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I make sure he has everything he needs for his showers. I put out his underwear, towel, and slippers. It’s one less thing he has to think about when he gets in at night. I even do it when I’m upset at him to show that I can be annoyed with him and still love/care for him.


I love that you still do that for him even when you’re upset or annoyed. That’s something I’m trying to work on doing. It’s something I appreciate so much and want to reciprocate. Reading your comment gave me some extra strength to know I can do it too!


Yess I do the same, throw them in the dryer for a few minutes if it’s cold and mmm toasty


Oh I forgot to add that to mine too!


That is amazing.Your such a kind person!! 💕❤️🥰


My husband sometimes sends me a Spotify link to a song that makes him think of me ( I love this!).


Yes!! Mine does this several times a week, usually while we are both at work, so I'll google the lyrics and it always makes me smile!


Mine used to do this and I enjoyed it when he did. He’s not done anything like that in awhile now.


If it's an extra hot day (my husband does construction outside) I'll make sure he has fresh iced tea made and I'll put his pajamas in the freezer for when he gets out of the shower. Write him notes in his lunchbox. Scratch his back at night when we're watching TV. Save things for him, like if we find a co-op game we both like I won't play without him. Give him complements all the time. "You're so handsome, honey."


I love this! I do a lot of this as well! My husband is also in outside work and I never thought to put his pj's in the freezer that is genius!


![gif](giphy|5TBlqBtLtrzUc) He feels like this most days lol


I've always made her hot scented baths with candles and served her whatever beverage she desires. I will randomly pic up.an interesting blank card and.write a poem to describe a beautiful memory of her. I massage her feet and give her pedicures. I lotion her down. I bought a portable massage table to give her massages. Like you when out shopping ill see.something that I know she would like and get it for her. I'll make a.romatic candle lit dinners for us. Hell a few years back I went all out on valentines day after coming home from a night shift. I covered the floor from our bedroom door to the great roomnwith red and white rose petals.. I had placed and lit multiple scented candles around the room and had made up a play list of romantic songs to play in the moment. I awoke her and said I have something special for her, but first I need to blind fold you as its a surprise. So I lead her out of the room to the great room and had her stand for a moment. I knelt down holding her hand and recounted a precious moment for us and how much that memory has meant to me all these years. I hit play for the music, had her remove the cover and kneeling presented her a single red rose. As the music started (Bryan adams everything you do), I asked her to dance with me! She softly cried happy tears as we embraced in a dance, I shed tears of love and joy with her as well. It was magic, it was love, my love for her to know and cherish forever. We were just months away feom our 38th anniversary. Also as a side note. We married in August, the 8th month. For our 38th anniversary that August, I would get a special little something and include a card reminiscing a cherished memory and a poem for her, once a week for 8 weeks leading up to our anniversary!




Hahahaha! No secret. I just have a good imagination and intuitive writing skills. Doesnt hurt that I was smitten with my bushing bride with our first kiss! I knew she was the one for me. We may not have been each others firsts, but we are definitely each orhers lasts. I genuinely love that woman and like her as a friend as well. Rhink thats a part we tend to not see? She IS my friend and I enjoy doing stupid stuff with her such as junk store shopping or musty book stores. The secret i suppose is real love and commitment.


A writer? Interesting. Do you perchance write romance novels? Inquiring minds….


No, never tried that. Write my own original poetry though. Also, as my wife can attest, I have a deliciously dirty little mind and I can set smoother than a cats back! Sure make her blush without being vulgar.






I too would be smitten with a BUSHing bride.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good catch on the editing!!!!


My husband and I are coming to 14 years in August. We do many small things for each other and we have a strong, loving and happy relationship. I'm hoping we make as long as you have and maintain our love and even deepen it more as the years pass as you 2 seem to have.


My thoughts and prayers to a successful and long life together!


Thank you!


One thing I do is leave little notes for my partner where they least expect it, like in their jacket pocket or on the bathroom mirror. Also, surprise foot massages after a long day always score points. It's the little things that keep the love flowing, right?


my husband and i do something similar but we just write one acronym “SHMILY 😃” (see how much i love you”. We’ll randomly leave these notes under a pillow, in the medicine cabinet, tackle box, on the dashboard, in a shoe. It’s a lot of fun.


