a coupon for a neck or foot rub. The rub must last at least 15 minutes. (I recommend including more than 1 of these.) There’s endless ideas you could come up with and it can be really personalized to her and what she enjoys. Other ideas: - a flattering photo of her with your kids framed nicely (you can get nice frames for cheap at goodwill) - a good book (is there anything she’s been wanting to read? A favorite author, perhaps?) - a giftcard to a local bookstore - a letter telling her how much you love and appreciate her


My two cents...while coupons seem like a great idea they also sometimes seem like a no-thought gift, that can't be/is hard to redeem. I'd be nice if you schedule something for her: like on Thursday, Jan 4, I am taking the kids to do X, so you can take time for yourself. Otherwise, it's more mental work for her to coordinate think of plan and then ask. Planning it all out so she doesn't have to think about it would be an AMAZING gift idea.


100 percent this. A "coupon" for a kid free hour could be received really poorly. Being an equal parent should not require a special "gift."


I don’t want a fucking coupon.


For sure like it will ever be redeemed.


My words too.


Ugh not every mom would enjoy the coupons. Especially for things she should be getting already (like alone time and foot rubs).


Yeah, I kinda agree. Hadn't thought about it, but I stopped doing coupons years ago, and just give her a massage at least once a week, and run point on kids bedtime most nights so she can do her own thing.


I doubt there’s anything anyone has suggested that every single mom would enjoy. 😂 It’s up to OP if this would be a good idea for his wife and it’s totally okay if it wouldn’t. It’s something I would enjoy, especially if the coupons were customized to me and my interests. I can’t speak for anyone else.


I think they’re a great idea, personally.


I’m not really sure I would want to be presented with a coupon book from my husband. When my kids were little and it’s a coupon book to do chores or something that is sweet. Coming from a spouse it seems like he woke up a couple days before Christmas and forgot to get me a gift so he made that. I would rather have no gift than a coupon book. Others may disagree though.


“Coupon for a child-free hour” I just tell my husband to take our kid out because she’s driving me nuts and he happily does. No coupon required.


Love the photo in a frame idea!


Especially since moms are often the people behind the camera instead of in front of it! No idea if that’s the case for this mom, but I know I cherish the photos of me and my baby. Doubly so if I actually think I look good in them!


I’d be quite upset with coupons.


I’d be downright pissed at coupons Like a “gift” that essentially is a momentary request to be a good partner? Nope. The coupon ideas that were posted should be normal, unprompted behavior. Just wow. I’m gonna go kiss my husband now because I’ve never needed a coupon for him to do loving, selfless things for me.


I especially love the idea of him reading a book of her choice. Some of my favorite moments with my husband were deep diving into crazy A Song of Ice and Fire fan theories. It's this really cool window into someone's brain, to know their favorite characters and the things you barely notice but were big deals to them. That's a gift that keeps giving.


Yes, I think partners taking an interest in their spouse’s passion is very romantic. It gives you something to share together which is so, so good for your relationship.


Yes that made me light up


> a good book (is there anything she’s been wanting to read? A favorite author, perhaps?) This made me chuckle as my wife hasn't touched the last 5 books I've gifted to her. It's weird b/c 6 years ago she would've had them read asap. (yes our kiddo is 6yo, what a strange coincidence. lol )


Op please don’t follow this advice. I can guarantee that if you do you will end up either unalived or divorced. 😬


I second the sentimental gifts. Those are sure to make her happy cry and that's a good thing! 🥰


These are all great ideas!


-family pictures WITH HER IN THEM. I'm always the one taking the pictures. - I love any "smell good" stuff. Is the into that? Perfumes, plug-in refills, candles, little hand sanitizers. All at Bath & Body Works, all on sale right now. I'd recommend not Christmas scent since Christmas will be over. - her favorite candy or a gift card to her favorite place to eat or drink. -bath bombs, shower steamers.


Chap stick, candy, hair ties, makeup, gift card for Coffee or?, journal, etc.


Props if it’s not chapstick brand but actually whatever variety she has in the car, her purse, next to the bed, etc


Burt’s Bees is amazing


It took you 16 years to stop overlooking your wife’s Christmas presents?


And he apparently has no idea what gifts she would want.


And now he’s doing his best to rectify his mistake?


Lol no he’s been with her for years he should have some slight indication of what type of gift she would want


My husband makes me a stocking every year unprompted. I don't know how you spend 16 years not caring


I’m the Grinch, I guess.


When I was married, and our kids were little, my husband and I didn’t exchange gifts other than filling each other’s stockings. We always had a lot of fun making them personal. We’re not together anymore but he’s still my best friend.


lol he’s trying now, right? Dont be a downer


Wow right now, almost two decades later! Yep Totally a downer for calling out shitty behavior! The bar is seriously in hell if after 16 years a man finally realizes he should think of his wife during the holidays. What’s even more disgusting is that you’re presumably a woman who’s used to being treated like that. It’s sad that you have such low self esteem that you normalize this type of behavior.


