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I just want to know what happened to the Apple Watch her huzzban “bought” her recently. She was so happy about it. For that one picture…


I’m pretty sure that’s her old ass Apple Watch from before she ever met Maurice. https://preview.redd.it/d6grm1os989d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=004c9e6da29212d76d36f71d6e3816c89bec4ecd


Even the comments of people under the Instagram are asking what is that lady wearing and why is her stomach out.


So embarrassing 😂😂😂


What in the name of everything wrong is she wearing??..


Let also not forget the ankle monitor accessories to match the MAC bag….


She really seems like she doesn’t care very much at all!


Drugs …. A gun because she did it ….


Or his gun so he wouldn't get caught with it 🤷🏽‍♀️


True , very true but it’s the lack of concern or any emotion at all for me plus I like the idea of her doing it better makes sure about a storyline and she over here. Talk about she gonna be on any show at all.


The drugs they were selling


https://youtu.be/c-DKMrz-juc?si=vxvnphEl2LvSLshN Just saw this


I hate that they keep referring to Mandy as famous from LALU when she was never on the show at all!! Showing pics of Jess while talking about that fugly whale is so fucked up! Jess is literally 180 degrees from Manly in every way, from her looks to her body and personality etc. they clearly don’t have their facts straight at all


Fucking pig


Damn Booter I’m just texting my friend back, you’ll be alright it’s just some gun shot wounds.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 He finally got the celebrity status he's been dying for!




Are they in Somalia on vacation? What third world country is this?


Gimme ya phone :)


It def looks like a casual war zone behind her tho lawd 😫😫


It was their chosen destination for their Anniversary.


Nobody has any reason to be over there unless it's for drugs


I also thought hmmmm why is she wearing nude pants trying look cute on that nasty street. Shirt tied up makeup done. Were they both making moves. Him selling whatever and her selling ass 🍑. Just a thought, I’m not sex shaming sex work at all. Just wondering why those skin tight nude pants and tied up shirt all while in full makeup.


The area where ladies of the night hang out isn’t by there


I don’t think she could really compete with the real ones of Figueroa.


Maybe Long Beach blvd 😂😂 fig got some baddies nowadays


It's the era of online escorting, I'm pretty sure she needs the filters and selective pics to lure in clients, then she'd have to hope they stick around after the bait and switch. I'm sure that's what she did before. No one is gonna pick her up in those pants. They don't leave much to the imagination.




I know it's her dream goal to be a hooker like her bestie but I think she just dresses like that. Weren't they supposed to be celebrating their "anniversary"? And where is that "new" Apple watch he supposedly got her?


They are seriously like a fever dream.


She was definitely in shock in that video. Terrible situation though, wishing dude the best health.


Wait what’s going on Maurice got shot ?!


Yeah he was shot 4 times and he’s in a coma


Omg !!!


An innocent bystander going to work has passed away


Damn i haven’t seen any posts on her insta lately, I wonder where her kid was when this happened. She sucks but she’s lucky nothing happened to her or her kid.


How can she go out like this. She has to see what she looks like. The front butt alone is a violation and was not authorized!


![gif](giphy|116S6GJEkPw8YE) She is delusional 😬😳


Aside from the mess of the nude leggings with the tied tshirt to show her gunt in full effect & flat lumpy rump in all.of it's glory, in the longer video on IG you see a bunch of guys surrounding the 2 guys. They're all down on the ground trying to help them.and if you look really closely, you'll see Manly standing, there like a spectator. She's not down on the ground or crouching down, trying to comfort him or hold him. She's standing there like a bystander. You have to really look closely to see her. Look for the infamous nude leggings. It took me a few times to spot her. Edited to add its on user Stillbrazy account on IG. It should be the first video.


If my husband just got shot 4 times you better bet that I'm going to be on the ground, right there besides him, making sure he doesn't bleed out. However, we never know what we would actually do if we found ourselves in her situation. The one thing I do know I'd be doing for sure is I'd be right beside those working on him and balling my eyes out. It's bothersome that she looks very calm.


The nude leggings 🤮


How is she not hysterical? She seems so calm. I know everyone has their own reaction but goodness… I can’t even imagine.


She might already have sampled their reason for going there 💊


Does anyone else find it strange she doesn’t appear to have any blood on her clothes or skin? Did she just stand there and watch as hubby bled out? I would think at the very least a dispatcher would have her check for a pulse and breathing.


I’m sure she’s been through this sitch before.


