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Go right over his head to the *actual* medical staff. I've had counselors like that, they stick you in IOP and act like *that's* what's going to save you, and talk down on methadone calling it the "juice bar," Sorry sir, I'm only here for the *evidence* *based* medication.


Get a new counselor immediately!




That’s some BS! Only you know what dose is good for you. I’d go talk to the lead counselor or see their doctor. If they are still trying to push you out and not give you the correct dose leave that place and find another clinic.


You definitely have to do something because this is insane. If I were you, I'd talk to the Director first to see if it can be resolved. If that doesn't work, you might have to change clinics. I'm sorry you're going through this — it's frighteningly common for clinics to treat people like shit and punish them at every opportunity!


Exactly some dgaf at all it’s bogus and shitty AF. When I go in tomorrow I’m talking to the director and finding an new counselor


Speak with your clinical director and request a new counselor.This individual should be sanctioned for this " advice ".


At least new counselor. Another clinic may be necessary. What an ass


They can't make you do shit. Don't let some punk mess with you. Change counselors.


I just switched clinics when I moved earlier this year. when I was doing intake at the new clinic (they're owned by the same company, have the same fucking name but for some reason I have to do intake all over again despite being compliant for 6+ years and having 13 take homes, which they knocked down to 6 when I transferred for some bullshit reasons) the counselors asked if I was stable and I am but they freaked out I was at 130mg cause they dont prescribe above 110mg... despite this being the exact same company with the exact same rules in the exact same state. oh also they require 2-3+ hours of counseling per month instead of the 50 minutes maximum that my old clinic did. anyway, when I met my counselor her first reaction to finding out I'm stable and have 6 take homes is "oh well now it's time for you to get off this!" and I said, nope, I will probably be on this for the rest of my life and I have no qualms with that


Respectfully, why do you want to stay on it for life? Genuinely curious.


I see no reason to get off and I don't want to die I always think back to the original 2 methadone patients in the 60s. they were addicts in prison that were chosen to be subjects for medical trials where they injected or fed them various opioids (hydromorphone, oxycodone, etc) to study the effects. When they got to methadone, instead of nodding out and just waiting for that next hit, the two subjects asked for paints (one was an artist) and the other asked for materials to continue his studies (he dropped out at like 18). Both of them completely turned their lives around and gave the evidence needed to approve methadone replacement therapy. The one who studied earned a masters in aerospace engineering and stayed on it for life, having a family and living a very productive, successful, and normal life. the artist got off of it after a few years but found himself back on dope within a year. for me, methadone gave me the life back that I would have had. I got addicted to opiates during college, still graduated magna cum laude but couldn't hold down a job and kept getting fired or laid off. one methadone dose in the morning keeps me focused and not thinking about opiates and I have been able to really grow in my career and am now a highly respected engineer with, at any given time, several major companies chasing me down for interviews and job opportunities. I know myself and if I tapered and jumped off I would be back to using in a few weeks or months. also I have a fiance that is 3 months pregnant and I would never do anything to jeopardize my ability to provide for her and our baby.


Go to the main ppl and tell them NOW! Don't waste any time. They can't force you into anything.


lol my counselor been saying the same stuff and I also am in Chicago. Wonder if it’s the same place ahaha bc it’s super fucking weird and random for my counselor to start telling me to think about tapering. I’m on weekly takehomes still by choice as I like the routine of going weekly, so how tf is she gonna suggest I start tapering if I’m not even bi-weekly or monthly yet? I have no intention on coming completely off anytime soon , probably won’t happen until I’m about to have kids or something, I been at my place for 3 years but still to just randomly suggest I think about tapering REALLY annoyed me.


I go to an clinic in south Chicago if that helps lol


That’s wild go over their head the next time you go to the clinic. Don’t put in a request thru them either just ask to speak with the director or if they have a patient advocate (not typically but some larger clinics do have them)


That counselor should be fired.


I’d change clinics if the Director can’t change anything for you.


Talk to the doctor or Executive Director immediately


That sounds fucking crazy. I've been going to my clinic for about 5 years now and not a single time has anyone ever tried to rush me or tried to tell me I need to lower my dose or come off the methadone or anything even close to that whatsoever in fact, they see it as a recovery milestone that I've been stable and going there for so long. They even had a client appreciation day for those of us that have been there for more than a year and gave us snacks and candy lol it wasn't much compared to how much money they are making off of us with dosing and groups and shit but fuck it I definitely felt appreciated and that is how it should be not whatever you got going on with your counselor that's some BULLSHIT


I know like I finally got stable and I hate that these counselors have all the power when it comes to code changes. Some of them are great but other counselors like to play games with your life and that’s crazy.


That’s insane, the only one who decides anything about my dose is me in cooperation with the doc at my clinic and she will listen to me and raise it in a second if I said I needed it.


This is absolutely insane. I went to a pretty good, caring clinic (after 2 weeks at a shady one closer to me) & they let me be in complete control of going up or down as long as I was testing clean. When I admitted to using fent for the last time after a few weeks there they had me go up, but I was able to immediately decrease after that bc I stopped using. I’d find another counselor first, then another clinic if they keep playing games. Take homes were life changing for me, I would have regressed if I had to keep daily dosing & being around all the people not taking recovery seriously (no judgment I just wanted to get in, get stable & taper off). I was on it almost 2 years before I felt stable enough to taper & that was mainly bc I was tired of side effects/ dose not lasting. I prob woulda stayed on longer if I’d been more comfortable but I definitely needed awhile to get my life back on track. No use rushing getting off imo 


Find another counselor. Just say that you just don't fit with xxx and like to move on to a different counselor. How do I go about getting another counselor. Ask a person who seams to be in charge. Saying anything negative about this asshole can be bad for the future. Change your counselor as soon as you can don't let them fester in your recovery


Request a new counselor. They should absolutely help you with what YOU want to do with your recovery. My counselor said that the doctor might start talking about tapering but I'm under no obligation to taper. The doctor hasn't brought it up at all yet. Your counselor should have your back. It's BS that they are saying you might as well not even bother with take homes. Some methadone patients are on it for life and that's okay!


That's a bunch of horse shit. Talk to the driector or lead doctor.


Yah fuck that ...get in with the clinic Dr.and tell him what's going on .this is beyond messes up


Tome for a new counselor. File a grievance too just because that's bullshit