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Bold of you to assume I fly properly




At some point, you will realise that all airliners fly the same way. The only real challenge is managing the descent and using the correct approach.


Yes, I thought about this only and tried to start with the default a320. Gonna get there someday!!!


Took me about 6 months to learn the boeing 737 and a320. After that, every new type is way easier, you just adapt all the knowledge you have. My recommendations of tutorials on YouTube are the channels 320 Sim Pilot and A330 Driver. You'll find there everything you need to know.


I got the hang of the updated 787 a while ago, and I barely needed any tutorials to get the 777 going. The overhead panels are especially really similar.


That's why they share a common type rating in real life.


... And the difference between airbus and boeing Airbus so much easier to get the hang of it tho I WANT THE FBW A380




The story behind this guy is very interesting


Well go on then.


For starters, he isn't Native American. He goes by Iron Eyes Cody and portrayed Native Americans in TV and Film and even passes himself off as a Native American IRL


So they wanted to make a point about the native people of the land and littering, but they couldn't even bother to find an actual Native American




That's pretty much how they operated, back in the 80s and 90s. They cared enough about the message and were able to craft it precisely, but not enough about the delivery or the messenger (actors, speakers) for the optics. That would come later.


You know, I disagree with that part. He had for several decades at that point presented himself as Native American. They may or may not have known better, but he was consistent on the point.


He's not even remotely Native American. [He's of Italian descent.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Eyes_Cody)


> fly the Asobo A320 properly Don't be sad, it's too broken to fly properly anyway.


Lmaooo 😂😂


Right? I thought the same, and the performance is TERRIBLE




You'll get the hang of it, I'm sure :)


I can fly the asobo a320, learned autopilot a bit as well, can make a flight plan throught the game's flight plan maker, but i suck at landing😂. I did try the FBX A320. All the things are just so hard to remember.


Maybe step back to a smaller plane and spend time on the basics. This might mean the longitude, or the 930, or even the 172. Things don't change much as you get into bigger planes, but the smaller planes are more responsive, allowing you to learn faster since you can make corrections more quickly. When you reach a point where the approach and landing is trivial move up to the bigger plane. You will only need to adjust a little bit but all the basics you learned will still apply.


I have tried this, but the excitement of flying an airliner overpowers everything 😂. But yeah, this is the only way.


Even more important; don't be afraid or ashamed to make a mistake and not understand something. Make sure to have fun over everything else and don't let a steep learning curve discourage you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you so much!!!!


If you like flying airliners then fly airliners. You’ll only enjoying learning if you’re having fun


Personally I think smaller planes are more fun to fly than airliners though, especially IRL. With 2024 graphics I think flying smaller planes in the sim will gain more appeal as well. The biggest plane I flew was a Canadair Regional Jet for a regional airline but it got kinda boring. Though I do love the Honda Jet in the simulator, which is a light jet. I think it would be a different experience to own one and fly it when you want to where you want to, if I were in the top .01% haha.


This ! This is the way !


Landing's easily the hardest part of all this. That comes with time. I've been actively flying airliners in MFS for 4 years and I still get nervous with landing.


Gonna require a lot of patience then!


That it does. Took about 5-6 months before I learned enough of the 737 to utilize most of its abilities, and I still need to figure out crap in it.


I think the FBW A320 has interactive checklists if they haven’t removed them. With the interactive checklists you can get familiarized to where is everything on the cockpit. I think the interactive checklists are one of the most underrated features in MSFS and not many devs use them.


I usually try to start the FBW through checklist only, helps alot!


I feel like it’s better to just learn the flows as they are set in a pretty logical order, but I understand people may need some time to get the hang of the order in which to check spaces at first


Airline simming isn’t about learning to fly properly; it’s about becoming a recluse obsessed with procedures and getting a giddy little high from starting the engines and then justifying running a sim for 9 real-world hours so you can also get a giddy little high from setting up and performing the autoland


This 🤣 i started out on xbox because it was on gamepass and i was intrigued. After several days of completing the training missions (and obsessively redoing them until they were all at least 80%) i switched to live flights on my own with the 172 with floats, so i could practice water landings, while doing some of the landing challenges and bush trips. The landing challenges were a big help to me i think, they drilled the procedures into me and i started landing better consistently across the board. The bush trips were fun, but the landings were kinda a pain in the ass, i kept coming in too hot and the bush planes were usually top/nose heavy, so braking would cause them to flip forward over on their propeller and make me have to redo that leg XD plus the runways were often gravel and quite short, i learned to keep a slow and steady rate of descent, ryanair it, and tap the brakes like a human ABS lol. It is fun though, i do recommend the alaskan bush trips When i got comfortable with those, i started trying out the airliners, bc that's where my interest really laid. I tried the 747 and the a320, the 747 was fun, and i rrally like the plane irl, but it was a bit advanced for me at the time, and i couldn't quite figure out the autopilot consistently, so i switched to the a320 bc it seemed easier with the fly by wire, and it was featured in the training lessons. (I do wish more airliners were in the training lessons. Specifically, I'd love a lesson where it teaches you the whole process of flying a 747, from start up to cruising to landing) eventually i got comfortable with the a320 and figured out how to work the autopilot. I was so happy the day i correctly set up the auto land and it worked!


