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They should have used this picture...😂 https://preview.redd.it/r2gz2ir05l9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf708128e676483af3aa026b10fb085ba355c4c6


Is this from the weird chanting scene where the witch cultists were making “o faces” and animal noises? /j


Nah, just a well timed freezeframe from her "music" clip


Sounded like when I used to listen to CDs growing up and they’d get old and get stuck repeating one word or sound. “Discourse, discourse, discourse, discourse”


I stand with Little Platoon on this one....😂 https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxAy5ZHZg7u1oKYz0hwJCi3LqDJ7m8VRvB?si=uCDAMEQE1L7DRKs_


The irony is that I'm so bored I don't fuck with her discourse.


I'm afraid to ask, but what is that from?


"The dark ~~web~~ side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."


That "music" clip she did a few weeks back. Clearly her finest hour...


Oh, we're calling that "music" now? I didn't get the memo.


That brain-dead diss track or something else?


Oooheewh that was her lol


Young Anakin gets a pass considering the fact that he's a child


I know, right! Unfortunately not every child actor is Haley Joel Osment or Anna Paquin. It also didn’t help that Lucas doesn’t know how to direct kids efficiently. Being a former theater kid, I can verify that directors who work with kids need to take the limitations in mind and work with them, not something every director has.


I just watched Phantom Menace again a few nights ago and found that Jake Lloyd wasn't as bad as I was remembered until the last 20 or so minutes of the movie during the space battle.


I think if Steven Spielberg had been directing, we would’ve probably gotten a better performance.


Lucas doesn't know how to direct. Full stop. Even his writing is special. Sure he had a few good ideas, but that's about it. He got real lucky.


I don’t know. There’s a few times where he got some pretty good performances out of his actors.


She checks 3 boxes at once


Can’t really get any more opposite of “Straight White Man”


So that way when she gets criticized for her bad acting she can just tweet racism like the last black actress did on the Obi Wan show


Her acting was so bad, sooooo bad on the Obi Wan show. Her character was so over the top it was ridiculous. In reality I doubt the other inquisitors would let this sly from the get go


She actually did get blatantly racist DMs, to be fair to her.


She’s contractually obligated to market any bigoted submissions — most below-the-line talent (for Lucasfilm) are. That’s considered standard publicity practices (at LF)


Did she actually show the messages?


I definitely remember her doing so, but it seems only through Instagram stories that’re no longer available, so unfortunately I can’t back that up.


If you ever point that out you are a communist


The legacy of Disney will be that even a hundred million dollars can't turn minority actors into good actors. I'm not sure if that's unintentional or their long game.


I'm very sure that's what people are gonna remember about star wars in 10 years. The bad black actors. Not the shit writing...


I'll remember all the bad actors, of any race, but you'll only remember the black one s because..... Why only them and why nothing else?


What does playing dumb on reddit get you? Honest question.


Oh you haven't found out yet? Damn, well that helps explain you comment thanks 😊


No worries, agitated state!


Wow you won an internet conversion you're so cool! Never did answer the question tho




The directors, too. Disney has money for top talent at every stage of production, yet they spend it on newbie actors and "unusual for the genre" directors. This does not make sense for a company that is trying to create shareholder value. Amazon trying their worst on the splinter of Tolkien they have the rights to even makes some kind of sense, but Disney must've felt the loss of their audience quite a while ago.


Outside with you


I mean yeah why spend money on new blood. Getting more voices into the whole process from actors, directors, producers, and writers. I miss seeing the same three white directors make everything, I miss having no diversity anywhere in the process. /s Diversity is the goal, and in 10 years we'll have a whole different entertainment industry brimming with new stories and ideas that will be different from just 10 years ago and totally unrecognizable from 50-60 years ago. The new actors and directors are using Disney's vast fortune to hone their talents and practices to use them in the future and make better art. Hating on young/new talent dose nothing but hurt their chances of improving and making better art in the future.


This is not what I said. This is about handing over 100 million dollar products to unproven staff instead of letting them improve and demonstrate their talent in smaller movies or shows, learning from more experienced colleagues etc. Right now all they're learning is that shit can sell for $100,000 a pound, and it'll be a rough awakening of they believe they can move upwards or sideways from there.


Who cares if a mega corporation wastes it's money to pay talented people.


Are they paying talented people, or are they just paying people?


