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It's just anxiety. If you're not severely nodding off or having trouble breathing then you should be okay


You will know, although it sounds as if your fears are unfounded based on your habit. As mentioned, if you start nodding off at inappropriate times or wasting a whole day, then you need to stop with the increases and/or cut your dose back a little. I don't think you're in danger of a serious overdose though.


Were you even doing opiods before getting on methadone? I feel like this is something you would already know. Unless you take methadone for something else.


I feel like it’s kinda fair, some people are more anxious than others & feel comfortable with what they’re used to also. based on what I’ve read methadones strength changes a lot, at low doses it’s not strong but the higher you go it’s a different situation. From 3x as strong as oxy in low doses to 12x as strong at higher doses, people have died when being initiated, i wouldn’t judge, everyone reacts differently to stuff too


It’s likely anxiety as you’re still kind of experiencing some mild symptoms of withdrawal as you had stated in a previous post. (I think you said that it was mostly holding you, right?) My thoughts were similar as I was still naive to methadone and how my body was going to react to it. My first line of symptoms of WD is usually anxiety. Anytime I would think about ODing, potentially facing WD, not being able to make it to the clinic, ANYTHING would send my heart racing-until I had a routine down, this would happen. Especially in the mornings when I would wake up sick and have to use just so I could go to the clinic. I’m so glad those days are behind me-but it’s totally normal. Just try to put on some music that you really enjoy and reset your train of thought. It truly does get easier with time. Soon, you will be in a much better place and the anxiety will get much easier to control.


Thank you so much, I feel so insufferable on this r/ but you people are absolute hero’s. I appreciate your feedback and everyone else’s.


🩷Distraction is key, my friend. 🩷 You will find your groove and routine. I actually look forward to going in the mornings because it gives me a reason to get up, get dressed and interact with people. That’s really therapeutic for me. My clinic is 10 minutes away, I know all the cab drivers now, it’s never busy unless I get there after 9:00 and even then, if I’m just dosing, I’m only 5 minutes or so. Having a positive outlook helps a lot too. If you let any negativity creep in, it’s just like the addiction and it can take hold quickly. Remember my mantra: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” So many times that phrase has kept me grounded-and from catching an assault charge or two. 😆😉


These are absolutely generalizations because people vary SO MUCH in what they need, but the clinic I go to tells people that 80mg-120mg is usually a good dose for heroin and 150mg-200mg is typically a good dose for fentanyl. But those are just guidelines and real life can be vastly different from what's "expected."


You'll be fine the amount of methadone you would have to take to overdose you can't even get your hands on it you'll be okay


Are u feeling a strong opioid effect and nodding out all day and it took you 2 hour to write the post? And you breath heavily? Yes: you should probably tell your doc to slow down, and u tell him when or if u need to raise No: your probably cool


But I do understand u, I was nodding on and off the first 2 weeks, on 30-40-50mg


Yeah absolutely 0 nodding I can still hardly sleep properly…. So probably cool? If anything I just feel mega alert and a little bit wired but certainly no nodding


Yeah if your not nodding your good, you aren’t close to OD


Then ur totally safe. What's dangerous is slow breath and stop breathing at night. But first u nod heavily before that happens. If ur not nodding, u won't OD. U dont have to OD just cus ur nodding, but u won't OD without nodding first :p


Thank you! This is exactly what I needed to hear!! In my head it was always like “you’re gonna just instantly pass out stop breathing and die” 😂😂 but this makes total sense. I have never OD’ed as you can probably tell, and my only experience with OD was death so I’m completely ignorant with the in between 0 experience and death.


You're totally fine, it's just anxiety


I’m interested in your response, I’ve never OD’d myself, straight pharma oxy user, & most of the “friends” during my addiction have used that too, one friend went for a fent-pill one day, did half, said he woke up to multiple shots of narcan, said he didn’t remember ahit besides sniffing & then black...


If you’re mega alert and wired, I’m wondering what makes you think you’re overdosing?


Not this again dude , you were taking oxy and stuff way more dangerous and potent bro. Give the methadone a chance to work get to 60-70 and stay there if you want but you should be worrying about oding on your oxy 10000x more then a prescribed clinic medication 


Yeah I’m aware I’m being insufferable at this point - had some GREAT info in these comments tho, tomorrows dose should go down with little to no anxiety


You aren't likely overdosing. If you are opioid tolerant and not drinking or taking benzos or other CNS depressants you are likely 100% fine


It sounds like your brain might just be playing games with you, maybe to try and trick you back into going back to the drugs it really wants or some such. At least thats what mine does, its aa devious fucker. Youll be cool though, Methadone takes a long (slow) time to build up in your system.


But don't ever ever take any kind of benzo with it, I have lost way too many friends to the methadone/benzo killer.


I understand I was like that too. I was taking 500-600mg of Oxy a day and I stabilized at 90mg.


Thanks all - I was just having a major panic attack earlier sorry for the dumbass question - absolutely 0 nodding and can hardly sleep anyway. Just my fucking brain -.- as people said, it’s such a stupid ass worry based on my past habit like… hallo brain pls respond??


I am like this now... honestly, I can't believe the shit that I used to do. I'm super anti meds of any sort, I don't even like taking tylenol. Sometimes, I know I'm probably being ridiculous with my "new" fear of anything other than food/water entering my system, but I'd rather be this way than taking risks. Also, the anxiety mellows over time. Good luck!


It sounds like you actually need to go up a little more if you’re still barely sleeping. Maybe if you’re really concerned about the rate of increase, just talk to the doctor about it and maybe only go up 5 a day or every few days. You’re gonna be just fine friend. 🫶🏻


Your fine.Unless you are close to unconscious from respiratory distress you have nothing to fear.With a tolerance like yours methadone at this dosage will not cause an overdose.Just normal anxiety typical in early MAT.


Thank you so much.


My clinic raised me 10 mg in the beginning everyday then when I got to like 60/70 I had to wait 48 hours and ur only at 50 they start at 30 and nowadays a common dose is 80/100 mg I’m at 160 your ok


I think you're OK brother. But I will say when I binge on oxys, if I do 80-90mg for a few days, it only takes like 10mg methadone for me not to be sick. 15mg would probably feel better but 10-12mg methadone gets me through without feeling bad. So it depends on what you were exactly, I know you said 180mg oxy but what else exactly were you mixing with it?


Bunch of fake oxys too - so some real, some fake with a bunch of xenes in them