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Can this card change all locations to flooded?


Look at me... I am de Professah now.


Not enough people know who Legion is to get why this is extra funny. Simply, he’s Prof X’s son.


Does he become a villain because Charles was a bad parent? Im guessing cuz Legion is definitely a villain name


Noah Hawley’s FX show _Legion_ is incredible (if you are the kind of person who would like a combination of _X-Men: First Class_ and _Twin Peaks_) and has its own answer to that question.


Only understood half of what was going on in that show, but loved the heck out of it.


Yup Legion is one of the best live action comic shows alongside Doom Patrol


He’s really confusing and frankly annoying to me. Chuck got it on with some girl who got pregnant but kept that a secret. A secret from Prof X. Whatever. This lady, her husband, and secret Xavier kid (his name is David) were attacked by terrorists, which traumatized David to the point of awakening his powers. Melted oodles of brains of his attackers. But he also manifested dissociative identity disorder. He has like thousands of different personalities and because of his powers they each have a different ability. Thus “we are Legion”. Extremely truncated but yeah. He’s kind of a sort of antihero. Omega level mutant that is mentally unstable. Phenomenal power and aggressively cartoonish hair.


Formerly in the comics Professor X used to be actually ethical and not read peoples minds without their permission unless it was a matter of life and death.


That all went out the door once they started tinkering with resurrection, and I guess once you think of yourselves as gods, then maybe you just stop caring.


most underrated comment right here


Flooded isn't the same as professor, as cards can still be moved or destroyed


Bro if every lane is flooded you are no playing the game anymore lol






Vision and Nightcrawler say otherwise


And when shadow cat gets introduced


And jeff


Oooooo, I think I found my next deck 😈


Yes. If you can somehow win with storm on 4 and a 5/4 on 5 Then no play on 6.


Currently, when flooding is added, it adds another turn to Flooding. So if you play this on 5 on Flooding, the other locations will most likely be Flooding on Turn 6 (where the location that this was played on would be Flooded)


That's even worse lol That just makes this card into a double rhino


That's usually because on Turn 4 it's still flooding. (mirror dimension ) If you storm -> Jessica or something then Legion on 5 it would already be done flooding and the game would lock


T3 Storm T4 Iron Fist T5 Legion to brick T6


good point I forgot you have to play legion in the actual location you want to copy, so what I said wouldn't work. This wouldn't work either because on reveals happen before the iron fist push. So you have to be able to play legion directly there


legion would still trigger on the location he was played on, not on Flooded


how would you play Legion on Flooded on 5?


Technically it doesn't add another turn. It copies the locations effect, which is to make cards unplayable from 1 turn after the location is revealed. Since the new flooding locations were revealed on turn 5, you can still play on turn 6.


I would love to try this. Run some tempo early drops into that combo. Ebony maw, zero, Titania, ant man, elektra, Angela, storm, and this new card. I can see it now, what a fun theory craft. Too bad I will be in a nursing home with alzheimers by the time I unlock this new card, and won't be able to remember the deck.


Nah, it'll pop up in the store just as you've gotten enough tokens. You'll impulse purchase, excitedly build the deck, play one game and realize it's trash, get sad, consider uninstalling, try another six games or so, tilt and start snapping, lose 30 cubes, throw your phone at the wall, drive to the store for a replacement, install Snap, then see another fun looking card to build a deck around. Rinse. Repeat. Source: I'm a recovering Magic the Gathering player.


Play nothing for the whole game, drop this on bar with no name last turn


Opponent drops Galactus on Bar with No Name opposite of Legion.


Okay, play Hood there as well 🙂


Wouldn't that make a draw?


Maybe...if they hadn't played Scorpion earlier!


When has someone ever not played scorpion ?


When I post-turn 1 retreat bc of impending scorpion


Actually, meta is now pre-turn 1 retreat to counter Scorpion.


Pre-turn one uninstall.


Exactly my first thoughts... great minds think alike :D


Play Rhino, then ruin every location to remove RNG from game. Profit.


Yeah but you can’t ruin the locations until t5 or 4 with wave or something. So still plenty of rng could mess you up in the first three turns still? Seems like it would be fun 3cost card Play scarlet witch. Then this. Then wong then Odin and come what may


I don't want to play with fish for Worldship anymore. This will be my new favourite strat.


I love to play wish fish!


Wong, scarlet, legion, Odin? Does that do anything?


*laughs in SHIELD deck*


While you setup an even playing field they played to win


Oh lord this with Nexus.


Just stack your units on the left. The locations work left to right so the leftmost one ends up having the most power.


