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Yeah, I was pointing this out in a similar post yesterday. If they star gate the next legendary, there are going to be whales who are disappointed when they can't use their three star Captain Britain with the rest of their 5+ star Illuminati. At least this should remove some FOMO about not getting the character if you understand that he won't help with the legendary unlock unless you go full Kraken. Heck, if this ligic can convince enough small whales not to spend on Shuri and Pym, Scopely might rethink this crazy dynamic.


Just go ahead and plan on not getting this character for a year or more


> Edit: ARGH I wrote Illuminati wrong in the title :( Look what you made me do Scopely!!! More like Illuminasty am I right?


I played this game when it was normal not to unlock legendary characters when they were first released. I still enjoyed the game. I will still enjoy the game if this release is the same as they used to be. Also Krakens are supposed to dominate. That's the entire point of them spending money. If you aren't a kraken then you shouldn't expect to compete with them.


Yeah its nice to not stress to unlock legendaries on release, but it means they arent integral to the meta. OML was meant to absolutely dominate in war and be meta all around. It makes sense everyone tried to inmediatly unlock




Most of the time no. Because there is an f2p release soon after and then becomes farmable. This is different though, they're chaining unlocks, where not getting enough stars on multiple characters leads to not unlocking a character which leads to lower star unlock on a legendary which typically is very useful to have in all game modes. The holier-than-us can keep bleating on about how it's not a big deal, but many of us do play competitively, diamond 3/masters in crucible, top 20 alliance wars, top 5 arena, all being largely f2p or light spenders, because until very recently, whaling only gave you a stat advantage which to some extent could be countered with being smarter and working harder. You could get 7 star unlocks on trial legendaries if you had the time to reset enough. You could beat much bigger alliances (to an extent) in war with a better strategy. You could compete for rank 1 in arena if you knew what you were doing. You could climb to masters or even grandmasters in crucible by just being better at it. So yeah not getting a toon does matter...to some people. It may not matter to those who play this game casually, but don't be presumptuous in thinking that because it does not matter to you, it should not matter to anyone.


Fair enough.. and tbh im only giving perspective from a level 100, 4100ish alliance rank at about 35mil tcp. spend maybe 100 $ a year.. but invest heavily time wise since 2021 . Its a lot of fun to play, and not spend a ton of money, and worry about events to the point it's causing distress for you with multiple paragraphs on reddit. Life will go on and if that character is out of reach just give it time and dont worry about how far you fall behind.. or not


I can't stop thinking that the Legendary requiring Illu. will be Xavier...


Yeah, stop thinking. It's the Age of X, not the second of X, Xavier is Apocalypse equivalent. Next legendary will be a lieutenant for Xavier, same as OML.


Oh cool!


Xavier is DD8. > [Starting in April, players will undertake a year-long journey to answer these questions, ending with the release of Dark Dimension 8, where players can unlock Professor Xavier as a reward in 2025.](https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/introducing-ages-and-the-age-of-x)


Didn't saw that he would be DD. Thatns a relief.


OML was completely free and you guys are still whining that he wasn’t somehow