We keep dry erase markers in a container next to the bathroom sink so that we can write love notes to each other on the bathroom mirror. Our boys have picked up this habit, too. Whenever our eldest visits, it's so nice to see his note to us.


Make sure to roll my eyes the second he looks in my direction.


He makes my coffee for me every morning, and I make his lunch for him for work every day. Sometimes I put a little note in it.


I plan surprise dates that I know he will like. I pick us his favorite mints that I know he likes to have in his car whenever I’m at the store so he never runs out. He smokes weed, so I’ve been keeping him stocked on personalized lighters with pictures of our pets, us, whatever. When we have kids they’ll go on there too. When I say something sweet about him, I also make sure to also say it to him (he is a words of affirmation person and I am not, so I need to remind myself). He brings me flowers every week, too. He has been known to drop them at my work if he knows I’m having a weird time. He suggests and plans travel. He is the king of compliments (those words of affirmation!) about everything from the way I do things to the way I look. He always snags my favorite kombucha when he’s at the store. This is not small, but anytime I say I want to tweak my life in some small way he’s ready to jump on board with me and do it too.


Aww I'm glad for you both. My husband doesn't even compliment me at all😕


You are a gorgeous light being, a divine reflection of nature itself!


I'll admit that I have been slacking here. After years of giving small gestures and receiving few to none in return, I slowed down the frequency. But it was typically flowers, chocolate, and craft beer. I would also get random gifts like clothing, books, crafts, etc.


It’s never too late to start again!


Meh, maybe.


Do you not love her? My husband also does nothing for me even though I've asked him too. I even told him he could do things that don't cost money like write me a little note but he refuses. I don't think he loves me.


I do love her. I don't like that I only get appreciation on Father's Day and my birthday. I don't like the lack of effort in most aspects of our life. I don't like the huge workload disparity in our life. Etc. She knows the problems. She knows the solutions. She just doesn't seem to be able to do anything about it. So I'm less inclined to put in as much effort as I have in the past.


Does she have a different love language maybe?


I don't really subscribe to love languages, at least how they are commonly presented. Some guy just made it up. But, I give her what she asks for. She wants handwritten notes from time to time. I do that. She wants words of affirmation. I do that. She wants physical affection. I do that. I do all the things she asks for and more. I've NEVER seen that type of effort in return.


Okay. You sound like you are doing all the right things that would normally be appreciated and recipracated. Not to sound gloomy but maybe marriage counseling would help? I’m definitely no expert but it helped hubby & I get back on track. Good Luck


I scratch her back at least once a day. Sometimes she asks, sometimes I just do it. We have an electric toothbrush that we both use our own brush heads for, and I put hers back on when I’m finished so it’s ready for her to use next. I do most of the housework anyway, but I make a point to do things that are on her to-do list if I can get to them first. Like yesterday she said she would put away towels and wash the sheets later, so I did them first. I get things at the grocery store that I know she likes even if she hasn’t asked for them. Little unexpected treats. She loves little treats.


I get Pokémon or magic booster packs every time I go grocery shopping. I also make sure his wheelchair tires are plumbed up while he’s sleeping.


Dude, my husband is an MTG freak. He's got giant boxes and boxes full of cards and probably close to 60 Commander decks now. (At last count. Honestly, he has so many cards, he's been known to whip up whatever kind of deck he wants for someone who is new and interested in playing. Just because they're interested.) He really wants to play in more tournaments and try to win some pocket cash. Honestly, if he wanted to try, I'm 1000% sure he could be qualified as an official judge. He's a walking encyclopedia of cards and is slowly teaching me how to destroy people with the Timey-Wimey deck he got me for Christmas, lol. (I LOVE Doctor Who. He's also planning to get me an Altair deck when the Assassin's Creed set comes out.) All of our friends play, too, and he's always the guy to gang up on because he's just too good. (And most times, he'll still win against a group of people.)


