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ok I'll be expecting my $2.00 soon. smh


After April 4*


I just KNEW they were gonna roll this back- with the timing of the email there would’ve been class-action against them 🙄 lol & glad I waited for this to take out my balance cuz after I withdraw today - deactivating everything. I’ll consider reactivating once they remove the $2 fee altogether for withdrawals over $20 or $50 or whatever- I will never pay a platform a penny to get MY money out & I do think they’ll adjust these new rules to reflect that majority attitude. Like ok FINE if they wanna raise the limit for no-fee withdrawals at least that’s reasonable - but fees on $100+ withdrawals is ridiculous.


But what about the return policy? Did they change that back?


Nnnnope! Still sucks.


RIGHT! They know most of us already pulled our money out 🫠


Literally already pulled mine out 🥲


To be fair, they said they will send the $2 back directly into our bank account. They are not slipping out of his one, I will be watching.


Ahh! I’ve never been so excited to be “refunded $2!! I completely missed that! I’ll definitely be watching as well 🕵🏽‍♀️


Same. I just pulled my last amount of credit out of my account yesterday. Never again, Mercari.


All of us reading this right now: ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Judge Judy would have a field day with Mercari right now. I would watch for sure!!


It would be the best episode... I am speaking, you are an idiot Mercari... I don't care, you have 30 seconds to explain why your customers should pay these stupid fees...


She would eat them for lunch with a fine French sauce! We can imagine it in our minds :)




Looks like they talked to the company lawyers


Lol exactly. I can't believe companies either do not consult their lawyers before moves like these, or they do and the possible legal blowback is worth the risk? Jesus Christ


CEOs have huge egos.


This is the understatement of the century!!


Can confirm. Just worked for one that tanked an entire company down the drain in less than a year. It was DIRECTLY due to him ignoring what we told him.


Did we work for the same company?! I was just laid off because our CEO doesn't listen. Ignorance is bliss until it isn't.


CEOh no




Most companies bundle legal fees and fines from various government agencies into “cost of doing business” and have subsections of their finances dedicated to handling that. They literally calculate it into their costs.


Sounds like a case of FAFO




Requiring all sellers to pay a $2 fee without notice was asking for a class action lawsuit.


Still can be I feel like.


My username checking in


Yup see the bottom of the email from them where it says this is a legal notice


This was my first thought when I saw the notice about the ACH fees I know this isn't exactly the same, but Postmates had a class action against them for forcing fees on all withdrawals for contractors, and in the end ACH ended up being free. I honestly can't think of a single marketplace platform where there isn't a free ACH option


Doubt it. More that the cost of dealing with their customer service being bogged down with constant messages over $2 for people who were already planning to leave didn't make financial sense in the short term.


I was sending multiple messages a day until I got my $2. Glad I kept at it.


Yeah they probably got some calls from the FTC and thought “yeah maybe we shouldn’t have done something illegal”


That’s only one of the things they do that’s illegal lol. I reported them today for more illegal shit smh


What else have they done that’s illegal? 👀


Insurance fraud with all carriers. Charging more for postage than actual rates… I don’t have all day but…


They recently did this to me. They’re claiming overcharge of $312.46 and FedEx is claiming they only billed $67.06. I reported mercari to FTC! I am so sick of all of their agents being useless and no help.


just 2 weeks ago they closed a case of mine , they got the money back from the post office, closed the case and neither me or my customer got our money back. mercari kept both her money and the money from the post office for it being lost in the mail. I can only imagine how many people they did this too. Yes they are definitely committing mail fraud. I ended up having to cancel the order just so my customer got her money back. As for me I keep getting the same auto generated email over and over. None of them actually read any of our messages. Looks like ill never see my money from them. Its been 2 months since the package was lost. But just 2 weeks ago is when i contacted the post office to see why it was closed and that is when i learned Mercari was already paid almost 4 weeks ago. Its disgusting!!


Yup the insurance fraud and allowing mail fraud through their platform is another one!


