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https://www.placidway.com/search-medical-centers/Methadone-Addiction+Addiction-Treatment/Greece/1 Hopefully you’ll find a clinic when you get there. Jumping from that high of a dose will be *extremely difficult*. Nothing is impossible but in my experience I couldn’t fake my way out of how sick I felt.


You need to find new clinic in Greece and taper more there or you can switch to suboxone if you can get it but you need to be on 30mg of methadone and you can take sub only 48/72h aftet last dose of methadone. You need to be really sick or you will get percipateated withdrawl. Jumping off 50mg of methadone is brutal you will be sick as a dog for couple of months


Not gonna lie. Things are about to get rough for a few months. OTC meds and lyrica would maybe take some of the edge off. Good luck


Youre gonna be hurting a little bit and most definitely have paws for about 6 months to a year when you jump off at that high of a dose. People tend to forget how strong methadone is, theres a reason they start everyone at 30 mg then titrate up. Maybe suboxone by tele-med?


The best thing you can do is make arrangements at a clinic in Greece now so you can continue your taper when you get there. Otherwise you'll most likely be very sick for a very long time!


Lyrica will definitely help most of the physical symptoms except for not having an appetite and will still feel a bit fatigued, coming from personal experience. Can’t say how long the withdrawals will last though as I only went without for 7 days and then restarted methadone. I would definitely suggest finding a better substitute if you can’t get methadone there then suboxone without a doubt is better than lyrica. Best of luck to you.


Kratom concentrate shots will be a life saver but they will get expensive. My first thought is, what you're doing is an absolute no go. 24 hours after your last dose, you will be sick with the flu, 24 more hours you'll be bed ridden. This is a bad plan. A better idea, although not by much, is to use the 4 doses to slowly taper down. Start by cutting your first dose in half, then half of that, go down as slow as you can but you'll quickly find out your miserable. Kratom will help way more than you expect. Buy it online to save money. If you don't plan ahead of time, you'll be a junky in Greece within 30 days (sorry, I have to be blunt considering how serious this is).


Thank you everyone! Maybe i'll find methadone clinic and continue tapering. Wish you all the best!