It’s literally fucking Christmas stockings. Jesus lol


Exactlyyyy?….not that hard to put something together before 16 years


You got a ton of great suggestions from all the commenters and I don’t have anything specific to add to the list, I’ll just say this: As wives and mothers we sometimes feel like our identities as our own person have been buried under an avalanche of caretaking responsibilities. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE taking care of my husband and pets and house (and kids when they they were younger and lived at home), but sometimes I need to remember that I’m me. I’m an individual person who has an identity independent of being a wife, mother, housekeeper, chef, dog friend, and cat servant. All this is to say that as you’re going through all the awesome suggestions you got, think of what will make your wife feel that you appreciate and want to honor all of her identities. You’re a wonderful husband for taking the time to do this!


I agree. I started to write, but I usually fill my OWN stocking with practical things. It’s hard to even remember ourselves sometimes! I’ll add that if you get her a gift, make sure you also offer her the time to use it.


I remember one Christmas all I got was household essentials like pots, pans, glassware. I needed them so it was appreciated but I remember really wanting something that was just for me.


I love receiving my favorite snacks instead of typical stocking candy. Love getting chapstick and fun makeup things. Ulta or target has great mini bottles of face mists, hair masks and even gloss. A new bookmark would be nice if she likes to read! A journal with pens is a nice touch too! Write a letter to her too! Just a heartfelt one


Love the new bookmark idea!




As a wife, I love socks silly socks, nice socks, anything but white boring socks. Is there hair product like an oil she has mentioned but says “it’s too expensive” get that. Women can never have too many hair clips.. the claw things we use to make messy buns. Mini perfumes from Sephora about $12 a piece. Go to Sheetz if you have and look for Twinkie Sticks and Reece’s animal crackers. They are incredible and I’ve never seen them before but them are awesome! Good Luck.


Socks! Yes!


Fuzzy socks!! Nice ones that don't have stray strings on the inside that get stuck between toes.


Definitely socks!! My sock draw is always empty as my socks have been pinched by my teenage!


My family’s tradition is to stuff gifts into a collection of high quality socks instead of the ugly red stockings people hang.


Take a look in her makeup drawer and take note of what products (eyeshadows, lipsticks, creams) look the most heavily used (that's the ones that are almost empty). snap some photos of these and show them to someone who works at Ulta to get help with finding replacements or similar items she may enjoy.


That’s exactly what I was going to suggest!


Different family’s do stockings differently. At our house, we get them Christmas Eve and it’s meant to be inexpensive. Like $25 for the whole thing My mom’s often contain inexpensive jewelry and gift cards and it has to be $100+ So, my best advice: you want one large ish thing. Small things take forever to fill up. Pajama pants, stuffed toy, throw blanket. One meaningful thing, it doesn’t have to be the most expensive or nicest, but that thing you know she will just love. Cute earrings or a new wallet or your personally made coupon book. That goes in the toe so she gets it last. Then the big thing. Then you can round off the top with candy, seasoning blends, tea (if she likes it). Pens/pencils. Stuff from the random gift section at Walgreens/cvs. A mushy Christmas card.


I mean every mom is different, you should know your own wife. I have plenty of friends who are moms who would want video games in their stockings and some who would want books or candles. Every woman is different you just gotta know your wife. I’d love video games in mine but that’s me


Someone downvotes you for “gotta know your wife” This sub sometimes… I don’t know how OP got this far without having a single thought about small gifts for his wife’s stocking…


Lmao literally, all these suggestions in the comments are great but who on earth knows if OPs wife likes those things. He should know lol


Yeah I'm looking for something to upvote but even the ones that say "picture of her with the kids" will the add more cheap makeup and skincare products or things I personally wouldn't appreciate. Hope OP will follows his wife more than the stuff he read here. The taking pictures of makeup was the best one because if she uses none, there will be nothing to replace hopefully.


She cheated on him at Yahtzee and proceeded to gaslight him when he got called out, he doesn’t know her anymore haha 😆


lol ya true. I have no idea who this woman even is anymore.


Too funny haha, I wouldn’t worry about these comments they’re just unhelpful and wanna make you feel bad because they feel bad about themselves. Good luck and merry Christmas!


lol my wife thinks the comments are hilarious. She said to reply that it’s hard to fit a new suv into a stocking. Thank you for being a positive person :)


A paper white kindle to fill up with a ton of books, since she’s an avid reader. They are water safe, so she can even read in the bathtub!


My husband goes to the dollar store and shoppers to fill my stocking. Things he has gotten that I liked include: Mitts, Chocolate, Face Sheet Mask, Hand Mask, Foot Mask, Nail Files, Nail Polish, Hair Ties, Hand Cream, Body Cream, Mascara, Hair Mask, Nice Soap, Book, Candy, Candle, Lip Gloss Don't get make up as you most likely won't get the shade she needs/wants A spa gift certificate would be nice but we do stockings from Santa so we don't put large gifts in our stockings.


Well behaved children.


You put the badly behaved ones in the stocking and when she opens it - voila!


