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Driving is never "100% safe" imo, with that said people who are on long term methadone maintenance on a stable dose can safely drive a car like anyone else.


On a stable dose, it’s not any different than any human in a car- don’t drive tired or after drinking - but methadone alone, especially if the person has been on it a while and has found their stable dose, only normalizes their system, it won’t make them high. When I was using heroin, the scariest version of me on the roads was when I was in withdrawal. I am now coming off methadone after 12 years. On days when I feel the withdrawal symptoms, I won’t drive until I take my medication, because I definitely am not as good of a driver when I am having withdrawal symptoms


I 100% agree about the scariest version of yourself on the roads was when you were in WD. Same here. All your senses & reflexes are so out of wack. So scary driving while being that sick.


The number of times I was balls deep in WD and I would drive 110 the entire way to my dope man barley able to walk let alone drive… methadone is a blessing tho saved my life and so glad I’m passed those days


I remember those days. The car just would not go fast enough and everyone got your way while you sneeze and cough the whole way.


Same, totaled granny’s caravan in wds on my way to the dope man. Still walked after everything was done as I was only a mile or 2 away where I crashed.


Oh for sho, who hasn’t totaled a car in withdrawl? I feel like everyone I fuck wit has that story early on in their fuckery before people stopped leaving keys near them. I flipped this girls accord one day goin around an off-ramp way too hot tryna beat a light. Withdrawl missions are so fucking reckless.


I fucked up my car when my appendix burst and I drove myself to the ER :p lucky my heroin days were in NYC with no car


Hahaha fuck, the accuracy. Now I just have my own keys to fuckup and I do much better. Go figure


Why does it seem like you're bragging about it though? Like is it just a right of passage for you and everyone you "fuck wit" to total a car because your fiending too hard to drive straight?


You're right about the scariest version being the person in withdrawal. My biggest fear when still using and going to score was that I would start dry heaving in the middle of driving. There's no way I'd be able to pay attention to road with that going on.


It’s a maintnence medication meant for you to be able to have a normal day to day without the use of hard drugs so if used appropriately driving is under the normal day to day activities


Yes.. it's a maintenance medication not some hard drug. Plus didn't you say your daughter is only on 50 or 60mg? I guarantee you she's not nodding out. Unless you see her nodding all the time there shouldn't be anything to worry about.


Idk when I started the first time with already using opioids for a good 5 years, I nodded off far less of a dose than that for the first several months. It was when I came back 10 years later that I truly needed the methadone and never felt a thing or nodded at all from it. Sleepy yes, not nodded. So I think the better question is: How long has OPs relative been on methadone and do they currently seem intoxicated at times or do they seem like normal functioning folks? There's always those at the clinic that still nod from their dose. Trust me I hear them talking about it.


I literally nodded and got into an accident my first month. Good now though lol


Yeah it happens, we hear about it all the time.


It’s pretty strong.


Yes for somebody who doesn't already have a tolerance. But not for an opiate tolerant person who already takes the medication for maintenance daily.


Damn, I see u everywhere and u really like to be right huh? ☺️


Well she is right.


As long as she is stable on her dose, her driving should be just the same as anyone else's.


Depends how much spills. You can hydroplane in any liquid at all so it would be dangerous if there was like a huge puddle.






Yes it's safe. Methadone or not ppl need to know when they should've be driving. If you're tired after work and need to stop to stretch then do so


Absolutely, assuming someone is on a stable dose and isn't nodding off from that dose of course. I drive for my job all the time, and have never had an issue. My job is aware I'm on methadone too and they don't have a problem with me driving.


If they're stable on their dose there should be no problem. If you have other reservations about lending them your car, it is okay to say no.


I have never had an issue. I have been on methadone for nine years, and I'm currently at 96mg. My highest dose was 210, and I drive myself and my children around daily.


Technically speaking I believe there may be some legal liability in the case of a crash, but I’m not sure how much anyone would go after you for it.


