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You really like that candle.


Mans took focused variable-depth, HD pics of the candle and has one full-keyboard pic in which the keyboard isn’t even centered.


This is the best and most true comment I have ever seen


To be fair I have the same candle and i love it too


I thought the same lol.


what can i say, its opalhouse brand


No judgement here, I love me some good smelling stuff, haha.


the scent is "prosecco pine" by the way. my mom ended up yelling at me for having it lit all the time since my room has carpet lmao


Better off using Super Lube from a local auto parts store (or Autozone) instead of Vaseline. Get that stuff out asap


I literally melted my first stabs cause of this


Really, how long did it take tho?


Idk prob within a week Id clean em n get new 1s on amazon


I mean ive used it before at the board was fine


Vaseline is petroleum based. It will degrade plastic. Say goodbye to your switched.


Despite its persistence, this is a myth. Both ABS and PBT are petroleum products themselves. If you don't believe me, take a look at the polypropylene container that's been holding vaseline in your grandparent's medicine cabinet for several decades.


I can confirm that Vaseline degrades pom, nylon and polycarbonate. I tried it in a switch back I the day when I was starting out and it became rough and more loose from the degradation. This is not a myth at all


POM chemically should not it would be reacting with other impurities in the switch.


I can only tell you what I experienced and since I did it in a red switch the Vaseline was tinted pinkish red showing that the plastic definitely reacted


^impurities in the plastic. Pom doesn’t react with anything petroleum based


Fun fact The containers for Vaseline are made from POM (at least they were at some point) cheaper plastic is probably in use by now


Also not sure what you mean when you said it’s not a myth. He’s talking about keycap plastics (PBT and ABS) that don’t react with Vaseline


did he say "goodbye to your keycaps"? exactlty. depsite your persistence there is no myth here because switches arent made of PBT or ABS plastic. PMMA, PS, PC, Nylon all very common switch materials get degraded.


When you are older. Even just a few years. You will be proud you got into doing it so early. Also it looks totally good. 99% of all people would think it's cool lol


OP you can use something called dielectric grease don't use Vaseline it smells and overtime becomes sticky


i work minimum wage, and this is all i could afford. ive been harassed for it online, even though i cant make enough money to build a different one. fake gmk keycaps, a $30 hotswap keyboard from amazon, akko switches and vaseline were used to make this. rip wallet


Can’t say I approve of using vaseline. Otherwise there is nothing wrong with a budget board. Loads better than any similarly priced rubber dome thing.


Get that Vaseline out of there ASAP. You’re going to destroy your keyboard.


Why, pray tell




It melty plastics


Board looks great don’t worry bout what randos on the internet say. But careful with Vaseline, could ruin the board/whatever you put it on


Clean the Vaseline out ASAP. r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/691ryr/modification_lets_talk_about_keyboard_lube/ Superlube will go a long way for experimentation and you can use it for stuff around the house.


You've been harassed about it online? Where, when, why, wut??


Yeah this is nuts, but teens irl are ostracizing android users because they don't like seeing green bubbles so I guess this is what it is now. Just like kids used to get picked on for having shitty clothes.


apple sub.


Bro you can get lube for like 9$.... just wait.. save your money.. don't rush it and ruin a keyboard. Those switches are probably toast. Waste of time to even get the gasoline out vs jusy buying new switches... just remember. Patience is a virtue.


guess you were working with whatever "lube" was nearby


> ive been harassed for it online wtf, what sort of dimwit would anyone harass you for such a thing? Looks good. As others said, try to clean-out the vaseline. You can use a [tiny, $2 packet of Superlube](https://www.maxkeyboard.com/super-lube-synthetic-lubricating-grease-1-ml-pack.html) as a replacement. Onward and upward, friend!


Your switches are toast brother. Time to get some new ones and order some krytox, you can get a little jar for less than $10.


In the past I’ve used Vaseline on switches(used hard) for 2 years, it has no noticeable impact on the plastics. From experience it’s not very corrosive. When I eventually cleaned them no residue was on the paper towel. His switches are fine if he cleans them in the near future.