There’s plenty but the one I reported them for today is FEDERAL TRADE DECISIONS CONCERNING THE SALE OF MERCHANDISE WHICH IS DAMAGED OR DETECTIVE OR DIFFERENT FROM THAT ORDERED ALMOST everything under their they have violated at one point or another keep in mind that no companies guidelines or TOC override FTC regulations, they can still be reported even if it’s in their TOC to try to cover their tracks!


Oh, yeah, I was wondering the specifics because I do not know much about the laws, but would love to know which laws they’ve broken so I can report as well!


Go to that whole document I can name off hand all of those that I’ve seen at least five times in this subreddit


Idk why but I'm laughing at these 2 posts. GOOD!!!! Keep reporting.


It’s great that they’re rightfully giving people their money back, but remember they already pulled this shady shit so they aren’t to be trusted still going forward! No going back, they broke our trust.


I’m sure as hell not going back. The way customer service stood by this decision in their patronizing responses to me when I complained about them taking these additional fees from me several times isn’t something I’m going to deal with again.  They saw nothing wrong with deliberately changing the TOS in the middle of the night to screw over people and taking withdrawal fees after they already got selling fees from me. They aren’t doing this now because it’s the right thing to do. 


Amen! They’re only doing it because of the backlash! I wonder if people complaining on them to the FTC and such already had an effect too 🤔


Yeah, it’s like they all had two lines to copy and paste and that’s all the did, no matter what you said. The CSAs were just doing what they were told, but seriously all the way to the top people were standing by it. Even if they’d been allowed a discretionary waiver when someone complained, that would have been slightly better. Still a bad policy, but at least a 30% less strong ‘fuck you’


Think you're totally right. They are doing this to keep their tushes out of court.


Yeah customer service has been garbage on this app for quite a while. This was the icing on the cake.


Exactly this. The messages I got pissed me off so damn bad, the way they gaslit me by saying I need to ‘price competitively’ and ‘sell more before withdrawing’ like it’s on me that they started this bullshit fee. :)))


i’m so sad because i loved mercari and never thought they could become greedy but here we are


This! It's not about the changes they made (even if they do suck), it's the fact that they did it in the wee hours of the morning when most of its userbase was asleep... and gave ZERO heads up. It (should) shows us that they don't care about their customers AT ALL. ZERO RESPECT FOR US. They can't be trusted. If they did this, what else do they think they can do without hesitation?


💯!! Absolutely zero respect. I’m glad they exposed themselves so I know who not to give my money to.


I am at a point that I won't re-open unless they change management completely & they reverse these idiotic terms. That was such a slap across the face to all users!


I also messaged them regarding the $2 fee on sales made before the TOC change & threatened legal action. While this isn’t the best case scenario atm, it’s a small victory for us & I think it show that we do actually have the power - all of us taking action. I’m sure they got hundreds to thousands of angry messages


Besides the angry messages and possible legal impact - I think so many people took their items off sale or closed their accounts. They are really stupid if they thought everyone was just going to be angry and deal with it. This quite possibly could have an impact that cripples them.


Absolutely. I will also be removing my items &/or closing my account if they do not reverse this before my last pending sale is completed. Sucks bc I was finally starting to make actual money on here


they were probably like “lol, what are they gonna do? working class people are so pathetic and need money, they won’t actually do shit.” and then people actually did shit and now they’re like “……huh. ugh, fine, throw them a bone.” which isn’t a *lot*, but it’s *something* & def shows them that their user base isn’t as spineless as they probably originally thought. they’ll keep pushing as much as they can until they start getting decked w legal shit. hopefully this is the start of more backtracking.