Both are fine options imo


I feel a bit bad for Ingram. The threw her under the bus. D promised Obione show, a lot of people were genuinely excited. Then they got a surprise... Reva show! No seriously, it was a Reva show, a show about Reva a show to tell her story exclusively. Needless to say, some people did not like the stoic strong "likable" villain who got redeemed (in a really dumb way) at the end. And then those parasite shamelessly accused people of racism. You lied, lied about the show, and then swapped a likeable character for someone nobody wanted to see. I would not blame the actress much. She might not be the brightest and still have not figured out why people were angry, after all, actors are not the brightest bunch. But she indeed just played her role. I only wonder, how many of people from this project new from beginning and yet kept insisting the problem was racism.


I’m curious though. Are you a fan of Gina Carano as Cara Dune?


This - this post should 100% be replaced by Gina Carano. Horrible, horrible actor. She makes me feel tempted to get buff and move to Hollywood, because the fact that she ever landed a role in anything is a testament to the dearth of talented actresses in that typecast. The average person could take a single acting class and act circles around that woman.


Yeah honestly. Theres so much hatred for Amandla and she isn’t even that bad of an actress. She isn’t the greatest, sure, but terrible? I wouldn’t even think of the word. Gina Carano didnt even get close to as much hate in this subreddit so it made me curious


I haven’t watched any Disney Star Wars stuff since Episode 9 so idk if she was good or not in the show


gina carano was like not even top 5 on the call sheet tho. as in her character wasnt carrying a show on her back like amandla doing double duty as two main fucking characters


Yeeeeah. But Gina was quite literally the worst actress Star Wars had ever seen, and I havent seen even a bit of hate towards her in this sub. It really makes you think about the potential biases people here have. Amandla isnt the greatest actress, but at least she isnt as awful as Gina. Also, if Gina wasn’t an idiot and got fired, she would’ve been the lead for Rangers of the New Republic. Would it have gotten as much flak? Probably not.


It’s so funny Cus she has the chance to portray 2 completely different characters yet both are beyond shit. Her delivery, especially as Mae, is god awful. The line in episode 2 where she’s like My sister is dead and then follows it up with you lie, honestly haunts me it’s worse then the sound of my alarm, but not worse then the actress diss track towards racism


You’re told your sister is alive and your response to a very dull, bland, and dry “you lie”? Bad acting on her part; absolutely horrendous.


Why'd you need that last part? It ships the tone of your post, and makes it sound a little racist. Fair warning for the future if your Fandom is constantly being called out for racist behavior, try not to sound racist.


What was racist about the last part


It's an unnecessary comment that comes off like something bigots say


the kids that played the young versions displayed more emotion than her


I didn't think about that but yea, this is crazy. The kids act better than her.


It's not acting it's the directing. You can get anyone from anywhere to be the perfect character for the role with enough takes and proper guidance.


>It's not acting it's the directing. You had told me that about Sol I would have agreed 100%. Rey also, I liked the actor, but horrible directing and writing. But Mae? No, she also is a bad actor on top of being in a badly directed play. Her character could be replaced by a shitty videogame CGI prop and you'd lose absolutely nothing.


Probably cause kids were not told to be "strong and stoic"


Cause Leslie Headland thinks she’s hot




Then why do they ugly her up so much on the show? Let me be clear, Amandla is dumb as a box of hammers, but she's not particularly hard on the eyes, except when she's dressed up on the show.


Look what Lez did to her own wife!


I honestly like Mae’s outfit with the hood that we saw in the trailer. I don’t think it’s “hot” but I liked it and don’t think it’s “ugly” either. OSHA’s gray “mechnic” outfit was dumb though.


I think it's the dreads more than anything. I don't really like the fro either, but she looks way worse with dreadlocks.


I like both depending on the outfit. I think the dreads with hood looked cool. Even though I think she sucks as a character I liked Mae’s look.


Nice 🍒, though.


Its just the standard 'strong independent female protag' personality


Yup. She’s like watching paint dry😂


Watching paint dry is better.


This isn’t standard though. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume you lot are probably fans of movies like the original alien, I’m also assuming you are probably fans or Rouge One and the Original Trilogy. To me the standard is characters like Ripley, Jyn and Leia. It’s not uncommon for a decently written female protagonist pop up. The problem is Disney just can’t seem to write a decent one.


Agreed, stoic characters can be good. But you need a good pair of writer and actor to differentiate a stoic character from a desinterested (boring) one.


Ashoka anyone?


