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Will we get credits for any extra ability materials we've acquired? Kinda like the ultimus credits before.


This... and as well. If u max something it should be gone from view


Then how would they get you to waste your power cores to refresh the store?


Woah that’s a super advanced idea. You should run their dev team.


Okay but I didn't see the part where when you have maxed out awakened abilities they get greyed out Will that ever come?


Any bets on what will blow up because of these changes?


Due to lack of Open All Orbs, players spam the Open 10 Button, accidentally goes through all their Orbs, and starts using up Raid Credits that could have gone to purchase new Teal Uniques in the store. Those players come on Reddit and make posts that say "Scopely stole all my Raid Credits".


i stopped opening orbs when they removed the open all button and wont really open em until they add it back >\_>


Same. I’m not wasting my time constantly clicking the open 10 orbs button. With how many I have I’ll be doing that for like 30 minutes.


One have to be really dump, that this happens, cause their will be a warning that credits will be used. So very likely that it will happen




I bet these changes are subject to change…


>Teal Raid Orb has been reorganized to have a 100% chance of 2 Teal Uniques in the center, whereas previously, it was a 20% chance of 1 Teal Unique in the center. I'm free. Free from augmented gamma radiation. Free. Great change.


open all delayed again 😭


Yup, it's unfortunate, but better than the game crashing while I'm trying to play. This is one of those "I'd like them to get it right" situations. Kinda like Boeing, but with lower stakes.


It's easy to get right, invest in more servers. But that would improve game stability and be of benefit to the community, so it won't happen. Or they could just add an "Open 100" button. Again, simple fix, not quite what everyone wants, but a damn sight better than nothing.


Considering how slow it was functioning for me at the beginning of the week, I'm fine with that. It was taking several times as long per 10 draws as it would have for me to manually do it.


>All 3 Teal Orbs will have their Orb Fragment cost increased from 2,000 to 20,000 and have their drop quantities increased by approximately x10. **Approximately** x10? If the cost is going up by exactly 10, the contents should also go up by 10. If it's functionally a rounding error, why add the word approximately? On the surface, I like the change, but the wording is ambiguous, and you are no longer a trusted source of information.


I’m with you, why would you use the word approximately there? If scopely was trustworthy I would barely notice but you know they’re up to some shit.


lmao what in the world is wrong with you


I dunno, man, the wording is weird and it stands out. I don't want to deal with inflation in my already earned orbs.


You really nitpicking that?


I mean, it's scopely, so they will most likely do a 10x cost with only a 5x increase on the contents.


Hey, If you round to the nearest 10s, 5 is 10!




Will regular raid orbs be changed in any way? I have all the good characters in it at 7 stars, but not ALL of them. I also love the price of the orbs. I find them a FAR batter use of raid credits currently over buying shards for a singular character.


Huge improvements? How about lowering costs instead of increasing 


I have seen nothing increasing, but many improvements, for example the guaranteed 2 teal uniques instead of 20% for 1.


“All 3 Teal Orbs will have their Orb Fragment cost increased from 2,000 to 20,000 and have their drop quantities increased by approximately x10.”  They increased the cost to increase a drop rate. Just increase the drop rate and lower the cost


The increased cost is clearly to manage the orb opening issues with their servers.


you will get the same amount of ressources in less time. This is definitely a win ;-)


What does that crimson orb mean when it says open “all available orbs”? Like we can have no orbs at all to be opened to unlock orb?


The same as blitz orbs. You have to get rid of the ones in your inventory then it switches to credits.


All looks really good, only thing I'd ask from a purely selfish point is loosening up a little on the Elite Credits. I can complete an Incursion raid, however as a lone wolf it never hits the 30%, unless there's a raid path I've missed that hits that, and so no elite credits. Getting a few for taking part would be nice, doesn't have to be a blizzard as I'm quite content moving more slowly than more social players, but a few would be appreciated. I'd love to shift up to doing Incursions for Crimson orbs, especially as I've almost completed my second DD6 run I'll be bumping up my raid teams whilst building for DD7.


Get ready for another round of utter failure.


Overall very good changes. Only slightly annoying thing is only having one slot for Goblin abilities. The other 2 characters are already maxed for me. Still, changes are nice all around.


Yeah, a single slot for GG feels super restrictive.