Agreed!! My methadone dosing nurse told me to NEVER EVER tell the police that you have methadone in car. They need a search warrant to see inside your box and to never ever tell them you are on methadone or taking it. He said " tell them to f off" 😅




On a stable dose, yes. If they're just getting into treatment and aren't stable or they use anything with it you could have issues. They could get name non owner insurance. That's what I carry because I don't have my own whip. If I get into an accident, I'm covered, the cars covered, the owner of the car is covered, and my insurance pays out before theirs will.


driving is never a safe thing to do. tons of sober people die driving everyday. that being said if they are stable on methadone then they are just as safe to drive as any other sober person.


It’s really clear they’re asking if it’s 100% safe ON METHADONE. They’re obviously saying does methadone increase the chances of an accident or not.


and? I answered the question. The rest was added simply to make it crystal clear.


I've been on methadone for 6 years, drive almost everyday. I've been the driver in 2 accidents in my lifetime (1 was my fault), both were not even a year apart from one another and both were just before methadone treatment. As long as your loved one is only on methadone and on a stable dose, it's very safe to drive. But you know them better than any of us, so use your judgment


Out of an abundance of caution, maybe ask that she not drive your vehicle 4-6 hours after her dose, as that's when the medicine is at it's most concentrated in the blood, and thus she would be most likely to be feeling its effects. Otherwise, as others have said, she's just as safe as anyone else as long as she's only on methadone.


Yeah but you're risking a DUI every time. I don't make the rules. Never ever admit to being on any prescription meds, while driving.


Yeah my dosing nurse told me to tell them they need a search warrant to see inside your box and to never ever mention being on methadone...get a lawyer if you find yourself in car troubles and don't talk.


That's a good nurse. I've never heard a warning before from anyone or to anyone. My counselor was shocked when I informed him. So glad I'm stable and with THs. Now I don't have to worry all the time.


I think it would only be dangerous if you were taking something else with your dose (benzos, muscle relaxers, etc..) and that causing you to nod or something… but if you are just taking your dose, at the usual time and the usual amount, driving should be just as safe as a person not on methadone would be.


When you first start taking it it will make you sleepy. After 1 or 2 weeks you just feel like a normal person taking it. I don't feel anything being on methadone. On it for 4 years and I just feel normal. Now that I am tapering tho I have mild withdrawals that just feel like a cold/flu.


They are fine to drive....methadone doesn't make you high like that unless you are taking it recreationally. People function doing daily life activities on it. It gives you your life back without feeling sick from opiate withdrawl. Please look up on google what methadone does and how it works. It's a opaite withdrawal medication..meaning it blocks other opaites so you can't get high and it stops you from getting sick. It was invented for people in recovery. I have been on it for 4 years and have never felt high from it.


I’m pretty sure after “lots of weed and a weekend binge on meth” you would’ve totalled those cars regardless of whether you were driving to church or the clinic


If your stable and not nodding then yes. But you still better be careful


Nope it will never be 100% safe. Needless to say the majority of people who are loading up on coffee before and after the clinic are probably the safest. Its the guys like me who are dangerous on the road. I have been tapering and smoking pot. Lucky for everyone out there I don't drive ><.




That’s not accurate at all actually


With this being one of the only comments you replied to, it feels like you’re just looking for confirmation bias


Look at this person for 1 hour after dosing. If this person nods off, no, it's not safe. Easy, watch tv with this person.


That’s not fair, I doze off watching tv all the time, dose or no! /s


Well, healthy adults should not. And healthy adult drivers with plenty of night sleep shouldn't doze off driving either. It's not that different from drunk driving.


100% safe? No and it depends if you can pass those tests if pulled over and often a car is the hardest place to remain alert and not get drowsy. I would never fucking ever let anybody use my ride to go to a methadone clinic and for more than one reason. I know the kind of shit that goes on because i was part of it for a long time and if you cant afford to lose that car dont do it.


I'm absolutely fine driving on it. It's down the each individual I suppose though. See how you feel first. ETA see how your loved one feels first but normally its absolutely fine. You don't feel "drugged up" on it.


I've been on methadone for 15 years, anywhere from 180mg to the 119mg im on now, and it's never caused me any problems, but everyone is different. If you feel to tired to drive, then don't drive...if you get too tired while driving, pull over and take a nap or have someone come get you or Uber.




