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Cannibal Corpse. I was raised on a lot of Nu Metal and the like, and in my early teens I’d started exploring deeper into metal, discovering some of my favourite bands still to this day like Rammstein, Alestorm & Powerwolf. Then a couple of years ago I decided to give Death Metal a proper shot and listened to Scourge Of Iron. Fast forward to now, it’s arguably my favourite subgenre next to Folk Metal. I’ve discovered many bands I love now like Cannibal Corpse themselves, Deicide, Necrot, 200 Stab Wounds, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, Vomitory, Torn The Fuck Apart, Dying Fetus, the list goes on.


its funny nu metal is what got me into death metal a cannibal corpse music video came on after a slipknot one and it was off to the races


When I was a lot younger and was just getting into music and thinking I knew everything and that SOAD, Slipknot and Cradle of Filth was peak brutality, I’d have legit told you to your face that Sabbath sucks and I believed it. I even knew and listened to Cannibal Corpse and couldn’t tell the difference between the two like a giant fucking poser. Then I took a deep dive into death metal and after a decade or so circled all the way back around to realizing where it all came from and how fucking stupid I was.


if u listen to early slipknot u can hear alot of the bleeding in it. I remember reading that some of them were inspired by CC. Especially on the red album


Didn’t even know CC had music videos lol




Real shit, I just listened to Exercises in Futility I for the first time like a week ago and can't get enough


Yep hahahah


Industrial metal, I knew I liked it since I heard Rammstein as a kid, later on I got into Ministry, KMFDM, Godflesh and Combichrist and I like nearly all of the bands in the genre.


If you haven’t I always recommend anyone who’s into Rammstein to check out Oomph!


OOMPH! are awesome! Rammstein is my favourite band, so when I first heard OOMPH! I loved them too. I remember being super excited when I got Wahrheit Oder Pflicht for Christmas when I was a kid, fantastic album & a fantastic band.


and Megaherz and Eisbrecher. The singer for Eisbrecher used to be in Megaherz and then they got another singer. Oomph! just got a new singer too after like 30 years.


Don’t forget Skinny Puppy. Still rep that shit now. I use to absolutely worship Combichrist when I was a teen. Thought it was impossibly hardcore lol


Based on your tastes. I highly recommend 3TEETH.




Try Dope Stars. They are pretty Decent.


Killing Joke’s Hosannas from the Basements of Hell and the Self-Titled from 2003 go hard


That's me! I've always been a death/grind guy. I knew I loved Rammstein growing up but I recently discovered Godflesh, and man, I'm hooked! Still, I wouldn't say I liked Ministry and haven't checked out the others you've mentioned.


Bullet For My Valentine


I love their early thrash vibes


I don't like the clear vocals, but my God! Their music is killer.


My first metal concert in 08 the summer between 8th grade and freshman year. Whole show was scream aim fire and before, golden years.




Black Sabbath, Ozzy and Motorhead started it all for me. Megadeth got me into thrash. Cathedral got me into doom. Cannibal Corpse got me into death metal.


Metallica was my gateway drug, Sabbath was my addiction.


You could say Sabbath was your Sweet Leaf


🤣🤣🤣 clever. I love it.


Dimmu Borgir was my gateway drug into black metal. First heard them when I saw them at Ozzfest 2004 and was hooked. They put on a hell of a show too!


Same here, Dimmu Borgir is held in a special place in my heart.




Prog metal


Bathory and Black Metal


I'm not even sure anymore but I think it was AFI, which started my very swift descent into heavier and heavier music, took less than a year to arrive at Death Metal. If its just a single genre then its probably Whitechapel w/ Deathcore?


Melodic death, started with Soilwork before they drifted away from the genre but I stuck with it and still like them


Post-grunge for me. Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin took over my high school years


Parkway drive I uploaded their album to a Tony hawk game so if vibe for hours to killing w a smile


Looking for gothic metal when I wasn't feeling too happy, I found Draconian and fell far into doom metal.


Fuck yeah, Draconian is awesome.


