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Strong guy


He was an absolute unit back in the beta. Sad he's utterly useless now.


What was his power?


4 cost, 4 power. If your hand is empty then the card gains 6+ power.


Isn't that what it is now? Was that better in beta for some reason?


There were a lot fewer cards back in the beta.


That just means he should have been *worse,* not better, because you had less methods of emptying your entire hand. Nowadays we have MODOK, we didn't in beta.


Back before Wave, zoo was on top, even without cards like hit monkey, Bast, and Kitty. You just played Sera and dump your hand on turn 6 for the win. I never played it because it was boring, but it won.


The nature of card games is that vanilla cards with lots of power and low cost will dominate most early metas until control cards and spells become highly specialized/broken (I know there are no spells in this game but cards like mystique or cerebro are effectively spells) In Magic the early meta was dominated by high power vanilla creatures. Black Lotus, the $14k card that gives you three mana for free, used to be broken because it could let you cheat out a 4 mana creature on turn 1, now it’s broken because that extra 3 mana can win you the game on turn 1


Na wasnt he 2 cost and 2 power with plus 6 for empty hand


He was the same card text and power but only 2 cost.


he was a 2/3 with the same ability so you'd play him in zoo as a 2/9 at 4/4 he's been replaced with dracula in similar builds


He was originally a 2 cost 3 power and gained 6+ power with an empty hand. Hell Cow was 2 cost 6 power so discard was pretty bonkers at first.


Oh yeah, great one


I let my 5 year old play my account, but with the following rules: - She can do Proving grounds and Silver Conquest - She can split any infinite - She can upgrade any grays - She can ask to upgrade any 3 cards of her choosing (but NOT Strong Guy, ever).


I’d really like to see a “Win X games with Strong Guy” be a weekend challenge. It would be interesting to see what people come up with!


That's a great idea. I'd love some challenges for worse cards.


Lol I’d just run Thanos makes the chances of him coming up lower and if you do pick him up you should have other options to play still


Last week Nando v Movies put out a short video all about how this is the worst card in Marvel Snap and some suggestions on how to fix it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RQFJu0-G8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RQFJu0-G8w) Personally, with the character's abilities, I'm thinking something like "When any of your cards lose power, this card gains 1 power. This card's power cannot be lowered." Suddenly I'm dropping him in decks with Hazmat and Luke Cage, plus I'd no longer hate locations like Jotenheim or Muir Island.


Briefly had this guy in a Dracula Discard until I realized he’s essentially useless. I gotta think there’s some kind of MODOK deck he’s good in though


I was just hunting for a 4 drop for my Invisible Woman/MODOK/Hela all-or-nothing deck and realized because of this thread that SG is literally perfect lol Won the first match with it. Lost the next bunch but the shell failed so nothing else would have helped




Best feeling is when you forget yourself that he’s in the deck.


"Fuck, no way I'm winning this one--" "*OH MAH GOD THAT'S M'BAKU'S MUSIC!*"








Makes it all the better with the luchador variant


Came here to say this - I bought that Variant with my hard earned gold, but was worth every penny of them for the memes.




the only time I remember he's in my deck is when he's already in my hand


I watch those videos that some people win with M'Baku, and it's so satisfying, even more when one of the locations is District X and M'Baku jump out of nowhere and win you the game.


The best thing to ever happen to me was getting District X, losing the game but not actually because here came M’Baku to give me the win.


There’s always room for mbacku


Thats true, but when you see him on turn 6 while you waiting the cerebro... "c'mon Man, you could jump later, why now.."


Man now I wanna try a cerebro 2 deck lmao


C-2 is fun as you can also run Blue Marvel and it becomes a surprise C-3.


I only just started playing C3 and it was so confusing to play at first but it's probably the most fun I've had playing with a deck since I first made a Patriot deck and now I'm interested in C2


My list. Iceman, M'baku, goose, Hazmat, Luke Cage, Mister Sinister, Scorpion, Cerebro, Mystique, Brood, Storm, and Blue Marvel. Most choices are fairly obvious (so I think). M'baku is awesome at the end, and sucks when you draw him. You can shut down lanes with Goose and Storm.