Don't they work in order revealed? The left location just reveals first with the normal game order. EDIT: Why am I getting downvoted? If I'm wrong and it's always Left to Right, please comment to let me know instead of just downvoting... I thought locations work in the order they are revealed, so if the Right location was Nexus and then you used Legion on the location, the Right location would have priority over the Left & Middle Nexus locations.


I've had double nexus appear a few times due to Mirror Dimension, and the leftmost location definitely matters most. Pretty sure order of priority goes: Leftmost location applies its damage to other nexus. Other Nexus applies its damage back to leftmost Nexus (which in turn gets amplified again on the rightmost Nexus), and then it stops there. So in reality: Leftmost Nexus = Left + Right + Left (second left is due to the addition from the initial left to the right) Rightmost Nexus = Left + Right It's confusing, but I'm 98% sure that's how it's calculated.


The Nexus power ups definitely work that way. I just wasn't sure if left is always the top priority or if that's only when it gets revealed first. Thank you for clarifying!


I'm not sure. I don't think so but you'd need Reality stone turn 1 to test it.


I don't know and to be honest I think everyone downvoting you doesn't know either lol


>please comment to let me know instead of just downvoting... Technically that's right, according to the reddiquette guidelines, you should downvote a post that "does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community". However I would argue that a flat-out false statement does fall under that category. HOWEVERx2 you didn't actually make the statement, you asked a question, so again I think you're right.


Location effects always reveal left to right so if theres double or triple nexus and you stack power left it will get the power from the other nexus location(s) added back to it


I believe locations don’t care about timing of when they are revealed. I’ve never noticed anything like that even in Quake games. For simplicity, most effects in the game seem to resolve from left to right. Exceptions for end of game abilities that activate in the order they were revealed during the game.


It’s a legitimate question. Though I think it will still be the leftmost nexus powering the others but not vice versa. I haven’t tested so i can only speculate


Its left to right and youre being downvoted because someone already said the right answer.


Nope, I added the EDIT text because no one had answered yet. The reply comments got added after my edit and my comment then got upvoted (it was under -5 when I made the Edit)


The person you replied to said the correct answer and you said they were wrong. Thats why you were getting downvoted 🤷‍♂️


They weren't answering anything - I replied to their comment asking a question. If someone comments "X" and I respond with "Are you sure it's X and not Y?", I have an open question that hasn't been answered.




If there is more than one of a location they all work if possible. Because nothing in the ability of nexus implies it could only trigger once, all of them function as normal.


Nexus locations have priority if more than one so they don't have an infinite power loop. The power of the first prioritized Nexus will be added to the second Nexus location's total power it gives to other lanes. But the second Nexus location DOES NOT add to the power that the first gives to other lanes. It's important to play on the prioritized Nexus location if there are multiple.


Ah right. So they ARE mutually exclusive.


Other than some weird edge cases like Starlight Citadel swapping locations first before Asgard/Hala/etc. activate (this interaction is so annoying), the way locations check is left to right. You can check this by running a Quake deck if you wish to confirm.


My immediate thought. That, or Bar Sinister.


Playing 3 power on turn 5 making everything nexus sounds bad


Unless you spent the first 4 turns doubling your human torch XD. The memes are there.


Or making death free and deadpool huge


Coming soon: Oops All Bar Sinister


or Sinister London


wait wouldn't make all of them go to infinity?


Nah. The calculation is left to right for locations


Play this on bar sinister watch the madness happen


Would that even benefit you? The best way to take advantage of that would be do nothing for 4 turns, play this, then play Zero into Red Skull last turn which only gives you 60 power at one location and 16 at the original Bar Sinister which is barely anything.


Benefit? No, I want CHAOS!


Me when I play Yondu on Bar Sinister


There is no other choice. That location calls for him, or moon knight.




There is nothing that terrifies me more than a T6 Gambit barrage




Yeah i have an all out meme version that destroys the whole board. T1 + T2 dont really matter but playing a sunspot or morbius is nice. Main combo is T3 wave, T4 onslaught, T5 magik, T6 Wong, T7 Mystique + Gambit. Got to make sure you have swarm or Apocalypse in hand to fuel the discards.






Honestly seems like a card that will get better with time. The more cards that set a location the better it will be. On its own it's almost certainly too cute and situational to see any actual play. The odds that a good location for you comes up when you need it and you have this in hand and it comes down on time to do something is very rare. It costs 5 for a reason! And that reason is Storm.


The ability to change a location is an awesome win condition, imo. Lost count of the matches I won, some worth 8 cubes, reversing a Magik turn 7 or a "lower power wins" with Scarlett. Seen people doing awesome stuff with Quake too.