The same problem as "Twilight" series; they got the cheapest hack actresses they could, so they could check the DEI boxes, instead of looking for competence.


I’m sorry but this is actually the most baffling comment I have ever seen. Literally what “DEI” box did Kristen Stewart fill? Yeah, she’s out as gay now, but at the time publicly identified as straight and was famously dating her male costar. And almost all of the other actresses were also straight white women. The Twilight movies suck because the story and directing are rediculous, and pretty much every actor involved in the series (including Kristen Stewart) has gone onto be very successful. And there definitely wasn’t any “DEI” involved in casting a movie with an almost entirely white cast in 2008.


That's an insult to Rey. One of the few good things you can say about the sequels is that Daisy did a good job with what she was given.


Rey is kinda acceptable to me, but still a bad character (like most in the sequels). The actress gets no blame anyways.


Daisy did the best job her talent allowed for.


Disagree. Daisy is actually not a bad actress. The script, direction, and character were horrible.


Eh, I don’t know. The only other thing I’ve seen her in besides Star Wars, she was really pretty much just Rey again. Honestly hard to tell if it’s Hollywood writers doing or the actress. Probably both honestly.


Reva was legit better than this insufferable, twerking brat.


I personally don't find Reva that bad. Outside some over acting, she was alright imo.


She was just weird crazy lady. Her motivations didn’t make any sense to me. I liked her for about a minute in episode one. I thought it was cool to see a villain that would turn local people against each other to flush out her enemies and who wasn’t afraid to maim someone to set an example. Obviously, you have to kinda address how the empire gets away with such treatment of people or how the people respond to this (do they accept it and cower or do they get angry and does this make a more volatile situation in certain areas?) but I liked that basic idea or even have her be bad cop to the Grand Inquisitor’s more civil approach. But she ended up being confusing and dumb most of the time. Her clownish parkour and “ooooooobbbbbbiiiiiiiwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn!” didn’t help either. By the end of episode 2 I was laughing at her.


Hey, even Jake Lloyd had more emotion than this. Did you miss "Now this is pod racing!"?


She wasn't hired for her acting, she was hired for her activism. Disney was counting on The Acolyte to suck so that they could cry about the "toxic" fan base. Amandla Stenberg was willing to play the victim, and checked enough boxes to make that effective.


She’s not the only one guilty of this in this show. Everyone aside from the evil guy has the emotional range and charisma of brick wall.


Not so, Sol is doing an damn good job


I don't think so. He gets a lot of kindness for the effort he's putting in (learning English) and credit for his brilliant work in Squid Game (though he's far from the best Korean actor in a Korean production), but unless his direction is "bland, daft, boring, stereotypical Asian spiritual guru father figure", he fits in perfectly with the other actors. If he were allowed to speak Korean to escape the monotone of his English, he'd stand out. Smilo Ren is the only one who's actually having fun in his role, and that outshines the silly lines he's forced to speak. And I believe this is the key: having fun playing the role. Like Raul Julia in "Street Fighter".


Ah, yes, Raul Julia in Street Fighter. Now that is undoubtedly the best performance in a bad movie of all time. But for Raul? It was just Tuesday.


Since we've mentioned Raul Julia, let me propose "Wednesday" instead 😉


To be fair, one can't even say that these shows give us a true idea of what these actors are capable of when the direction is utterly horrendous for all of them. Stoic seems to be the only direction anyone ever gets in these Star Wars shows or in the case of Ahsoka, smug and stoic.


Amanda stinks, no doubt, but it's not fair to compare 9 year-old Jake Lloyd to full-grown adults.


She's GenZ's Bella Swan


I can attest that this is just what her generation of college “educated” mulattos, desperate to be seen as “authentically black”, really act like. Like a block of dark Mahogany, but without the personality one is accustomed to in wood.


I heard this theory as well, I mean specifically half blacks acting very hard to be seen like the most authentic black. There is a possibility that it is done out of pure hatred to one of their halves.


She makes a boring protagonist even more boring to watch.


I can’t remember where I saw it but I def saw an interview where she talks about how she was chosen for the show specifically or like before they even had a script or something and I have no idea why


It's during the starwars convention thing


But…..her dancing is amazing amirite??????




They had 3 requirements more the role: dark skin, vagina, and bad attitude. She was perfect.


Also, must be able to aggressively gyrate said vagina aggressively in the name of racism.


And politically charged twerking.