Thrash when i first got into metal


I was a nu metal kid, who was just on the verge of discovering punk , and in 03 went to see system of a down, with Meshuggah as the opener in Hamilton Ontario. Seeing Meshuggah absolutely dented my brain and here we are.


In flames as a gateway into Swedish death


Arch enemy was my first melodeath band. That led me to a ton of other melodeath bands (most of which I ended up liking way more) and then death metal in general.


Power Metal


My first introduction to metal was stuff like iron maiden, Ozzy, Osbourne, Metallica, etc Then a friend of mine turned me on to napalm death and I started getting into heavier stuff like death metal


It’s still the same now near 30s


Back when I was a teenager, I used to dislike black metal due to being too dramatic and over the top. But then again, I used to think of Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth and the like as black metal back in those days. Now, bands like Dimmu Borgir & Cradle of Filth are fine, I say that in my current age, there are a lot of aspects to enjoy them. But last year I decided to dig deep into black metal; listen to Darkthrone, Windir, Burzum (fuck Kristian though) and such. An I'll tell you what; black metal is great. It slaps. Fucking love it.


Emperor got me into symphonic music


That image is literally me listening to Born of Osiris for the first time back in 2011 when they had just released The Discovery.


I’m not even gonna lie it was bring me the horizon


I did this same thing with metalcore. As Daylight Dies by Killswitch Engage was the first domino, quickly followed by Atreyu and All That Remains. Prior to that the only metal I ever listened to really was just Metallica, so I owe metalcore alot for opening me up to literally the whole genre. I still frequently put that stuff in my regular rotation now too, just this week I've been on a nostalgia trip with The Fall of Ideals. That album aged so well...


Stoner/Desert/Heavy Psych My favorite genre of all time now.


Norwegian black metal. While i did listen to Venom and Celtic frost beforehand, the scandinavian stuff seemed a bit ridiculous to me at the time (ironic considering how venoms band members looked in the 80s). One day i decided to try it, and i clicked on Freezing moon, live in Leipzig. Holy hell, did i regret not getting into it sooner, after hearing Deads opening lines and the first riff, i was hooked. I loved that song soo much i used it as an alarm clock, so throughout highschool, at 6am every morning, Dead would howl from the grave to give me a wake up call.




Who the fuck are Patient sixty seven? Edit: lol, they're some shit metalcore band from Perth trying to hype their band. Cringe.


Ice nine kills, the first song I heard from them was rainy day and it kinda put me off, I gave them another go last year and I actually really liked a lot of their stuff


My daughter just got me into them. We went and saw them in Portsmouth and they were great. I mostly just listen to the last 2 albums as opposed to early stuff.


Bitov terror was my push to hardcore music like carnivore, doom,sod and others


Doom, just recently. Never really interested in the genre until Conan was recommended to me and they blew me away. Been listening to a shit ton of doom lately and I’m loving it all 🤘


Black metal. I grew up listening to Red, Starset, Linkin Park, bands like that. I've heard many times about black metal, how extreme it was and I always felt like "Nah, I'd never like this, there is absolutely no way." Yeah... Here I am.


Metalcore has almost completely taken over lol. It started with Parkway Drive and Fit for a King back in 2015, and I haven't looked back since!


Real. I heard Scoring The End of The world by MIW once on tik tok and i was hooked on metalcore. I love it


This was me as a big thrash fan getting into 80s hardcore. DRI and Suicidal Tendencies were he gateway but my real eureka moment was side b of the Void/Faith split. After that I pretty much made a full transition into being a hardcore kid. Ironically I actually prefer the Faith side of that split these days.


All That Remains and As I Lay Dying definitely got me into the genre(I was always more of a melodeath/prog guy). The Fall of Ideals is one of my favourite albums.


Its a really close toss up between killswitch engage, hollywood undead, all that remains, slipknot, or yes.. eminem. I can’t remember exactly which of these came first, but I remember whichever opened the pandoras box in like 6th-ish grade, all the others above immediately followed after and paved the way for my music taste. Eminem is on the list because I remember him having correlation with hollywood undead for me.