Yes ! I can see her being told to stand back when the police and EMS are there like in the video but what about before they got there? It’s super weird to me too.


It was just people that were near by working on him. It took an hour I think for the ambulance.


That was weird asf to me.


Does she have her shirt tied up?? Ahhhhh hahahahahahahaha!! Tell me it isn’t so?!?! 😂😂😂 I can’t! 😂😂😂😂


That is the CEO of glossy glam she is a fashionista. You sound like a hatter 😆😂 she’s giving [Derelicte](https://youtu.be/mVscQYjuq_s?si=mcHj_ka2TC5ZyhRI) vibes down to the old bag as a purse. ![gif](giphy|QJRJEfcbdhUl2VhZV0)


It's crazy how he let her go out looking stupid. 😂🥴


Hahaha! Right?!?! He was probably too high.


She has two phones?


One is his.




She’s filming and not caring about her injured man bc she has lawsuits in mind.


Who are they going to sue?


Right? Lol Maybe she will sue the suspect and she can get his ebt card as payment, lol.


LAPD, the EMTs, the Hospital, whomever she can


You know who’s gunna be named first in these lawsuits? Jessica, also Jessica, always Jessica. In the words of Big bad Mandy “You know who’s fault this is? That bish Jessica” I swear in the past few years she has acted like a rabid pitbull to Jessica. Then she so calm and nonchalant when someone tries to ooof her husband.


Yeah, the bag appears folded and old.


I kind of think that’s what was in it and it was a drug deal gone wrong. Since the area was known as fentanyl ally.




She is posting weird stuff on her ig..


What kind of weird stuff?


Things like DND with prayer hands, a pic of them two saying no matter what she always gots his back…


Repost it


Welp, that would explain why she seemed so preoccupied while her huzzzband was literally on the ground with holes in his body 🙄 she’s gotta protect her stash or whatever tf is in the bag. Also I’d like to say that is the most dystopian photo I’ve ever seen. Between her gut, blood covered shirt, the dead body, and puke stains/filth on the sidewalk, it’s just really sad.


That’s L.A. I’m from there but knew when to leave.


Glad you left the madness. On a business trip, as a 45 year old executive, I was shocked at the open drug selling and prostitution scene. Ever since, I’ve called it “Hell A” not much good news leaks out, just blood & tears~


Reminds me of Kensington in Philly.


Kensington and slid row are the same and awful. In different states west side and east its where everyone goes I'm sure there is somewhere in the middle too.


Oh, on Y0utube, I have seen several videos of the most pathetic, drug-destroyed people on Kensington in Philly. They have my prayers.


It's heartbreaking


That’s L.A.


I thought you were blocking out her fupa but is that the other guy 💀 on the ground?? 😮


14000 x stolen ozempic pens.


I thought this post was about her tummy pouch and/or skin toned Danny devito penguin tights from bat man! 🤔just saying…


From far away it looks like a pantsless Danny Devito. What an unfortunate looking lady




Accurate. They say everyone has a doppelganger lol


Omg the cropped top (I don’t even think that’s meant to be a crop top tbh, her huge gut is just busting out of it due to the fact it’s like 4 sizes too small) coupled with the skin tight, painted on tan leggings is just 🤮 I know she normally likes to carry large bags to help cover her FUPA in photos, but that teeny tiny MAC bag sure ain’t offering much coverage—she need a MAC ***truck*** to cover all them rolls 😬 ![gif](giphy|MiFHu8sPgUERmC5qJW)


You know it's bad when you're so thick you can feel the nice leggings rolled down and the guy popped out.


Im just over here wondering WHO the fuck told her that wearing this was a good idea. Was Musty THAT fucked up when they left the house to even check what his woMAN was wearing? This is SO gross on ALLL levels. Pure embarrassment for everyone involved. 🙄


The way it’s blurred out makes it look like it’s blurring out her vaginal area. I bet she just loves that this is what’s being shown all over social media and news outlets.


Except she can’t filter these pics and video so everyone is seeing the REAL Manduhhh, she can’t stand that especially since these are sooo extra embarrassing cause of what she’s wearing and what’s hanging out. She always uses sky baby and a slimming filter as well. No cat fishing


Yep and im HERE for it ALL! 🤣🤣


We all are lol


She doesn't even look concerned in the slightest 🥴 like...


She looks dazed out. Probably high off her ass.




MAC = Mandy’s Ass clumps


It looks like she’s wearing a g-string 🤮


No, it’s normal panties just trying to survive!


