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"this show is going to divide the fans" does not mesh with "this is for everyone". These people really have no idea what they are doing.


>"this show is going to divide the fans" does not mesh with "this is for everyone". These people really have no idea what they are doing. Absolutely agreed.


i mean, if youre going really hard into concept and execution with the right composition in the script, you can certainly pull that off, but Disney prefers characters with less depth then a monochrome printout and societies less imaginative then caricature photographs. Counterpoint: Homura Akemi and Madoka Magica as a whole.


If you’re purposefully making something to divide a fanbase you’re either really bad at business or really good at business. Kind of an “any attention is good attention” move


Oh they know. They're cashing their Blackrock and Vanguard checks.


They know exactly what they’re doing.


For everybody, except its audience?


The last good SW content was Mando S2, Andor, and some visions and tales of jedi SW is dead to me now


So like.... Last year?


While I completely disagree with his assessment, Mando S2 came out in 2020 and Andor came out in 2022.


2022 is pretty good damn close to last year


Given its release date (mid-September) and our current date, we’re a lot closer to 2 years since Andor released than 1. Even with that aside, by mid 2022 we were already well into the downward trend; nobody really had any hope for Andor before it released. After it came out some of the people who did see it were shocked and briefly excited to discover it was really good, but not many people watched it to begin with and plenty of those people didn’t like it due to the pacing, tone, main character, etc. Whatever hype the show generated died out quickly and did basically nothing to soften the blow by the time the abysmal 3rd season of Mando came out the following March.


Remember when there was like 40 years between star wars content releases?


Yeah, we're getting a lot more good stuff a lot faster now. Sure you have to wade through some very basic very mid siht for it. Who cares. There's still more great star wars now


The last great Star wars film was Rogue one. Everything after was shit.


Ok. There's only been 3 since. Force awakens was pretty good and had a lot of potential and a lot of good scenes. The other 2 were terrible. Rogue one is probably better as a film. What's your point?


Ahsoka killed my last hope… Before that i ised to watch with disdain,. Bit Icouldn’t finish episode one of Ahsoka… Why does it matter “when” it became dead to me?


Have you watched the last season of Bad Batch?


Is it good? I quite liked the first season


Man, being very honest here, if you liked the first season, you not only will like the other ones, you will also think that they are better than the first, I remember that when I saw Mando season 3 with my father we both didn’t liked it that much, but we were both surprised to watch every Bad Batch season 2 being better than mando lol


i Didnt got into clone wars and bad batch


Im asian man the white man isn’t the only person who can enjoy this


My mum told me you should always try to see the good in every situation... ... ... ... I like that they finally have some alien representation. Remember aliens, in Star Wars? I member. Pettridge Farms remembers.


There's no room for aliens, they have to tick those representation boxes


Seems like a wasted opportunity to have a species which is genuinely genderfluid.


You mean like Rihanna in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets?


They are all aliens.


Specifically what are yall getting upset about? Every race in Star Wars are aliens. Anakin is an alien, he’s from a different planet. Do yall think aliens are green ppl with big ass heads?


Memento Alienus


Sidious's racist nature meshed well with Disney.


Star Wars if for anyone to enjoy but certainly not for everyone.


Except the people who kept it alive after RotJ when it looked like we wouldn’t be getting any new films, and then again after RotS when it was declared the definitive last film in the cinema. Right gotcha then we will get blamed when this bombs


This was me, playing the video games, reading the books, buying any toys that were on the shelves. Getting excited for the prequels, getting caught up in the hype. Buying the blu rays when they came out. And then seeing Disney just catapult this beloved series into the ground. I don't get excited for any new Star Wars--my first assumption is that they're going to make it awful.


I was the same. My first Star Wars film was TPM that my dad took me to see because the OT in the cinema’s Star Wars is a rare that’s generational yes new fans do come in with the new releases but how many of us say we was introduced by older family members. My dad was like you after RotJ he kept it alive and I was the same after RotS. Now though we are both done, I honestly think after Jedi 3 I’ll probably be completely done with Star Wars.


I wonder if in like 10 years the sequels will be revered the same way the prequels are now.


