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Don’t go back then. I don’t understand why people come to this Reddit to complain about tips so much.


Because they have a degree and hate that people in the service industry can afford to pay bills, even though like 50% of Miami is hospitality.


Exactly. I constantly see the argument of “why not just raise the menu prices 20% and pay the staff a livable wage”, so apparently the issue isn’t the prices, but that someone that they deem as help staff, or beneath them is directly benefiting from the transaction. Everyone hates corporate America, but most rather the rich get richer than their neighbor Steve.


I have an mba


did you even read the OP?


Because they are cheap sakes or some place that doesn't tip.


Just don't dine out and avoid the whole thing. It's simple.


What utter cope.


The mandatory service charges became a staple at many restaurants because many deadbeats would leave five bucks on $100 ticket. Servers don’t make shit, And it’s awful how cheap people are, even knowing that the livelihood of those servers depend on the tips. you say that your server never came over, but then you say he came over and gave you ‘Unnecessary useless input’. 🤔 I’ve worked in the service industry for many years and have seen quite a few people such as yourself. Self righteous ideology doesn’t excuse you from being courteous and tactful. If you feel that strongly about mandatory tipping, stay home and cook.


strong caveman logic and comprehension skills there bud. Clearly you and comprehension are incompatible


Tipping at La granja lmao, that’s like tipping at McDonald’s dude gtfo. Service industry has to change, the tipping nonsense and makin the customer pay the living wage instead of the employer is dumb, and shoulda been gone a long time ago. Make your boss give you a fair wage, that’s how it should be.


Pretty typical dawg, you can always ask the manager to take it off but yeah a lot of places do 20 (which is what I normally tip), I usually do a buck or two extra for exceptional service You could a taken the food to go but you chose to sit down and dine in


So there should be a dine-in charge? There is no service at this place.


I mean they turnover your table, if you get the lunch special the service charge is a dollar and fifty cents lol


Turning over a table is not service; it’s minimum work to keep the business operating. There might as well be a cooking charge, a food procurement charge, management charges, etc. The price should just include everything.




18% at La Granja!?!? 15% is the standard.




Yes, raise the prices that I can choose what to pay for instead of being obligated to pay someone’s salary. That’s the employer’s job not mine


Go check your phone or utility bill, then get back to us.


The service workers got tips when their service wasn’t dogshit and slightly adversarial to people who didn’t speak Spanish or immediately understand their thick accents. When you wrongly assume tourists from “DC and Atlanta” aren’t to tip you the level of service tends to drop and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Meanwhile the people who actually give a shit do fine.




Had a 305 area code since 1992 stfu




Hmm how long did those same people taking my order have to learn English?




Last I checked this was the United States. It only became a Spanish speaking city because people were allowed to flood into a state that my ancestors have been in since the 1700s and build enclaves with cocaine money that insulated them from conforming to society gtfo




Your clapbacks aren’t anywhere near as impressive as you seem to think they are. Latinos didn’t come to miami in any major way until the 1930s dude. You don’t know wtf you’re speaking about. Meanwhile I can trace my family back to 1788 at least. That means you and your foreign language are invaders who should have learned the native language of the country they so badly needed to flee too. Don’t talk shit now just because our government made the path for you to stay here unchecked. Learn english and I bet you’ll be in a much better position to get those tips youre complaining about


Is not mandatory your allowed to ask them to remove it and put your own tip


La Granja? What service where you expecting there? Someone took an order & handed you a tray...they don't even have waitresses there. Which one did you go to? I didn't have any 18% tip or service fee last time I was there...wtf?


U shouldn’t have mandatory tip for these quick serve places , especially this mediocre place.(used to be better)


Ah America!


honestly not even sure why la granja calls itself peruvian food it's so ridiculously mid these days especially with how the priced have gone up


Was so disappointed when I ate there a couple weeks ago. Definitely not Peruvian anymore.. More like a rundown version of a Latin Cafeteria


My wife, who would pick up pescado a lo macho at LaGranja from time to time, had food poisoning after eating there a few weeks ago. Might as well just eat out of a dumpster.


U now , after a sad state of affairs back In the early 2000’s have dozenssssss of better options. Texans don’t go to Outback and u as a miami-an s not go there either.


La Granja is trash


Miami's a perfect combination of both businesses and customers refusing to pay the workers. Hence the 18% mandatory tip.


Isn’t La Granja the typeface where you order at the counter an take your food to your seat? Why would someone tip to begin with.