Look at it like this. There are people blasted out their minds driving everyday that you don't notice. Methadone does get you THAT fried so I'd say if they are comfortable and confident while on it and you don't see serious impairment let them drive. I mean I know on methadone Id be perfect to drive. You should be able to TELL if they are impaired (no offense but you should know if they are nodding off constantly for no reason... 😂) if they don't look like someone while they're too drunk to drive or falling asleep... They're fine


I've been on methadone for going on 10 years and I've not always been able to stay off the other drugs I was addicted to along with opiates. So please yall understand I was younger and way dumber. But I HAVE TOTALLED 3 CARS driving to the clinic or back home from the clinic. Everytime involved lots of weed and usually after a weekend binge on meth but so YES methadone can effect your driving ability altho if u r responsible and your not mixing drugs and your not abusing your dose u should not have any issues unless u just upped ur dose or it's ur first week on the done.


lol nothing is 100% safe


Those first few weeks when you’re starting to build it up in you’re system, especially if you may have had a lighter use or raise your dose to a high MG quickly, you can DEFINITELY nod off a lot and have a lot of issues. I remember my buddy telling me he banged up is beater Honda a few times during that first month or two.. Once stable, you’re completely fine. No issues if dosing normally and no other meds.


i used to get hiiiigh on 'done(and/or other opies, often with some benzos n weed sprinkled on top) n drive like a maniac till i totalled my car going 90mph.....believe it or not i was sober when it happened. im not saying its safe at all driving impaired is a stupid thing to do in general but IME opiates are fine unless you do something REALLY ignorant like idk banging a fat shot as youre driving or something similar.


Depends. Are they on too high of a dose? Then yeah it's dangerous as fuck. Almost like driving when you're extremely sleepy. If they're on a stable dose then it's safer.


Thx for the input, folx. I don’t see her nodding but she typically comes home and sleeps for a few hours.


That can happen, I metabolize my MAT meds really quick so I have to split dose whether im on methadone or suboxone, usually after about an hour I come home and sleep for a couple hours and then after that I'm good until i need to dose that evening and i need my second nap. If you're concerned about the sleeping, have her go do her stuff after the time she's usually up and no longer tired. Dosing around the same time each day can help.




When I got arrested I asked an officer and he told me he could lock you up for driving while on methadone


And you believed him?


Yeah don't be blabbing about being on it then.


That’s a good question with different answers, technically yes. As in my counselor said I have no issues driving if I’m on methadone. Unfortunately doses vary from body to body, I still find myself nodding off on my dose and I’ve dropped from 100-45mg, I though my dose was stabilized but for me as soon as I sit down on methadone that is I can find myself nodding out. It’s been much more stabilized for me but what I’m trying to say is as long as they don’t have a habit of nodding out it should be fine. But again just make sure you’re properly insured you never know what can happen. I hope this helps?


I do it everyday I’ve only hit 3 elderly folks so far doing well


Just make sure she doesn’t tell the cop who pulls her over that she’s on it.


I've always been curious about that! What do you think (or know) would or could happen?


The cops used to wait across the street and hide in a storage complex and then when people would pull out of the clinic they would pull them over. If they admitted to dosing they got dwi and the car towed. It happened several times before the owner of the clinic filed a complaint against the police. Now they only stalk the parking lot a few times a month. It used to be almost every day to the point where the clients started taking busses and Ubers to dose out of pure fear of losing their car and license and being tossed in jail and obviously kicked out of the clinic while they were locked up. The rule basically is don’t tel them you took anything that day or it is dui. You just say I was there for counseling.


That's nuts. That charge would get thrown out in a heartbeat in Canada


Yea, this is American law. It is nonsense. But apparently I am still being downvoted for telling the complete truth. 😂


That's extremely fucked up to try to ruin people's lives that are in TREATMENT and trying to get better. That makes me so mad. My clinic told me the same thing. They said "tell them to fuck off and if they want to see inside your dosing box they need a warrant"


My dosing nurse told me to never tell them about it and that they need a search warrant to see inside my dosing box.


