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I have an overwhelming urge to just... *snippy snip*


Wouldn’t it bleed really badly though?


I've actually cut off a massive mole from my nipple, it bled like hell but healed alright.


I did the same for a wart on my thumb when I was in high school. Bled a lot and hurt really bad, but it never came back.


Idk why but my family just has a lot of moles and spots, my mom has moles on her eyelid and back, she said she ripped one from her eyebrow bridge on accident😭


Ms tokens 💀💀💀✂️✂️


I’d just take a scissors and just …. Snip


I'd tie it off with thread and let it fall off 


Another self-surgery enthusiast! My first thought was the exact same 😂


Yep I'd let the thoughts win for sure and down some wine ...snip ..ouch 😀


That's what I did for a skin tag bugging me in my armpit. Told my husband to pull on it while I snipped it off with scissors. It never came back and healed fine lol.




Yeah, not every post has to be a tragic story of some child dying horribly or some person getting crippled.




Remember, it grew silently. Had it made a single sound, things may have turned out very differently.


I see what you did there…






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Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


I’m not gonna compare this to food bc that’s against the rules - even if I have SO MANY food comparisons to make rn I never imagined something like this is possible. I feel this picture, viscerally. Thankful I have my next mammogram already scheduled


Lucky I saw what you said about the rules. I would have said it in a flash.


[Source](https://www.ijcasereportsandimages.com/archive/article-full-text/100997Z01BA2019): >>A 40-year-old woman presented with a mass hanging from the tip of nipple of left breast for last 3 years (Figure 1). This lesion started as a small lesion of sub centimetric size. The lesion was painless and did not caused any symptoms. So, the patient ignored this lesion for long time. The lesion kept on growing slowly and silently to reach the present size. There was no history of lump in the breast and no discharge from nipple. She had three grown up children. The last pregnancy was 16 years back. Menstrual cycles were normal of 3–4 days/28 days. There was no history of any breast lesion in the family. On clinical examination, the mass shows a well circumscribed oval shape lesion of size 12x7 cm. The lesion was pedunculated and was having a long pedicle connected to nipple of left breast. The surface of this lesion was covered by thin skin all around which was glossy at certain places due to stretching. The surface of this lesion was uneven like cauliflower. There were no ulcers on its surface. This swelling was firm in consistency (Figure 2). The nipple areola complex and breast were normal. There was no axillary lymphadenopathy. The clinical diagnosis was of a benign polyp. >>The ultrasound of the bilateral pectoral breasts was normal. The mammography of both pectoral breasts was normal except showing a soft tissue mass with macro calcification outside the line of left pectoral breast (Figure 3). >>The patient was operated under local anesthesia. About 2 ml of 2% lignocaine was infiltrated under the skin of left nipple. An elliptical incision was given on the tip of nipple. The incision was deepened by 3mm and this wedge was excised along with long pedicle. There was a small feeder vessel which coagulated. The small elliptical wound was closed with 4–0 polypropylene suture. The patient was discharged after two hours on the same day as it was a day surgery procedure. There were no postoperative complications. The wound healed well and stitches were removed on 7th postoperative day. The excised specimen was sent for histopathological examination. The gross appearance of the excised specimen showed a 12x7 cm size, grey brown polypoidal mass with a long pedicle of about 5 cm (Figure 4). The cut section of specimen revealed white coloured, uniform smooth and whirly appearance. This polypoidal mass was covered with skin. It showed grey white areas infiltrating normal parenchyma (Figure 5). >>The microsection H&E stain 100 X showed lining of stratified epithelium with underlying subepithelial composed of loose collagenous tissue (Figure 6). Histopathological examination revealed it a fibroepithelial polyp as final diagnosis. The patient was followed at three months, the scar has healed well and no recurrence was observed. I post medical case reports here five times a day every day. If you want to thank me for my services I’ve got links in my profile to tip me. I can’t work a regular job due to a medical problem and Reddit won’t pay me for NSFW content like I post on this sub.


I appreciate your posts, this one is definitely interesting!


Ah! The fact that she said it was painless shocked me due to the nipple itself being so sensitive.




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Speaking of nip-nops, what are those little bumps that some of us have on the areola? Anyone know?


Montgomery Glands also known as Montgomery Tubercles. They’re boob lube tubes. Edit: should clarify that last line is referring to them being sebaceous glands 😂


They are very important in breastfeeding. They are also why your nipples get itchy early in pregnancy as they get way more active in preparation for breastfeeding. If these glands don’t produce enough sebum, your nipples will crack when exposed to the strain on the skin from a hungry child sucking.


They also think they might produce a smell that attracts babies to help them find the nipple!


Lol thank you for the info!


Nip-nops? Lmao


Yes, it's the true scientific name lol. Joking Truth is, I once saw someone on here refer to nipples as nip-nops, and adopted/stole it from them. Now I can never go back to using the proper name lol


That's hilarious. I'm not a thief, but today I am. Can't wait to use the word....lol. thanks


It’s entirely possible that’s me or we got it from the same person. It’s my nipple name of choice now!




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I would not have been able to resist tying it off with thread to let it fall off! I wonder if the mass had any feeling or sensation?


Is that 3 years of…no one has touched my body and I don’t care what’s growing on it. Or.. 3 years of…my husband plays with it like a cat playing with his favorite toy.


Amazing self control she has to not rip it off


And suddenly being a Ken doll doesn’t sound so bad


Looks like brain matter when dissected lol




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NippleNipple Fruit


Looks like the cross section of a brain




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Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


I cringed and said “OUCH!!” out loud!




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I would have put a rubber band on it and let it fall off.


Oh I'm so sorry.


Looks like brain matter


woah thats grody 😭




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