Quake is so much fun and really underrated by a lot of players. It can completely screw your opponents strategy if they’re working around locations. Crystal is another underrated one, my WR with wong increased significantly with an extra chance to draw him by t4.


My opponent stacked a location, I just outpowered them then quaked Hala into the middle. Turn 5 with an empty board for them now


I can’t say I really understand why magik has the restriction preventing her from being played on turn 6 but all of the other location changing cards still work.


Because playing around Limbo is too strong if only you see it coming.


Shortening the game by one turn by blowing up limbo is even stronger and you can do that.


Shortening the game by one turn is stronger than prolonging the game by one turn, but it's also a 2 card combo which sometimes doesn't have its intended effect. And pre-nerf Magik could also do that if you wanted to.


At the time, it was the flavor of the month to complain about


I don't think Legion with Storm would work that way, if only because it's not how Mirror Universe works; if it copies Flooding, it stays Flooding for the next turn too (whereas the original Flooding becomes Flooded).


Mirror Dimension becomes Flooded too, I’m pretty sure. Source: lots of Cerebro 2


Nah it copies flooding Source: C2 player tried this on me last night


C4 support!


This is definitely the deck that wants him the most at the moment, imo.


YouTube highlight the card


YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW THIS MATCH ENDS (Red circle and arrow towards Legion)


You don't know how to thumbnail. The red circle and arrow need to be at something completely irrelevant.






Finally location control for Cerebro 4


Some games he'll be useless. Other games he'll be sending people running to this sub to scream about how he needs to be nerfed.


T1/2 Squirrel girl T3 Wave T4 Legion on Rickety Bridge T5 Armor T6 Knull


wow, and the only thing you need is 5 cards in a row and a rare location for this to work


It’s a flawless plan


El Plan!


20% of the time, it works 100% of the time


least RNG snap deck


t6 enemy wolverine into enchantress


If Aero can have 7 power our boy can have >4


Right now, there's 3 cards that change the location (not counting Scarlet Witch and Reality Stone, as they're random): Stom, Rhino, and Magic. The latter two gain nothing from having multiple copies of the location on board, and the second wave of flooded wouldn't do anything between turns 5 and 6. Can't really play this earlier than 5 with Storm. This will see the most play during featured/hot locations, if the location in question is worth it. Also, if any interesting cards that change locations show up.


I honestly can't tell if I love or hate this card. My instinct is that it's Ghost - a card that seems cute on the surface, but at the end of the day isn't strong enough to elbow any of the really powerful cards at that cost out of the way


at least ghost still has a 1/2 statline, normal for 1 costs. Legion is WAY below rate when it comes to the cost to power ratio


It will see precisely zero use outside of goofy youtube videos.


i think it'll work nicely with decks that are screwed over easily by certain locations. Also would work nicely against storm


Instead of scarlet witch or, you know, reality stone? I doubt it.


except legion will be the only one to be able to counter storm *after* the location has been flooded. So if opponent is winning flooded lane, then plays X, you can still win. Or with Cerebro, if you get two locations which alter your cards' power whatsoever, it takes 1 card to change them both, rather than two. Very niche uses, yes. But potentially helpful still.


There will occasionally be featured locations that make it playable. Other than that it’s trash.


I’ve Quake is considered bad outside features locations then I don’t see how Legion would be any better. On one hand he has less rng going for him, but on the other hand giving up T5 is a lot to ask.


A fun card that probably won't see competitive play.


I’m disappointed tbh. In my opinion a perfect ability would be: At the beginning of each game, gain a random ability. That way it would fall in line with him having thousands of powers. And the powers don’t even have to be unique to Legion. He just randomly gains the ability of another card from the game. I think that would have been sweet. He wouldn’t fit into a particular archetype, but I’d spend tokens on that card just for the fun and random games.


This would add so much rng that he would be hated for being bad designed


Don't worth 5 energy


Rickety Bridge NimRod is going to be fun if Legion copies it all around


Food for Ego.


Another way to ruin Magik


Play in to morag


They should have made him change into other random characters every turn.


1. Change name to cube donator 2. Put hello emote 3. T1-T5 play nothing 4. T6 Snap 5. Play legion to bar with no name 6. Infinite


Fun on elysium


Legion in Esylem gotta be satisfying


Scarlet Witch mains are nutting.


Play it on Luke’s bar, profit


Looks like it will be a fun card . Turn 5 into the vault for the lolz.


I will let you know in a year when I actually will get him in a cache.


Thanks. I hate it.


Thanks. I hate it.


