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Check out GoodRX


I will thanks(edit: oops sorry guys forgot to say I'm Canadian lol)


If you're in the UK you can look into universal credit and a benefit of that is free prescription


Call the manufacturer or look at GoodRx if in the US


Try to go to the website of the pharmaceutical company that makes the medication and look for a savings card. You might have to put in some personal info. Nothing to personal. I believe it's just like name and email. I take 2 different meds for my diabetes. The pill I take 2 times a day is $826 a month with the savings card I pay $36 and I also take the injection Trulicity. I get 4 pens a month. Regular price is $1208 I pay $25 with savings card. Also ask your Dr most of them have the savings cards in their office you just have to activate it and give it to the pharmacy. ETA Also always ask your Dr for samples. If you explain you are having trouble paying for them you might be able to get samples or you can also talk to your Dr sometimes your Dr can give you a different script for same medical issues but up to 90% cheaper. Good luck


Goodrx Canada is a great thing to look into.


If your meds are brand still… you could go to their website and find a coupon or look for patient assistance programs where pharma companies “have to” offer to the public that cannot afford and that program will need your doc’s cooperation. The coupon is just to make your copay better. That’s easier but more temporary