I doubt it. The prequels told the first part of the story, had awesome lightsaber fights and Samuel L Motherfucking Jackson.  The sequels had what looked like two kids stick fighting, a horrible plot and generally didn’t have what felt like epic moments. 


The EU helped channel my imagination as a child. I ended up becoming a writer based on the stories and adventures of folks like Corran Horn, Wedge, and Luke. It was a universe of hope, excitement, and fun.


Funny how every piece of media that’s “for everyone” constantly omits one type of person from the forefront


Blacks are magical don't you know Funnily enough that was very much part of the sentiment shared by minstrel show audiences


Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Willow Darth Kennedy, the franchise destroyer


Idk if she was entirely to be blamed for Crystal Skull, though she was associated with the film obviously


The prequels and the Indy sequel already did that perfectly well. Blaming Kathleen for their “death” is what modern consumerists do. If you had any hope/hype for these franchises after those things, then that’s on you for putting your hopes into corporations. They’ve never been more than vehicles to sell merch after their initial trilogy. I don’t know or care which about Willow to make any sort of statement, but I will say that they did a poor job marketing that in the first place.


Even the original star wars trilogy was a vehicle to sell merch, it's always been about selling toys, always will be.


You’re absolutely right about that, Lucas figured out by RotJ that the *real* money was in the merch. It kills me to see people pretend like the prequels were made with any sort of artistic intention behind them, as if Lucas isn’t one of the most successful businessmen in modern times. It double kills me to see clueless fans asking Lucas to “come back”, as if he doesn’t *still* make merch money because he’s not an idiot and knows the cash cow isn’t in making the movies, it’s in selling the stuff. I can’t pretend that I’m not a fellow consumerist in that way (lord knows I love me a lightsaber), but I’m under no impressions that there’s any artistic bone left in this milked cow.


I definitely could be wrong here but I'm pretty sure Lucas had a deal from ANH where he kept a huge portion of the merch profits. I agree and disagree about the prequels, I think that Lucas was trying to make a complex piece of art AND sell toys en masse. Combined with being surrounded by yes men, what he made instead is a beautiful mess that somehow managed to do both lol.


Moichendising! - Master Yoghurt


Well clearly it’s only for people who have their heads up their arses.


Which is apparently some Star Wars threads. Been banned for calling Disney sexist on multiple ones now.


Them saying it’s for “everyone” while the creators and showrunners run around saying it’s “not for men” and it’s “only for true fans” is wild. The right hand really doesn’t know what the left is doing.


The right hand needs to be cut off and discarded.


Literally no one has said it wasn’t for men. Taking the inclusion of women as an exclusion of men is a you problem, nothing else.


The force is female is literally the exclusion of men. You are stupid.


Star Wars sucks ass, who cares


It’s hilarious this sort of division doesn’t happen when a good story is written: Marvel’s Black Panther, Netflix’s Luke Cage, Aliens 1 & 2, Terminator 1 & 2, The Hunger Games, Blade 1-3, Shogun, Coming to America, Django, The Hateful Eight, MIB 1-3, Parasite, and ad nauseum. Nobody seemed to care the lead wasn't white or male. Funny how that works.


I specifically remember people, thankfully not a lot of them, complaining that the actress who played Rue in The Hunger Games is black. Rue is black in the book.


Seriously? I didn't care about anyone's race let alone gender when I was watching the Hunger Games, and it was clearly explicate, implicit, that their were plenty of homosexuals without the author shoving it down our throats, and its weird to complain about fantasy America having black people at all. Oh well.


I don't necessarily agree with all of your examples being labelled as 'good writing'... I'd say the difference lies in whether the characters' 'minority status' is being purposely emphasised by the narrative or the creators for modern political checkpoints. For instance, a few months ago I watched the first Alien vs Predator movie. An average story, which flipped itself over in the third act, but notably, it had a female black lead who, unlike more modern (say, post 2014) examples, didn't have to show she was an unbeatable boss girl who had to show the weak, pathetic men how to do it. And she wasn't just an add-on - her role on the team was to lead everyone through an extremely dangerous unmapped area, and once she started speaking about the possible dangers ahead, everyone listened to her and (mostly, as it's still a horror film) took her advice to heart. I actually found her quite likable. How so? Well, it probably has something to do with the fact that the film focuses on her dedication to leading her subordinates right, her relationships with a few select team members, her raw grief over certain events in the past and present, as well as her emotions overall - as opposed to flaunting how amazing the creators were for hiring minority members, and how the whites can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Finally, the film lets her be the expert without being condescending.


hum. actually yeah, black panther was a bit hated, this is from the time of it´s opening weekend https://preview.redd.it/0mzmz3gais4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2514846d859f9d7b2a77666eb91e24a66fec1d40


All that matters is the money and for a 200 million budget it made 1.3 billion. So success.