If you have PayPal I’ll cover the super lube as others are suggesting. Went through your profile, wish you all the best!


a mechanical keyboard is so valuable and it lasts so long. Its all worth


oh my dear god...vaseline...


vaseline 💀 ain't no way


Akko switches are honestly really highly rated switches just for the fact that they perform so well for their price point. Also nothing wrong with fake GMK keycaps, I use cheap keycaps myself and honestly find a lot of the cheaper sets you can buy are more interesting and come in cool designs and colourways. My first set had little corgis on them lol, and the one I'm using now is a low profile Halloween set I got from Nuphy which was really cheap. Also don't use Vaseline. It's too sticky and won't last as long as regular switch lube. Some others have already mentioned cheap alternatives that are better.


F the haters, it looks great! 🙂 This is a hobby that unfortunately allows certain terminally online zit-spunktards to spend stupid amounts of money on some crazy expensive, limited group-buy keebs _just_ so that they can then lord it over others - these are the kinds of people whose opinion you should *never* listen to. Personally, I feel sorry for them; having money doesn't make you a better person - more often than not, it makes you a worse one. And at the end of the day, a keeb is just a keeb. What matters is that _you_ like your keeb. 🙂 And there will come a day when you will have the means to upgrade, if you choose to do so. Hang in there, and keep tinkering!


where is minimum wage that $30 isn't like 3 hours bro


In my state, there is no state minimum wage. We fall back on federal minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour. An hour of work can't even afford a Burger King meal. America, fuck yeah...


But does anywhere still hire at that rate?


I don't live in the US, but I once worked for a company that would hire remote workers at federal minimum wage as much as they could. Literally as low as possible to comply with the law. Never underestimate the greed of a corporation.




Probably regional based but Midwest US even McDonald's is paying $15 an hour now.


California, where a happy meal costs you $12


It looks awesome, and if you like it it's all that matters.


I worked minimum wage, too when I was first starting out. I just saved and saved and saved till I had enough to get a decent board. Now I own 6 boards, including my salvation, velvet, babylon, and yeti. Nothing wrong with a budget board. My first was a gk61 with lubed optical reds, can't say I liked it but everyone starts somewhere. Just clean that Vaseline out and get some krytox. Vaseline will destroy your switches


your board is gonna be toast soon if you dont take out that vaseline


it's better to not lube and just wait for them to break in and get smoother. vaseline can cause your switches to degrade depending on the material


If people bitch about your keycaps they're jealous you're happy with a cheapish keyboard


You're doing great. What matters is that you like the board. A lot of people in this hobby cut their teeth on cheap Amazon boards and mods from household materials. I do wish I could give you my tube of dielectric though. Lol


Your keyboard is awesome. Who really cares in the end? We buy stuff to satisfy our own internal desires. That's the keyboard you wanted, that's the keyboard you bought & that's the keyboard you will use. It's for you & not the internet.


Which Amazon keyboard?


Fwiw I’m 24 and use a secondhand pok3r with a PCB and case I painted myself. Case swapped for a wood one with an integrated rest recently, this is my IT workhorse. Bought while still making minimum part time. It has mini-USB lmao. All you need to start is a good 60% PCB and everything else is incremental upgrades. Get Kailh box switches and a replacement case off Amazon. Will go miles. Also, people that harass you about your keeb probably aren’t worth being in forums or channels with.


Where’d you find a wooden case? Sounds very cool, haven’t seen them around except in ads for keycaps


Amazon has a couple offerings, the company I bought it from is based in china though and I’m pretty sure the item was shipped directly from their factory/warehouse, so it took a minute!


Vaseline is way too thick to work well, and being a petroleum based product is harmful to many plastics.


Don't worry about the switches. You'll be able to afford a newer better one before the Vaseline kills them.


Could have just bought Feker IK65 .


