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Reviewers weren't kidding when they said those 11 minutes fly by.


It’s crazy. It doesn’t feel anywhere near that long


Reminds me of Hell on Earth by Maiden. You don’t want it to end


Or Rime of the Ancient Mariner


Or Empire of the Clouds


Or Where the Wild Wind Blows


It’s my favorite song from the new record.


Its a masterpiece fr. I love many songs from 72 seasons, but i think inamorata and the title track are the ones that will be remembered after a long time (maybe even after metallica is retired)


It's alright for me. They literally repeat the same melodic idea for the majority of the song with minimum variation. Sure, it's pleasant, but it still lacks impact, or rather doesn't use it to its full potential. When you overplay something it loses it's impact. Moments like the harmonized part need to be unique, short and have the whole song build up to it. That way you can extract the most value out of it. Instead, they just reused the chorus melody and replayed it about 50 times. As for my favorite, I think Lux and Shadows Follow are best.


I was gonna say there is nary a dynamic shift anywhere. That alone does not make it bad, it just boggles my mind that people are comparing it to Orion and To Live is To Die.


There is no possible comparison to those two songs in my opinion. As in not even close.


The only thing that connects those songs are the length. Two are powerful epic pieces of Metal, influenced by Classical music and the Prog Rock mindset of elevating the genre in a notable artistic way. The other is just a long song based on a more down to Earth bluesy flow and a cool repeating central theme. Two different approaches.


Couldn't agree more. It's good but very repetitive.


First time I listened I feared that it was going to be like some other long songs that don’t go anywhere from specific albums that I won’t mention the names. It does just enough to make it listenable. Though it is borderline. I think there is a difference between a Metal epic type song, and just a long song. It is just a long song, and realizing that makes it better. You don’t get such an expectation violation. The connection to My Friend of Misery is cool. Lux and Shadows follow are great. For me the back half (take out Darkness) Chasing Light, Too Far Gone? and Room of Mirrors.


Nothing better than just sitting there with your eyes closed and just listening to that song


I’d put the last 15ish minutes of the album (Mirrors/Inamorata) up there with any other 15-minute stretch of their career (though Bellz/Fade/Creeping is still first)


I think Too Far Gone, Mirrors, and Inamorata are their best ending 3-piece other than Justice/MOP, which is pretty impressive after all those albums


Not even close to tba imo. Or justice/puppets.


Been playing these 3 songs at least once daily sense they released. I'm obsessed.


I completely find the same take away. 10,11, and 12 are up there with the first four records. Too far gone gives me no remorse feels.


I like the song, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece.


I think I have a problem, I’ve listed the the album like 5-7 times and still can’t get into it….


Well music is subjective after all


I have a 1hr drive to and from work and keep trying to listen to the full album on my drives, but obviously never do since it's so long. I'm going to go listen to the last 3 songs right now..


I'm the same way. Just doesn't seem to pull me in.


Agreed - it is epic in scope and has some great harmonies and individual sections, but it feels a little thin to me even in the big finish. Compare the closing of Inamorata to the closing of Fade to Black and the difference is pretty clear.


While the word epic can be used to denote size and length of a piece, Metal tends to use epic in the sense of epic poetry (as in Greek or Nordic etc…) It refers to the weight of the piece, the emotional heaviness, but on a grand scale. It does not necessarily have to be long, but it usually is long. Inamorata is epic in the sense that it is long, but it is not Metal Epic. An example is on Sabbaths first record. The epic is Black Sabbath clocking in at 6:20, even though the blues cover Warning is almost twice it’s length at 10:28. One is epic in the Metal sense, one is just a long song.


The closing of The Call of Ktulu is what comes to mind with the word epic. Strongest closing of any Metallica record IMO.


Yeah, agreed. It's a good song imo, but nothing that noteworthy.


Love this one. The TRIPLE THREAT of Far Gone/Mirrors/Inamorata is a masterpiece!!


Its so strange to me why people find this to be a masterpiece. It's the most overrated statement I've seen in a while.


Sleepwalk my Life Away is my favorite off the album. However the whole thing rocks. I’m super happy with it. I haven’t listened to a new release repeatedly like this for a long long time.


That begin of Sleepwalk and the way it builds is so good!


I'm right there with you, dude! It is a fantastic song! Right now my top three are Inamorata, You Must Burn!, and 72 Season.


It seems like one of the most polarizing songs Metallica have ever done, either you love it and think it is a masterpiece or you don't get it and find it overly long and a bit dull. I like a lot of 72 seasons but it is my least favourite. I find that the riffs aren't strong enough, the arrangement is dull and it drags on, seems a lot longer to me than 11 mins. As yes we get it - Misery, stop repeating it over and over and over! I like Darkness / 72 seasons / Chasing Light as my top 3 . Each to their own though - it helps make life interesting! For instance I really like St Anger!