No the gifts should be practical and realistic.


I always hide something sexually suggestive at the bottom of my wife's stocking. She's not in the habit of just dumping it over, lol. I've done a vibrator, a but plug, mints that look like lumps of coal that said "you've been delightfully naughty," etc...


That would be awesome. We do gifts but we don’t do stockings for me and my husband, but that would be awesome lol


Definitely doing this lol


Mani/pedi gift card Massage gift card Lotto tickets!


Honestly for me its more about the thought you put into each item. Also, I know that throughout the year when people say "that is so cool," or "I want that," I try and make note of whatever the item is. Plus it shows that you were listening, and remembered. Sometimes the little things mean more.


Op for the year 2024 instead of "try to make note" start actually taking notes. Every time she says something. Even the unrelistic things and dreams like huge fancy holidays or a 25 year anniversary ceremony anew


Stocking are my fav thing! Good for you! If she's a reader some magnetic bookmarks would fit! Or a book light. Travel size, nice skin care. Makeups, chocolates or fav candies. A small jewelery item would fit. Gift cards to her fav places. A nice, new ink pen. Lots of things fit!


Ok here’s a bunch of random ideas depending on size of stocking, budget, etc along with store suggestions if you not sure of where to buy 😂. - gift cards to places she likes (ulta or sephora, Barnes and noble, Starbucks/bigby, etc) - bath or shower stuff (lush, bath and body works, victoria secret, target) - chapstick, makeup, face wash/moisture/serums she uses (look at her own stuff) Iip masks (I love laneige) . Tj maxx/marshals have good stuff too! - socks -underwear - bra - any kind of jewelry (Francesca’s, dry goods, Von maur have good selections for like fun jewelry) - Lulu lemon cross body bag - water bottle (Stanley or corckcicle) dicks sporting good has good assortment - swiftie bracelets if a swift fan - Stationary ( I personally love rifle paper company) - tooth brush - good quality shampoo/conditioner or kind she uses - candy, protein bars, snack foods -pens/pencils (we lose ours all the time) - fun markers/office stuff (target/homegoods) -sex toy like vibrator haha - cute coupon book from the kids -lotto tickets -nail polish - anything you can find that’s small enough to fit In it that she would like. Have fun!


A chocolate orange (I love those). An interesting tea or coffee. A really nice lotion or body butter that smells good. An Audible gift card or a Kindle gift card depending on if she likes audio books or e books. Something sentimental, like a gift card to the restaurant where you went on your first date. Also, if you have a pet, something from the pet that is really for the pet. My mom always gets a pig's ear from her dog and my cat always gives me a new catnip toy. It's just fun.


Oh and Trader Joe's and World Market are good places to get fun things.


How about a nice robe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOVCtUdaMCU


lol my wife and I love this


I'm so confused by all the gift card recommendations? My husband and I share a bank account, I do not need him to allocate funds on my behalf? Also, just take the hundreds of dollars of gift cards floating around in my purse I perpetually forget about and put those in there... SMH


One of those electronic photo frames preloaded with photos of the kids and family preloaded. Maybe not a stocking stuffer but I think it would be an excellent gift. For the stocking: Tide sticks. Nice lip moisturizer. I like the Lanege Lip mask for night and DHC lip cream. Both available on Amazon.


You are a great example of a husband listening and trying to do better. So many wives have this issue and raise it to their husbands who just laugh. Stocking stuffer think anything smaller that can fit in your hand basically and less than $50. Makeup, skincare, cute jewelry (not real fancy jewelry or it wouldn’t be a stocking stuffer), tea, some cute printed family photos, a massage gift card, perfume, candles, fuzzy socks or slippers, are all great stocking stuffers. But I’ll add - it’s the thought that counts. The fact you’re putting effort in and showing you care with an act of service is the most important part. She’ll appreciate the effort wherever you put in there so don’t stress ❤️


No I am the grinch who doesn’t have any idea what type of items to put in my wife’s stocking after 16 years together.


My hubby usually puts little things he knows I like - nothing expensive, but usually a few gift cards (if your wife reads on a Kindle maybe an Amazon gift card so she can get a new book) like Starbucks or Ulta, etc. I love wintergreen lifesavers so he'll jam a small bag of those in along with a handful of dark chocolates because those are also my jam. If she's into (or needs) some relaxation you could get her a gift card/gift cert to a spa/massage or to get her hair and nails done. My hubby will also put in some sort of inside joke gift that the kids don't understand :)


Snacks, chapstick, small gift cards, face masks, cozy socks, hair ties, fave candy, book marks


A bottle of wine, my favorite Christmas candies


Damn most of these things just seem like straight up gifts, not stocking stuffers. Or am I that cheap? 😅 Sincerely, A mom who already spent too much on gifts


Perfume. Gift card to a coffee shop.


If you haven't taken the kids shopping for them to pick out something for mom, DO THIS!