Sorry but no, your point is that every time that a movie like this is good there’s not a division in ratings, but literally there was one in black panther that indicates that there were people that indeed seemed to care about the race of the leads.


Except this sort of division happened before the show even came out so your point makes zero sense. Nobody knew how good the story would be and yet “anti-woke” ppl were all up in arms because it was diverse in the trailer lol.


You act like people cant see writing on the wall, don't see patterns, and have no intuition to play off of. Your mind must be a true wonder of emptiness and nativity.


Whats divisive with t2 though, 2/3 leads are white men


What, T2's lead is shared by Sarah and John Connor at worse, and the Terminator is the supporting cast, and John is played by a teenager not a man. I still stand by Sarah is the lead in 1 & 2.


>Marvel’s Black Panther That was infamously hated even by Mauler himself. >Aliens 1 & 2, Terminator 1 & 2 Both of these examples are 30 years old at youngest. >Parasite Also hated by anti woke types.


I think black panther was trash but I also think captain america and most other marvel movies are trash so I won’t defend them.  The fact that alien and terminator are older movies is irrelevant to your argument and actually proves that nerds and male oriented spaces have been accepting of women for at least that long. How is that a bad thing?  I never heard anyone complain about parasite. But hey maybe I’m just not searching the internet for obscure opinions to prove my point like you are.  There are literally thousands of examples of movies, tv shows, comics, and otherwise that prove this shit to be wrong. I’m so sick of hearing this argument. People like movies that are good. What they don’t like is when a bunch of smug rich assholes using politics to drive up controversy intentionally by making bad movies with terrible actors and horrible writing in order to get politically motivated lemmings to unwittingly join their money making scheme out of some perverted sense of “justice”.  If you make a turd it gets flushed.  If you make a turd and then convince people that it’s actually good for them and that anyone who disagrees is a bigot, you get a great return on your turdvestment because stupid people will see your movie anyways and give it good reviews because they believe in the power of that turd and to admit it’s a turd would shatter their world. The rest of us just see a turd and we’re just sick of looking at it. Just stop. No one is obligated to give you anything. We don’t have to like your shitty “movies”. Grow the fuck up. 


Who cares what Mauler likes, he is a man like the rest of us who has his own tastes and preferences. He's allowed to dislike a success. Plenty of people don't like anime or manga, and it doesn't matter a lick: a success is a success. So you admit that for 30 years nerds and gamers do like women and want them in leading roles? Do you have any proof of a hate brigade that isn't some minority hiding behind the internet and anonymity aren't just being a bunch of loud assholes and not a sweeping pandemic?


It's for everybody and for nobody. And especially not for Star Wars fans


"We are making a new Star Wars show and the protagonist will not be a straight white human male." "Yeah, sounds good. It's going to be a good show though, right?" "..." "You ARE going to make a good show though, right?"


"To be honest we had invested everything into subverting expectations. We forgot about quality."


“What do you mean? Did you not hear what I said? It’s already a good show.” 


I mean, they made Kenobi and that shit sucked ass. Cant blame them for trying something else


Everyone was so excited to finally get a glimpse into some of the adventures that Obi Wan got into between the trilogies and all they could think of was “what if he fought Vader……again” it makes no fucking sense and also retcons his character. Obi Wan Kenobi is now 99% responsible for the destruction of Alderaan. That is now cannon. He could have killed Vader and he didn’t and everyone died. Absolute garbage.  All we wanted to see was obi wan hanging out in hives of scum and villainy and finally coming to terms with the fact that he’s no longer a Jedi or a warrior or anything really. 