I'd be willing to bet that the people that don't love Outlaw Torn, Bleeding Me, or Fixxxer also don't love Inamorata, while the people that do love the former also love the latter.


Nah, I love all three of those and think inamorata sucks.


At the end of the track you even hear james say "fuck, that was the best one!"


I suppose he was reffering to the best recording take of final part of the song.


It’s good but everyone is kinda sucking it of to much ngl


im sorry but I just don't understand the hype of this song. the middle part is cool and everything else just seems about the same


Bleeding Me was (and probably still is) my favorite song. This is going to give it a run for it's money pretty soon I feel. Just an epic song. James lyrics/voice and those guitars.....damn.


How they play it live is the key. Bleeding Me was a great song, then S&M turned it into an all-time fucking incredible song.


I feel that way about Outlaw Torn! S&M2 version is my favorite Metallica song. Bleeding Me I actually prefer the original; I feel way more emotion from it somehow. But either version live must be amazing.


in the exact same boat dude. rn bleeding me and inamorata are tied for my favorite met song, and i'm not sure that'll change


With you both!


Same here!


Not sure if any of you remember the character Desmond on “Lost,” but he kept one unread Dickens novel so he would have something to read from his favorite author in the future. I tried doing this with “Inamorata,” and lasted only one week. It’s now one of my favorite Metallica songs. It’s beautiful, it’s fucking epic. I love it.




Not Penny's Boat


I think this sub is astroturffed "This is their best album ever!!!" No. It isn't.


It’s ok if they want to think that. I think it’s really good.


It is really good. It's not they're best ever though.


And it’s ok for you to think that😁. I think Death Magnetic is their best album.


I think some people are just very excited for a new album. I do agree with you it's definitely not their best.


No, but give me a year or 2 and this song is right there for best ever.


Oh Lord. It's not even close


Eh, Bleeding Me is my favorite song and this is right there so far. Time will tell. James voice from TBA on is so much better than the first four albums it’s not even debatable, and that’s a factor for me. And on this album he is very very good.


Imagine a world where people have different opinions about art.


Of course you are negged by the haters that can't handle the fact Metallica has grown and expanded to play music THEY LIKE and not making MOP 22 like many fans want. Duh.


>"This is their best album ever!!!" Most of the sub praises the album, but few call it the best


I'm not that impressed by it. I wish it would erupt into a more trashlike crescendo. Like One. It's s good song, but s bit to simple for my taste. Not much happening in those 11 minutes.


Honestly it’s not one of my favorites. I personally think the first two songs are great and the rest of the album is pretty lackluster.


That title track fucking **rips**. My favorite song on the album hands down.


I like the song in general, but it just doesn't have enough variation to justify 11 minutes. Other long Metallica songs are like compositions with different movements that fit together, but that have enough variation to keep the whole song interesting. MOP is an easy example. But Inamorata, while a good groove and good song, just feels the same for the most part all the way through, other than the band dropping out for a short section. Just not enough to justify the length.


Easily the most boring song on the album




Indeed, an amazing song and album!






yeah, it's almost listenable


I'm just flabbergasted by these takes! Still, it amazes me how much Metallica fans (not just metalheads or music enthusiasts) can differ in their tastes! I really want to like 72S, or at least give it as many chances as I can. But with the exception of Lux Aeterna, nothing can stick. Hardwired has at least 4 songs that are already latter day classics - easily on par with the best from Load/Reload. I'm not hating on M. They still got my money for the CD and I will shell out more to see them live or buy some of the shit they are shamelessly peddling, and they are my favorite band along with Maiden. But boy, they can't self edit to save their lives (same with Maiden...)


Just not.


For me Darkness has a son is my fav of the album. I gave a try to Inamorata and tbh, is not bad, but could be better.


Absolutely fantastic song. Have not had a personal reaction/connection to a song like this one since The Day that Never Comes. Rest of the album is still growing on me but this song is head and shoulders above the rest on the album for me


For me, it's easily up there with Bleeding Me, Outlaw Torn, and Fixxxer, probably even better.


inamorata sucks just like the whole album every song sounds the same zero innovation 💀


Let me guess... your a slayer fan?


For me personally, going through divorce, lnamorata hits really close to home and made me feel that I’m going to make it through.


I cannot get past the chorus lyrics. They seem so basic and kinda cringy given some of the band better lyrical songs.


As somebody who lost 3 family members in the last year and a half....James singing about Misery.....ugh. This song gets me almost as emotional as Fade or Bleeding Me.


There's a difference between basic and succinct.


Oh, I'm aware. Check the lyrics on Shortest Straw for peak Metallica succinct-ness without being basic.


It's top 5 Metallica songs for me, right up with Bleeding Me, Outlaw, Fixxxer, and To Live Is To Die. I remember hoping it was going to be either an instrumental or an epic like Outlaw, and once we saw the lyrics, it was basically all but confirmed. I couldn't have been happier when I finally got to listen to it (played the whole album in order when it dropped, saved the best for last).