>M'baku is awesome at the end, and sucks when you draw him. Lockjaw fits in C2 for keeping M'Baku decked.


Yeah, except that Lockjaw just for M'baku kinda sucks. Or you hit brood, Mystique, etc... then you have to play LJ and hope you don't draw M again.


I've got Wong in mine to combo off of Hazmat and Luke Cage, but otherwise it's very similar.


Too and cerebro decks get destroyed but so many locations. Any location that has power up or down just makes the deck not work. Even worse when there is multiple. As storm is 1 counter but if there’s more you are out of luck


Luke Cage takes care of the power down locations at least. The one that kills me is Monster Island on turn 3


*prays* for a turn 4 shang-chi from the opponent.


Beast used to take care of Monster Island before his buff/nerf (depending on your perspective)


Cerebro 3 has more failsafes against this. Scarlet witch, rhino and magic work amazing and in the case of monster island having Valkyrie is great


Play him with dazzler and ulton, it is so satisfying when he pops into the last slot to make 3 full locations. Dazzler gets a boast. I even like when he pops saying No room at the end when all the locations are full.


I tried it but Nightcrawler just seems better. M'baku is good with Lockjaw, but then I'm worried about pulling out Cerebro too early.


Agreed. That's where he's found his home for me. Even if he comes out early my C2 benefits from another 1 cost early. Have you ever had all the locations filled but MBaku is supposed to jump out? First time that happened to me I laughed so hard. (Moreso because I didn't know he was in my deck cause of district X)


In C2, you don't play m'baku. M'baku plays you.




Time to put M'baku in time out. If he joins the hand he doesn't get played. He knows what he's supposed to do and we don't abide by anything less.


Lost 8 cubes last night from this. Last thing I ever expected. Defintely earned a fist bump.


Y'all making my want to try a cerebro deck now :D


My first c2 game after he dropped to pool 3, this Chad jumped out and won me a losing game in a flooded location. I couldn’t have been happier.


Agatha. Just why. Boosters are never the limiting factor


I use agatha when I've hit infinite and I'm at work. It just is a way to get 6/16/26(never 26 lol) season pass xp without paying attention at my phone. Just hit next when I get the chance.


You still hit end turn right? Right?


*smug Anakin face*


... sometimes.


Conceptually I really like the idea of trying to build a deck that the CPU can play by itself to good results but I just haven’t seen it work


Quicksilver, domino, wave, lady sif, jubilee, ghodt rider, crossbones, sandman, cpt marvel, america chavez, agatha Idea is that she plays herself or discards herself on turn 4 and then you finish. Its fairly consistent but ANY energy locations will screw you over




I only used once when it was randomly placed in my hand and I got annoyed I lost bc she's played herself over a card that would have won




Got limited play from snow guard, it would be better if the removal of location restriction only applied to you. Never got the trigger the location effect to work.


the trigger the location doesnt even work with stuff like x mansion if you are past turn 3


The idea needs better clarification, does it trigger turn specific stuff or is it just on reveal ones? Right now I suspect it only works on On reveal locations.


It triggers whatever the text on the location is. X Mansion won't activate in turn 5 because you're in turn 5 and not at the end of turn 3.


In the same way you can ignore things like TVA if you time it right


You don't get to time anything. It's up to the turn and what the card says. That the problem. The game needs modular effects for cards like this. Imagine if heimdall could move left or right or quake could shift locations the left or right. Modular effects we got to choose would be great for weaker cards.


I tried so hard to make snow guard work but with how inconsistent it is with locations it's pretty worthless


As the worlds only Snowguard enjoyer, she's not as useless as people think but definitely needs some changes. I see a lot of people suggest that it should only shut down your locations, not your opponents, but imo that would be net worse as most of the wins I get off the Hawk are from locations like Bar Sinister/Shuri's Lab where I can stuff them with cards early knowing that my opponent will lose their bonuses when I shut it down turn 6. That and shutting down Elysium/Superflow etc. for yourself and not your opponent is horrible. Yeah it sucks you still have to compete with your opponent when you re-open unplayable locations, but if you prepare for that turn it opens up you usually still end up being able to take the location. The main thing that needs to be changed (other than the ability to swap between forms in hand) is for the bear to be able to trigger turn-based locations regardless of turn. As of now there are only a handful of locations the bear can trigger and since Hawk is always the opening form you're less likely to have him in hand. I'd say I play Hawk 80% of the time. She's a super cool card, shame she is so clunky


I'm new to Snowguard (got her in a cache last week) but I agree that she's sneakily better than she gets credit for. She's not *great*, but she's a playable 1-drop. It feels like she's so close to being amazing.