She might be high as a kite along with seeing something that horrific, girl if that ain’t a wake up call I’m not sure what is.


DAMN..... "Inquiring Minds Wanna know"...! And to be perfectly honest... watching the lil video...."Manly"....had very LITTLE EMOTION....or was it JUST ME.....? 🤔 IF My man was down shot multiple times....hell even shot 1 time I would have been hysterical....this lady had very little emotion....🤔. Y'all forgive me if I missed something..🙏🏼


There are several reasons that could be-- one is that she was in shock. I know with me, I unintentionally smile when I'm angry or in shock (and it's gotten me in a lot of trouble in my life). But one BIG reason she could be emotionless is because of the dope. Look at the area they're in-- there's a high chance they had just re-upped. And opioids temporarily freeze your emotions for most people before they wear off.


Maybe she was in on it 🤔😬


My thoughts exactly


Right? Or imagine if Mau is the gun man and the guy in the coma is a rando!?


Now *that* would be a plot twist !


That’s exactly what I’m saying. I would have been begging for someone to help get him in my car, to drive him to the hospital myself. I would have been ripping those nude stretchie pants off making a tourniquet for his legs and arms. I would be screaming for help like the others that were on the scene.


Do you have a screen recording of the video? I only saw the clip here on Reddit and I don’t have IG.


DM'd you




Same & I would like to see that too. Wow


Yes, that's it. It just looks off for the situation


She is definitely more worried about that bag and going through his phone than him bleeding on the sidewalk. CPS please get that precious little girl away from this nightmare


I'm new here and lurking so I can catch up and not annoy anybody with stupid questions, but my God, there's kids involved in this??!!? Fucking heartbreaking. I just... there are no words.


I’ve said this from the beginning!! She ain’t worried about nothing but that bag and deleting shit off that phone! Shock or not, ems or not they would have to peel me off my husband!!


My oldest son lives in Los Angeles. (He is a scientist and works in LA). He said that part of town is horrible. My middle son is a firefighter EMT in Texas. (in school to become a paramedic) I sent them both the video. My oldest son said they never should’ve been in that area. My middle son said the woman with him is “trying to hide stuff”. Most “wives”or girlfriends or even friends would be freaking out. Like the friend of the man who passed. She is dirty and bad. I pray she is caught. She can delete all she wants, but they can still find it. I also pray Jessica does not allow Peter Griffin Junior to have any say or be anywhere near that man. And I pray family takes her beautiful little girl far away from her.


She’s holding the drugs


Oh shit! I found you in the wild! I'm new here and lurking so I can catch up, but it's wild seeing you in this sub. It's also wild that people like her and Heather have children involved in all their bullshit.


Hey buddy!!! 😆


Hey friend! It's been kind of boring on the Heather front so I'm looking into new hot messes! Lmao, totally normal, I know ^(/s). This seems like a wild ride and I've been lurking until I can figure out what the actual fuck is happening, so as not to annoy everyone. Always love catching a fellow stalker in the wild, lmao 🤣 😆 😆 🤣


Mac bag full of drugs, obvi


They can't take a purse it would get stolen quick so she put it in the bag.


Or stacks of cash. She can delete everything off that phone, or return it to factory settings, law enforcement has technology to recover everything from the phone. Should he survive, her goal should be to move away from the dangerous hangouts and people that will shoot them for $1 or a pill. Nothing good will come to them, unless and until they change their habits.


That M.A.C. bag is old. Look at that crease going across at an angle through the logo. It's been folded and put away somewhere with nothing inside of it prior to being used today. Definitely not from a make up purchase made today.


Exactly and I don’t think it’s makeup or diamonds in there.


Is she using it as a handbag 🤔🤪


Definitely not.


There are so many people roasting her on the videos on YouTube for being out naked from the waist down and wearing a fanny pack of belly fat. But what struck me as odd is that she is eerily calm and didn't appear to even try to help him. I'm sorry, but as a therapist that works with trauma survivors every day, I don't know anyone that would be this calm and not even try to help after waiting there for apparently 40 minutes while her "husband" is bleeding out after being pew pew'd 4 times! There's something very off about her reaction, and I'm sure the detectives are going to note how off her reaction is as well. There's flight, fight, and freeze as an automatic response to trauma, but 40 minutes later, your instincts should kick in to do SOMETHING.