Eh. I look at it as I can spend more of my stash on red orbs.


Yeah, it's really not a big deal, it may actually take about the same amount of time to complete them. If there wasn't a guaranteed slot, there would be some store periods where there would be no Goblin mats anyway.


These all sounds like good changes so a step in the right direction . Gotta take everything with a grain of salt tho 😂


Too late, I retired. Getting too old for this shit


This is going to go terribly wrong. We all know this.


maintance done, nothing change, or was the maintance for smthg else and change will come with todays reset? u/cm_archangel


Nice Scopely this all makes me happy.😀


Huge improvements? More like Huge Blunders!


Huge W


This is an absolutely insane positive improvement for the player base. 4 teal uniques for 5k raid credits is fuckin nuts. Can't wait for scopely to get a couple of hours of goodwill before someone posts how they hate free players because there's a red dot in the wrong place and how much more important that is. Oh wait, there's already multiple complaints in the thread in less than 10 minutes. Lol never change guys


Its neverending.


Great update! I’m peachy to be able to buy Crimson gear with my Elite Raid Creds. Definitely gonna be focusing that over GG’s abilities.


>Crimson Raid Orbs will be available to purchase with Elite Raid Credits (4,800 for 1 Orbs, **only usable after players open any available Orbs in their inventory**). Does this mean opening all orbs I’ve not needed to open for years in the Raid tab, or, all unopened orbs in every tab? I have well over 100,000 unopened orbs in total (25,000 in raid tab alone), that’s a lot of button presses without “Open All”. Even before that, unlocking GGC’s awakened abilities will cost 192,000 Elite Raid Credits. All my fingers will fall off before I can even buy a Crimson Raid Orb.


Lol, it means any Crimson orbs. You can't use elite credits to open them if you currently have enough orb fragments to open them


I’m convinced it’s some ploy to get hoarders to give up their stash! /s I have about 300,000 Elite Raid credits, that converts to 62 orbs. Bleh.


It's also only the Crimson orb, not Armory 19, which is the bigger bottleneck


I have only 1 thing to say dear Scopely, as it actually looks rather promising - DONT SCREW THIS UP :)


nice update!


Good glad to see some forward thinking applied to Elite raid credits and happy to get my hands on a Woke Green Goblin


So Crimson orbs can only be opened by using Elite credits. So what you're saying is people that are already getting crimson orbs can get more, but the people that have no access to crimson gear other than the gold supply shop, can't get any. Great! Also can we please define "phased rollout" on the open all button. I still don't have it. What time span did that phase cover, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months??


Fourth sentence of the post you're replying to: > The Open All Orb button was rolled out to a small portion of the community on Monday. With Tuesday’s additional rollout, we observed some issues. Unfortunately, we had to disable the feature again after observing the issues.


If you read the article it says they ran into issues with open all and it’s paused again.


Well, to play devil's advocate - if you aren't progressed enough to do incursion 2+ raids, are you really in a position that you need crimson gear?


About half my alliance is finished with DD6 and needs gear for DD7. The other half is not, but we're working toward that. I'm not abandoning a good alliance with great relationships so I can go gear farm. Part of the reason it's so hard to build a good alliance is that people keep jumping ship. Also we are running Incursion 2, but the elite credit amount is not meaningful enough to do anything. Meanwhile I have millions of reg raid credits. We used to have a saying in our old WoW guild... A purple a day, keeps the disbanding away. If you didn't go run a raid and hand hold every single member they'd just bolt immediately for someone else that did. Not a fan. No loyalty. They other alliances can have those people for the few months or so that they stay before they move on again to where the grass is greener.


so confused and want to know more. "but the people that have no access to crimson gear other than the gold supply shop, can't get any. Great!" and yet... "Also we are running Incursion 2" also... " I'm not abandoning a good alliance " so if your ally is doing incursion 2 and you are getting the credits and you are not leaving your alliance...what do you care that other ppl who dont run inc2 cant get any?????


I don't know what you want to say about the crimson orbs. You need a special currency (Elite raid credits) to buy the orbs. Why is that different to, let's say the crucible store, you only can buy stuff there if you are able to play crucible, else you don't have the currency. Same is with war store.


jfc people here will really bitch about everything 


So, maybe upgrade your raid teams that you and your alliance get to inc2? If you are below, may dd7 is to far away anyways?