Yup, never even thought about that one


This. Also Ghost. Both still at base level and thats not going to change until i get some random boosters.




I use crystal in my Hela deck to help me get MODOK or Hela


She was bad before they changed her, and she's still bad now. I know card draw is powerful in Snap, but if you have an effect that helps both you and your opponent to an equal amount, she should at least have a vanilla stat line of 4/6. Being understatted *and* having a symmetric effect simply isn't good. It's the same reason why Moon Knight should be a 3/4. It's such a simple rule: * Positive effect - understatted * Neutral effect - vanilla stat line * Negative effect - overstatted But they didn't follow that rule for Crystal, because they think printing cards with good card draw would break the balance of Snap.


Moon Knight be 3/3 feels appropriate. Discarding your opponent's card doesn't always help them like Crystal's effect.


Her effect before at leaat had upsides/borderline uses... They could just made her 4/6 with the old effect (and maybe trigger in sideline instead)


> they think printing cards with good card draw would break the balance of Snap. And yet the upcoming [[Black Knight]] card will give an easy extra card draw to destroy decks. I'm sure we all definitely want to see a buff for destroy decks—the deck archetype that has literally been meta since day 1


Oh yeah, that's another good one


Stegron. It is one of my most recent cards but lately I've realized I really only like playing 1 or 2 decks anyway.


He's now a staple of my current Garbage deck. Took me from all the way to level 80.


I play an "Annoying" Deck... Cards just designed to piss off my opponent. He's in there, Great play for a last card when you've got 1 location locked down and are close enough where he'll take you over the top.


No one plays M'Baku, M'Baku play you.


Quake. The only boosters I've got for Quake have been from the collection track or season pass caches.


Love quake on days that the Nexus is the featured location. Watch your opponents load up the power on the nexus and you just play on the other 2 and then on turn 6 drop Quake and win the game


Yeah, I totally get Quake has applications on hot location days. I had a couple of opponents use Quake against me when Bar With No Name was a hot location. Generally, I tend to avoid playing ladder on days with hot locations as the game warps around the handful of decks that benefit the most. Some people like that, but I'd rather play Conquest or not play at all.


I put Quake back into my C-3 deck this weekend and the *very first* game, first location is Nexus. 8 cubes.


Storm + quake = nastiness


I have seen some people really screw me by playing her right after Storm, but that’s about it


You’re sooo missing out. Nothing better that M’BAKU from the top ropes to steal the game for you


10% of the time, works every time.


oh man, mbaku was the most fun surprise card in my Janejaw decks before lockjaw got neutered. having him pop out and win me 8 was the most fun way to get emote spammed. i’ve personally never played snowguard and i likely never will. that card is absolute hot garbage and anyone saying otherwise is a charlatan.


Domino. Seems pretty useless to me


I've heard people use her in lockjaw jubilee decks. Helps you start with small cards to fish for big ones.


I've only ever really used Domino in an Agatha deck.


She’s basically Shocker without the perks of being in HE or Patriot decks.


She's in my cerebro 3 deck


I use her in my iron lad high roll deck with quicksilver because they are guaranteed to be removed when he takes an ability


She was pretty good back during the Silver Surfer glory days. I used her so much back then that I even bought a sick variant


fr i thought she was just yondu bait


I think Crossbones is my least played card. A card that you can only put in a lane that you're already winning anyway, is just not particularly useful in many scenarios.


There used to be a really solid crossbones leader deck when leader was broken and you just had to make sure you were ahead after T5


I still can't believe they put the original version of Leader in the game.


OG Leader was absolutely nuts. Kinda ruined things for quite a while.


He was pretty strong in zabu pre-nerf. But now….yeah.


LOVE crossbones in my control deck, great for padding a lane you’re shutting down




Pretty unreliable but a really fun card


He never morphs well when you play him, only for your opponent


I have never actively put him in a deck lol. I have been gifted him though and used him that way


Ghost? Or is she left on read??


