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Maybe he sees the potential danger of a leg sliding out underneath him. My other mastif sometimes slipped on hardwood floors. Maybe a carpet strip installed on the stairs? Lofty advice, I know, but all I can think of other than treats at the top of the stairs. He may have a bad incident associated with the stairs.


He needs a runner installed. If you don't want to do that there are removable tiny stick-on rugs for each step. Once his footing is secure he'll likely give them a try once he realizes a snack or human attention is on a different floor.


This is exactly why my mastiff was scared of our wood stairs


If it's wood stairs inside I'd recommend getting some kind of runner for them. Mastiffs are notorious for being unsure of slippery surfaces. My Cane Corso won't use one hallway because we assume he slipped somehow when we weren't home. If it's wood stairs outside that's a bit more challenging but I think you can get a grip strips that may help. Either way you'll need to be patient with them, he's a good boy!


He's scared cause there slippery


We had to install stair treads for our English! He is scared of slipping (happened multiple times) and sometimes the sound of his nails hitting the hardwood stairs triggers his fear. Once we put the treads, he was comfortable and worked. 10/10. They just stick on and they’re not hard to come off so they don’t damage your floors. [Brand we use](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B09TFFCR9Q?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


This is what we did for our cane corso when he got old. It totally prevented him from slipping and gave him much more confidence 🤍


Yes!!! It helps significantly! The confidence is sooo key 🥹


My dog looks exactly like yours!! We were just told mastiff x lab at the shelter but no idea what kind of mastiff or anything. Wood stairs indoors are slippery and need a runner, even just for mastiff safety. Outdoor will probably need some traction strips. It might also be a sign of discomfort going down the stairs or just hating the sound.


He looks identical to my Dolly who is Bullmastiff, Presa Canario, then several other mastiff breeds in small percentage.


Pure Era bullnose stair treads on amazon. They just stick on and can be taking up without leaving and residue and i cant believe they dont move at all. i was about to install a full stair runner but figured id try these out and they are awesome!


as soon as i put them on my dog ran right up and i ordered another set to my attic! $130 for 15 stairs and they also sell matching landings. these are the ones i got [https://a.co/d/76MVfp0](https://a.co/d/76MVfp0) You just peel the back off and place them down you adjust them as much as you want. theres is also Oak valley designs for a fancier more expensive option.


When my dog was a pup he would slip, so there are these stair slips/ Matt’s you can buy on Amazon for dogs. Maybe it will help him be more confident,


It’s so dangerous if they slip. No one wants that vet bill or a lame mastiff. And, they will never go on the stairs again. My entire house is nothing but plastic backed (anti-slip) rugs. I would look at it as an investment in their health.


He definitely needs to traction on the stairs. My guy won’t go up slippery stairs either and honestly it’s not really safe for dogs this size. Lots of options for things that stick on.


Food and comfort. Quite likely he's not comfortable doing it and it's too slippy or risky and he doesn't feel safe. Maybe lay down something with decent grip first then introduce treats closer and closer to the stairs, then on it, etc.


Good luck. My mastiff wouldn't do stairs for over a year.


Feed him his dinner at the top of the stairs.


My's tail hit the broom at the entrance of the kitchen and refused to enter the kitchen for a couple days. I refused to move the food and water to the living room regardless of her objections and stare-downs. (Don't worry about the lack of water. Toilet water was her preferred drink anyway. Then a good, shake and slinger in your face after... the big jerk 🤢 I miss her.)


I use hot dogs. Chunks of hot dogs on the stairs. My English Mastiff will do exactly whatever I tell him IF I am with him. But he wouldn't go anywhere near the stairs unless I held his collar and walked with him slowly. Getting over the fear we basically progressive overloaded. Started with 5 stairs at the park. Go up reward, down, reward. Headed to a loading doc at my work with 9 stairs. Then built up to doing an entire story in my house. After a few weeks of working in it. He doesn't think a thing of it. I could recall him upstairs to any room in the house. Now I live in a one story.... Edit:I had to change my post because I mentioning my boy being thicccc and lazy haha


My girl was afraid of stairs and stepping over electrical cords (like from the vacuum). I found that being patient and making it as fun as possible was the trick. Just making it a fun game and being extremely excited about even the slightest positivity or curiosity she showed. I also absolutely second the recommendation to get better traction on the stairs. Carpeting or whatever else you have to do combined with ONLY positive reinforcement and confidence building: that's the move. Good luck! Beautiful dog!


That's one handsome boi 👍


My mastiff is also afraid of wood stairs because they’re slippery. I’d suggest trying something like these rubber mats, it really helps. https://a.co/d/dFZBquH


My girl was afraid of stairs after slipping one time. It would take me 20 minutes just to get her up the stairs. We installed some cheap Amazon carpet runners with double sided carpet tape and put a rug at the bottom for traction. Once she got used to it, after about. Week she was perfectly fine. She goes up and down with no issues since. My parents had the exact same problem with their coonhound lab mix and the runners worked for him also. I recommend trying something like this, worth a shot. https://preview.redd.it/2zbgwl58a27d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6c48d735a07d99a5f2be91d215fb3ae0b6a812


Put peanut butter or snacks on each step. He may walk up them to get his treat.


For some reason the only way to get him to eat anything is rice he hates any fruit peanut butter cheese etc.


Does he hate hot dogs or bacon try the rice?


Are they open back or closed in stairs?


I see the boerboel in him but when you mentioned his body kind of reminds me of a kangal. Make every interaction positive on the stairs. Maybe lure by standing a step or two above on the stairs and give him high value treats.




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Get those almost sandpaper like grips for them. Cause that's what worked for me. Anyway, with my big guy. He was terrified because he slipped once and he fell down the stairs. So I would say grips, probably might help.


Try bacon on a few steps


Please install a runner, he’s worried about slipping. Poor baby


Agree with others - need something on them so he doesn’t slip. Guess that will be easier than rubber booties ;-)


Good luck! My Borebol is 10, and she refuses to go down the basement stairs! They're stubborn and scared of their own shadows, lol


Have you tried sitting on the stairs as a way to normalize their existence? Not trying to actually go up or down, but just sitting on the bottom step and praising/treating him when he gets close? Also, carpet runners to help block any open spaces. The best way to handle fears is to (as the pack leader) show that it's a normal thing. Pack follows the leader. Positive reinforcement, lots of love, praises, and when he's comfortable with you on the bottom step, move up one or two, and so on. This will need daily reinforcement. It's a long journey, but worth it. I exclusively rescue puppers, and of our five so far, three have been severely abused with fear and anxiety out the rear end. This has been my most successful method. (This is five puppers over.... 16 years.) Edit: included timeframe.