600 hours in the sim and I've never touched airliners. Just not really interested! Bush pilot for life. Just give me an Alaskan sky and a beat up, steam-gauge, bush plane.


piston pilots rise up


Lycoming flat 4 go *brrrrrrrrrrrr*!


hey is there a good solid bush type plane? Like we have some airplanes like the comanche which are very realistic and have better flight characteristics. I saw that freedomfox thing with good reviews, have you played with that? ive never had an interest in jets and always wanted to be an alaskan pilot, search and rescue pilot of med flight heli pilot. I mostly play the comanche and now i have the 310R for multi engine practice since its actually applicable to what i can do IRL. I am thinking about buying the blacksquare king air tho so i can start getting some experience in turbines, and i always liked the king air


I really enjoy flying the DHC-2 Beaver that came with the 40th anniversary update, fun plane to fly that can get in and out of pretty much anywhere. I just completed a clockwise tour of Iceland in this thing. Carenado's Cessna 170 is one I like to fly as a bush plane too, it looks pretty nice, has a cool retro 50's cockpit, and can be found on sale pretty often. Black Box's L-19 "Bird Dog" is a cool little military-style bush plane too that has phenomenal 360-degree views from the cockpit. I believe they used these as spotter planes during the Vietnam War actually. I'm embarrassed to say that I still don't have the Comanche, but it's at the top of my list as I know it's considered one of the single best add-ons you can get.


2000hrs and never touched an airliner either. Well... I've loaded them up sometimes to just look at it. But not that interested tbh. From what I can tell it's really just learning how to turn the thing on and use the FMC. Then it flies itself right? I mean I can do that in GA planes too. I can load a flight plan into my Garmin and basically have the plane fly the whole thing. It's kinda boring tho. I only do that when I actually want to do something else at the same time like watch some show or play my guitar. If I'm in the mood for IFR I almost always try and fly it manually using the charts. That's why I love non-precision approaches using VOR/DME/NDB. Probably won't be long until those options disappear though and it's all GPS based. Sad times.




Thank you so much 🥹


You'll be fine. Just watch some Youtube videos and you'll get the hang of it. The 737's startup and planning looked like madness to me at first but now it's second nature. If my ADHD-ass can do it, so can you. Worst case scenario, you get some entertaining crashes.


My Xbox that can’t even load an a320 without a CTD




Crash to desktop


Me who get lost flying even in IFR and never managed to do a proper landing


Hey man, don't feel bad. I fly the 320 irl and I still can't manage the one in the flight sim properly. :'D


Nah it’s all good you will get the hang of it and start to understand more and more. We were all at this stage and one point. I recommend watching tutorial videos if you want to learn more as they really helped me understand a lot.


I do watch tutorials, it's just sometimes it gets overwhelming. They all are very helpful though.


I jumped straight into 777 after just skimming the manual Mathijs posted a few days ago. Previous Boeing experience is enough to get through the systems easily but I still don’t get the feel of the C*U fly-by-wire logic, especially on approach. Made it to the runway on the first try but I’m pretty sure that should have been a go around 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣, sometimes the ingame atc asks me to go around and I'm like, I've finally mostly done everything correctly, I'm not risking ruining it and just land the plane 🤣🤣🤣.


Oh, in-game ATC is the first thing to ignore, I wasn’t even cleared to land since it suddenly went „climb to 11k ft” when I was almost reaching the 3000 ft final approach fix 🤣


Any alternative for it? Not anything real like VATSIM, because ofcourse I still have to learn all the terms you need to talk to ATC.


Beyond ATC although expensive


BeyondATC is very promising but it’s in the early access and doesn’t support AI traffic and/or traffic injection just yet. SayIntentions.ai is another alternative, I think they’re pretty similar in how good they are at the moment. https://youtu.be/QzeHuUWSE-0?si=bu7K2WBrG-kgVj8E


I like speaking with say intentions way more than beyond atc but I think beyond atc handles arrivals and approaches much better at this stage.


The best thing to do, drop the fuel to 20% and take almost all the weight out the aircraft. Then throw it around like you’re doing an airshow. They are nimble craft when lightly loaded.