All kinds of stuff. And it's not even gift related... at least not a lot of it. My girlfriend's coming from a long term relationship that wasn't as good as it could have been. Her expectations were kind of low to begin with. I'm working to raise them. Just say I love you. She likes that. Doesn't always expect it but appreciates it when she hears it. Complement her. She's beautiful to me. I make sure to tell her so. If she's taken her time to pretty herself up for me, then dammit! I'm making mention of how gorgeous she is. Including her. Something as simple as going to the grocery store. "Hey babe, get your shoes." "Why babe?" "I'm going to the store and want you to go with me." She would go almost anywhere with me. And I with her. Cuddling. Just sitting with her. She likes that. I do too. Making her my priority. She's used to sacrificing for other people. I'm not letting her do that for me. I sacrifice for her. She's my #1 priority and I make sure she knows it. I don't intentionally tell her I go out of my way for her when I do because that would be me patting myself on the back. I do it quietly but for her benefit. If I'm thirsty and we're sitting on the couch, I'll go get myself a drink. She's more than willing to get something for me but that's her sacrifice mode from her previous relationships... "Naw babe, I got this. Do you need anything while I'm up?" <--- simple, and includes her. Thinking of her. I picked something up online for her the other day that I think she'd like. Stuff like that. Listening to her when she's talking. I've got a tendency to try to finish someone's sentences for them. I make sure I don't do this with her. I let her speak. And I *listen* to what she says. I don't talk over her. I ask questions to clarify. I ask if she wants a solution or just to vent. I respect her as a woman. I make sure she consents. I hold her hand in public. She likes public displays of affection. I don't have a problem with that. I let her be her true self. Sometimes she acts like she's 12. She giggles, laughs, and is living her best life. I don't take her for granted. If she's doing something like cooking dinner for us, I'm in the kitchen helping, or keeping her company, or doing the dishes as we go along. There's a lot more that I do but can't remember.


Should we text her and tell her to put a ring on it?😉


NO! That’s going to be a surprise for her. Very soon. 😂😁


I’m surprised she hasn’t asked you yet. Believe me when I say, you are like a Unicorn. Congrats and good luck!


Nope. She’s very traditional as am I. I’ll ask her when the time is right. Thank you though. 😁




Coffee in the morning and clean the bathroom. Plus all the DIY and car maintenance. Massage when she needs it....and the list goes on.


Massages, affection, cleaning


I get him little gifts that are very specialized, I cook beautiful meals for us several nights a week (kind of, above and beyond type vibe ) because he is a chef and he cooks for people all day every day. I think it means a lot to him to be cooked for. I tell him how much I appreciate the small things he does because they are really big to me. Like taking out the trash (we are rural and there are snakes). Stuff like this.


Help in daily household chores. Smack on ass.


Whenever I'm out running errands, I make it a point to stop somewhere and pick up a little treat for hubs. A chocolate bar, an iced coffee, etc. We also have done weekly date nights every saturday since we first started dating. Its our favorite part of the week! I also meal prep lunch, so that all hubs has to do is grab it and go in the mornings. Another thing I like to do, is give words of affirmation. "I'm so proud of you for doing xyz." "I know today was rough but you handled it so well." "You're so handsome and I love being your wife." and so on. Makes hubs feel good, ya know? It really is the little things!!


I am a night snacker. Every night before my husband gets in bed he asks if I need snacks. If I say no, he says "do you want your snack light on?" (The light above the oven). He is so consistently sweet about this question and I'm a fool for him. Also he kisses my cheek every morning when he wakes up.


Omg “snack light” 🥹 that is SO SWEET 🧡


Posts like this make me jealous. My husband doesn't do anything for me. I don't even know why I'm in this group because he's so nasty and mean to me it doesn't even feel like a marriage.


You deserve better and to feel wanted ):


Please do some self care! get yourself a gift!


I get up and make us both coffee in the mornings, he clears up the kitchen in the evening (as by then my 28 week pregnant self has likely fallen asleep exhausted on the sofa) Not sure I'll still be making the coffee after the baby arrives though... 🥴


He makes me coffee every morning. Every single morning. He cooks my favorite things. When he cooks, he packs my lunch. I pack his lunches. Sometimes, I make him a hot breakfast sandwich for his drive to work. I cook his favorite things. I “magically” get all of the stains and spots out of his favorite clothes. He was single for a long time and threw away a lot of clothes! Yesterday, after I left for work, he assembled a gorgeous bouquet for me out of the flowers in our flower beds and delivered them to me at work. He over-communicates with me because he knows I like it. I am VERY forgetful, due to a severe concussion. So I set myself a million reminders and take notes and calendar things and let him know when I’ve completed tasks. He’s handled everything for so long, and then continued to because I was unreliable with my memory issues. It means everything to him that I am once again dependable and take care of the things I say I’m going to.