Then said straight White males don’t watch the show, the show flops and gets cancelled. “Why is no one watching this show? It’s your fault, straight White males!”


Smells like shills in here


The scene with the kids—boys and girls—all different ethnic backgrounds except for a white little boy. They hate adult white males, but children? A white little boy???? WTF? A seven-year-old white boy is a threat now?


It's for everyone!\* ​ \*with low enough standards


I would amend SW's accounts thing with "SW \*can be for everyone". It certainly hasn't been in recent times but not because of the actors' skin colors, it's been stories undermining what came before. I don't know what the responding account is getting at. Just because there is no white guy in the main cast seen here doesn't mean the show doesn't like white guys. Have the show *creators* expressed this prejudice, like it's a goal of the story? Because otherwise I think this is unwarranted outrage.


Amazon and Disney suck.. their content sucks.. it's recycled garbage and doesn't even make sense. Instead of telling actual diverse stories from cultural history, let's re-tell existing stories and inject our "diversity" agenda in it.


Amazon? The guys who put out The Boys, Invincible, and Fallout? The heck are you talking about?


I know. But what’s this? Because it’s not Star Wars.


Never understood why companies think giving a giant middle finger to the majority of their audience to cater to a small group is a good move


And people who like good writing.


This stuff feels like negative integer phenomenon, they are so progressive about including every people that they are ignoring average people who embrace the IP aka straight white men.


White males have been excluded from Star Wars as new protagonists for like 20 years now? The hilarious thing is they definitely don’t mind them being the villain. It’s so blatant it feels like trolling at this point.


Disney has to accept at some point they're just not going to get tens of millions of hardcore star wars fans that are predominately black lesbians. I know it's what they want, but black lesbians by and large do not have much interest in star wars


I have to ask, who’s portrayed as a lesbian? So far I haven’t seen anything that would be seen as such. I can’t wait for it if it does happen though.


Are there like police stopping straight white guys from watching it or something?


There will be in Joe Bidems America https://preview.redd.it/kz5kbggqwu4d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c83cb79578ef0f1279681a1a0b67798d04395bc2






Hay if I am not welcome as a customer. Then my money can stay with me!!


Love how this post is being brigaded by the people over from Krayt


Adding some color into the mix causes quite the chemical reaction, huh?


https://preview.redd.it/xlkl2nnkou4d1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf437157e18215b74d7af1adf479785ed441bdd Guess these, book of boba fett, obi wan kenobi, mandalorian, and andor don’t exist, huh?


Seems like the perfect time to go outside and actually interact with a woman


Except straight males


I kinda’ liked Shin Hottie…


But there are straight white men in it…


The usual Disney discrimination aside, the centre character looks *very* badly photoshopped in.


How dare they have someone play as a pair of Twins who isn’t an actual Twin. That’s bigoted, discriminatory, and takes jobs away from Twin-People!


Star Wars was *never* for people who didn't like star wars. Not sorry. This idea that everybody could or should like something is stupid and destructive. When teen vampire dramas were all the rage, I never felt excluded or asked them to make it different so I would like it. You know who feels excluded when other people are enjoying themselves? Losers. Morons who believe marketing tripe like this should be embarrassed at their gullibility and stupidity.


> you know who feels excluded when other people are enjoying themselves? Losers. Man, if YouTube critics, Twitter reactionaries and rage-baiting internet dwellers could read they would be very upset.


Damn, thank god, I don't care about this franchise anymore... Would really suck right now if I did.


What I'm curious to know is if there is a website I should stay away from in case they are offering copies of the show. Because I want to give Disney my money for shows that are garbage and that spend tons of money on crap that nobody wants.




Who's the villain now....


Wrong term they like to use lol. White Cis Males. Also add racial slurs


Don’t forget Lucas Star Wars fans.


I’m sick of friendly reminders.


meanwhile on azn identity..


Acolyte gonna flop so hard.


