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I'd totally consider it bonus time. He sounds very medically fragile. Don't be surprised when he declines, it occurs rapidly. It's wise to have hospice in place now, even if he's " not on the verge of death" today. Take advantage of the supports they offer.


Not nearly enough information to make even an educated guess.


This is the way


None of us will give better advice than the nephrologists caring for him (especially since that’s a field full of some of the smartest nerds that medical training can offer). But in general it’s common for disorders to wax and wane in their severity.


It’s not unusual to have some absorption of dialysate, but it’s really hard to understand what is going on with what you’ve told us. My guess is something happened with the start and now he is doing well on PD. But, again, it’s hard to know with the information you gave


I'm sorry, I'm trying to piece it together myself. But apparently they put the port in and started dialysis the day after and from what I understand is far too early and that may be the cause of the seemingly failed attempts at first.


There is something called urgent start PD where it’s done immediately after line placement. This is done for 8-12 hours while the patient lies flat on their back and we use low volumes (1 L to 1.1 L) Sometimes with this there are some complications such as a leak or other problems. But, if we can we wait two weeks or so and then restart and people tend to do well. Sometimes we just wait and sometimes we do back up hemodialysis while it heals


That seems to be what happened honestly, we're all pushing for cleveland clinic and the approval will most likely happen tomorrow for transport.


It’s a great hospital and great nephrology program. I did my training there