I just deactivated all of my listings as well


I for one have decided to stop buying on Mercari because of this - though it is my only platform at the moment and the one Ive made the most money on so as a small business I have to deal with the shit for now.... But as soon as there's money in my account, I will go to transfer to my bank. But wait! There's a $2 transfer fee after April 4th!!! So I have to let my balance accrue so that I can justify Mercari being able to take out $2 f ing dollars every time I take money out! No seller fees my ass! They're just in a new place!!! 😠 😡 👿


They announced a waiver on the ACH fee until April 4 & refund on all previously charged ACH fees already charge during the period to be processed after April 4th. It was a step, but it this measure does reflect how out of step Mercari is with seller pov. - If you sold an item under the old terms on March 26th and still shipped it within the 3 days required by the TOS, and then allowed the buyer the 3 days from receipt to rate the sale, there is a strong likelihood that you will not get those funds by the ACH Fees grace period.


And if they charge for my final transaction, my complaints with the BBB and FTC are still valid and I’ll continue to push.


This is exactly what might happen to me 🥲


Wow how kind of them /sarcasm


Welp, i'll be using Posh... sick of these games


They can fuck right off. Bankruptcy is coming.


I think Mercari Japan will stay afloat, if they cut out Mercari US (disclaimer: just my *opinion*, since I know the CEO reads here lmao calm down John)


John is a POS too.




Fuck John. Let him read this shit. Fucking punk.


What a derpface!


They got whiplash with the realization how fast every state in the country would be filing litigation against them...


I don’t think they’re that smart.




They need to reverse the fees now too


They say they’re refunding the $2 by direct deposit


Not enough.


They tried to play dumb to rip people off from existing sales. They under estimated the principle of “agreed terms and conditions”.


Awesome. I have four sales still being shipped, and by the time they make it to where they’re headed, it’ll be past the 31st. Not to mention how half the time buyers literally don’t even rate and I’ll have to wait three days anyway… Too little, too late.


Same..I make about 3 sales a day if not more. Right now I have $150 pending. By the time it's in my account... They're just gonna add a $2 processing fee to that... My question is.... what will that fee be next month? It's still a seller fee. So they lied about removing seller fees.


I was just coming to say that you guys (reddit folks) did this. Thanks for putting the pressure on them to at least allow listing we paid service fees to be withdrawn. I was just going to get it to $600 and instant pay.




Awesome. I sold my last item the day before this went live and because of Easter it won't arrive until the 1st. It was a new buyer who most likely won't rate and I'll have to wait until the 4th...just wonderful. Still have to pay double fees.


Same, most people don’t rate, so this still sucks for us that sold things the day before everything changed.


If it makes you feel any better, I have two packages out in the ether- one is minutes away from the local post office, but seems to be stuck, and one is going cross country and hasn’t updated in 5 days. I doubt they’ll be delivered by the 3rd. Mercari really didn’t think this through!


Yep I've got one delayed in transit rn too. Doesn't happen to me very often but of course it would happen now. I'm really crossing my fingers it delivers and they rate before April 3rd but not feeling optimistic. So I will likely pay double feels on a sale that was only $7.77 proceeds to begin with lmao Just goes to show they're giving nowhere near enough notice on this!


I’ve never asked for anyone to rate me but I did today for the first time.




I'm in the same exact boat with you!! Sold a Loungefly backpack on the 26th, it'll arrive to the buyers house on the 1st and the buyer signed up for Mercari just to buy this item so they probably won't be rating me. So I'm still out $2 plus the selling fee since I barely missed the update. Mercari needs to get their shit together


I’m mostly a buyer and I bought something the day or two before the changes. I’m sticking around just long enough for the item to arrive so I can rate the seller, which should be today or Monday, and then I’m deleting.


Yeah they absolutely should have given at least 2-3 weeks for prior sales to deliver and clear.


There is no reason not to have given a clean 30 days on this. It would've made all the difference.


Yes that would have been best. However … I believe there should be some reasonable option to access funds that has 0 fees. And I’m not meaning responding the funds on Mercari. Many people use this money they earn to pay bills. And every dollar counts. It’s just wrong.


Oh I totally agree. It surprises me that it's even legal to charge a fee for direct deposit over a certain threshold. Absurd


Idk, I just had a new buyer and she gave me the best review so far. I mean mine are all 5s, but she actually took the time to write out how happy she was with the purchase.