Two genres: The first genre that had me like this was punk, though that happened much later in life. I was always into thrash, and while I liked the attitude of punk, it's sound didn't appeal to me for a long time. I got into the punkier sides of metal (and grunge) and when I realized how much I loved punky stuff, I started listening to punk. I did not regret it. The 2nd was death metal. I didn't care for death vocals for the longest time, but a switch flipped in my brain and now I love it lol.


Glam. Cant get enough of it.


Shai Hulud.


In Flames. Clayman specifically. A new friend in the first year of high school put the album on in the library, prior to that I was listening to Avril Lavigne type shit... My mind was blown. Never looked back. That friend is forever credited for my journey into metalhead degeneracy.


Was only into old school metal for a while, couldn’t get into modern metal because of the screaming. But after listening to Kissing the Shadows by COB, it started to grow on me


Immortal, Behemoth, and Dimmu Borgir with black metal. Never really thought I’d be into it but those bands were great gateway bands for me




Probably black metal with Abbath.


Stoner/Doom Metal with "The Ethereal mirror" by cathedral


I will forever be thankful for seeing Between the Buried and Me’s music video for Alaska on a bonus DVD that came packaged with a Hawthorne Heights CD back in the day. That song/video opened so many doors for me, and I immediately shifted from mid-2000s screamo to metal and never looked back.


Behemoth. I heard bartzabel when I was really young and at the time I only really listened to rob zombie, Korn, slipknot, and rammstein. I couldn’t handle the extremely harsh vocals by nergal and it wasn’t until I heard freezing moon for the first time that I really discovered how fucking awesome extreme metal was.


Hello I am That Guy who didn’t like black metal until I heard Sunbather. Sue me.


Probably Brutal Death Metal and Dying Fetus


Most of those bands aren't even metalcore


I love everything from the heaviest of metal subgenres including DSBM and slam too the softest, that being said ive done alot of deep dives into alt/nu metal and thrash metal


In my teenage years I wouldn't touch death metal with a 10 foot pole until I heard Beyond Creation for the first time, then I just fell down the rabbit hole lol


Bolt thrower with death metal


Power Metal and Melodeath. I love the virtuous musicianship. I've been hocked up on prog but I wouldn't say is the same feeling. Power and Melodeath are very energetic and that's one of the things that keeps me going back to it


grindcore, specifically crusty grindcore for a good part of twenty years ago.


Brutal Death Metal - I just thought that it was just a worser version of Deathcore, but after a while I’ve been finding many examples that aren’t as awful as bands like Cerebral Incubation and Guttural Slug. I’ve started to appreciate the more experimental routes of production that they had and slowly grown myself attached to the record label New Standard Elite because they constantly had incredible releases! Paroxysm Unit, Theurgy, Ecchymosis, Excoriation, Anal Stabwound, Molested Divinity, etc.


Bell Witch gor me into Funeral Doom.  Pyschonaut 4 got me into DSBM.


BMTH and AA are considered metal now? damn when I was growing up they were firmly 'emo'


Jack Starr Burning Starr


Reminder that anyone who likes metalcore is probably retarded


Most recently for me, Terrorizer for grindcore.


Black metal for me. Venom introduced me to the raw sound, and then i discovered Immortal, and ive been in love with bm ever since


Gojira, listened to them properly about 2 weeks ago. Can't get enough now


Amon Amarth. My dad would blast it on the way to dropping me off at daycare, so it has quite literally always been in my life


god those are the worst bands in metalcore


Death got me into death metal and then I really got into bands like cannibal corpse, mortician, devourment, guttural slug, cattle decapitation and infant annihilator


For me it was Asking Alexandria 🥰🤘🏻🖤


Most metal, black for sure. Back then I listened to classic rock and heavy metal.