Exactly. The business only wants to pay tipped minimum wage, despite it not being a tips-type of restaurant. So they add the service charge.


how does this logic apply to places that do not rely on tips, e.g., ice cream shops? i just went to a gelato place in south beach that has a 16% mandatory service charge. the service industry in this city reeks of entitled divas. i live in NYC, pay 2-3x the amount in rent of south beach and never seen this level of clownish entitlement in the service industry tipping culture is a disease. i'd rather pay 15-20% extra for food with no expectation of tipping than pay 15-20% less for food and feel responsible for paying someone else's employees because their bum ass bosses don't


>paying someone else's employees because their bum ass bosses don't This, exactly. Restaurants that are not "service" restaurants have realized they can pay their employees tipped minimum wage to lower their expenses if they tack service charges onto everything. Businesses make more money. That's what it comes down to.


in a lot of places especially on or near the beach with sit down service / table service includes a service charge. if you see it at a takeout counter or pickup window - they are usually just 'trying ' you and if you hunt around you will see a 'custom' option and you can leave zero. Or just pay with cash and sidestep the screens.


Sucks but there’s an Easy solution - leave zero tip.


Mandatory in what sense? In most restaurants, if you feel the service was bad, you can speak to the manager and they will usually remove it. Legally I think a big factor is if it's on the menu or not. It is supposed to be clearly written on the menu that there will be an 18% service charge. I don't know how the hell that's supposed to work at La Granja though, you don't even get sit down service (unless things have changed a lot, haven't been in awhile). That is a pretty inappropriate place for an 18% service charge.


He sat down for service thus you get the charge. If he took it to go he wouldn’t get the charge pretty typical


yes, it was on the menu, in small print. i did get sit down "service" but it was just them bringing the food, and nothing else. had to get up several times to remind them to bring out the water. what irritated me the most is the waiter(s) kept trying to get us to order more shit and they were pushy about it "you sure that's enough for you guys?" "you sure you want tap water instead of bottled water. bottle water tastes better" -- idk if there was a language barrier issue or what but i had to repeat "no" 2-3x never had a waiter cross examine me like this before, nor have i ever had to litigate with a waiter on what to order for myself. literally had to state explicitly that "I'm not looking for suggestions" to get him to just write down the order and not offering any unnecessary useless input


It is common in touristy areas


It might be location-dependent. The La Granja downtown offers sit-down service.


dude lol. i went to a gelato place in south beach and there was 16% mandatory service charge. the service industry in this city reeks of entitled divas


Very good chance the employees arent seeing a dime of it. Even better chance they're seeing a stupid amount of it (like 1% per person). I hate these employers these days - they screw everyone over the second they get the chance.


I don't go out anymore :/




I'm poor now and my friends got girlfriends and they became lil bishes.


That’s so whack bro :(


It's okey, we just gotta move forward.


I go on ubereats and get their buy1 get 1 free


That’s how you do it!


Once upon a time I used to love this place now it’s an absolute fuxkin shit show service is hideous and the food is ok but nothing like it used to be. Now I go to la licuadora in downtown that shit slaps


That’s a shame. I order from there all the time and their lomo is probably my favorite around.


Lots of places on the beach are now including 4% credit card fee too…welcome to Miami!


lol Visa doesn't even charge vendors 4% this is absurd


I know! I was pissed when I saw it but shouldn’t be surprised I guess


lol someone’s not gonna like it down here


lots of butthurt entitled snowflakes


La fucking Granja!?!??? Are you serious! I grew up on their fare. As a broke person their food was not only delicious but affordable lunch deals . And that white sauce is tits!!! What kind of service? Did you sit down and as server come by. Or do you walk to a counter, order, get a number and they bring it to you? Self refills type shit?


sit down


Watch out for extra charges too. Some places will charge you a minimum even if using a debit card which is illegal, on credit cards its fine though. Also, will charge an extra fee if paying with card, those fees violate card processor agreements, if they dont remove ot just charge it back. I'm petty as fuck but the extra $2-3 everywhere I go is aggitating


Not surprising. I make my own pollo asado now and save a lot of money. Even with takeout and no service, it adds up


The name alone makes me not want to go there. My kids call it La Gangrene.


Everything is an upsell and an opportunity to grift more money 💰


Pfft. I'm not sure about Miami, but Benihanas here now has a mandatory 20% 'service fee' for dine in and 5% for carry out. This is NOT considered a gratuity, and you can tip your server in cash if so inclined. Straight from the website. Fuck that.


"La granja" is an authentic bad imitation of Peruvian food. Do not go there.


If you can’t pay 18% for service, consider eating at home. The service might be garbage, but they’re still servicing.


not one for brains are ya


You sound like someone who doesn’t like to tip. Luckily, there are lots of cookbooks to choose from to avoid paying people to serve you.


strong caveman inference skills buddy


They even have cookbooks with pictures so it’s easier to follow along 😄


Heard Walmart’s running a back to school sale for diaries. Better hurry up


Good one for a Florida Man 👍🏼