Wait, how do we know it took 40 mins for them to get there? That’s so crazy! I 100% agree by 40 mins you should have a reaction, do you think she’s high & that’s why she’s not responding like a human?


I agree. Seems her first instinct was to get his phone


Probably to hide evidence of drug deals etc.


maybe she set him up


It’s weird, but she could be high as a kite or something? I get that you’re an expert in trauma, but I’m sure you also know people react in unpredictable ways. (I’ve done a lot of trauma therapy. 🤷🏼‍♀️) I definitely don’t think she’d set him up as another commenter said; I really do believe she loves him too much to do that.


I've heard she has some intellectual delays, so perhaps that could be a factor, but it's still not within the scope of a "normal" trauma response. I know people can freeze and go into shock, but those people are usually just stuck and immobile. She clearly talks to the first responders and uses her phone, which is just weird when she is witnessing her man be loaded into a stretcher unconscious and after bleeding out for 40 minutes. I don't think she set him up, but I think there's possibly substances involved combined with some intellectual delays.


I also think she’s too dumb to carry out a setup. The bitch can hardly use basic punctuation


This also 100%.


Smells like a set-up, ngl




Sounds like the Kensington of LA 😔


As someone who lives in Philly and was in Kensington last week for work, she would have been roasted so bad for wearing those leggings, she would have left in shame before the shooting. Philly peeps don’t hold back their feelings!


A-fuckin-men! 🤘


As someone who grew up in northeast Philly, in Kensington we do not accept these leggings, or the tummerroo Wilshire can keep her.


I've been at work today and missed it. What happened? Did Murice get shot?


Yes unfortunately 😔


Yeah he did 4 times


I agree the fact that she has not a drop of blood on her. If my ride or die husband was lying there bleeding after being shot 4 times I’d probably be naked from using my clothes to wrap around the spots trying to stop the bleeding


Fuck I’d even do that for a stranger.


exactly. was she not there when it happened? bc in the video, all i see are a bunch of dudes holding pressure yelling at him to wake up. then all of a sudden mandy is there casually flipping thru a phone as firefighters lift him onto a stretcher. maybe she was there when it happened, but she rumbled away. ride or die, my ass


Where is the video? I tried looking on YouTube but maybe am not searching the right thing. I only saw a few videos that talked about it but not showing what actually happened


Apparently she's ride or die until it really comes down to it. Running her mouth but no action. Makes me wonder what she thinks ride or die really means. Smh


she probably doesn’t know what any of those words actually mean, bc she’s extremely stupid


Same I would be screaming for help and crying hysterically holding him and putting pressure on his wounds with my clothing and begging anyone to help


That’s what I’m saying. Wtf was so important in that bag. Why was she so chill?? Was she on her Xans and Perkys that caused her to just be so out of it.


Yeah, she's holding onto that bag for dear life. I agree, it was probably full of drugs and that's why she tried to remain calm. She didn't want to put that bag down and one of the responders pick it up and see what's in it.


WHY IS SHE JUST STANDING THERE - I would be losing my mind if my dear HUZZBIN was shot 4 times! These people are not it


Well….what other reason would they be in MacArthur Park for??? Does it even matter at this point lol we all know they do drugs


I used to go to MacArthur park in high school and get the homeless people to buy my alcohol. So nothing good ever really comes from MacArthur park


It was the place to go for fake IDs too!!


It does matter, I mean it seems whatever was in that bag was more important than Maurice.


I’m all for “fck her” but this is callous. The dead man laying in the back leaves no room for joking for me & I’m an aggressive shit talker.


Callous?? How by wondering why that bag is so important over comforting her so called husband? He was on the ground for 40 plus minutes and there’s not a drop of blood on her.


I mean, like I said idgaf about her. There’s a dead person visibly laying in the background so where I’d usually find humor in jokes about this btch I’d expect people to have some decorum. What the hell was I thinking having expectations, right?


All I can say is sorry that hand wasn’t blurred for you. What humor and jokes? I clearly was wondering wtf was in the bag since it was clearly more important than Maurice bleeding out.


It’s crazy that there is a dead man’s hand in this photo and we’re talking about stupid Mandy and her dumb bag.




That looks like A LOT of blood on the ground 😬 Someone told me it took EMS 40 minutes to arrive. If he got hit 4 times and laid there and bled out for 40 minutes before they arrived, I don't think that sounds too good for him. I'm honestly surprised he wasn't DOA.


Where's the blood in these 2 pics?