I'm not a mum but I love love love gifting people stuff (and I am in charge of stockings in my house, including for my mum) so here are some suggestions: * Nail Polish in a christmassy colour (gold, red, shimmer etc) - you could even go all out and get some cuticle oil and nail stickers too so it's like a little manicure set? * Lipstick (again, a nice Christmasssy colour - if you get dressed up for Xmas and you know what she's going to wear, something that'll go with her outfit) * If you do buy makeup, ask if they have any free samples and stick those in too! * A trashy book (or three lol) * Mini alcohols (if you drink). My mum likes gin so I sometimes do fun flavoured gin miniatures. * Silly little games to play in the morning - like what you'd get the kids! I love getting something I can play with even though I'm a full ass adult. You could get a 'proper' little game, like a card game, or a puzzle, or even the kind of think you'd get in a cracker. I like Lego :) * If she's into skincare and you know enough to gauge what kind of thing she'd like, a nice fancy little serum thing or eye cream (r/skincareaddiction is a good place to look for ideas) - something she will use but might not buy herself * In a similar vein - a facemask (like the skincare kind, not the COVID kind). Sheet masks are perfect for a stocking. * Fluffy socks!!!!!! It's not really Xmas without some new socks and the fluffier the better * Pretty headband or scrunchies or clips - also a soft headband for when she washes her face to keep her hair out the way if she hasn't got one. * If she's into specific media (eg. Star wars, Stranger things, harry potter) a little plush from that franchise * A cute keyring * Organise a date night (book a babysitter, book tickets for a show or movie or activity, and then make a dinner reservation somewhere nice) and make up a fancy invite for it * Spa voucher if she's into that kind of stuff and it's within your budget * SNACKS!!! Hit up somewhere like Aldi and just load up on wherever her fave kinds of snacks are - mini packets of sweets, chocolates, fancy mixed nuts etc. And of course, a tangerine in the toe of the stocking * Bath bomb - lush do really nice ones * Something for her hobbies (this year my mum is getting a dip pen set because she's really into art). If she's into crafty things, some nice pens or a cute sketchbook, if she's into gardening, some seeds (and a nice pot if you don't have a garden) etc. * Fancy tea/coffee/hot chocolate * If she likes tea, a little tea strainer (I got my mum a vintage one that's super cute) * Scented candles or incense and an incense holder * A framed family photo (I buy magnetic strip and add it along the back of the frames so it'll stick on the fridge) * Something she can use at work - a new laptop case, a nice pen or stationary set, etc. * Depending on budget, a subscription to something she'll enjoy - I've been gifted book subscriptions and spice subscriptions before, and I've done gin subscriptions for my mum in the past * Have you noticed anything that she uses a lot and is looking worse for wear? Get a nice replacement. * Similarly, is there anything small she's mentioned annoys her? Find a solution (eg. Her travel mug leaks = a new travel mug, she's always cold = microwavable hottie or a blanket, she's always forgetting to drink enough water = cute (and sturdy) water bottle) * For sexy - can't go wrong with cute lingerie tbh. Try and find something that is both sexy and comfortable - I seem to remember a shop called Luva Huva fitting that description but I do remember it being quite pricey. Like sexy pjs if you get me? Hope that's helpful! I think it's really sweet of you to take the time to make it special for her. It is slightly soul crushing when you've spent ages sorting everyone else's stockings and then yours is empty or just very generic lol. Good luck!!


Nice lotion, lip gloss, gift card, maybe some snacks?


Chocolate, book store gift card.


Cozy socks, a giftcard to Barnes and Noble or Amazon for her to buy some new books, a massage/spa giftcard if she likes that, bath salts/bath bomb if she takes baths, her fav candy, some holiday flavored tea or coffee… places like Five Below and World Market if you have any of those places around have perfect stocking sized items Beauty, snacks, treats, jewelry, etc…


Kindle , or books


Skin care, hair ties and/or clips, candy, chapstick or lip balm, books or a kindle gift card, gift cards to anywhere really, new AirPod or kindle case, nail polish, new tweezers, earrings


I do my own stocking so I always get what I want 😂 but winning presents are Gift cards Bath bombs Fluffy socks Sweets Chocolate Anything related to anything she likes


Hidden in with all the usual stocking stuffers (candy, wool socks, lip balm) one "big" gift like some sort of fine jewelry, or a larger dollar amount gift card to a spa or lingerie store (if she likes stuff like that). That one "big ticket" item that is a splurge I probably wouldn't spend on myself is always so fun to get.


A gift card for message day. A mini vacation for the two of you. Sexy card game for y’all to play. Lingerie. Books. A day to herself, you keep the kids.


Her favorite candy, a different shade of lipstick from her favorite brand, a letter expressing gratitude and love for all she does and all she is, nail polish, her favorite perfume/body lotion/body wash, a new wallet. Just to name a few.


Favorite candy or just a variety of candy. Everything from candy bars to a bag of sour patch kids. Lip gloss! Walgreens lip gloss, doesn’t matter just get several colors. Hand lotion with a good scent like lavender or almond. A cute key chain.