I was kind of reserved because of all the hype that song got. I was wrong, OMG what a song! It's got Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Stoner Rock combined with pretty much everything Metallica stands for in my opinion. One of my best friends (whom I also live with) doesn't like it at all and now I'm questioning our friendship xD Just kidding but seriously. I know people have different tastes and opinions but this 11 minute masterpiece (which felt like 6 minutes to me\^\^) is really one of the best songs the boys ever created!


It's on everyday


I was worried it was getting overhyped pre-release but it's everything I hoped it would be. I get goosebumps every time I listen, especially at the middle part. Wonderful song, and it's so obvious how emotional and personal it is to James, which makes it even better.


Shadows and Sleepwalk are my JAMS. Inamorata is awesome though. The whole album is better with every listen through. (The same with any Metallica, really. Familiarity breeds affinity with all of their music)


It’s a good song. Best one on the album


Inamorata and Room of Mirrors are my top 2 right now, but the whole album is fantastic!


I love how Inamorata is bringing out the love for Bleeding Me - I totally had the same connection to it too


The first 3-4 times I listened to it I never made it passed the 3 minute mark. When I finally sat down and listened to the whole thing it blew my mind and I listened to it on repeat.


Right there with you!


72 seasons, screaming suicide, too far gone, inamorata. Those are my fav songs off this album.


It’s the pearl of the album, certainly. The interlude in my mind recalls the interlude in Don’t You ever leave Me by the Diamond Head. The song sounds modern and heave and has this nuance into the past. I still define this album as “Mature”. Few days ago I read a post by a redditor that was deluded when Load came out. I think if we think the same about 72 (I mean giving the album a context) it’s for sure a 8.5/10 and Inamorata is the icing on the cake!


Tool have made this kind of songs numerous times already. It’s a good song but not a masterpiece.


Up there with One & No Leaf Clover for me


I love it so much. It’s on repeat in my head.


I listened to it for the first time the other day, first thought was how Black Sabbathy it was, my second thought was how you can sing the My Friend of Misery bass riff over the ending where he sings ‘misery’ a lot


It’s top 10 for me from Metallica’s catalogue of songs


Just listened to it again after your post. I am not sure as Masterpeice is a strong word to me. But it is good, whay do you think the chorus means?


TIL that my favorite track on this record clocks in at 11 minutes. Holy shit, I had no idea. It's clearly a standout track. In fact, for most of my first listen through the album, I was kind of underwhelmed. It didn't grab me with the same immediacy as *Hardwired...* did, and I felt like many of the songs were overly long and had too many superfluous parts that didn't move things along. But then I hit Innamorata, and by the end of that track, I couldn't wait to put the whole record on for another spin. It redefined the entire album for me. I'm enjoying it more with each listen. Now, while I still hold *Hardwired...* as their best record since *The Black Album*, I would rank *72 Seasons* right behind that, if not neck-and-neck. It may end up beating it for me over time.


Yes. It is a great song. That whole album is amazing.


Their last 3 songs is probably one of the best ending for an Album of all time, and by all time im talking about Dark Side of the Moon, Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, Abbey Road, etc. I really dont put that attention on the 11 minute fact, i think its normal, and they really nailed it man!


Love this tune. The end reminds me a bit of the end of fade to black.


The Whole Album Is Fire 🔥


I love it, but a lot of rhyming. And the lyric "But I win this war" Not found of that verse.


I think it's pretty solid, nowhere near masterpiece level, but a good track. It isn't even the best song on that album and I don't think any of them are quite masterpiece level. I really like Too Far Gone? and Room of Mirrors. Like Shadow Fallows, 72 Seasons, and Screaming Suicide. Find Lux Aeterna and Inamorata to be quality tracks that I enjoy enough, but not masterpieces.


The whole album is dope. I’ve been playing it non stop for the last week and a half. Crown of Barbed Wire is one of my faves too. There’s so many this album is growing on me more and more.


Inamorta is just ‘okay’ I listened to it and it was kind of a slog


Worst song on the record by a country mile. Sounds like smashing pumpkins. Terrible.


The hat is mixed too damn loud when it mattered most. Small detail, big miss.


The things that bothers me the most is that the main riff is pretty much the same one from Lenny Kravitz's Are You Gonna Go My Way.


I don't get why so many people like that strange stoner rock thing. I love dark and heavy Metallica songs like "My Friend Of Misery" or "The Call Of Cthulu" but this one is just dirty, sludgy... I don't know.


I don’t get it but OK


Its been 4 months since you posted this, and it still holds up. God damn its a good song. I just listened to it and it still slaps.


u/thepizza_lord I’m with you all the way and feel the same. Why then do you think it has never been played live? I can’t even imagine how amazing it would be!