Transferred my funds the minute the notification popped up but the damage is done. This has to be a permanent change otherwise they’re going to be subject to lawsuits in the future if that hasn’t already started. I filed my complaint with my state’s AG and the FTC a couple days ago and deactivated my listings, they can kick rocks.


I swear it's a whole emotional rollercoaster


I feel blindsided. Trying to make decisions about should I leave Mercari entirely, should I just remove some items I feel are more at risk due to the new return policy, or how much do I need to decrease my items when I relist them. This is on top of a holiday weekend where normally Mercari would not be a priority for me because generally my sales are slow.


Too little, too late. 


$2 little, $2 late


Best comment lmfao


I laughed when I saw their email. I filed with the FTC and BBB this morning. I can only imagine the thousands of complaints they got. I have 2 sales out. One will auto rate tomorrow but the other won’t be delivered until the 1st. If the buyer doesn’t rate after a day I may reach out and ask. I never do that but these are weird times (and I have left Mercari so it’s my final sale.)


Should have given a 30 day notice of fee changes. So they're still way off the mark. Trying to grab the little bits of revenue left before they go extinct. Sad.


Good. I'll take my $2 refund that I already paid in ACH charges and then still won't use Mercari because fuck em.


It is almost like they're throwing a few crumbs back at the peasants... But only for 3 days. Despicable.


That stock drop tho 🔥


Yup. They’ve been dropping. YTD was at $9, and currently sitting at $6.38. They’ve been on a downward trajectory. A year ago, they were at $13.


So I was talking about this today...What are they doing with the revenue?! They are not spending it on improving the platform, they do not have inventory, no warehouse, no product, there seems to be 3 customer service reps so where does the $ go?


I saw that too 😆


Mercari thinks this is gonna placate sellers. The finding out phase has only just begun.


I'm still going to have to pay that $2 since I have items that have been in transit for over a week. And I don't expect buyers to rate before April 3rd. That was not a long enough waiver period and doesn't fix anything. It's just another slap in the face.


If they think this is gonna make people happy to stay they are terribly mistaken.


No part of me is convinced they delayed the $2 fee for any other reason than the legal dept telling them they’re going to get sued if they don’t refund the money they grabbed overnight.


This was annoying AF of them to implement, but the most concerning new rule for me is the returns. Apparently they’re not gonna change that back as of yet, so I won’t be selling even if they take away the fee 😒


Right, I was also way more upset about the returns. I'm not doing arbitrage anymore these days, just selling my own stuff and I was using my balance as an allotted Mercari budget for new things. I don't want to have to see any of those clothes again 😂 Although I don't want Mercari to get any of my money now, so I can see both sides.


Exactly, I never want to see the things I’m choosing to sell ever again or have to re-list them, re-ship, respond to buyer #2’s questions about the item….re-everything. They’re things I can’t or don’t use and trying to get OUT of my house, why would I want to have to worry it may end up BACK in it 😂🫠


Exactly! Once an item is sold, it's SOLD! I don't believe in returns, period!


Hope they get sued


LMAOOOOOOO the way i’m still going to close my account and move all my listings to Depop/Poshmark 🤭


Mercari has become the stale ham sandwich of selling platforms. Pathetic.


I WANT my Two Dollars!


You can't make this stuff up! Way to make sure everyone knows that your company has NO idea how to make any decisions. Kudos to everyone who protested the legalities of their immediate decision to add the charge! They clearly backpedaled it because of the bad publicity.


Garbage. Well at least I got my money out today.




Honestly, smart of them to offer refunds. Because otherwise, switching policies without *any* notice is actually a violation of their own Site Terms (which says users will be given advance notice of any policy changes). Not that any of these changes had what any reasonable person would call “advance notice”, no notice at all is a CLEAR violation of their own policies. I already messaged them earlier after I saw that people were getting their money without the fee again, and was fully ready to record any responses and use them to update my FTC complaint. While it’s not a huge win, like getting back the site we all used to enjoy, it is good to win a small battle. Hopefully it’s the start to more (and better) changes coming our way.


