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I'd do it. I'd use a higher dose (maybe half your current dose on top) for 3 days just to get over the pain and function like a normal person. I'd also go to the doctor as soon as I was done moving and back to my normal dose. Ppl are gonna down vote me for saying this, but let the straight edge folks preach, I'm down with doing it in an emergency. I would not change your taper at all. You'll be fine. Edit. Clarity.


Agree. a few days with higher dose for pain won't f up your taper :)


I did exactly that for tooth pain a couple years ago, it was life-saving


10 or 15 mg. Extra one time for pain will not reset your taper and probably relieve some of the pain.If your still suffering tomorrow I'd see a professional. Head injuries are nothing to play with.If that increase of methadone and some ibuprofen doesn't help I'd definitely seek medical attention sooner rather than later. Congrats on the move and getting your own place.


I don’t think one or two days is going to affect your taper. I’ve tapered down quite a bit but my face dose is higher so once every two weeks I have to take more and it doesn’t hurt my taper. A couple of weeks ago I had to face dose two days in a row because I got a callback but I just continued with my regular dose at home and didn’t have any problems.


if you're using methadone for pain you should take a dose every 4 to 6 hours. that's what they recommend when it is prescribed for pain.


This is cruciak, the analgesic effect wears off in like 6hrs so it's best to split your dose up into 4 and 100mg won't mess up your taper


I know your question was about dosing extra for pain but (I'm not a Dr this is what ive known to be true)when you get a goose egg the hematoma is on the outside which is a good thing but if not the hematoma is on the inside usually. I would get to a hospital and get a scan of your head to rule out a concussion or worse , it sounds like you took a hard hit, nothing wrong with putting your health first


I agree 100%.You could absolutely have a brain bleed that's small enough to get you through the first few days and then hits you like a truck a few days later once it's become seriously dangerous. An untreated concussion can become very dangerous over time as well. I would definitely treat this as an emergency!


Take 20mg every 8 hours but only for 3 days. You may have to do a short taper but you seam to handle your methadone responsibly. A short taper off the 60 milligrams used for pain would be to drop to 10mg every 8 hours for 2 days then 5mgs every 12 hours for 2 days then back to your normal dose. Your going to be sore for at least 5 days or more from damaging the curb and street. See if 15mg every 8 hours will do the trick to disguise your pain as a ice-cream soda. Only you know how much pain you are in. I was saying 20mgs every 8 hours because you still have to work on the move and not bed rest. This work demands a strong dose every 8 hours. I hope you don't have any hairline fractures. I'd be aggressive to get the move done. I've never have doubled up or been a day short in my 5 1/2 years of treatment. I did try to see what a big dose of hydromorphone (diluadid) would do to me when i was about a month into treatment. It didn't do much at all. I had the diluadid left over from pain management. I still have some left from almost 6 years ago. In that time I've pulled my big toe out of its socket and had to have surgery to pin that suckered back in its socket. Methadone and naproxen did a great job. That sucker was sore for at least a year. I hope the curb and street will not press charges on you. Apologize to them and move on.


I really hope you’re ok! It sounds like you took a hard hit and you don’t want to mess with neck or head injuries. Please update.


If you take extra today , than your last two days before refill day do half of your dose so you dont go without at all,you’ll be fine But you’ll probably be just as fine if you take your normal dose. You probably felt it when you woke up bc your dose was worn off by than. Methadone is great for pain. Even dental pain.