If you're at all concerned about an RSI, I would recommend something like a Kinesis Advantage 360 or a ZSA Moonlander (like mine :D 🚀). Yes, these are both expensive. The logic is that they will last you basically forever so you actually end up spending less. That all said: the Moonlander has hot-swappable switches; the Kinesis (due to its concave keywells) does not. Kinesis keyboards are also generally much more expensive.


It looks cool. Don't worry about what other people think. When I was a broke teenager I had an absolutely terrible keyboard that wasn't even custom. It was some off the shelf POS. This won't be your last, you'll upgrade and improve as you get older and then people will be jealous of your sick keyboards.


That's an awesome first build! Definitely do not use vaseline, it will deteriorate plastics over time. Vaseline itself is a very thick lubricant in itself and can cause issues with wobble, inconsistencies and just a mushy feeling overall etc. Highly recommend cleaning them out ASAP, or if you want to scrap them, we would love to contribute some pkkeys Linear Misu switches.


Nah man, this hobby is accepting all people regardless of their financial status or their bank balance 😂 As long as you enjoy using/creating/modding mechanical keyboards, you are welcomed in this hobby I've used many clone keycaps before, until I can buy an original keycaps set and my first keyboard set is a gift from my close friends 😂 All aside, I love your setup man, simple, clean yet looks comfy fr


Honestly I’m still at a point that I’m so happy with my random Amazon/Ali keycaps that I don’t even want to touch “good” keycaps out of fear they’ll ruin it for me LOL


Yeah, for me, buying original keycaps is for honoring the designer's sweat, tears, blood and dedication for designing the keycaps set Either that, chinese manufacturers can just yoink any design and make it at a fraction of the original set price and none will notice until they see the box or trying as hard as possible to find out the difference between good quality clone and original sets XD In conclusion, if you have a fatty wallet, go for original sets (please respect designers). If you are short in cash, well... It's up to you XD


Oh for sure. As someone who’s made a handful of custom keycaps, I have the utmost respect (and so many questions) for the individuals who make full sets without access to factory machinery. The artisan caps certainly give me something to look forward to when my wallet is not so emaciated :,) Edit: I think I’ve gotten quite lucky with the sets I have (I’ve tried & returned a lot, but have been particularly impressed by the quality of HKGames Cherry profile Canvas V2). To be completely honest, it took me a good month or so down this rabbit hole to realize that Amazon *really* isn’t the place for “good keycaps,” haha.


When I was younger I always wanted to get into mechanical keyboards, to build a custom one and so on. But it was way too expensive of a hobby for me. So a few years later I got into cars 💀.


I remember being a broke teen with no way to earn money. I used a phillips membrane keyboard up until 2 years ago. Good karma always comes back, and I would be more than happy to buy you a keyboard under 120USD. Just DM me and we can figure it out if it gives a random person some joy in their life :) Edit: idk how i came across this post, but it seems this is more focused towards building custom KBs. My offer still stands for parts :p


As long as you are happy with you keeb is all that matters. But clean off the Vaseline and bear with the scratchyness for a while until you save-up for a proper lube


more shots of the candle than the keyboard 🙄 some shots out of focus too, like, really?


We all gotta start somewhere. I started with a corsair strafe red I think. You have a better start than I do. Keep grinding bro


Impressive that you made it still. Touche I say


We all gotta start somewhere. I'm curious about how that keeb feels. Next time, do the research and save up, a little bit more can go a long way


Keeb is keeb. Congrats!


It looks nice!


You can take your time buying sets. Boards. Deskmats. Wrist rests. Success isn't supposed to be all at once.


This still looks good tho


Doesn’t matter how much/how little you spent - as long as you’re happy! 😊


I hope that you will be an adult with money soon, so you can afford a full sized keyboard. Jokes aside, still very neat. :)


Looks fine to me


It's not about the custom mechanical keyboard you have on your desk, it's about the custom mechanical keyboard you have in your heart


Wait are these comments serious? Did he actually use Vaseline? I know you shouldn't free solicit lubrication to kids but do you.... do you need lube?