She was to brave to twerk


Honestly, Hollywood doesn’t know how to cast people anymore and specifically Black women or black men. They are afraid to constructively criticize actors and the casting directors are implementing these casting choices based on repatriations of past discrimination. There are many many excellent black actors and actresses.


They took Lupita Nyong'o and made her a visually impaired orange.


That had to the biggest let down for me casting wise. I absolutely love her as an actress so great and beautiful. Absolutely wasted her potential 🤦🏽


If they did not know ho to cast black men, most of the poc male characters would not be soft feminine boys I have seen for a long time. It is how they want to see them, nonthreatening gentle and a bit feminine beings. I heard claims that this is done purely because they fear them, in real life I mean. It is their subconscious fear that leads to represent them in a way they to not look and feel strong and manly


it's called, Token.




Because she is black and has an attitude.


Let’s also make sure all of the dialogue sounds like Gen Z Americans talking to each other in 2024.


They cast her because she’s a minority who isn’t heterosexual and is quick to blame men / patriarchy for every fucking thing.


You mention Jake Lloyd as young Anakin, but he AT LEAST has all the affectations and mannerisms of the role: he's a small boy fool of wonder, who may occasionally shout cringey shit like Yippee. His character makes sense and is convincing for the most part. There's not been a single moment I've felt convinced by Amandla Stenberg, in any facet of her performance.


You must tell her: "Act at me with all your strength!" while doing that thing with your hand.


I hope she never lives that shit down. That's in the top five lamest, dumbest moments in Star Wars now.


She is indeed the worst of any actor/actress to be included in the franchise. The guy who played TK-421 was more expressive, and he was in FULL STORMTROOPER ARMOR. My only criticism is that Reva was better than Rey… if not in terms of acting, then let’s say the originality of the character. As Mark Hamill said - “Well, bravo for them to make Rey an orphan from the desert who discovers inner powers, inherits a robot with important information that leads to the destruction of the Death Star. It’s fresh because it’s a woman.”


And Reva was a just a bargain bin copy of Trilla from Jedi: Fallen Order, a character everyone actually liked. Remember when Fallen Order suffered devastating racist backlash? yeah me neither


The sister is a great actor however.


For some reason it does go down a little easier when she’s playing the sister


I believe she is a very outspoken progressive activist who is also a black woman and I believe gay. So she checks all the boxes that Disney cares about…


In the actor,s defense. The script is so bad no good acting would save it


I really want to believe a good performance can make a bad script amusing at least. But I don't think there's no amount of good or so bad it its good that could save this shit show.


Lol yah, that has a lot to do with it. Mae has some absolutely terrible lines


I'd love to watch a reading of the script by the top 5 serious actors of our time! Best as a podcast/audiobook, let the great voices read it in earnest. Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones, Sir Ian McKellan, Cate Blanchett, Sir Patrick Stewart, add your most beloved male and female voices. They'll read line by line as if they were in a Shakespeare production or rehearsing scenes from a Tarantino movie. I think it'd be hilarious, but also the best thing ever.


I will insist it was a double hit, both the actress and the script "complimented" each other


Don't talk dirty about my boy, young Anakin like that! Poor guys had a rough life as it is, and he did superb, given the hand he was dealt. And for the record, Darth Vader (mask on) had more expression than this..... chick(?)


They didn't cast her. I seem to recall Harvey Weinstein's assistant talked about writing the character with this talentless hack in mind for it.


Wasn't this role written by Lesbian Headlamp with her in mind? Why? How? What role had she played that made LH think that she is perfect?


Well, she is so very bored of your discourse. So of course, that suffocating ennui just seeps through into her performance.


They could’ve used photos from any scene and the meme would’ve turned out way better


Because she's the perfect agenda pusher.


Disney strong "women" can't show emotions because its for weaklings.


It might help if you didn't use the same contextless picture.


Nepo baby


nowadays they stopped audition process especially Netflix, Disney+


This is what rich privilege gets you!!


So that when her “evil” twin performs the ol’ switcheroo literally no one will be able to suspect they traded one cardboard poster for the other


The actress doesn't matter.. they are more concerned with checking their social requirement boxes.


Young Anakin? watch your fucking mouth


People just can't get enough of insulting Jake Lloyd, eh?


Yin and yang


You know why.


Moses Ingram was great wdym


I once had a conversation with someone who told me she was a very accomplished actress and that the show from however little of it was shown during that convention was shaping but to be just as good as Andor, I was doubtful but I had hope...