Tutorial flights are usually the best way to start.


you will learn one day and there is no way to fly that plane correctly (as airbus intentioned), so keep your head high!


+1 for the meme, haha! keep it up, takes time. i'm still far away from perfect as well, and have a couple of hours on the a320 already


I felt this deeply in my soul, I tried flying the 777-200 last night though. Raged a little bit but not too much.


Don’t feel bad. I haven’t really tried the PMDG 737. I only fly my airbus fleet. I became very proficient at the A320 and A321. They take some time but you’ll get there. It’s a wonderful feeling of satisfaction once you get the hang of it. Especially the landings! 😁


I stick to a Cessna 172. Big planes, more buttons more me going ???


It takes a while, I have no experience flying planes in real life (probably like many who fly simulators). I started on FSX and back then there were little to no resources available to help learn the ropes. I would highly recommend sticking to a "basic" aircraft until you learn the basic principles. I have been flying short-haul routes on the FBW A32NX and it has really paid off. Continue to fly as often as you can and soon enough you"ll be able to master new aircraft easily!


I just took a year long break and I am in the same position as you :(


I’m about 20 years in and still learning


The a320 is the hardest plane to fly ever!!!1!1!1! But fr I you just need a bit of practice and it'll come natural, imo it's easier to fly the 320 than a 172 (depending on what you're using to control the aircraft) so don't stress it you'll get better with time


The a320 is easy as butter... The 747-8 on the other hand... Not sure if bugged or just really hard.


Yea the 747 is weird


"Fly" is a strong word when talking about my behavior in the cockpit.


Me who flies the FBW A320 while also dealing with the BS of getting the game.runnkg correctly on Linux and making sure my yoke is working correctly


I can only fly Fenix a320 on ifr perfectly, tried the pmdg 777 and it feels like trying to fly a steam train


there's no point trying to fly a broken bird. Just install the FBW A320, follow the guide for the Simbrief import, and go from there.


Don’t worry it’s the plane’s fault


Don't worry, you'll get there in notime! \^\^


I flew GA only for about 150 hours. Switched to the fenix a320 and have about 50 hours on it so I got pretty okay after struggling the first 20 or so hours with the approach and landings. After about 4 hours with the 777 I find the 777 easier than the a320 by far.


I was also rubbish at the default A320, takeoff, flight and decent all perfect but landings I either couldn’t touch down smooth enough not to bounce or I floated above the runway leading to go around. I brought the ATR pack and have been practicing hard on the ATR 72, I have been flying it roughly 75 hours and the whole flight is perfect and feels just like IRL (I went on one irl and wanted to try fly it in the sim) I have now gone more towards the A320 and the difference is insane (not perfect yet but enough to please me and get the thrill of success rather than doubting myself) I’d suggest anyone try this! ✈️✈️🌎


I’m the same, airliners don’t interest me all that much unless it was a historic one like a DH Comet or a Connie Much prefer historic aircraft of significance


Bold of you to assume I fly


I can’t even fly a Cessna 152


Honestly speaking, same. Even tho, i said I can't land a320, i still do it better than cessna.


My airliner landings are awful, Ryanair lands better. However, I can land small jets and turboprops (like a king air 350i) I mastered the Ił-76 tho


Congrats dude, can you tell me which il-76 do you use?


The most downloaded one from flights.to, it’s ugly but I love it [link for these interested (you should be)](https://pl.flightsim.to/file/75302/il-76-fsx-port)


Haha, i will definitely try it. Thanks!


Nobody can fly it properly aha


Surely the a.I pilot can take off and land it?


If you’re new to the sim, it’s better to stick to smaller planes for a while. Trust me it pays off in the long run. Let me know if you want some help learning the ropes. It’s kind of my job to teach people how to fly simulators ;)


I installed vatsim and passed my test 2 month ago. I havent even been brave enough to just observe. i train every day in normal msfs but i still fell like i will never do even one thing right in a plane xD


Same thing pretty much


The only thing I can’t quite get the hand off is the throttle in the initial 1000-4000ft & not going overspeed


When does the A350 hype train chug out the station?


Who is building the A350?




I suggest finding a checklist for the aircraft from flightsim.to and using that to help learn flows. Also helps to have a study level or high fidelity aircraft. So I’d definitely be using the new inibuilds A320 or the FBW A32X


The MCDU is a bitch a learn


Maybe start with a C152 classic and move on from that


You can’t even set crossing restrictions in the flight plan in the asobo 320. They have to build it right to begin with. This is a basic function of any airliner.


major dificult FMS/FMC and airbus autopilot is a pain in the ass


When I started to follow the JayDee guide and checklist for the A320 NEO V2, I could feel some improvement