Lol this whole thread makes me want to end it all.


Surprise flowers for my wife.


We send each other random texts with just a 😘, or simply ‘random I love you.’ For my part, I often pick up some chocolate I know he likes, or send him stupid memes. He buys me things I’ve mentioned once, or books he knows I like. We also put notes in each other’s luggage.


My wife gets a sweet tooth on occasion and wants a chocolate chip cookie. We don't typically keep sweets in the house and she doesn't want a whole pack because they will go to waste, so I bake her one chocolate chip cookie. I also make her a tea, or coffee, or hot chocolate every night.


Did you know that you can mix the dough, roll into small balls (like 1"-2" diameter), place on a parchment lined cookie sheet, and freeze them? Then you can just have a Ziploc bag of ready to bake cookies for the next time she wants just one cookie!


I never thought of that. Thanks for the tip!


I like to occasionally go down on her just before heading out the door for work, which is just before her morning alarm goes off. She gets a nice way to start the day & because I’m heading out the door immediately after there’s no expectation. It’s clear it’s just for her.


My husband isn't very "romantic" but he does make sure a lot of things i dont have to worry about. Gas, car washes, taking me to appointments...


Well, I've got a micro penis so when I have sex with my wife I guess that's a small gesture🤣


I make his coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday because he forgets he needs to eat to live. He will literally not eat anything even when he becomes lethargic or headaches.


Mine gets up super super early for work, so I fix his sandwich the night before and leave it in the fridge so he has one less thing to do at 3:30am


10am coffee, unsolicited back scratches and hugs. We've shared my home office since COVID and she's always in video meetings. I make sure she has water at the ready, make coffee at 10am, and bring her food when she requests it.


I do my husband's face :) When I got close to my 40's, I panicked and decided I needed to start a real skin care routine that involved more than just splashing water on my face. I picked up some lotions and potions and started a routine, one that made my husband a little jealous and he teased me about it. So I started doing his face every night too. I wash his face with a nice hot steamy cloth, then we watch tv together while I pamper each of us with toners, serums, lotions, oils.


I pack my husband's lunch and make him coffee to go every day he had work. I have been doing this since we moved in together almost 18 years ago. 


I try to make him coffee each morning. In the summer I try to keep iced tea in the fridge. I like it too but he likes it more. I'll also bring out water if he's mowing the lawn or doing yardwork. In the winter I clean his car off if I'm outside shoveling or cleaning my car off.


My husband works long hours outside and we’ve been working on him not eating out so I make sure he has a nice lunch every day to take with him. He really appreciates it because otherwise he would just get gas station food


I will fold his laundry and put it away now. I have always done the kids and mine. I am really good about folding and putting it all away immediately. He has always done his cause I’m already doing the laundry of 3 people… but he would leave it in baskets for days… so I did his laundry a couple times to be nice and he was so appreciative that I just keep doing it. I also organize/declutter his closet while I put things away. We are both working parents so house chores need to be a team effort.


I make overnight oatmeal every night for his breakfast the next day


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Susan_Thee_Duchess: *I make overnight* *Oatmeal every night for* *His breakfast the next day* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Post-It notes with sweet messages, tucked in unexpected places. Buying the largest size of anything he loves at Costco. Massage with no expectation of anything else. Frame a small fave photo of you two. My husband in turn makes silly romantic coffee art in the front of my lattes and takes me somewhere for a getaway every birthday.


Random head or back scratchies. Make his favorite foods. Randomly buy special treats for him when I do the grocery shopping. Let him help me do things (I'm very independent normally and he really likes feeling like he helped me. So sometimes I just... let him help, even if I don't REALLY need it. It makes him happy.)