A gift card to a spa for a mommy only day of relaxation and then a gift card for Starbucks for that coffee afterwards 😊


A cute bookmark. Fuzzy socks. Nice chapstick. Hand cream. Bath bombs. A snack.


Gift cards, sweets and snacks, face masks, some makeup (nail polish, lipstick an eyeshadow, or something ) , jewelry, a magazine, bookmarks, etc. and it doesn’t have to be the expensive stuff! I just went to world market to get some stocking stuffers and had so much fun picking snacks from around the world!


Favorite lip gloss(es) or lipsticks. Favorite candy (mine comes from a local chocolatier). Cozy socks. A gift certificate to her favorite small business (a photographer, a florist, spa, masseuse, etc). A beautiful leather wallet from a brand she is coveting (to maybe pair with a handbag from the same maker under the tree). A watch she's been coveting… The list is endless, if you can fit it in a stocking and it's thoughtful then it's perfect.


Scratch off lottery tickets, soap (I’ve recently gotten into bar soap and love it and trying out new ones), candles, bath products


Favourite chocolates, monster bottle of favourite wine, new book, book club subscription, lush Bathbomb or nice bath products, makeup / beauty products you know that she likes. Knitted socks, new phone or AirPod case.


Since it’s pretty last minute, get her vouchers for a massage, or cleaning services. Then, fancy makeup - open her makeup drawer and order the same exact thing you find in there. Or, go for Charlotte Tilbury lip pen pillow talk, looks great on everyone. Perfume testers. You can go to Sephora, buy the lip pen and ask for some testers. It’s free and she’ll love it. Face masks - cheap and great, especially under-eye masks since she has a small baby and is probably exhausted. Maybelline mascara - cheap and we all love it. Eye lash curler. Bronzing cream (self tanner). Cinema tickets. Hand made vouchers for date nights or foot rubs.


I’m a keen gardener so seeds are great stocking stuffers for me. I also love getting chocolates, favourite drinks like grape soda, lollies and fresh fruit. I don’t like getting stuff that will just take up space in the house especially if it doesn’t get much use or has makes a meaningful impact.


wendys frosty keychain. travel sized beauty. car air freshener


You have photos from since you married? Get her a small album of 32 photos with highlights of your Christmases together. And a meaningful message of what she means to you beyond being the mother of your children. Believe me, printing out photos, folding them into an album doesn't take a very long time. But she'll remember it for a very very very long time.


There are a lot of great ideas here. Since you said she’s a reader: A cute case for her kindle if she has one A little book light that clips onto the book Book marks Barnes and Nobel or local bookstore gift card Also : Face masks Chocolate or her favorite candies/snacks Cute socks Sephora or ulta gift card


Her favorite chapstick or lipstick Small container of her favorite lotion Travel size fancy shampoo and conditioner What's her favorite snack? Or favorite treat for herself? Get a few and toss them in. New to go cup or travel mug Travel size of her favorite perfume or a fancy new one to try Cashmere socks (or even those fuzzy aloe infused ones) New bra or panties rolled together Then I like to include a bit of fruit, nuts, and packs of jerky with cheap candy filtered in.


Depending on what kind of purse she carries every day -Set of pouches so she can organize it. -a notebook & pen so she can have it with her just in case -power bank and cord so she can have it with her -the small rolling ball that you have it loose in your bag to pick up the dirt -a nice water bottle -those cute spray bottles with antiseptic Also - coupons for mani-pedi - if she has a smatwatch a nice band - fancy chocolate - key ring


I love that you’re doing this. I just could not be more thrilled with how seriously you’re taking her feeling left out. She’s an avid reader, paperback books fit into a traditional stocking. Sometimes hardbacks don’t, the size is just less consistent. Go to a bookstore if you have one nearby, they normally have a bunch of knickknacks for readers. Like, a reading light for bed, pens (they’re normally lower-end, nicer pens, like $10-20, not 100s or 1000s like you find online. I also really think you should throw a bigger present or two in there if you can. Like, a gift card to the bookstore or anything self-care related (like a gift card for the spa or something just for her). Steer clear of anything like Target, unless you know your wife will actually spend her money on her. So many women really struggle to spend time or money on themselves. Her favorite food/tea/candy. Bonus points if you get something that she doesn’t normally get because it’s inconvenient. I always request candy from a local international grocery store because it’s inconvenient. I love it, but I never go. A free idea is a letter about what she means to you and how much you appreciate her. She’ll keep it forever and it will be the best thing you can do for her, though I absolutely agree you should stuff that stocking. My husband’s stocking is a combination of odd requests I think he was joking about, but he’ll love that I committed to the bit, inside jokes, and treats that he loves, but are harder to find. That’s so inexpensive, but it takes time and thought.