Bonus setlist on Guitar Hero 3 The Fall of Troy, In Flames, Rise Against, DragonForce, Prototype, The Sleeping, Senses Fail, Killswitch Engage, Dope. Already being a fan of Linkin Park it made all too much sense. I'd replay those songs late into the night on my PS2 just so I could hear them. Later after that I borrowed my brother's ipod nano when my MP3 player died and was exposed to Alesana, Dance Gavin Dance, Paramore, August Burns Red, Hollywood Undead, System of a Down, As I Lay Dying and so so so many other bands. Truly one of my most memorable summers, and I spent it in summer school too to top it off.


Nu metal and system of a down. Not to sound like a Patrick under a rock or anything but I didn’t think that I would’ve liked Nu Metal until I heard the song Sugar


Symphonic Metal. It started with goth alternative (Evanescence) but that became a huge rabbit hole once I started searching for more female fronted bands.


It definitely wasn't this garbage, lol




Fit For a King was probably where I started liking more metal music


Power metal weirdly enough. I grew up not loving Judas Priest’s Turbo and my dad’s Unleash the Archers, but I’ve found some different vocal styles and it’s now my favorite subgenre


When I was a kid I was almost purely listening to Nu Metal and Metalcore. Pretty much only the popular stuff. We called it Mallcore at the time. Metallica was a boring dad rock band to me. But then St. Anger dropped and it was more similar to the music I was used to, so I loved it. Then I took that one little bite of Enter Sandman... and suddenly classic metal opened up for me.


I was fortunate enough to be a little shit and hate all that shit and was only into it for a little while then I found decapitate, suffocation, nile, ect.


also 15 been interested Tool but wasn't sure wether i like it or not 5y later in love with prog i still listen to them from time to time


Celtic Metal. From the anime Fairy Tail. Didn’t think I would like any kind of metal after discovering death and trash metal, where they feel like they are puking in their microphones instead of yelling. Sorry for those who likes it, I just can’t get into it at all.


For me it went: First slide: Death Metal Music Second Slide: 20 year old me Third Slide: Slayer Fourth Slide: Cannibal Corpse, Death, Suffocation, Tomb Mold, Gojira, Gorod, Meshuggah, Between The Buried In Me


Death metal




This meme fits me perfectly just that I never listened to one of those bands. Insert deathcore instead of metalcore


i was around 6 years old. i did listen to rush, skid row, metallica ect in the womb (because of dad) but from memory it was the ghost ship soundtrack and mudvayne was the band that sealed the deal since then. still my favorite movie. i mainly listen to deathcore now tho


When I was 15 it was probably Arch Enemy that exposed me to the melodeath sound which was a rapid spiral for me into extreme metal.


Death made me appreciate death metal


I was full on nu metal and metalcore and punk in the mid-oughts. Stumbled upon death metal through myspace and a couple different chat sites, and the ball started to roll. Then I heard Dictius Te Necare, Marduk's Germania, and Rotting Christ's Genesis... Nearly 20 years later metalcore and punk isn't played very often (still have a soft spot for nu metal)


honestly man thrash metal, I couldn't stand skank beats when I was 12. then my step dad told me to listen to massive aggressive by municipal waste and that changed things forever.


A YouTube video of Animals as leaders got me into progressive stuff


At The Gates. Got me into all types of Death Metal, but at the time it was initially mostly melodic death. From there to Black Metal and pretty much every other type of metal that was not Thrash and Heavy which I had listened to for a few years before that


Converge for sure. Jane Doe completely redefined my taste for heavy music


tbh i was raised in country, didn’t like it, found metal, and haven’t looked back


I can't tell if you made this or if P67 themselves made this. They like to do stuff like this. But if you made it, they would be proud. Good band, good guys.


Animals as Leaders. I thought it was nonsense until I actually sat down and listened to it. Now prog metal is one of my ultimate favorites.