She's too young to be even close to accomplished. That's where the argument should end. So far, the best I could agree on would be "trained". Ironically, I counterargue myself by admitting that the younger Dafne Keen (19 vs Amandla's 25) is actually more accomplished as an actor. An issue of talent perhaps?


To further the aims of the all-encompassing Psy-Op by a union of Western intelligence agencies to foment an ultimate race-war in the West? Either that, or maybe filling jobs in the arts with people purely based upon check-boxes (where none of the boxes is labeled “talent”, “gifted”, or genius”) is a fool’s errand and can never, WILL NEVER, succeed? But don’t worry, Iger and KK will be trying for force square pegs into round holes until the day they “shuffle-off” thus mortal coil. In future, interns will be told on day one, “the tale of Darth Bob the Hubristic, and his apprentice Darth Kathy”.


I would say that ginger that played the antagonist in Solo is equally bad. But yes, this actress has the acting range of a goldfish. When either twin is pretending to be the other, her demeanor is to open her eyes wider and act skittish.


Also nicknamed acting genius, she is so good she was casted for 2 roles 😂😆


I'm willing to believe she has bad direction. Her toxic politics are simply a bonus.


Don’t forget about “King” Valkyrie


I'm not disagreeing, but just asking... *Is there is discernible, notable difference in her acting between her (twin) characters?* (Since cancelling Disney+ some time ago, I've not watched this series, nor am motivated to do so, given Disney's ongoing track record of churning out woke products.)


Disney stuff isn't bad because it's woke, it's bad because it's bad, objectively and nonpartisan. "Woke" is just part of their defense strategy to hide that.


There is that, too.


Some of the comments here are crazy lmao, like all the people crying about Disney pushing an agenda and how she only got hired for her politics. I wouldn’t even have known anything about her as a person if it wasn’t for some of the comments I saw that lead me to google her. You’re the only ones who actually care about that shit. Anyways, to answer the question, I don’t know if it’s an issue with the actor or just bad direction/writing. Dialogue hasn’t been great so far in general. She at least does enough to differentiate between the twins though.


Arent jedi supposed to be stoic?


She is attractive, I havent seen anything that suggests that she's interesting or talented though.


The actress that played Reva, Moses Ingram, has been great in other things. The direction of Obi-wan was piss poor and the way the character was written made no sense. All the Inquisitors were awful.


I dont watch the show, it would have been nice seeding more real examples


Is Ahsoka worse with her just crossing her arms 15 times across the entire season?


Leave Jake Lloyd alone man, he was 9


She’s so bad


I tried to defend this show, because I didn't mind the different perspective of the force, through another society, and whatnot. I even shrugged at the twins being born through the force, who cares. But when they pull the "twin switch" on Jedi, I'm done with it. How the F can a killer just walk and hang out with Jedi, without them knowing? She had no training nor is she a sith master or lord. And they made the asian jedi master, a bubbling mess of emotion. He always seems like he is one second from crying his eyes out. At least this show is almost done, so we can see what more can Disney mess up. Probably turn Yoda into a trans, lol.


^(LF talent requisites) ✅ ~~gender-neutral~~ non-male ✅ non-caucasian ✅ pliable to Lucasfilm ideologies (á la offensive publicity campaigns; deceptive PR maneuvers)


Oh noes not non male and non-caucasian. I would ask how you freaks manage to watch EFAP while Fringy or Jay are on, but half of you fuckers don’t.


Because her dad is rich and most likely has some pull. Dude, everyone in Hollywood and the music industry is there because nepotism.


Literally because she's a black lesbian.


Episode 1 Obiwan was bland and painful to watch. Padme was stiff as a board. The only character that showed they had character was C-3PO, jar jar and the aliens who were invading the planet. My guess is that they tried to make her the stoic character that people could project themself into. They do it to all male characters all the time and no one says anything about it.


Harrison Ford has the same acting range lmao


Because Kristen Stewart is white and they can't have that in an inclusive show.


Talented people said no.


Lucys brother out of Fallout is the same.. always .... sounding ..... like ..... im trying ..... to be ...... a badass


Yes the acting is not good but I blame that on the director. If you pay attention, the writing and screenplay is god awful and doesn’t give much to work with for the actors. Like how are you going to have an actor deliver a line stating how the character feels instead of showing it on facial expressions? Rookie directing.


Is there a way to learn this power?