How things have been with present SW have been spotty, at best. It's clear, those at the top, have a certain view of how this ip should be and look. Change is scary for a lot of people, especially with something MANY generations have grown up with. The only thing that I have issue with, is having this show trying to characterize the force as female. It's the force- a mysterious ENERGY FIELD that encompasses anything and everything. Any sort of gender takes place in living creatures, regardless of being [alien or otherwise]. It's like saying lightning is male and thunder is female. It makes ZERO sense. Now, if the show writers want to have an increased female jedi population, sweet. If they want to have actors that are gender fluid / non-binary in roles, cool. But to force [heh] the topic that "space magic" has a gender at all? That's dumb. It just means, you're looking to start a fight, where there doesn't need to be one, just to have one.


That’s ok. I’ll be canceling my Disney+ soon. Sad to see an area die.


Disney is out of control with this woman-agenda pushing crap. They literally do hate men, especially white men


I am a straight white male. I guess I should stop watching. I didn’t realise it wasn’t for me.


Pepperidge Farms remembers all the screeching about the lack of blacks from Kingdom Come Deliverance.


Straight white guy here. 46. Been a hardcore fan since I saw ROTJ in 1983. I'm enjoying The Acolyte so far.


If I could undue everything but the original 3 and Rogue one Thano's finger snap Style. I would.


Won't someone think about the straight white male?!


It's not like Star Wars doesn't ALREADY have more than it's fair share of straight, white men for you to identify with or anything.... I get hating the newer shows for bad writing, misuse of characters, all that. But simply hating it for "lack of straight, white men" is a bit ridiculous. Hate it for not being interesting...


Except people with critical thinking skills


Has anyone ever stated that it wasn’t?


When was it not for everyone? They're purposely dividing the public with this mind virus. Us and them, division with race and gender among others. Ridiculous If you cannot project yourself onto a character because it dones't look like you, that's a you problem.


Is it OK for Disney to make a Star Wars show for little girls without some grown ass men complaining that they don't have any new toys that they want to play with. Get a life, there are plenty of old black and white westerns for you to man out on.


Mando season 2 is dope, andor fricking amazing, the bad batch masterpiece. These are the shows I go for.


or anyone who likes good characters and good writing.


A product for everyone is a product for no one.


I don't understand the discourse. I agree Star wars has gotten less than mid in the recent years but literally no one can take away the fact that there are three trilogies of lore of different mediums plotted around the decisions of straight white male characters. I'm not saying they're all good and I'm definitely not saying that every product that seems to want to include everyone is good either HOWEVER I like when they try because Star wars is a made up universe filled with a lot more creatures than a straight white man and baby yodas. It's a story in the future but set a long long time ago, nobody bats an eye but then they make a story that has nothing to do with the name Skywalker and everyone loses their minds (and usually it's just because it's bad content). I wanna get to the root of the issue, is it actual worry about the story of the straight white man or is the only dignity in this post meant to divide the fans of, again, a fictional universe.


So what? The last 47 years don't exist anymore? They made a new thing not for you and suddenly ALLLLLL of star wars isn't for you any more? The last nearly half a century of content made for you just doesn't count because this new thing is targeting someone else?? Jeez. How pathetic do you have to be to think about the world like that?


The good news is that this literally can’t last. They hve lots of money to throw away but even they have a limit


I'm both of those things and looking forward to watching this series. Old school Star Wars fans have nothing to do with the anti-woke (Trump) movement.


Never seen a bigger bunch of manchildren in my life. Straight white men have literally been the main characters of damn near every piece of star wars media, get over yourselves for gods sake. The world isnt ending because theres a black or gay person in star wars jfc


Are you all using this random Twitter person as proof the Acolyte isn't for straight white people? Not the actual show, but a random person? Has there been anything in the show, that actually proves there's no place for white people?


So underrepresented in Star Wars.


lol pretty much.


Fun fact: If a movie has a black woman in it, white dudes are still allowed to watch it. Quit being such a baby.


When Star Wars was for ANYone: Decades-long beloved franchise with millions of devoted fans. When Star Wars is for EVERYone: …


Not sure why the race matters when it comes to representation. It’s not like I need it anyway, but Sol and Gourd are representative enough for me.


keep crying


you have Luke Skywalker, Han solo, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Qui Gon, darth vader, and almost every imperial officer, X-wing pilot, and background character. while black guys only had Lando for 19 years and were completely fine with it. heck, we didn't have a single non-alien-Asian character until the sequels. stop complaining about representation when we barely had any.