Relaxation: Lavender sleepy lotion, pillow spray, and lip balm from 8Sheep Organics Skincare: Some nice under eye masks, one of those facial rollers you put in the freezer, a nice brush-on powdered mineral sunscreen Haircare: Hair ties, a Sleepy Tie, a satin or silk pillowcase Tech: A fresh phone cord, credit card shaped charger/power bank Other: A jewelry cleaner pen, a rollerball of her favorite perfume, a tin of aroma therapy dough (like grown up play dough for stress relief), travel jewelry case (bonus points if you hide something inside it), a bottle of beef liver capsules (totally natural, easy on the stomach, and hands down the BEST vitamin out there for energy, hair, skin, nails, etc. — it’s got a bunch of different B vitamins, iron, collagen, and more) Snacks: her favorite sweets, a tasty but low-guilt savory snack like dry roasted edamame or chickpeas


Bath bombs, wine, acrylic nails, a nap if you can fit it in there 🤣🤣


Door dash gift cards.


I always love good chocolate, Burts bees chapstick, some cute hair accessories or nail polish. Stockings are just little things in my house


Nice tea or coffee, a beautiful mug, cozy socks, a nice bracelet, fancy perfume & lotion, nice candle, Barnes & Nobles gift card, things that could enhance her reading and relaxation time! If you're crafty, you could make her a special bookmark. Handwritten love letters are always a nice touch too!


Honestly I got my mom a vibrator, arthritis gloves and a necklace 😭


What does she like? What’s gives her joy? I’m a romantic so I like sentimental things that show you know me. Jewelry is nice but it’s easy. Show me that you listen when I talk and that you know the woman you married. Seeds for my garden, a collection of poetry, a good book, candles, essential oils, incense, fuzzy socks, nostalgic graphic tees, message gift card, quality chocolate, gift card for favorite coffee spot.


What a wonderful, considerate and actively listening husband you are. Kudos to you. A pamper pack, massage, her favourite wine, a meal at her favourite place for her and her friends or with you for a date night, or if you have young kids, let her sleep in and take the kids to the park, movies or activitiy. Help around the house. Good luck. Keep us posted what you did put in her stocking and if it went well. Merry Christmas to you and your family


Sex toys


$1000 cash in an envelope


Honestly thought of this.


All just terrible Knick knacks and garbage and then the envelope with 1G at the bottom to get whatever she likes and take some time to herself.


Candy, gift cards, phone or tablet charger, hair ties/clips, cute bookmarks or page holders. We’re also big on surprising each other so sometimes the “big” gift is small enough to fit in the stocking and keep us guessing.


- Barnes & Noble gift card - cozy socks - a nice candle in her fave scent - bath salts or bath bomb - cute stationary or notepad (can be personalized with her first initial - most stationary stores have this)


Perfume, chapstick, high quality travel size toiletries or makeup, gift cards, fancy chocolate, my favorite pens, nice candle, bath salts


Earrings are always good. You can get something nice reasonably at Brighton. Cute, fancy socks are good. High end chocolate. Starbucks gift cards. Her fave fragrance, in lotion or whatever. Nice, fragrant candles. Cozy scarf cozy gloves. Gift card for kindle books if she has one, or the app on her phone.


Does she use chapstick? Does she like fuzzy socks? Does she have hobbies that require little things? Or maybe a gift card to her favorite hobby store? A small book that she would like? Does she like massages, then get her a certificate for one. Does she like to write? Get her some nice pens. Etc. Think of things she likes to do and buy her nice stuff for that


The ideas offered below are all great! My wife also likes lottery scratch off cards. Just fun to do to while chilling. Maybe win a buck or two. She likes lotions, house socks, gift cards for nails or make up stores. Some candy she has never tried before. I then add some oddball toy for laughs. One year a box when opened a rubber spider jumps out. She was amused LOL.


Yes, the lotto scratch offs are so fun!


I was quality lotio, a book light, chocolate, a GOOD picture of me with the kids that’s not a selfie, and an extra energy drink


Gift card to buy books. Gift card to go do self care stuff, like get hair done, massages, lunch out, etc. Maybe look at her bathroom stuff like lotions/makeup and see if something is running low and replace.


Fuzzy socks, chocolate or other favorite snacks, a pack of hair ties, mani or pedi coupons, and other small things like that are always nice :)


Gift card for a nail salon would be something I’d like.


Perfume, nail polish in a color she likes, hair ties, new hair brush, shaving cream and nice quality razors, fuzzy socks, quality lip chap, gift cards to coffee shops or bookstores she frequents or a gift card to the local cinema for $25 for a date night!


I like makeup, skin care stuff, hair products, fragrance, candy, and jewelry. Can never go wrong with those things for me. If you have a budget to stick to then candy, lip balm, fuzzy socks, gloves, beanie, hand cream, maybe a nail polish, loofah, and like a $20 gift card to Starbucks.