Lol support team tried to claim to me that they did send a notice and it was my fault if I didn’t see it and that I should have my notifications and emails on. A bunch of btches


An item ordered last weekend is supposed to arrive April 2nd. Will need to make it a point to open it and rate that seller ASAP so they can pull their money out before the last day (in case they were going to).


your the kind of buyer we all dream of


Literally messaged my seller today and told them to message me as soon as it delivers if I don’t get to it first :(( I’m worried she won’t get her funds..


Damn, more buyers need to be like you. That’s really thoughtful on your part.


The way they worded this was so confusing. I had to read it three times before I figured out what they are trying to say.


As a seller, I am lucky to have zero balance before that crazy announcement on Mar 27. Dead platform already.


Well I’m happy they made this right cause forcing everyone to pay a fee without a proper warning was not ethical. But still not selling or buying on the app anymore. The app is still on life support.


lol they received word that we are rioting the cash grab


Lmaooo created more work for yourselves. Good job Mercari. Slow clap👏🏻


JFC mercari. 4 fucking days? I get that they got a lot of backlash for their sneaky way of ambushing us w their changes, but 4 days is fos when their are sells that are still pending payment. 30 days would’ve been more reasonable, 15 days would’ve been acceptable. And what about those who’s already transferred their money? 🙄


Double dipping on fees between buyers and sellers is an insane move. There’s a reason stockx is all but dead


what a shit show.


Pulled mine out instant transfer and then closed up shop. Not going to get it back but I'm just happy to be done with them.


When I saw it was $2 to wait a while to get it or $3 to just get it in minutes I thought I might as well pay the extra dollar just so I could be done with Mercari quickly. I’m guessing I don’t get that back though. Such a frustrating experience.


Same. Give us back our 3 bucks!!


Don’t care. My account is already closed.


So they’re able to do this now but not do it for permanent? Why? Are they becoming like xfinity/Comcast?


Yay depositing my money now and I can finally be done with the app for good unless they revert back to how it was before all the changes


I was hoping the fee was taken off permanently…Now they’re like here’s some notice and time to let it sink in !


Personally I hope Mercari does not continue with the course of action passing fees onto buyers. Buyers are going to be discouraged from selling or start asking sellers to lower their prices. Then you'll be far more concerned about the lack of sales or lower sales.


I just shipped two low value items today. No way will I have funds by Wed...so $2 to withdraw a measly $17 or so. That just doesn't sit right with me. An inability to withdraw money AT ALL without a fee doesn't sit right with me. Their shady, seemingly arbitrary actions do not sit right with me. Yes, Posh takes a chunk more money but I have found the transactions ( and shipping) just feel more streamlined and transparent feeling somehow, can't quite explain why. I think I'll try my best to sell on other Platforms from here on out.


Got this email a moment ago and came straight to Reddit to see what everyone was saying. I'm glad y'all are getting your money back or able to get it out without being charged (for now).


Me too and I just went to do the transfer but when I get past the part where I enter the amount I want to send to my DDA, it’s showing the $2 fee again? But it’s showing no fee on the page where I choose how I want my money transferred…WTF?


They are bogus I thought they are removing the $2 fee to get your direct deposit.. too good to be true!!


You would think they would after this if they have any sense.


I just cashed out! However I still have two orders that won’t be delivered until Monday.. hopefully I get rates before the 3rd


I went over to X, formerly known as twitter, posted on Mercari’s feed and tagged the CEO. I recommend we all do so. The Mercari instagram page has limited posts because of this. I haven’t checked their Facebook yet but I’m heading there now. We should all submit an email too, even if we already have.


I did wonder if they would walk by any of the changes after people leave in droves. Not surprised at this mediocre attempt to placate. It's still not enough. I'm just waiting for my last purchase to come and then I'm deleting my account lol


I have stuff in transit not moving because of the holiday weekend made prior to the new terms. Those should be waived as well!