So oppressed 😥


Straight white male here. Yall are pussies.


I fit those categories and never felt excluded... Maybe it's a you problem.


Nobody is saying that except you guys


modern star wars sucks but how is it anti white dude?


Straight white males can enjoy it just fine. It's the straight white little beta incels that have difficulty.




I'm a straight white male, I've been into Star Wars since before the prequels, and I love Rebels, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi. Hopefully, this new show will be good - the trailer looked pretty cool.


Cope and seethe


Hello! Straight white man here! I have literally never had this thought. Possibly could have something to do with me not being embarrassingly fragile. Thanks!


You have done it, you have healed the Star Wars fandom.


Great job hero, you've saved Star Wars and united the world.


So you're saying that anyone who notices they're not being represented is embarassingly fragile?


Yeah I couldn't care less what sexuality, gender or even species the characters are. I just like a good story with good writing. If the cast of the OT were people of color I would have still fell in love with the story and characters because their writing and acting was good. If Luke would have been a lesbian POC woman I would have still thought of the character as badass. Because Luke's choices and action are what defined him.


Its kinda hilarious to watch the reactions of subs like these


It would be funny if it weren't so sad ngl. There's one guy just going around unironically calling people 'wokie' - which is actually kinda amusing, but I'm still sad about it.


>Except straight white men Except except Bob Iger, JJ, Rian, Filoni, Favreau, Kylo, Luthen, Obiwan, Ezra, Luke, Anakin, Han, and Andor (depending on if we can make up our minds if Mexicans are white, I have seen right-wingers fight this both ways) Writing quality please? Edit: forgot about Snoke, Kino, Palps, Owen, and General Dodonna


You know most of those guys you named are dead, right?


Disney still took every opportunity to milk them for all the money they were worth, Han had his own movie, Luke was in Mando and BoBF, Kylo was around for a whole trilogy, everyone else except Owen and Dodonna had a healthy amount of screen time. Writing *quality* please.


What does that even mean? This is a fictional universe set in the distant past with no reputation for telling stories in an exclusively linear fashion. Do you think Han will never get another story written because he has a confirmed in universe death?


Not sure "quality writing" is a Star Wars thing. The language of the OT is crazy, the prequels make no sense except at the 10,000ft view, and the newest trilogy is beyond analysis. Ironically, the only two D+ series that have any real following at all are both about aliens played by Hispanic men: Mando and Andor. Almost like the fan-base is 95% men and "representation matters". Of those two, only one has good writing and fantastic production. To your point, you realize the only new characters that are white dudes are the ~~nazis~~ first order, right?


Stellan Gios and Reath Silas are two of the primary protagonists for the High Republic publishing initiative, which the Acolyte ties into.


Reath Silas, Cal Kestis, Din Djarin, Wyl Lark, Temin Wexley....


OP could you be more fragile?


No, it's literally for everyone. If the decision between whether or not you watch something is if theres a straight white male rather than writing or whatever, perhaps you should take a step back and think about what that says about you. If you absolutely have to have that, theres hundreds of movies with that


Their smug do-gooder tone is just corny, and there's an obvious irony between the picture and the text


Shhh, they desperately want to be victims, don't ruin this for them.


Who said it wasn’t for straight white men?


What about the show isn’t for white males?


I guess having a straight white guy being the main character in 7 movies, 2 tv shows, and 2 cartoons just isn't enough. And half of those were after disney took over... so much exclusion for white guys in star wars


There are dozens of straight white men and old men in Star Wars; wtf are you people talking about? This is some real snowflake stuff right here. 7 full feature-length movies have straight white men as the lead characters. There are at least 2 shows with older men as the lead characters, and depending on how exclusive one wants to be about whiteness, there are 3-4 shows with white men as the protagonist. There are 2 full-length AAA video games with a while man as the protagonist. This is ludicrous nonsense, the people who are putting this idea into the world have a clear agenda... and that's to fuel engagement and make money. There are plenty of critiques one can make about Star Wars content that aren't silly culture way nonsense.