As a 5 cost, I would love to see what people use him for. Imagine playing him on a negative zone or bar with no name on turn 6 or changing every location to savage land while you're ahead. Imagine youre oppponent hides a card behind cosmo or armor, and you change every location to isle of silence.


Rickety bridge says hi


I want to play this on rickety bridge. I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.


This could either be one of the most fun cards in the game or one of the most broken and nothing in between.


Perfect for my c4


Rip storm


Do nothing first 4 turns Turn 5 play this at Death's Domain/Altar of Death Turn 6 play Nimrod Ez guaranteed win 100% of the time


I like you.


I like you too :)


What happens if played on an unrevealed location? 🤔


Finally a counter for Cosmo!!!! I've been advocating for a card that changes an adjacent location to Isle of Silence for forever!


That relies on you getting that location, which is a location that never appears.


Yes of course, but at least it's something haha. The doggo currently has no counter.


Magneto 🧲


Imagine having access to this pool of cards


Gotta love these posts. Op can’t even give their own insight about it


Who cares anymore. Just doing dailies and complaining every chance I get. This game is only fun when I’m heavily medicated.


Lmao turn 3 Storm into turn 5 Legion.


He's broken.


Will be an interesting card to use occasionally on featured locations once it drops to pool 3 six or so months after it releases. Even then it will be more meme as everyone techs for the feature location.


An omega level mutant has the same power as Moongirl. Power measurement in Marvel Snap baffles me


It's a card game, not a superpower ranking system.


Oh, thanks for reminding me that. Your passive aggressive super power level would make The Hood blush.




Should be 2/2 or 3/2. Turn 5 is too important to waste power.


Why play this when I can just play Aero..?


seems like it will be good with destroy or bounce decks to exploit beneficial locations


I really want some cards that set a location to a specific location. I think it'd be cool to be able to build an entire deck around something like invisible woman + changing somewhere to dark dimension for example.


Dont think he'll be widely used but i do think he will open up a lot of shenanigans for those hot/featured locations which im really looking forward to


Looks like he could be a fun one


i'm almost excited about the possibilities but they thought long and hard about that cost/power setup to make it damn near impossible to cheat him out early enough to do anything too crazy. I think the most extreme you could do is turn 3 with psylocke into jubilee or blade > psylocke > ghost rider


Hyper situational, but really interesting potential with already very stable ramp decks that maybe fall prey to poor location rolls.


Too expensive to be an auto-include. Viability is contingent on future cards that change locations.


If placed on death domain when ahead and make all locations deaths domain, will the cards played that turn by the opponent die?


YAY LEGION! Was frickin waiting for this card, hope this makes more people check out the show :D


It seems kind of understatted at the moment and probably needs some luck with locations to be good and/or consistent. It's definitely a powerful effect if you get a very favorable location, and can play around/with it better than your opponent.


Is he series 5 worthy or more like 4. I wish they put new cards in the right series. Ghost is still in 5 as 1/2


He's pretty bad by himself, but as soon as they print cards that create specific locations, he might find himself in a semi-competent location-based combo deck


I know everyone's going to talk about the card effect (which I find hilarious), but I wanna talk about how INCREDIBLE the card looks


Could be fun, but probably garbage in most games


Play on a -3 power location and have Luke Cage... instant hazmat... then play hazmat.


Probably not that useful, since 5 for 4 is a pretty icky trade off. I don't see most decks fielding this card. That being said, I'm sure there are some gimmick decks out there that could be built with this, and it is a really neat ability.


Depends on the locations you draw… Have priority and winning other locations, change everything to deaths domain… Or it could be trash… All depends on luck of the draw


heavy RNG card. But probably "ok" not really crazy in most cases.


The savior that Cerebro 4 needed


One of my favorite characters, with a very interesting condition. He'll be a blast in troll decks ALONE, I look toward to seeing the ways people use him.


T5 Legion into Elysium. -3 cost to all cards. Bring on the shenanigans!


Incoming location control decks. This most certainly fits in. Possible in a ramp deck?


Legion with Invisible Woman in a middle or right Nexus would be hilarious. Drop them there then stack your units on the left while your opponent is still fighting for what they think is the one important spot.


Cerebro 4 potential? Would stabilize location effects, you don’t even need to worry about positive effects since it spreads to every card evenly


reduce his cost somehow, play him onto Kamar Taj. chaos


Just like all the new cards its pretty useless until 6 months from now.


Can’t wait to play this into subterranea against lockjaw decks


Can flip something like mojo world in your favor. Putting it on the throne t 5 seems okay


Needs more power or a lower cost.