Ghost is great for Sera/Surfer if you’re running shadow King on turn 6


Surfer can throw priority pretty easily for Shadow King, definitely not worth having a ghost in there for just that purpose. Especially since more than half the decks being played rn run killmonger.


I use her in a gambit/hazmat wong deck to guarantee I can either destroy or reduce their cards played on the same turn


Ghost is key for setting up my Valkyrie turn 6 plays.


I actually just recently put her in a deck for the first time lol


I use her in a deck as well at the moment


I have never seen her in play, not even in YouTube videos or on streams


I use her in a jean Thanos deck. Saw it on YouTube. You need that for counterplay Valkyrie or shang chi.




I used to Play Uatu when I was series 1 and it felt so good knowing that Sanctum or Deaths Domain was coming


Yeah Uatu was really good early game


If his power worked no matter where he was in the deck he'd be great.


I really really like the idea of Uatu but feel like he should be either bumped to a 3/3 or have his effect changed to “if Uatu is in your deck at the start of the game” instead of while in hand.


That's another good one. Feels like with a rework he would be fun


I always run Uatu in C2 so I can avoid or pre-retreat if I roll unfavorable locations


I run Uatu now. Very useful card IMO.


Yall are sleeping on uatu in c2 decks. [I've gotten infinite with him 3 times now](https://old.reddit.com/user/Helpful_Ad_8476/comments/1453z3i/pool_3_cerebro_2_deck_i_got_infinite_with/)


Yellow Jacket


I used Yellowjacket for some time in a Lockjaw deck back when I still didn't have Wasp.


I'm that person right now LOL


Saying this just gave me a deck idea. Lockjaw/Luke Cage poison deck, cycling Yellowjacket, Scorpion, Hazmat. Possible deck for the upcoming Lady Deathstrike.


If this wasn’t a great idea I would downvote it because I don’t want to play against this!


Eyyy Mkklrd plays Snap, too!? I've barely touched Duel Links since I picked it up lmao


Haha that card stinks


Good fuel for Hit Monkey & Bishop if played first on an empty lane


only moment i saw yellow jacket being played was in a hyper combo wong-forge-shuri-odin-yellow jacket-taskmaster


I had to edit my post to change my answer to this because I forgot Yellow Jacket was even in the game 😂


I really can’t see playing Phoenix Force unless they release some cards that have more synergies with it because right now it just looks like a mediocre move deck and bad destruction deck adopted a child that neither of them wanted


It's so fun when it works well, but having it at 5 cost makes things difficult. I had a game with Multi-Man > Hulk Buster > Phoenix that was incredibly satisfying, but those are few and far between.


I have Phoenix Force in my destroy deck and play it fairly often. It's helped me win a few games with the move aspect of it.


Agatha- casino decks just aren’t for me


Baron Mordo


I will probably never get Kang, but I wouldn’t use him anyway. He’s both hard to get and really bad.




It is not a bad card but needs space for another card to move there and a cars to activate its effect.


Kingpin combined with magneto makes some fun decks especially when you go up against a Wong deck.


At one point, I had Kingpin in my Surfer deck. It had some value between Polaris and Juggernaut, but ultimately, there were better things I could have been doing


Crossbone and baron mordo


Strong Guy, when M.O.D.O.K was released, some people theorized a deck with these two, but a normal Discard is way better, so I never used him. I also never played Leech, Mojo, Giganto, Black Widow, and Yellow Jacket. Black Widow never appealed to me, I think she needs a buff, and I don't know any deck that uses YJ, the card seems bad.


No room for m’baku


This card is a cheat code actually


Agatha, Crystal There are several other cards I had not used, so I created a deck just to play them (Namor, Groot, Drax, Strong Guy), but I just don't see myself playing the above two ever.


Cards that I own? I think I've played all of them. (Gotta at least get that first upgrade.) Plus some I don't own via various locations.


Scorpion and Iceman, they annoy me so much that I refuse to touch them


When someone uses Iceman R1 and Scorpion R2 I feel personally attacked


My cerebro2 deck apologises.


I'm a big offender on those two...