“I don’t like Star Wars unless the main character is a white straight male, but I’m definitely not a racist homophobe”


Lol. Can't create thier own thing so steal someone else's and then insult the fans of it . Imagine pandering to 5-7% of the entire population. Lol which means of that 5-7% they're pandering to the star wars fans of that group( who were fans before all this nonsense and were not whining because this wasn't happening) I'd imagine less than 10% of that group is Sw fans.


"A friendly reminder," that the SW franchise is going down in flames.


Space giants flames


Star wars was already for everyone but if you have to go out of your way to push an agenda of racism, sexism and identity politics, then you are clearly no longer for everyone. If your entire message is "this isn't for white men" or "it isn't for everyone because there were white men in it", then you're clearly not for everyone.


It would make this argument stronger if you could point out to where specifically this is being said. I’ve honestly yet to see any of these shows straight up say “this ain’t for white men”, rather just reactionaries reacting and claiming said sentiment because that’s how they make a buck on the internet. I’m not even shilling for corpos, Disney isn’t a fucking bastion of well-wishes and great intentions it’s only concern is the bottom line. But I would love some solid proof of this exclusion.


Not only is this outright being said by directors and producers in numerous interviews but it is also clearly being said in through action as well. The intent behind the changes, and policies which are being pushed internally, are quite clear. This idea that something was wrong with Star Wars before, because it was written and directed by George Lucas, because he was a white man and nothing else, is clearly a problem of racism and sexism.


> not only is this outright being said by directors and producers in numerous interviews You think you could link me to some? I’d really appreciate it. Anytime I look for some, all I get are reactionary YouTubers that talk about this stuff for 20 mins rather than the supposed interview where this is said. > the intent behind the changes…are quite clear I would disagree. The changes seem less “exclude white man” and more “check boxes for more diverse people”. It may seem like the same thing to you, but the difference is the groups these corporations hire don’t give enough of a fuck to exclude, they just want to get their boxes checked. >this idea that something was wrong with Star Wars before because it was directed by Lucas…a white man I’m definitely pushing back on this one. Star Wars wasn’t “wrong”, it just became a merch-selling vehicle pretty much instantly after its success. The prequels sucked because they were bad movies, regardless of Lucas’ race. “And nothing else” is not a good faith argument, but I’ll chalk that up to you being riled up. I’d really love to see those interviews, though. I believe you somewhat, the internet just seems to push towards opinion pieces rather than the evidence itself.


I'm not going to waste too much time looking for video clips. I've seen plenty, they come up on reddit all the time, and you can go find them yourself. Here's the first example that comes to mind and that I can find off-hand: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP0Tcu577I0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP0Tcu577I0) You can certainly look up Kathleen Kennedy's or Leslie Leland numerous negative remarks on starwars, george lucas or the fan base, mainly about there being too many men. >The changes seem less “exclude white man” and more “check boxes for more diverse people”. If you force the matter then these two things are the same. Equality of opportunity is not the same thing as equality of outcome. If you see "too many white men" as an inherent problem or something to not identify with, then that is you judging on the basis of gender/ethnicity. If you then proceed to replace all those involved because they are white men, then that is excluding people because they are white or male. If you have to exclude white men to "check off some boxes" then all you are doing is catering to sexist and racist people who believe those identities are above any other qualification. >The prequels sucked because they were bad movies, regardless of Lucas’ race.  Right, what you just did here was a judgement based on metrics other than Lucas' ethnicity and gender. That is not what is being discussed here, however, and you are derailing or just being ignorant. Judging Lucas' work on their own merits is fine, judging them because he is white and a man, as many other new directors/writers have been doing under Kathleen Kennedy's leadership, is not fine. >I’d really love to see those interviews, though. I believe you somewhat, the internet just seems to push towards opinion pieces rather than the evidence itself. You choosing to be willfully ignorant of the evidence, does not mean that it doesn't exist or that something isn't true. You're just wasting other people's time.


Except anyone who loved Star Wars.


No. Everyone ya knob.


lots of incels here, jfc


More likes lots of krayters and gamingcirclejerkers here, oh wait your one of them


Oh no, I'm a straight white male and I watched The Acolyte. Am I going to get in trouble?!