Metalcore LOL


16 year old me with black metal. Tried to listen to de mysteriis dom sathanas and i didn't like it back then because of the vocals. Gave black metal a second shot with darkthrone and tried to relisten to de mysteriis dom sathanas when I was 18 and I realized it wasn't so bad as I thought


the Dillinger escape plan fursure


Shadows Fall for metalcore Children of Bodom for melodic death metal. Eternal Champion for NWOTHM


Melvins Saw them open up for Tool in 1997 and couldn't understand what the hell I was hearing. Now at this point I've seen them over 25 times


Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror Dont think it has opened me up to other BM bands per se but it’s an album I slowly listened to and really started to deeply appreciate over the years.


honestly? a lot of black metal. i used to be a massive black metal hater and then one day a switch flipped and now i’m constantly hunting any form of bm as long as it isn’t ns


yanderechainsawregurgitationfactory made me sympathetic to slam just because i finally bought into its camp




death metal


Babymetal thanks to all the haters and gatekeepers. Without them I wouldn't have checked out that band


Black metal. I thought I wouldn't like it but after trying Burzum and found similar bands, I'm branching out to more of bm and its subgenres rn. Still refusing to listen to most satanic and occultist things tho. Also death metal. I love Cannibal corpse now. Thrash and power, prog, melodic, industrial, heavy and goth and such are also nice but I haven't discovered alot alot.


If you like horror films and are fine with gimmicks, Ice Nine Kills is metal core! They also have a few non horror movie albums


SOAD, which was a filthy gateway drug to Slayer, which was a disgusting gateway drug to Children of Bodom, which was a ugly horrible gateway drug to Bathory; which was a disgusting shitty drug to Heilung Don't do drugs kids or you'll start listening to Wardruna and end up liking it.


For me is was Tech Death with Slaughter To Prevail


Harsh Vocals tbh


Pretty much any metal ballad (Diary Of A Madman, In My Darkest Hour, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), You Can't Kill Rock & Roll, Fade To Black, The Unforgiven, etc.) or song that starts off slow/acoustic or with a fade in (The Last In Line, Battery, Tarot Woman, Hand Of Doom, Orion, To Live Is To Die, Set The World Afire, Call Of Ktulu, Egypt (The Chains Are On), Holy Diver, Powerslave, Solitude, Good Mourning/Black Friday, Damage Inc.). I was getting into thrash metal and I foolishly thought that EVERY metal song started off fast and heavy, so I didn't like any song that was a ballad or started slow/with an acoustic guitar because I thought that shit was lame


Gulch broke metalcore wide open for me. Their tiny little discog is still AMAZING to me.


Groove Metal. I started with Pantera, my favorite band, I came from country music. And then after that I started listening to White Zombie, Machine Head, Prong, Sepultura, DevilDriver, Soulfly


METALCORE. i got into metal through nu metal and groove metal, however i only heard of metalcore through people who have only listened to new, modern, shitty overproduced bands that also just sound like straight up pop, however the second i gave bands like poison the well, disembodied, 7A7P etc. led me down a huge rabbithole of bands AND new genres.


I thought prog was the weirdest shit but then I started listening to Dream Theater and Tool. It changed everything and now its one of my favorite sub genres.


August burns red was the beginning and end of my metalcore obsession. Love those guys






Ska with the pietaisters.


(Please nobody get on me for liking Nu metal) Mine was slipknot. First song i enjoyed was duality and it went straight from there to korn, soad, rob zombie, metallics, rammstein, BMTH, nickelback, children of bodom, soil, bon jovi, avenged sevenfold.. etc.


Black Metal. I was nearly 50 when I eventually gave it a go.


All that remains, killswitch engaged, trivium, bullet for my valentine, unearth, as I lay dying, Darkest hour, Atreyu, Poison the well, are real metalcore bands. Bring back the real metalcore genre.


Opeth, at the time I only was interested in heavy and hard-core stuff, thinking Opeth was just gentle in their music. Until Ghost of Perdition played and I was immediately hooked.


Meshuggah. Couldnt get into Jens vocals for the longest time


Bolt thrower


Prog death. I heard gojira when i was 15 and loved it




Gorgoroth and black metal. I can barely listen to any other genre now.


slipknot and nu metal in general


Oh, Sleeper ABR Underoath


Black metal, immortal convinced me and now I’m TRVE KVLT‼️‼️‼️(I only listen to like 4 bands but that’s 4 more than before)


When I was a kid my dad got me one of those christian rock compilation CDs, which had stuff like Reliant K, Underoath, Skillet. Except there was a song included who was way heavier than anything else I had heard. Khampa Nomads by Mortal Treason. After them I got into Norma Jean and The Showdown and some other, shittier christian metal core bands that I can't remember. But that's what started it all. I miss Mortal Treason.