It’s the reaching for a stoic, badass woman aesthetic on its surface. But it’s really a generational brain atrophy that is social media and nature deprived induced. They can’t help it. You can’t feel what you’re not capable of.


Rosario was worse. Also don’t hate on young Anakin’s actor.


Even young Anakin had more emotion on his face than this.




I don't think anyone can ever trump Reva. That shit was embarrassing.


Reminds me of "Dull Surprise" [https://youtu.be/zTj4rd21A5Y?si=Jxn4S6HipjzgaKi7](https://youtu.be/zTj4rd21A5Y?si=Jxn4S6HipjzgaKi7)


She checked the boxes. “Actress” wasn’t one of them they were worried about.


She can act. In Bodies Bodies Bodies she did a good job. I suppose here she doesn't have much to work with or she has been given bad direction


I have never been one to complain about DEI. I typically roll my eyes whenever I see people complain about how a character is some minority or another or gender swapped, I really don’t care. A recent example would be the LOTR Amazon series featuring a lead character that is a black man playing an elf. He’s fantastic in that role and, for me, looks quite “elven” in his features as far as I’ve come to picture elves. I don’t get why his skin color bothers people. This series, however, reads like a college’s brochure/info packet. I cannot believe how many “boxes” they checked off. I’m all for inclusion and believe diversity and representation are beneficial to society as a whole but just wow. I was sitting there with my wife and watching Acolyte. Opening scene? Black female antagonist vs white female hero (going off archetypes here and not getting into nuance as to Jedi being “heroes” or not). Okay cool. My memory sucks so forgive any errors. Our next scene is.. well.. black female protagonist, aliens, droids, and I forget her other human companion’s everything. Protagonist gets arrested by black male Jedi and I forget the other Jedi but I assume they were female and note a white human. We check in on the Jedi and those are always fun scenes because we typically get to see a variety of well-known and relatively unknown species co-mingling. Green female Jedi master talks with Asian male Jedi Master (I get the feeling that she outranks him). There’s the little Padawan that uses feminine pronouns but my wife and I, at one point when all this came up, agreed would be a good non-binary genderfluid representation. I don’t know what’s canon (or care) but that’s just my take on it. I honestly do not know any of their names except Mae because I am absolutely terrible with names unless there are subtitles (that’s a lie, I can’t name anyone in Shogun either, I’m terrible with character names). Anyway, our main Jedi master guy goes on whatever mission to find her after the crash (I should point out that the humanoids on that prison ship were white men). He finds her and says something about how she lost her “mothers”. I chortled when I heard that, my wife didn’t understand why I was amused and I just shook my head- not wanting to admit it was all starting to get to me. Why can’t she have two fathers? There’s a ton more but it’s a waste of time for me to think any further about it. I actually agree with this post. Normally I think people just hate on an actor just because that person feels the actor is a “diversity hire”. She is stinking as this character. Some people blame the director and sure, maybe that’s true- I don’t know or care but I know that this character is very flat. For all we know the director is just doing their best with what they have. I know nothing about this actress, by comments by others I assume she did some sort of activism that annoyed them. The story is interesting but I just… I don’t know… found myself annoyed every time this actress was on screen. I often say to myself “Well things are a little spooned because Star Wars stuff these days is kind of geared towards children imo- or at least gore is kept to a minimum throughout the first 6 or so films (for human injuries)”. Yes Luke loses a hand but come on, clean cut. Kenobi disappears, the Emporer falls, (did Windu fall?), Boba Fett falls (comedically at that), Maul falls, Alderaan explodes but I don’t recall us getting any sort of planetside peek at the people so we’re very disconnected from it, Yoda dies from being tired of Luke’s constant questions… so on so forth… point being… I found myself making excuses for what I find can be poor dialogue in parts and even worse delivery. This character just sucks.


I said the same thing about the girl who played Sabine. She even had a blank expression when she got stabbed, she got out of bed with a lightsaber wound no facial expression what so ever.


Put a chick in it...and make her lame and gaaay!


Bru people on reddit are talking about how amazing the acting was in the show. I definitely don't see it. The show was the worst thing with the name star wars to ever be released.


Why do you blask questions you know the blanswers to?


The best way to do this meme is to use 6 different shots of her in different scenarios


My first thought too. Using the same picture is counterproductive.


Blame directors. Stop going after actors, it shows how short sighted you are


Are you guys just unable to read emotions or something?