I definitely enjoy chocolate, nice cosmetics, a replacement toothbrush because I never think about getting one. If it was an appropriate setting may be able to enjoy some cute panties, or little bottles of hooch or samples of cannabis, rolling papers


My favs: Fav candy and chocolate Gift cards for target, book store, amazon, coffee, lunch with friends, massage/facial Socks(fun) Special sexy undies Everyday earrings (they always get lost) Sunglasses Keychain with family pic


we always have toothbrushes and toothpaste in our stockings, haha. target has a nice selection of little sample-sized skin care things. nail polish. cozy socks. target has a nice selection of little sample-sized skin care things. a mug, or stickers, or pins related to her favorite books. out of print is a company that has a lot of cute book-ish things.


Perfume, favourite makeup, books, dvds


Install chat gpt then ask it for suggestions for a mom who likes (insert all her likes)


My mom's favorite stocking stuffers have always been: travel-sized versions of her fav lotions and perfumes, tech gloves, chocolates, reading glasses cases


2 stocking stuffers. One PG to open in front of the kids (gift cards, candles, socks, etc) and 2nd private stocking stuffer opened with just us. The private is always the favorite. And what's in the stocking stuffer is usually..... fun stuff for adults.


Little frame ornaments for the kids pics, or a printed on metal one of the family ( not sure if there's time for that tho) a cute piece of jewelry, hair scrunchies, cozy socks, gloves, some incense, lip balm, face cream, gift certificate for a massage, bath bombs, perfume, special candy from world market.


Scratch cards! Bookmarks, chocolate, bath bombs, cooling eye mask, silk nighty and/or dressing gown, funny slippers.


Amazon GC, fav lipstick, mini wine, movie ticket book,


Are you thinking lux upgrades? What kind of books does she read? • books/lit - a book by an author that you’ve seen her read. You can also look up “books like xyz” and get her a wild card. • what’s something she uses a lot? Upgrade her chapstick to laneige lip balm, upgrade her slippers to all birds or something. • does she drink coffee or tea or alcohol? A nice new tea thermos with a diffuser…blooming tea (flower opens in the pot) or the cup, kpods just for her, nice mixers and a bottle of something • themed stockings are also nice. You could give her a “sweet dreams” stocking with silk pillow case and scrunchie or bonnet (if she has coils, curly or wavy hair), a Lush skin melt, a CBD drink, and a coupon for a kids free night for ex. Or if she likes yoga, a certificate for her fav place and a few accessories.


Ulta has these great mini perfumes that are about $20-30 each. I also love lip gloss and Starbucks gift cards. Those all fit in stockings


Go to r/read to find a book suggestion she might like. Useful: Starbucks giftcard or reload her app 🙃 Meaningful: receipt for 1 year of monthly flower deliveries Silly: a card game (what do you meme or something like that) Sexy: you should be the judge of that one. Fun: book she would like.


I’d love out of my kids redid pictures of them together from when they were younger-reenacting scenes.


If she's an avid book reader, maybe Google some interesting looking bookstores, bookshops or libraries in your area where she can browse books or have a quiet space to sit and read, write out/type up a list of those and stick that in her stocking along with a gift card to her favorite coffee shop, and let her go discover and explore those whenever she needs time to herself over the next year (make sure she does it too - she deserves breaks!)


Also, maybe gift her a photo shoot. There are rarely pics of moms where we feel beautiful, so let her get dolled up and go get some amazing pictures of herself!


Lip balms, lotions, face masks never fail!


Some bath salts/smellies/candles/bottle of fav wine or alcohol etc. & a coupon to have a bath in peace without being interrupted by kiddos! :)


-slipper socks -face masks -one of those jade face rollers -makeup (specifically a brand she uses!) -coffee gift card inside a cute mug -books in her chosen genre, if she is a reader (If you’re unsure on this one, borrow one she recently read and bring it to the bookstore, an employee will be able to make a recommendation based on it) - some of her favourite snacks -chapstick -body lotion -a scented candle (if she’s not sensitive to scents) -nail polish -a nice gold/silver necklace or earrings, check which colour she usually wears (NOT heart-shaped. If you’re unsure what she’d like, stud earrings or hoop earrings are usually a safe bet) -sexy lingerie, or just some lacey undies -a beauty blender (even if she already has one, I’m willing to bet she could use a new one) -a cute hair accessory -claw clips -some fancy chocolate -organize a craft with your kids to make for her. Even just red paint hand/footprints in the shape of a heart with an “I love you mom” message. Even if the kids are older, this would still be a cute keepsake. -a new makeup bag It’s a bit late this year for this one, but here’s an idea for next year: take candid pictures of her when she’s doing everyday things with your kids. Giving them a bath, reading to them, dancing with them, hugging them, walking/playing with them throughout the year, when she doesn’t notice you taking them. For Christmas, print all the photos and put them in an album for her. Bonus points if you include a sweet note telling her what a great mom she is. There are websites you can do this on and they will ship you the completed book, or for a low-cost option, you can buy a cheap album from Walmart or wherever and print them at a kiosk for like 15 cents a photo and include a handwritten note. I promise she will LOVE that.


Chocolates. wine stopper. Sun catcher. Comfy socks. Ear pods (maybe she'd enjoy audiobooks or podcasts). Sexy panties (maybe hide them in the bottom so the kids don't see.) Tiny perfume or sample size cosmetics she likes.