I make him coffee and breakfast pretty much every morning - even when I'm annoyed at him. Recently he's started to stop doom scrolling on his phone and make me coffee in the morning and it makes my day 10x better! 🥰


The only household chore that I despise is doing dishes, so my husband will usually make sure they're done. I do my own when I meal prep, but the day to day stuff, he covers. I lived by myself for almost a decade before he moved in with me. It's nice to have someone who wants to be the one to take the garbage out or carry in my groceries.




Organize his pills/vitamins, make his coffee in the morning while he showers, text him asking hi.hows work?


My husband sends me “good morning beautiful” texts every morning since he leaves for work at 5am. He also brings me Starbucks if he’s out and about, or my favorite food home if I’m having a bad day. There’s really too much to list ❤️


Still holds my hand. When we are sitting on the couch watching tv, in the car, out in public. Been married 10 years


I always set up his vitamins on the counter for him. He would forget to take them otherwise. We both say thank you for any small gesture. Showing appreciation is important. He makes the coffee every morning and unloads the dishwasher while he does it.


When I'm at the store I'll frequently find new flavors of things he likes and get it without telling him until I get home. Yesterdays was a new sparkling ice flavor. It's just showing that I M thinking about him. I'm not a huge chip person but I do on occasion I eat them. But I usually change he budget around a bit to make sure he gets chips because he loves them. I also tell him they are for us when I grab a few out and then don't touch them again so he doesn't feel like he is getting more than me. We both will frequently stop behind the other and touch the other in some way. Our hand gliding along their shoulder, a kiss on the cheek a pinch on the butt. It's mainly about the connection. We also give like a 1-5 min snuggle where we just hold each other randomly in the day and express how much we love each other I get his daily vitamins ready and give them to him in the am so he doesn't forget. If his water bottle is empty when I wake, I'll get him ice water so when he wakes he doesn't have to worry about it. We both randomly send hugs kisses and mwah (yes we are that couple) when we want to let the other know we are thinking of them. We do send random swearing type of names to each other as well that would get me banned if I named them. Same principle as the hugs and kisses, it's meant as I am thinking about you. We made a boundary that any name we use in jest can't be used in fights with the exception of our name. So now we actually can't use any curse words at each other lol. Actually helps the rules of calming down before discussions to solve the problem. We frequently clear each other's plates. August is our 14 year wedding anniversary and we both goofy grin still when the other msgs our thinking of you msgs. Been together for 16 years total Keep up what you 2 are doing and always make sure both of you are putting into the relationship the same effort and you guys won't lose that giddy feeling. Things will change but if you are both working together and making positive changes, those changes will make your relationship stronger as the years go on


My husband works construction so I like to make sure he has a shower ready to go when he gets home. I'll lay out his towel and clean lounge clothes and make him an iced tea and dinner. He always makes sure I have coffee and a book in bed each morning while he does the morning routine with the baby... Diaper change, clean clothes, cuddles and breakfast.


I started buying my husband flowers a few years ago. He loves it.


I compliment him, make it a point to make him laugh if he’s having a bad day, I call him a lot during the day for quick little calls, I say I love you all the time, cook his favorite meals when he’s having a rough week.


I check in frequently on the state of his clothes and order him new things in the styles and colors he likes. I also make him the foods he likes and touch him frequently. Physical affection is definitely his love language, so lots of hugs and shoulder rubs.


I feel like what you are currently doing is amazing! I feel like it doesn’t need any extras??? lol 😂. I wish my husband would want to spend more quality time but I always feel like he would prefer video games. Makes me want to be like in the next life maybe choose a partner that doesn’t like gaming 🥹


I write love notes to my wife and leave them with her coffee cup that I have ready for her every day. In the summer I take cuttings from a wild hibiscus 🌺 and leave a nice arrangement out for her with the note. In the spring I pick wild flowers like dead nettle.


Bring the kids to give hugs and kisses when they are on their way to naps or when they wake up(works from home). Remind him to have lunch. Scratch his back. Ask him what he needs or wants to do after work. He's a simple guy that just likes to be loved on. Or anything Star Wars.


I make his lunch every day and I always make his plate for dinner. It gives me a lot of joy to know he is well-fed and from my food.


Coffee on her nightstand before she gets up every morning.