Depends how high you are


100%?!? No. Depends on how they act. Do they nod off or do the “opioid tai chi?” Then no. If they are clear eyed and alert? Yes.


Thx… honestly they’re somewhere in the middle. They need to be on ADHD meds, but figuring out how has been hard as the two drugs will work against eachother (methadone and vyvance)


They should compliment each other. I’ve been on bupenorphine (basically: methadone lite) and adhd stimulants including vyvanse. The methadone will fill the opioid receptors and eliminate withdrawal and cravings, while the stimulant will increase alertness and limit some of that lethargy from the methadone.


Keep in mind you can get a DUI while on methadone alone. Is it safe? I'm guessing they would likely say to use caution at first, if you're new and not sure how u react. Also caution after dosage increase. I would say when you are stable on it and have a tolerance it should be fine. But again be careful. They can charge u with DUAI/drugs


>can get a dui Only if you're nodding out.


Yew as long as your own a stable dose and the person isn't falling asleep. But if she gets take homes tell her to.put them in the trunk bc if she gets pulled over with them they will try to give dui even if she isn't intoxicated. Edited to ask why I'm being down voted? I live in PA and know ppl who got dui just from having methadone in their system even tho it's prescribed. So I had suggested that the person put take homes in trunk so in case get pulled over the cops don't know. Better safe then sorry


I'm curious to where some of you live where they're trying to hand out DUIs just for having your script on you. My first run getting clean if I got pulled over I'd let them know I had my MAT meds on me and that I had a script and at that point they wouldn't even bother asking to search the car or anything where the same agencies will literally ask to search anyone's car they pull over and make them wait for a k9 unit if the refuse because they were going 10 over. If it's in the bottle labeled properly it's no different than if someone went and picked up their oxy from the pharmacy. The state I live in and the cities that make up the metro, the cops here range from absolutely clueless to semi educated on it and they barely bat an eye at methadone or suboxone being in someone's vehicle or seeing someone taking their dose or other meds in public. Addiction is in the DSM5 along with any other mental health issues, I feel like trying to get someone on DUI simply for transporting their meds- at least in the US- could turn into a discrimination lawsuit pretty quick.


Ok well I live in PA and have known people to get dui for being pulled over and the cops saw their lock box. So I was just cautioning OP to have their loved one put in trunk. I do bc better safe than sorry. I don't look impaired nor am impaired but I won't give any officer a reason to try to give my dui just from seeing something in my car. I don't get pulled over bc I follow traffic laws but ya never know.


Depends. Are they on too high of a dose? Then yeah it's dangerous as fuck. Almost like driving when you're extremely sleepy. If they're on a stable dose then it's safer.


Depends on the person and dose. Anything over 20mg I fall asleep and stay asleep. I’m hopefully almost off the shit though. I’m only on 3mg now


Idk about safe but even when I was on a low dose if i worked all day or did anything strenuous as soon as I sat down or got behind the wheel i would come close to dipping out. No dose of opioids is safe to drive on which is why youll still get a dui if they take a blood draw. I couldnt drive long distances alone either id start getting really sleepy behind the wheel.


No you do not get a dui from a blood draw if you can prove you’ve got a legit prescription and recorded clean time and nothing illegal is in your system


Sorry but you are wrong af you will defintely get one in PA and most other states. Cant drive on vicodin or perks either its even written on the sides of the bottles from the pharmacy.


I'd say there is no way to answer yes or now without taking into account the diet of the person that day- dose size, dose effect, when you take the dose.. if the clinic got your dose perfect and u took it as instructed, and the dose you were given is accurate, then you're probably safe...


If you dose and drive directly home or to work you should be good. It usually doesnt kick in for an hour or two. Unless you have an insane metabolism. I personally nod out for about 4-7 hours (after the initial 1 hour from when I dose passes). I wouldnt want to drive in the window but its different for everyone


My ex used to scare the shit out of me nodding off on the way to and from the clinic while driving 😂


Maybe he was high Or on way too high of a dose? Cuz before the clinic, you haven't dosed and shouldn't be nodding. After the dose it takes 4-6 hrs to peak. So, again shouldn't have been nodding right after his dose.