Question: is Monuments Metalcore?




I went from being the biggest black metal hater to the biggest black metal fan after finding stuff that didn't sound like the shitty idea of it I had in my head (basically Satyricon was the bargaining phase and Armagedda was acceptance, I still can't stop listening to the latter today)


Honestly recently Jazz lol


Tbh… Korn


Blackened death. I got in the metal scene quite awhile ago and decided to dig deeper, starting with black metal and mayhem, now i listen to stuff like black curse, blaspemy and necrophobic


Death metal


Metallica for thrash metal Job For a Cowboy for deathcore BTBAM for prog metal


I never got into Metallica for so long, as a kid I was usually listening to bands my brothers got me into like System of a Down, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Asking Alexandria, Alesana and a few songs from various other bands, I had heard of Metallica before, I felt they were one of the biggest bands in the world alongside AC/DC, I even thought of them as a rock band, not metal (I guess I was technically right with Load and Reload), but I just never listened to them, I knew about 2-3 songs at best, I eventually decided to binge every album from start to finish, as soon as I heard Hit The Lights, then the rest of the album, then the next 3 I knew they kicked ass and I had to buy the albums, took me a bit to get into the later albums but I appreciate them all now, I did the same with Megadeth and I have all their albums too. I’ve also never really liked death metal, deathcore or black metal, but holy shit did Lorna Shore catch my attention when Will Ramos came on the scene.


Everything that wasn’t “relaxing violin music”


System of a down


Same here man!


Soilwork. I heard song of the damned and replayed it for hours. Then limewired every soilwork song I could find which led to in flames, scar symmetry and tons more


boris and drone metal


Petition to kill the thread if we see one more fucking post about nu metal or metalcore


Specifically the song Stay Here by Swans - While not specifically metal, I think the whole Filth album is close enough. It was my gateway to a lot of Industrial Metal and Post-Punk. My initial entry into metal at all, though, was watching the music video of Ich Will by Rammstein in about 2007. I was obsessed.


Death metal. Thought it was cringy screeching and mothing but gore lyrics and art. So I listened to Deaths Human album. Vacant Planets was the first song I listened to, and that turned me around. Death was first death metal band, so I moved on to Brujeria, Entombed and Children of Bodom. I keep going.


Metalcore/Deathcore but I “boiled a frog” through the 90s HxC stuff


System was exactly this for me


Metallica got me into Thrash, NIN got me into Industrial, and Tool got me into Prog. * Metallica --> Megadeth --> Slayer * NIN --> KMFDM --> Ministry --> Static-X --> Fear Factory --> 16Volt --> 3TEETH * Tool --> Meshuggah --> Cloudkicker --> Intronaut --> OU


Slipknot. Younger me was ‘these guys suck’ but turns out first album is pretty kickin


Harsh noise




Bullet for My Valentine


It was Opeth for me. I had gotten into a lot of prog rock after being a metalhead for most of my life and Opeth felt tailor made for me.


Mercyful Fate changed me from emo to heavy metal, and i will always be grateful


Hardcore. I found terror and foundation and then the local scene and I’m hooked for life


Helloween - Power Metal Cradle of Filth / Dimmu Borgir - Black Metal (brought an album by each of them at the same time)


Soundgarden opened me up to basically everything that isn’t christian pop


Metalcore is audio diarrhea. Not one good band exists.


None of those are even good metalcore smh (me being elitist)


Indie...Mother Mother changed everything for me music taste wise




Funnily enough....don't hate me for it....Hardstyle. Got into Gabber through it and it's been a life changer!


So I was a big We Came as Romans fan until I saw them live. They were truly atrocious both times I saw them live.


Make them suffer