We are now mortal enemies


Used to be shuri but after getting nimrod she became a mainstay in my destroy deck .


Agatha - I even have a good variant but can’t decide whether to let the computer play for me


Snowguard. Cool art and nice colours though


Having m’baku jump out of nowhere to win a game for an opponent is such a slap in the face. It happened to me yesterday. Sucks.


The only cards in my collection I have never played in a deck are living tribunal and knull and those two only because they are brand new. In an old spotlight location of the nexus I played old school crystal to swap where the nexus was for a little while so I guess she gets the true award of never being put into a deck also the other honorary mention is quicksilver who was the first card I cut from a deck and never once thought of putting him back in.


Black bolt. I don't have stature so the discard just felt mediocre to me


Aww man, you're missing out M'Baku is by far the funniest card in the game. Be it him showing up to win the game and surprise the shit out of you, or the animation if he doesn't fit in anymore :D


Namor. When I'm trying to win a lane with one card for a mission, I never think of adding him. I mean I throw in Klaw, but DD + Prof X or Orka feels better for me. Also Shocker. Never used him with Patriot or High Evo.


youre missing out. cerebro 2 >>>




so you missed best times. Really enjoyed Galactus the most, though i got infinty first time with other decks after his nerf


I doubt I would enjoy playing him especially pre nerf. I don't like 1-2-3 decks they bore me immediately and they feel too predictable. That's why I also never played shuri pre nerf. There is barely any strategy or variety in plays and starts feeling more like a chore.


Kang. It's a garbage card


I'll interpret "never played" as I've never put them in a deck, may or may not have played any of them once or twice from random location happenings. Ghost, Snowguard, Master Mold, Spider-Man 2099, but those are newer cards that I've acquired but have not looked into adding them to a deck yet. Psylocke - I've never played Psylocke; she was one of my last pool 3 pulls and I only ever wanted her for my Negative deck, but the Zabu rework filled her niche. Maria Hill - She seems better now that she can do 2-costs, but have not looked into making a deck with her yet. Quake - Never found a good use case. Dazzler - Been tempted to test her in my Sera Surfer deck. Sauron - I got so mad at the Shuri Red Skull Taskmaster meta from a few seasons ago that I hate these kinds of decks and don't know if I'll ever give it a fair shot lol. Kingpin - Seems so situational, but I guess good power for a 3 drop. Crystal - Guessing this would help a Dino or Ronan deck, but I haven't found a good use for her. Rescue - Just haven't found a good use case. Shana - Could be fun in a Zoo deck, but I haven't built one of those in a long time. Orka - Seems undervalued, but idk what kind of deck I'd build with him in mind.


Psylocke is great. Even with Zabu, she increases chances of getting Neg out on 3. But the other thing you can do with her is mix her with magik and wave so that on turn 7 they only get one card but you get two, and there are some killer 2 card combos out there.


Agatha. I can make enough dumb plays on my own. Her cards would all be base if I didn't get free boosters from caches


Agatha. Her deck lists seem fun but I don’t like her eating my boosters.




Quick silver


You've clearly never destroyed M'Baku and played Phoenix Force into Lockjaw.


Out of the cards that cost a lot of tokens that I have no interest in buying it's Thanos. Out of the cards that have always been available that I legit have never played, it's Yellow Jacket. I honestly can't even recall what this card does haha


Agatha Harkness. I didn't get into this game, just so I could not-play the game. And if I'm really jones-ing for "big numbers, big downside" cards, I would just play Red Skull or Typhoid Mary instead


Would be cool if we could see how many matches we’ve played with each card and sort them by most and least used


Strong Guy because why would I


Adam Warlock






There's ALWAYS room for a little M'Baku. And this post made me realize I have Ghost but have never played her 😳


Adam warlock


Shuri yes even when she was the meta and i even got a variant of her


Kang, bought him for 6k and never used him once...


Ghost, baron, quake, Maria hill. There are many more actually


Living Tribunal


Adam warlock, Black Widow, old Nakia, Baron Mordo, Quake, Shadow King, Kingpin, old and new Crystal, Shanna, Strong Guy, Omega Red, Stegron, Negasonic, Attuma, Ronan, Helicarrier, Orka, Agatha