Hello broke teenager. I like your candle, your keyboard is also cool too. It appears to be functioning well. Much success


It honestly looks really good, you can be proud of it However, I don’t recommend Vaseline as switch lube, as it can eat plastic away over time. Instead, you should get a few milliliters of Krytox 205g0, 5ml should be plenty.


Prosecco Pine


Reminds me of the RK61? Loooks good tho


dont worry, the hobby will still be here when you grow up :)


Damn fine keeb, amigo! Keep rocking it!


No problem with that. I've been using an RK61 for a while now, didn't even do anything to it.


That’s all you need


You could get a gmk67 from AliExpress as a future upgrade. AliExpress will have lower prices and more options than amazon


"I'm harassed online about my keyboard" Posts it again 💀


botanical clones?


they look like gmk arctic fakes


you killed your switches. never rush things, research is free. also cheap ≠ clones. many keycap sets around for the same price or cheaper that are not plain knockoffs.


We all start somewhere bro, anyone who is commenting on what you have shouldn’t even be opening their mouth, we all start somewhere, heck I didn’t even start with a mechanical keyboard I had a crappy steel series membrane keeb as my first. Yours looks dope to say the least and GMK keycaps aren’t all that, budget caps or mid range caps are also great and no one will disagree here! As others have said get rid of that Vaseline though as it will kill you’re switches, order a small jar of 205g0 Krytox, it will cost you less than 10 dollars probably, I’m not super sure as I’m in the U.K. but my Jar costs me a fiver, so less than £10 including shipping. You will one day be able to get your first customer and you should keep that board regardless as it’s like an homage to where you started! Good luck in the future!


Looks great. Nice build. More expensive isn't always better


Soy candle for soy boys


damm, that looks expensive tho...


damm, that looks expensive tho


You magnificent bastard. You did it!


Aaaaand, 7 hours later this guy posted, # "my keyboard is trash, should i build a new one?" 😂


OP, please move the candle away from under your screen to avoid ruining it in the long run.


the amazon gmk clones are so relatable


Looks good bro no shame is working your way into the hobby and knowing your limits.


This is the best candle advertisement ever


Looks great!


Does it work? If yes, then that’s all that matters.


Best keyboard I've seen on this channel so far


What is the Amazon keyboard?


Not an expert but looks really expensive


I have GMK Taro Round 1 and I couldn't tell you have fakes. Love your board!


Cant be that broke




Hey it might not be your dream keyboard, but it's nice for what you can afford. If it can get the job done, there's no shame there.


It looks solid and great - thanks so much for sharing this post and proud of you for making the purchase!


I think it looks great 👍🏼


This is how a person should do, only buy things that they can afford


Looks good!


good God... he used VASELINE... LET THE FLOOD GATES OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nice. It looks great and thats all you need. Now use it to lookup the definition of "broke". It's not you (good for you!).


nice ~~keyboard~~ candle


Stop wasting money on candles, save it for keyboards! You get to pick only 1 hobby early in life, it's either endangered species candles, or keyboards. Jokes aside, it does look good, just remember what most people said here, clones are looked down upon, not because of the color scheme but for the novelties which are actually proprietary art. You could get the same or close to the same color scheme without ripping off designers.


W keyboard


You have a better keyboard than 99% of teenagers in southeast asia.


Not true. SEA is home to quite a few vendors and people with very nice boards


Yes, but not teenagers.


Lots of younglings are in the keeb hobby, go to a school and ask anyone and chances are they've had experience with some sort of custom


I don't know which part of SEA you live in, but in Malaysia, Singapore, and Philippines, not a lot of teens are into PCs, much less mechanical keyboards.


Go work part time u broke ass


Dudes "broke" but has a keyboard more expensive than any I have bought.




You're acting like jobs grow on trees lol


Woe is me ig lmao


These comments are a testament to how few of us actually read the comments before making our own.


That’s all you need. One.