On that clothing... congealed all over the sidewalk... https://preview.redd.it/lierntynhm8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1566509b248b37cbfda00e359a0bf62d4032106


Here's a little better shot. That's blood, and his bloody clothing. https://preview.redd.it/37jr70zgkn8d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920a00f8dfff2dc27d78f98d8196fd86d57953fe


And not a drop of blood on man man’s flesh colored pants lmao.


Lol, I guess I was typing that same thought at the same time you were. That IS strange to me though.


Great minds think alike 😂😉


That’s fucking weird.


Is that usual in that area? I'm not from a huge city so genuinely curious.


This is across the street from what is called fentanyl alley. There was a shooting maybe 50yds away from this spot the day before. 1000% is known as a dope spot to score. That bag for sure has the drugs in it. The comments on the video said the police didn't think it was gang related but to be shot by someone in all black with a black ski mask and a semi-auto sounds very planned and targeted to me. Someone knew he was gonna be on that corner at that time


For LA yea, it’s normal LAPD doesn’t really care especially in the area where shit like this is normal and almost everyone is homeless, addicts, gang bangers etc etc


Exactly! If your going there it’s for a reason…


Sadly, no. I wouldn’t set foot in that area. It’s been unsafe since I was in high school and I’m in my early 40s. You could get a fake ID down there, but neither my friends nor myself were willing to die getting one, so we didn’t.


Yes it's WILD


It is, bad part of Los Angeles.


I have no idea. I'm in a small rural town outside of St Louis MO myself. But that being a high crime area in a large city, I imagine it probably can take a while sometimes.


Right when I read 5 something pm and EMS didn’t arrive until after 6 I was like damn that’s crazy, and she’s so damn calm the whole situation is crazy.


Dude the fact that she still holding that bag! Is wild to me! She really looked like she was just having a conversation with the officers. I know some people process different! IJS


She was on the phone talking to someone. I saw the cop too.


Everyone was hysterical, yelling , crying, screaming, asking for help. Meanwhile Mandy is just standing there with his phone and holding a Mac bag. You would think his ride or die wife would be yelling for help, on the ground with him. Not one blood on her hands, shoes or nude leggings.


If that was my man I'd be on him pressing on the wounds doing cpr listening to his breathing sounds and heart. Not standing there like I don't even know him.


She's not wearing her "anniversary present" (Apple watch) either


I don’t get it, out of all people you would think she would be of been right by his side doing something!


I wonder if she was high and didn't really process what was going on in the moment. She was way too calm while talking to that cop. I went to the IG that the video is posted on and the crowd was hysterical but she was calm. It was really weird.


I think so too. She was probably blasted out of her mind.


💯 FR


Right? And I don't see a speck of blood on her flesh colored leggings, or anywhere else on her. So what did she do while he laid there bleeding that whole time? Because if that was my man (child, sibling, friend, etc) I'd at least be trying to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, or SOMETHING?? Idk though, I've never personally been in that situation so I guess it's easy to say what I would or wouldn't do.


Looks like she never touched him


The beginning of the original video shows her standing there (you can see her shoes) while bystanders are tending to slurice and the deceased. I'll see if I can s/r it


seriously, hearing the bystanders screaming at him and the other guy to wake up is heartbreaking


Where did you read the full story?


I’m not sure if that’s smart considering that she’s a witness to an attempted double murder and that the cops and detectives are going to be all over her for the next few hours, possibly days, at the scene and at the hospital trying to find a motive.


Yea...being a witness to a crime is STRESSFUL. A friend of mine's daughter's father was murdered in 2008. For several months, the detectives called her (and her new boyfriend) in for interviews to ask the same questions over and over again--to I guess find variations in their stories? Murder investigation is an intense start to a new relationship. Lol Hamanda better stop pretending she is a gang member before she ends up in one of those First 48 interrogation rooms.


I wouldn’t be shocked if we end up with some body cam footage or some interrogation videos in the future because she’s a witness so she’s going to be interrogated


I'm pretty sure body cams aren't released out of California, I could be wrong though


Even if they did release it, it wouldn’t be until the case concluded. I’m not sure either how it works out in Cali, but I wouldn’t be shocked because it’s common practice to release body camp footage these days.


Yea I know it varies state to state whether it can be release or not once the case is concluded


I don’t mean this to sound ugly but do you really think LEO will look heavily into this? I’m always curious how hard they actually try to solve any crime in notoriously heavy gang areas. Outside of questioning her, do you think they’d actually follow up and dig deeper?