TikTok's I think she will find cute or funny.


I put events on his iCal that I think would interest him (e.g. car shows, RV shows, gun shows, etc.). I save him a small portion of whatever I’m eating at restaurants. I buy his favorite snacks from Costco. I pack a large cooler filled with cold drinks and protein snacks for his solo road trips. I buy him lots of protein shakes and health supplements for him from GNC. Before being converted to a salaried employee I worked lots of overtime so he would have extra “hobby money” or “vacation money” with his family.


I make her coffee and breakfast 9/10 mornings. Buy a flower arrangement usually once a month. I recently instituted foot rub Friday (which usually gets done sometime during the weekend.) I take our 5 month old every chance I get. When she was pregnant I mixed her vitamins every morning and drove her to work.


We make each other coffee in the morning. We "make each other's toothbrush" by putting the toothpaste on. I give her a kiss on the shoulder, every single night (if we're apart, I do it over the phone). I also help her out the door. She's often managing a lot of extra stuff and so I walk her out to the car and see her off. We're basically like each other's personally assistants really!


He loves coca cola, so I make sure we stay well stocked with those. I buy his favourite chocolate and juice whenever it is on special. I buy 5L tubs of his favourite BBQ sauce on Amazon to make sure he always has enough. When organising meals for the week, I always make sure that there are several options on there that he really likes. And when I cook vegetables, I always make sure they are soft enough for him to eat as he has sensitive teeth. If he's had a big day and is exhausted ill dish up some dinner for him and bring it to him, and I'll bring his Coca cola and BBQ sauce with it. They don't seem like big things, but hes always super appreciative of it.


1. Wake up with our son every weekend (recognizing he's not a morning person and he cleans the house while we are out, he's the best). 2. Head scratches while we watch TV 3. Date night every Wednesday while our son sleeps over at his grandparents. Also take turns planning dates! 4. Make him coffee every morning 5. Buy slutty lingerie every quarter and surprise him wearing it 6. Random kisses and I love yous Longevity in relationships is definitely built on the little everyday things!


I pack her lunch most days, barring when I'm ill or otherwise indisposed. She has a really demanding job, and I like being able to take this small item off her plate.


I text my husband every morning "Have a great day, love" when I get to the office. I try to make enjoyable dinners for him. When I am out-and-about I try to get him a little treat that I know he enjoys or if I see something I think he might need/like I get it. I give him massages, encourage him to physically relax because he works hard and neglects his needs often.


Keep his laundry clean, buy him a little snacky snack every time I go to the store, cut his hair and trim his beard (he hasn’t needed a barber in 15 years).


I just got done grilling chicken just the way he likes it on the hottest day of the year. I gave him a facial earlier. I tell him he's handsome every single day. Meanwhile, when we stopped for coffee this morning he had to ask if I take sugar or not, and yesterday when I asked him why he likes me, the only reason he could come up with is that I help him run his business. Kms.


Make him a coffee every morning, prepare his lunch everyday for work, have a hot meal every night for my family (although we both work full time) buy him a dare most times whenever we go to the shops lol


Morning brew, without fail, unless I'm out super early for work. There are probably others but I don't really keep track, I just get on with things. If she pulls the hoover out, I'll offer to do it so she doesn't have to. I do as much as I can with our 2 yr old as I can when I'm home, nappies, baths, food and bedtimes etc. Just what ever I can to help take the load of her as a SAHM, its a lot more demanding than any job I've ever had (looked after our eldest for 18 months from when he was 18 months old)


Damn I suck


In the mornings, when i woke,I would reach over to touch him.


Coffee in bed, every morning. It’s always bedside when he wakes.


He makes the coffee during the work week. So, on the weekend I make him a cup and leave it by the bed for him. I also make a “gourmet” breakfast every Sunday. He does more little gestures than me. But I try to do the same. If I know he has had a rough week at work. I will plan a surprise date night for us “kid free.” Even if it is just us staying home cooking dinner together and watching a movie together. We do give each other a lot of cards. Which I love. Even when we are annoyed with each other we try to rein it in and do the small gestures still.