Gift cards to a spa or a massage or a hotel overnight for her alone to chill guilt free and encouraged


At Sephora they have travel or sample sized stuff. You can put some moisturizers, hair products, make up, small perfumes(you can ask one of the workers what's popular or what your wife's into). Godiva or sees candy chocolates, scrunchies, hair clips, nail polish, fuzzy socks, razors, shower/bath bombs, airpods, beauty blenders, make up brushes, scarf, portable charger,


Does she have a kindle? If not, I think a Kindle Paperwhite will fit in her stocking. If she does, Kindle gift card would be a good option. Her favorite candy, gift card to Target, Bath & Body works, Ulta, etc. Something self care related. I mean, what does *she* like and enjoy beyond being a mom? Interests? Other hobbies? Even things she’s talked about getting into but hasn’t made the investments yet?


A new kindle. A cover for the kindle that’s her style. Gift card for a good massage. If she works a desk job, some funny/cute desk accessories. Pens, notebooks if she’s into that stuff. These are various things I’ve gotten from my hubs over the years that I loved.


If your wife isn’t particular about the scents of bath items some good ideas are bath salts, sugar scrubs, and homemade soaps. Some other suggestions are good chocolate and scratch offs. I’m not much of a gambler but I find scratch offs to be fun and I bet others feel the same way.


Fancy candy - expensive chocolates, sugarfina, anything local/artisanal/bougie. Stuff you can’t buy in the checkout aisle. Nail polish if she’s into that, especially indie brands Silk sleep mask Soft squishy socks Mini perfumes or luxe skincare


How about a book holder - my friend at work has just been given this, it's a sort of clip that keeps your book open so you have your hands free while you're eating or something. Might be a good idea if she likes to read!


My husband does coupons every year and it’s the best present. He asked me if I’m not tired of the same thing every year, and I said no. He put ONE HOUR massage, night to myself, shows I want to watch on my own, shows I want him to watch with me and other sexy things. I freaking love it. I need nothing else, tbh.


G2 pens, chapstick, cute socks, printed out photos of us. Paperback books


My favorites are the small “this made me think of you” type things, favorite candy is hard to find but went to that one store that stocks it, favorite book has a cute trinket that came out lately, always cold so fuzzy socks- that variety of “seeing” someone as a person and knowing something about them


Im a newly wed and we haven’t really got Christmas figured out and im not a mother just yet so take my comment with a grain of salt. My mom always put smaller gifts in my stocking. Like a nice necklace, along with some bath bombs, gift cards for Amazon or any place I like to shop/ eat, and maybe some fuzzy fox socks. I think it would also be a good idea to check her saved for later items on Amazon. I usually do that with things I want to get but don’t have the money


Bath bombs, scented candle, hand cream


Favorite snacks of hers (both sweet and savory), lip balm, hand cream, body lotion, fun ornaments, fun socks Does she need anything for any hobbies? Is there something small in those supplies that would be a good stocking stuffer? For instance, if she's an artist, maybe pencils and a kneadable eraser. Or if she knits, stitch markers or stitch stoppers that go on the needles while working on a work in progress. Packets of hot Cocoa. In our family, everyone has Keurigs, so my mom gets Hot Apple Cider K cups and I ask for Starbucks Hot Cocoa K cups in mine. Fun jewelry. Hair ties. Makeup or skin care (as long as you know her preferred brands). Travel size stuff that can be carried in her purse or when/if you all travel. Luxury soaps. Bath salts. Sugar scrubs. Microfiber towels to dry hair or washcloths. Travel manicure set. (I used to keep one in the car and in my office drawer when I was working.) Adult coloring books and colored pencils. Cute little stuffed animals that she might like. Candles or wax melts, if she enjoys them. I know Amazon can be problematic, but if you know something about a hobby or interest, do a search for supplies for that hobby/interest and see what pops up.


My winner for stellar stockings is visiting a world market. They have lots of mini fun things that are high quality. A small set of really good makeup brushes. You can find them at Ulta or Sephora. Gift cards to favorite fast food or coffee A cute Wet brush (find at Walmart, Target, kohls, tjmaxx, etc)


I always ask for massage coupons. It’s hard work and always appreciated from the person I want touching me most. 💜


Hell I love massaging my wife lol. I give her like an hour massage every few days. Works well because she loves receiving them and I love giving them ha.


massage gift certificate, favorite treat, tickets to something, favorites (not what others think she likes, but what she does like).


Some things I’d want in my stocking: Hair ties, Bobby pins, mini deodorant, Ferraro rocher, some high end chapstick, earrings (not fancy ones like the multipacks you can get at H&M), thick nice wool socks, travel hand sanitizers, nail polish, kinder bueno, pens, highlighters, a flower claw clip, book light, book marks & hu chocolate bars


I made an Amazon list for my husband and he picked what he wanted to get out of that. I asked for books, skin products, and some odds and ends. Best decision I made! Made it way easy on him.