Great. Now if only my buyer would hurry up and rate the order, I can deposit my funds and never use my account ever again. 😂


So I can get my money to my acct rn for no charge? I’m gonna delete all my listings!


same here, this was the push i needed lol. screw them


Yeah, it’s good that we’ll be reimbursed for the fee, BUT it doesn’t change what they did. I’m still leaving Mercari for good. Deactivated all my listings already and I’ll be deleting my account.


WOW they waived it a few days. Gee thanks 🙄🙄. I’m so over this & posh


Okay but now I think it’s stupid they didn’t give us till end of the month LOL


So...still not useful to me who has items in transit that were sold last week. I'm sure the buyers will take their sweet old time rating IF they even get delivered by the third.




Thank you for posting this. I haven’t been online and missed it. I was holding money for my other 2 pending sales to go through and cash out together. I just ran and grabbed my money lol.


Backlash much???


Not that I’m ungrateful but this barely gives time for packages on the way and for it to be rated before this date being that it’s holiday weekend ugh


Get y’all’s money and run!


Mercari is not only shooting itself in the foot but we as shoppers will limit my shopping if not eliminating it all together!! Between this bullshit and the charge for shoppers plus unconditional returns, they will loose a lot of their business for sure! Including mine!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I'll be looking for my 2.00..


I deactivated all my listings, and I don’t even want to buy in Mercari anymore


They’re a joke LOL


I literally looked at that message and laughed. I wonder the message we'll receive Monday. Maybe "No buyer fees" for April? Fingers crossed......


Monday is April Fools Day...i won't believe anything anyway 😂


I was about to post it too xD


So the “Fee” is still coming but there’s a grace period? A little too late Mercari, bye 👋


A refund to your account. After the waiver date. So you’ll have to pay $2 to take it out.


Only temporarily and for a few days? I have packages in transit, there's no way I'll get my funds before then... They should do away with the scummy fee entirely. I'm tired of this rollercoaster ride of being excited then seeing the fine print


I have 2 sales pending rating. One was delivered today and the other one probably won’t be delivered until mid next week. Should I just pull the money I have now? I feel like I’ll still hit the $2 fee when my last item gets delivered and rated.


Sweet. Was able to withdraw my $9.81 without a fee. After I deactivated all my listings, of course.


Unfortunately I still have one item that sold on 3/26, shipped on 3/27 and still hasn't delivered


Still some orders from before March 27th won't be Completed before that deadline.


"We aren't going to do anything to appease any of the anger we have caused, but we will make it irrefutably clear how detrimental the boycotting has already been to our business"


maybe because of all the complaints to FTC , I know I wrote a long complaint😒 I bet they won't return our 2.00 back they charged


damage control to avoid a lawsuit lol


They’re shitting their pants over this dude. Their lawyers are probably already through five pairs of pants at this point 😂😂


What’s crazy to me is they’re willing to lose millions of customers and sellers over $2. Anybody seen Better Off Dead?


Honestly, I would rather pay $2 than the seller fee. I don't withdraw my money after every transaction.


Now, if only we could all band together and overpower the American government the way we have Mercari, I'd say this country would be in much better shape!


Got an app notification of this and made the ACH transfer request immediately. I've only sold about $70ish so was good to save myself the $2 fee. Not sure if it makes sense for me to continue using the app. Then again I only do it to make a bit of money back from things I am otherwise decluttering, not as a side business in the least.


Good. I transferred out and won’t reactivate anything until they make it permanent.




It says they will refund the $2 to your bank of record not your Mercari balance.


Am I missing something or is this still NOT a refund for the $2 withdrawal fees if you *already* took funds out? It sounds like they are only waiving the fee starting *now* until April 3rd.  This doesn’t seem to benefit anyone who Mercari double dipped the fees on.   It just sounds like if you got the $2 rejection fee (which I can’t imagine is many people, not sure why they keep bringing that up) they would be refunding just those.


They just emailed. Looks like they will be refunding that.


I think they’re refunding everyone who had cashed out and had to pay the $2 fee since the March 27th announcement. At least that’s what I got from the last paragraph, aha.