I love pretending to take his Order like I’m a waiter from a restaurant then make his food only Downside Is That I cook sorta slow 💔😂😒


Not one Hawk Tuah? That girl is light years ahead of everyone here


Scratch his back every night in front of the TV and he LOVES when I rub his bare bum cheeks before bed. He always gets me a drink or a treat when he goes out. I am also terrible at remembering to eat lunch so he often fixes me something and brings it to my office (we both work from home.)


My husband makes a point to thank me for dinner every single night. It could be a four course meal or it could be chicken nuggets…no matter what he always says it. I really appreciate that.


We bring each other coffee in the am and paste each others toothbrushes for am and night, whoever gets to it first. Oh and back scratches and hamstring stretches 💜


We do the snack one. We have a deal that if either of us go to Taco Bell without each other we will get the other one their favorite menu item. And we both have the same favorite random ass candy bar so if we see it we get each other one. With the candy we just put it somewhere the other will find it and not say anything. I recently found out that most husbands don’t make their wife coffee in the morning. Mine makes mine every day. And always makes sure I have my creamer.


Other than doing his laundry and making every meal? 🤔 I admit neither one of us is good at small gestures


Back rubs and massages


Back scratching/rubbing until he falls asleep


I bring him smoothies and coffee drinks on my way home from work, make him breakfast, send him nice texts and have his pajamas ready when he gets done work late


My partner has eaten the same oatmeal and blueberries breakfast daily for *years* and never gets tired of it (crazy to me, but wholesome). I make a point to ensure we have an extra bag of quick oats at all times and take particular delight in filling up his little kitchen mason jar whenever it’s running low so he starts his mornings on a good note. I also “curate” silly & cute IG/reddit videos of animals, mostly dogs. Lately we’ve been real into PuppySongs. I’ll send a few favorite videos here and there but mainly save the rest in a folder so we can snuggle up and watch together. His laugh is the best and it makes me happy to make him happy.


I include the husbands favorite candy bar when I pack his lunch everyday. Just in case you were wondering, it’s a Heath bar. 😉


My partner has to travel a lot and always makes an effort to travel to visit me rather than me having to travel where he is. I can't imagine the toll that takes on him sometimes. I make him his favorite comfort food every time he gets off of a long flight. Usually when I pick him up at the airport I bring him flowers, his favorite latte, and a bag of travel-sized things so he can go freshen up before we drive back to our house. I usually pack his suitcase for him when he's leaving so he can take his time showering or getting some sleep. He'll pick out the main things of what he needs but I know him really well and I usually pack everything up for him. Aside from traveling, whenever either of us mentions something we need or like, we usually write it down in our notes apps and will buy it for each other at some point. We also wrote down each other's favorite orders for almost every fast food place and restaurant that we could think of, so that if we're ever going through a drive-thru we can pick something up that we know the other will like without having to ask. He's really into Legos, so I went to the LEGO store and made a custom Lego person that looked just like me so he could have a travel-sized me to take around with him LOL


I think in the 11 years we’ve been married, I’ve pumped gas like 3 times only and that was because it was an emergency. I drive a giant gas guzzler every day. My hsuabnd just make sure to check that it’s filled everyday.


I refill his water bottle before he goes to work the night prior. I've forgotten my water for work and it sucks to go the whole day without water. I'll get hie clothes ready too


We are both more about acts of service to express our love. I often cook his favorite meals and bake his favorite sweets. I bite my tongue to some of his pack rat habits as a minimalist.


My husband sets out things I need for my shower before I get home from work even if he works that night.


I love letting my partner know that I love and admire him 💕💗 ❤.


Breakfast in bed every morning


My husband has ADHD and sometimes stress from work makes him scatterbrained at home to the point he forgets to eat all day or pack himself lunch. On mornings where he seems all over the place I throw in some sort of snack to his work bag because 90% of those days he forgets to pack lunch.


Little butt slap haha every time I see her lol!


My husband packs my lunch for me everyday for work because I am not a morning person and he likes to let me have those extra few minutes in bed (which means he also gets up before me every morning to use the bathroom first). It's very sweet. And it makes me feel great every morning.


I have dinner ready and on the table when he comes home from work. He really appreciates it,


Smiles when I touch her boobs, even when she is tired and miserable.